The Broom of Doom

Guidelines for a Peaceful Dorm Experience

It was a known fact that between them, at the dorms, very little was left to know about each other. Yet, every week Leeteuk learned something new, sometimes it was an eye-opener, like the time Ryeowook confessed to putting laxatives in the food when he got annoyed, other times well, it required a bit of therapy.


141. Put the black light away.

A. If you value your mental health
Some things were better left unknown.


142. Shampooing your hair in funny shapes is not an excuse to take a long time in the shower.
Sungmin had been heard giggling in the shower for over an hour. When asked what took so long, he said he was exerting his creative freedom on his hair using shampoo.


143. Don't go testing new pick up lines on the coordi noonas.

A. They already deal with enough bull as it is
"Can you be my alarm clock so I can cockledoodledo you every morning?"

And that is how Kangin was accidentally stabbed with a safety pin to hold his tie in place.


144. Stop referring to Heechul as the "Broom of Doom".
Heechul had gotten a new haircut that was certainly difficult to manage in the morning, and acquired a new nickname.*


145. Despite being taller, do not refer to fans abducting shorter members as "they're taking the hobbits to Isengard"

A. Siwon
To be fair, Siwon had said it quietly, but it was Kyuhyun who had cackled loudly and repeated his words that got Leeteuk to put it up. Meanwhile, Ryeowook and Donghae were slowly being taken away by the fans.


146. Do NOT traumatize the mailman. Following is the proper procedure to answering the door to receive mail:

1. Open the door,

2. Sign the waiver,

3. Take the package when it is handed over,

4. Shut the door.


A. Chase the mailman (what are you, a dog?)

B. Open the door while singing A Whole New World and/or other Disney songs. Any songs period.

C. Open the door very slowly while wearing a long black wig.

D. Drag the mailman in your petty domestic disputes over the extent of zombies' cognitive functions.*

Leeteuk had had a field day when he came home one evening to see the mailman passed out in front of his door, storming in the dorms demanding an explanation.


147. Do not organize a book fair at the dorms.
Little did Leeteuk know, several of his fellow members were published authors. Titles sold included "Jesus For Dummies", "King of Hell, an Autobiography", "Driving Your Leader Crazy; a Step by Step Guide to Make Him/Her Bonkers in Ten Days", "Easy Guide to Turtles", "Hannibal Was Right; a Cookbook", "Quand l'apétit va, tout va*; Tasty Food From Around the World", and many more.


148. Wasting food is not an excuse to murder a fellow member.
"They were playing frisbee with pancakes. Pancakes, Leeteuk, they were wasting pancakes.


149. Selling the DNA of fellow band members is not an appropriate source of income.
Yet again, Siwon had been caught red handed, selling mainly toothbrushes and locks of hair to people of the Internet, and maybe to a scientific facility that researched cloning methods....


150. Do not borrow props from music video sets and organize a street performance.
The guns, cowboy hats, and serape had mysteriously gone missing on the last day of shooting their music video. Two days later, Leeteuk saw a YouTube video gone viral of the majority of his group having a stand off in the middle of the street.



*144 was inspired by my work, where the kids kept talking about a certain Broom of Doom, I didn't get the rest of the conversation but Broom of Doom sounded like a thing to include
*146D was inspired by my work, where I had an argument with a kid over the cognitive function of zombies, where the kid ended the conversation with "when the zombies come, you'll see that I'm right". 
*147, from French, meaning "when apetite is going good, everything is going good." if there are any French readers, did you get that reference? Virtual high five if you did.

Eeeh! That was a quick update! I'm starting school in two days, so why not add a new chapter, I told myself. So enjoy this chapter and the comfort it might bring you as the new school year begins. And thanks for all the comments, they're very lovely, and I enjoy them very much.

Ah yes, this is something I wanted to bring up in the last chapter, but I forgot. Mexico. Haven't worked much on it, yes I know it's shameful, but I've been busy and I want to make it good and well quality takes time. I've been working on a side story to this, well a scientific report called "a cat-astrophic experiment" based on that one cat rule I made a few chapters back. It might be ready sooner than Mexico, I am much quicker at typing lab reports, due to experience as a high school student who thought she was going to be a pathologist. Much needed sleep was lost. Anyway, cats and science as a side story coming to theaters : ??? Dunno when but probably quicker that Mexico. And maybe, if I'm feeling motivated I could make a complete list of books sold at the book fair I had a few other funny ones, what do you guys think?

Please subscribe, comment, and enjoy, and let me know what you guys think from I said in that blob of a paragraph.

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Chapter 6: i love rule 54 i literally burst out laughing reading that one
Chapter 21: if leeteuk probably continued it all to this day, it would have probably gone over a thousand by now 😂😂 this story is amazing! thank you!
Chapter 18: #170 kyu's not telling us something, maybe he's secretly working for the government 🤔 🤔
Chapter 16: its only been 16 chapters 😭 😭 but also i luv this chappy :>> to have 22 cats is wow, in teuk's defense he was asleep most of the time
Chapter 14: #140 😳 siwon???
Chapter 13: #124 nooooo i can imagine it omg 😂😂😂 the poor leaders and managers probably have had enough and have lost it, leeteuk finally proved #118
Chapter 12: #118 hit me xD i think Leeteuk is slipping
Chapter 8: At this point in the story, i feel so sorry for teukie (and their manager) and i am so interested in what happened in mexico?? but also i would probably join in some of the things they did xD sorry leader-nim, its too much to resist sometimes
Liza_Blessedx2 #9
Chapter 21: Hahahahahahaaaa.....absolutely brilliant, haven't had such a good laugh in ages, Heechul and demons :D <3
Chapter 21: I love the parts about Siwon's side jobs.