Werewolves, Fairies, Black Pearl.

My Beautiful Black Pearl

“I’m sorry princess.” The creature in front of me said calmly, and that’s all I could remember before everything turned black.






With a deep breath –like I had stopped breathing for years– I opened my eyes to find myself with scars on my arms. But surprisingly, they were cured and slowly disappearing. With a blink of my eyes, I quickly got up and saw my surroundings.

I was in my room, which means I was in my house, which means I made it alive, which makes me ask: “How?!” I shouted as I stood up and quickly opened the door of my room, to make sure I wasn’t just imagining. But I happened to find someone eating peacefully at the kitchen. My kitchen! He was eating my food!

“Kris!” I shouted as I ran towards him. “What’s going on? Why do I have scars? Why are you here? How can it be that I’m alive? Who was he?!” I stopped after my lungs needed to absorb some oxygen before I died.

“Calm down, lady. First of all, you interrupted me while I was eati-”

“You are eating my foo-”

“Shhh, please.” Kris placed a finger over her lips and whispered seductively. “You should thank me for saving your life.”

My eyes widened and my mouth hung open. Was he the one who saved me?

“Thanks, though.” I hung my head low as I shut my eyes and tried to remember what happened, but everything was blank. “What is going on? I need an explanation.” I sat in the chair in front of him, while he gestured me to calm down and wait until he finished his dinner.

Since my stomach was growling like a mad wolf, I decided to join him. I started eating the samgyeopsal I had left since yesterday as I was staring at Kris without realizing it.

“Done staring?” He asked once he finished his food.

“Done eating?” I raised my eyebrow and he smirked.

I heard him whisper “no wonder you’re one of us.” but I didn’t ask for an explanation. I was too shocked and scared about what was about to come, so I didn’t dare to think about anything else, unless it was pee. Yes, I was so scared I wanted to pee.

Shoving his hands inside his Comme Des down hoodie, he walked towards one of the big windows of my apartment and started staring the sky.

“Today’s full moon, isn’t it?” He said with a smirk. I walked towards the window and when I turn my head towards the moon, my head started to feel dizzy and I felt something burning in my chest. I placed my right hand on the middle of my chest as I breathed heavily.

“Kris…” I whispered but he just shrugged his shoulders.

“Stop glancing at the moon, it’ll turn worst.” He turned me around so my back was against the window.

I looked up on him, the light of the moon making his face shine and all of the sudden; he looked like the most handsome male I’ve ever seen.

“Don’t get shocked from what I’ll say. Don’t cream, don’t shout and don’t try to run away. It’ll be worst for you.” He said calmly and I nodded. I wasn’t that kind of girl, anyway.

“Once in a century, a girl is born with special powers and nonhuman beauty. In the legend of EXO planet, the girl has special powers that no creature can have or develop, and she’s called Black Pearl.” I listened carefully, every single word sticking in my mind.

“EXO Planet is a planet outside the Solar System. Once upon a time werewolves and fairies made an agreement. The first one who would be able to find the Black Pearl, would have total power over EXO planet. Unfortunately, the last Black Pearl died because of a magic spell that was put on her before she could find out about her powers. That’s when EXO Planet became a war place against wolves and fairies. The fairies were the winner because, the only way a werewolf could be more powerful was to have a bond with the Black Pearl. Now, just as I said, the Black Pearl is a non human creature that was born to have a bond with a werewolf and save EXO Planet. Now, the fairy queen of EXO, wants to kill the Black Pearl and get her heart because all of her power is there.” He took a deep breath as he pointed at my chest, before smashing the words right in my face; “the Black Pearl is you.”

My eyes widened as I felt my knees getting weak. So the Queen in my dreams was the one Kris’ was talking about. The reason why I get dizzy when I see the moon and feel something in my chest is because I’m the Black Pearl. The reason why that werewolf wanted to catch me was because the Queen wants to get my heart.

“But that werewolf. Weren’t werewolves the good ones? Who I had to have a bond with?” I asked with panic, and Kris was really surprised that I didn’t faint.

“Well, now everyone is at her side, or else she’ll turn the planet upside down.” He shrugged his arms and started preparing some warm chocolate.

I blinked several times. He seemed so quiet and at ease, that I almost thought he wasn’t scared at all.

“And don’t worry. You’ll have 12 guardians around you 24/7 and we’ll also live with you.”

“Twelve guardians?” I blinked and looked around. “You’ll live with me? But there’s not enough room he-” I complained but he didn’t give me the opportunity to finish my sentence.

“We’ll move away. You’ll change school, work, everything. You need to be safe.” He gave me the cup with chocolate and I took it with a ‘thank you’.

“But I can’t leave Seoyoon unnie. Wait a minute. You are her cousin, then…” My eyes widened upon realizing that I have been living with guardians around me all this time.

He nodded, “Yes, Yuri. But we, the twelve guardians are not humans. We are werewolves. And we have been training for years until today.” He went upstairs and when he turned back, all my bags with clothes were already done. “We need to hurry. The queen might send other idiots to catch you, and I’m not in the mood to kick some asses. We better go now, the boys are waiting.” He grabbed my hand and with the other hand he carried the bags. “Hold on tight. We’re gonna fly.”

And before I could ask what the hell he was saying, I found myself up in the sky, flying with the speed of the light. In a matter of 0.1 seconds, I was at my new apartment.

After trying to get a hold of myself, I looked around and spotted 12 handsome guardians in front of me. Smiling and waving at me like little kids. I smiled back and bowed.

“Hello, I’m Park Yuri.” They all nodded and they started introducing themselves, from the youngest to the oldest.

“Hello, I’m Xi LuHan. Your main guardian.” This one caught my attention the most. Despite his cuteness, yet manly aura, he was looking everywhere but me. After Xiumin, the oldest finished introducing himself, I went to Kris and tugged on his shirt.

“What?” He asked and I squirmed. This boy is handsome but he should stop that cold attitude. “Sorry. I’m like this when I first meet someone.” He apologized and rubbed the back of his neck, with a smile on his lips.

“I have some questions.” I said as I waited for him to accept my request.

“Sure, go on.” He sat on the couch of the big living room and opened the TV.

“Where are we?”

“Center of Seoul.”

“Are you all werewolves?”

“Yes. And we have super powers.”

“Why wasn’t that LuHan guy looking me in the eyes?” At that question, he hesitated to answer.

“You’ll find out by yourself.”

I rolled my eyes and left the living room. I bumped into a giant and I realized it was Chanyeol.

“Hey Chanyeol!” I grinned widely. I had to leave a good impression, so I could be their friend, not just someone who they have to protect. And because I was scared as hell but couldn’t show it, so I had to go on with the flow.

“Hey Yuri! Want me to show you around?” He grinned widely. There was something about this guy that I really loved. Maybe his smile and happy aura that made me do the same.

I grinned and nodded. While following him around, I found out I’m currently living in a big house like a castle that was divided in two parts. The place where I’m living and the place where ahjumma is living.

Chanyeol then took me to my room, where everything was decorated and my clothes were now in the wardrobe.

“How did you do it so fast?” I asked and he shook his head.

“Not me, LuHan. He has telekinesis, while I have fire.” I nodded and smiled.

“Kris has flight, right?” I asked and Chanyeol nodded.

“Want to see our rooms?” He suggested and I happily accepted.

“This is Kai’s room. His power is teleport.” He pointed at the room next to mine. “This is LuHan’s room. This is Xiumin’s room, his power is frost. This is Sehun’s room, his power is wind. That one is Kris’ room. This is Lay’s room, his power is healing. This is D.O’s room, his power is earth. That’s Tao’s room, his power is time control. The one next to Tao is Suho’s room, his power is water. This is Chen’s room, and his power is lightning. And the last one is Baekhyun’s room, his power is light. The one next to him is mine.” He grinned and I nodded happily. “We are your guardians and werewolves.”

I smiled at him and took my permission to get inside the room. I locked the door and fell on the floor. I placed my right hand on my head as I tried to resist the banging on my head and the fire in my chest.



And this all started








When I walked towards my room









And met eyes with LuHan.


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 23: Aw is end already :x
Chapter 23: almost cried when I thought she was gonna be alone forever without aging. Because that's just painful, not able to be a part of the society.
dhiya_arisa #3
Chapter 25: i don't quit understand the ending, but it is still great
lee-chelle #4
Chapter 6: That last bit even gave me butterflies lol.
EryetteYuuki #5
Chapter 26: Hi, I never really understood the ending, do you mind explaining? Like why we're they trapped in the old house?
Chapter 23: :):):):):):):):)
i like the story plot!
Chapter 25: ohmygod! i thought they will never meet again and i was going to cry af that part but yayyyyyy they together again. awww, i love this story! n about the new story,i would like a supernatual story, ehehehe thanks author-nim! :**
mayamaya1122 #8
SashaVersi #9
Chapter 26: Omo unni!!!I LOVE this story:3Please continue to write more supernatural/werewolf stories!I think I would die if you don't.XD