06. Aeryo

Not You Again
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As Hyosung and I was sitting on the grass which was wet from the small amount of rain that had fallen today, she kept speaking but I wasn’t listening.


My mind keep returning to one thought, “Why hadn’t Baekhyun showed his sassy face for the past two days?”


It somehow nagged me because I didn’t know what he was planning.


I didn't trust him, so when he suddenly decided to hide his face, all my alarm bells were ringing.


“Aeryo! Are you even listening to what I’m saying?”


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my friend.


“Sorry no, what did you say?” I smiled heart warmingly to her.


“Wasn’t it today you two had to move in together?” She played with the grass with her fingers, looking straight into my eyes.


“Yeah, please don’t remind me about it. It has been a relief not seeing that ’s face the past couple of days. Even though I must admit it's suspicious for him not being in school. I hate to say it, but he is one of the best student at the school, so why stay away?”


I ran my hand through my hair. At least we weren’t going to wear couple rings.


The bell rang, getting our attention and making sure we wouldn't miss the last class of the day.


The last class before I was going to move away from home, before I was going to live together with a man I couldn’t stand the sight of.


“Let’s go inside Hyosung, art class is calling and please let me just enjoy this. So I can get my frustrations out and just paint my pain.” I grinded my teeth and dragged my little pitbull of a friend with me. She laughed and took me by the arm.


"When are you going to tell Sandeul about this arrangement?" she said and I looked at her.


"When this arrangement is non existing. And we all just can joke about how stupid it all was", I smiled. Then I turned around and walked straight to class wishing the end of school never would come.





The bell rang once again - dismissed.


“That’s one of a kind painting Aeryo-ssi”.


Park seonsaengnim was standing behind me watching my painting as I put away the colours.


“Abstract, dark, definitely different from what you usually paint… Is something bothering you Aeryo-sshi?”


“No no, I just thought I would do something different today”, I studied the paint myself.


The background, red with black circles melting and running down like blood. I must admit myself, it was a bit scary to look at.


“If that’s what you’re calling ‘Letting go of your frustrations’ I might be afraid of what you’re going to do to Baekhyun-ssi is he pisses you off”, Hyosung whispered in my ear.


“Don’t be stupid Hyosung-ah, I would never kill him… Maybe wound him but not taking the step further”, I smirked as I washed the paint of my hands.


Hyosung just shook her head. She knew I didn’t mean it and I was only joking around.





I stood at the front door, wondering if he was inside. Right there; behind this door.


Hyosung had offered to help move my things but my mother had ordered her to leave right away. She had given me a hug and then left with concern in her eyes.


As I stood there in front of the door, I suddenly felt so small. So young. The door was nothing special, just a black one, with the apartment number and a code lock.


But still it was so big.


I turned around watching my mother standing behind me. She had made sure all my things would be ready in the new apartment. She was just smiling, like this was the happiest day in her life.


“I’m not going further darling, go pick your room. One of our housemaids will help you just for today”.


She gave me a kiss on my cheek and turned around. She was almost gone from my sight but before she turned around the corner she looked at me.


"Your father and I will be visiting soon~", she waved and then she was gone.


I pressed the code I was told: 0621. I laughed a bitter laugh. This code had to be changed. Our birthdays combined. Couldn’t they be more original? And why was he first? We all knew I was much smarter than that jerk! It would only be fair if I was first.


I opened the door and walked in, greeted by the housemaid.


“Miss you’re here”. She smiled and took my bag. “All you need now it just to pick a room.Then I'll make sure your things will be moved into that room”.


“Is Baekhyun-sshi here yet?” I asked with a polite smile. She shook her head and I suddenly felt relieved.


“Then I think I’ll take a bath and then he and I can pick together when he arrives.”


She looked at me skeptically. She knew how much I hated him but this would only be fair for the both of us.


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gogogirl26 #1
Chapter 21: This story is sooooo good glad i found it. You potrayed their story very well. Hope.someday you will finish ths story and stay safe stay healthy ^^
daftbimboo #2
Chapter 21: It's been years but if authornim read this comment, can we had an update? I just discover this story and it soo good!
Chapter 21: Update-juseyoooo...??
Chapter 21: :(
ohayannika #5
baekhyunee_fans #7
Chapter 21: When will u updateuuu i cant wait huhu
bethanyrockz1856 #8
Chapter 21: Did you already tell the reason why she broke up with him, if not i really want to know why.
Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhh! I've been reading this like all day! It's so great! Update soon please the anticipation is killing me !
Chapter 21: Omg!!!! New reader here!!! Please update soon~~~~ author-nim!!