14. Aeryo

Not You Again
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Just as he had left to eat in his room I was fuming. This. Is. War. Baekhyun.

You made me look like a fool in front of my friends. Grrr. Why are you so stupid?!!


He played me like a fool, like some of his bimbo girls with no brains. I was angry at him but also angry for not reacting. But no longer. You wanna play? Okay, let’s see who can make the other the most uncomfortable.


I stood in the hall, saying goodbye to my friends.


“What on earth was Baekhyun doing tonight?”, Hyosung said. She had looked like she had seen a ghost right after Baekhyun had left the kitchen. “It looked like the old days. When you two still was together.”


“Actually. I have no idea… He has been this way ever since Friday when he…” I stopped myself just in time before I spilled out what had happened Friday night.


“When he what?” Hyosung lifted one of her perfectly plucked eyebrows.


“When he came home from a party piss drunk”, I sighed. That was too close. Wait why aren’t I telling this to Hyosung. She's my best friend. Maybe because I’m too afraid she will judge me because she knows how much I love Sandeul.


Sandeul… I felt a sting in my heart. What had caused his sudden raging outbreak?


“Well. It was nice you invited us home to see the apartment”, Jaesung said while giving me a brotherly hug, “Sleep tight baby girl”.


Hyosung too gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Take care dear. If I was you I would lock my door tonight”, she winked and then left with Jaesung by her side.


As I entered the kitchen Baekhyun was standing there, putting his bowl in the dishwasher. He looked up at me as I entered.


Jaesung and Hyosung had been so helpful clearing and cleaning the kitchen after the meal. I sat down watching Baekhyun as he walked around.


“I hope you’re happy making me look like a fool in front of my friends”, I said taking off my cardigan. Normally I hated to show too much skin but I felt too hot inside the kitchen.


“Hmmm. Sorry what did you say”, He smirked and started to walked out of the kitchen. I stood up and walked out in front of him, stopping him in his step.


“Don’t ‘hmmmm’ me. Don’t do it again.”


He took a step closer, our bodies now touching each other.


He lifted a hand and removed another stray hair from my face. I froze. Could he please stop touching me?


“The thing is you’re just so fun tease. The reactions are so funny, you look like someone who don’t know where to put herself”, He was still playing with my hair, “It has grown out a lot”, he said more to himself than me.


I pushed his hand away, almost slapping it.


“Stop touching my hair. What is your problem? Why start acting all awkward with me and the second my friends are here you pull that Park Shinhye and Lee Jongsuk move from Pinocchioon on me? Biting off half of the cookie while I had it in my mouth. MY MOUTH BAEKHYUN!” I said, my voice rising for every word.


“What about your mouth? You’re cute when you’re angry, though don’t frown too much or you’ll get wrinkles”, he smirked and tried to wipe away the frown.


“Who the hell are you and where is the Baekhyun I always fight with?”, I almost yelled and slapped his hand away.


“Does it piss you off?” He smirked and removed his hand from my forehead. Instead of just moving his damn away from me, he put his hand beside my head to support himself up against the wall.


“Yes it does”.


“Good” he said, suddenly nonchalant, “Wanna do that assignment now?” He send me a questioning look.





An hour later we were sitting around the table with five books open on different pages, trying to figure out how to work out this business plan. The assignment was to change up the brand of a company, and make up a strategy to enter a new market with an existing product.


“I was thinking that we could do some social networking…” I started but Baekhyun interrupted.


"We are selling business to business Aeryo. That method is only good if we do Business to Consumer”, he sighed, “If we want to find consumers for this product we have to go through the existing customers that we have and try and sell the new product to them. Make them want it”.


He was speaking so professionally and I somewhat felt how he would be when he took over his dad’s business.


He stretched his hands above his head and said, “This is actually a pretty good assignment. I usually work with B2C and not B2B”.


He grinned, “Maybe I will be able to use this is real life”.


He turned to me, looking serious.


“Don’t drag me down”.


I made a grimace, “Don’t drag ME down”. And we started working.




I must’ve fallen asleep because the next thing I felt was somebody carrying me; bridal style. It felt nice.


It felt just like when I was little and I had fallen asleep in the living room at home, and my dad would pick me up and put me in bed. I lay my head onto that person’s chest. I sighed and smiled. Then I fell asleep again.





Next morning I woke up in my bed. When had I gone to bed last night? Nevermind it was Friday and today was going to be a good day.


I dressed myself in the obligated school uniform. Our uniforms representing one of the good schools in Seoul.


I brushed my hair and made a French braid. I had slept so well that it would impossible to ruin my mood.


I walked out humming a random song I couldn't remember what was called.


"Someone is happy this morning".


Baekhyun was already up and now sat in the kitchen eating his breakfast.




I was standing at the sink when I felt his arms on each side of me.


He was placing his plate in the sink when I turned around and put my arms around him, pulling him closer to me.


"Wh-what the..." Baekhyun looked startled.


"Your breath stinks”, I whispered in his ear, then pushed him away from me.


His shocked look made me laugh out loud.


"You're not so cool when it's not you pulling tricks on me, huh?", I looked at my non existing wristwatch. "Oh going to be late."


I picked up my bag and walked out the door.






The day went by fast. The first two lessons had been French and English, and since I loved learning new languages these two classes were loads of fun.


I was walking down the hall together with Jaesung and Daisuke, having just picked them up from their class.


"God I'm starving. I hadn't any breakfast today because I felt like sleep more was better. Stupidest idea ever." A growl from my stomach backed up what I just had said.


Jaesung and Daisuke just laughed.


"Then it's good we're heading for the canteen", Daisuke said.


"Urg. I forgot my next class' books in my locker", I stopped, "Just go ahead, I'll be there in a few minutes." Jaesung nodded and I walked back to my locker.


Why are you torturing yourself Aeryo? Well, just gotta do it quickly and go back and gra

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gogogirl26 #1
Chapter 21: This story is sooooo good glad i found it. You potrayed their story very well. Hope.someday you will finish ths story and stay safe stay healthy ^^
daftbimboo #2
Chapter 21: It's been years but if authornim read this comment, can we had an update? I just discover this story and it soo good!
Chapter 21: Update-juseyoooo...??
Chapter 21: :(
ohayannika #5
baekhyunee_fans #7
Chapter 21: When will u updateuuu i cant wait huhu
bethanyrockz1856 #8
Chapter 21: Did you already tell the reason why she broke up with him, if not i really want to know why.
Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhh! I've been reading this like all day! It's so great! Update soon please the anticipation is killing me !
Chapter 21: Omg!!!! New reader here!!! Please update soon~~~~ author-nim!!