A Jerk in my Journal
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Chapter  Sixteen


Your POV

Today’s Monday.

Which means, the first day of our exam week. Somehow I managed to study all the way with Baekhyun (And ooh, had I mentioned that Baek was not being whiny these days?) instead of caring about that jerk, Sehun.

Okay, sorry for calling him that. I know he wanted me to get good grades.

But is this even the good way? By ignoring me until I finish that goddamn exam week?


“So, prepared?” Baek asked me as he was sharpening his pencil. I nodded and let out a deep breath. Like what I said before, today would be Mathematics and History—those 2 subjects that everyone hates.

“Prepare your stationaries and do not cheat because you all know the consequences.” I’m sure, those words would send shivers to every student who hadn't studied. But not for me since I had studied a lot with Baekhyun.

Like, a lot.

He came on both Saturday and Sunday, studying the whole day with me. He’s getting better though.

“Good luck.” I whispered to Baekhyun as he grinned and whispered good luck back to me. Unexpectedly, the exam wasn’t as hard as I thought. I mean, I do, hate Math but weirdly, the exam was kinda easy, seriously. Sometimes I wonder if Mrs. Oh decided to go easy on us. 

There were times I would glance at Baekhyun to see how he’s going. He looked confident on answering his paper too.

Yup, the result of hard work.



“Hand the papers, NOW.” The supervisor said and everyone quickly brought their own paper and placed it in front of the table.

Yeah I know she sounded scary.


Wait, no. It’s a him. He sounded scary.


“Now you may have your break.”

Mostly in other subjects, students would just shouted “YAYYYYYYY, WIPHIEEE, WOOHOO” or something while barging out of the class during break time. But because of this scary supervisor, everyone just got out as if they’re asked to go and sacrifice themselves for a ritual or something.

“Yah, can you do it?” I questioned Baekhyun once we were out from our class. He nodded confidently. Well, guessed that it wasn’t just me, thinking the Math exam was pretty easy.

“So, what subjects are left?”

I took a look at my schedule and read the rest of the exams day. “We still have Accounting, Economics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Business Studies, English and ICT.”

“Wow, that’s pretty much. 2 subjects in a day, right?” He heaved a sigh as I nodded.

Well, I thanked the principal for putting English and ICT together on the last day. I mean, that would totally be easy—and relaxing.

“4 days left, so are you gonna study in my house today?” I asked.

Baek agreed. Ah, I know he will.

“And ooh, I can tell Haerin that we’re not going to work for this one week.” I took out my phone and dialed my best friend, telling her that we couldn’t work since we’re having some crazy exam week.

Luckily, the manager was in the café too so Haerin could just inform it to her directly.

Thank Goodness, she allowed us.

“Gomawo, Haerin-ah. See ya!” I then hung up the phone and turned to Baek.

“So, let’s eat?”





Author’s POV

Each day, Baekhyun got better and better, so were you. And you were truly thankful to Baek since he wasn’t being whiny but you actually still didn’t get why he would change all of a sudden.

Even though it’s just for temporary, you suppose.

Today was already the 4th day of your exam week.

Time flew so fast, didn’t it?


“Psst.” Baekhyun whispered as you averted your gaze to him. He was pointing at his paper and gave a sign of ‘20’ with his fingers. You shook your head in amusement and went to check your answer, which was B.

After checking, you gave Baekhyun the ‘B’ sign as he replied with you with an ‘OK’ sign. It was Business Studies and yes, the test was pretty hard, unlike Mathematics. And what you hate was; the teacher gave you all 50 multiple-choice answers. You and Baek studied hard for this but still, it was extremely hard. You were stuck on number 38.

You wanted to ask Baekhyun but remembering that he had only reached 20, you lost your hope.

But soon, you got an idea after staring at the person’s back in front of you. He was one of the cleverest students in the class; Yoo Youngjae.

Oh yes, he’s the brainy-genius, but NOT a nerd. His scores in each subject were all above 94. Seriously.


“Yoo Youngjae!” You whispered quite loud that made him to turn to you. However, the supervisor—which was half-asleep soon shot up and tried to find that noise.

Before the supervisor could realize, Youngjae mouthed ‘sorry’ to you and turned t

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137 streak #1
⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author LynSanity!!

This sounds like it will be really fun to read!!

Chapter 16: Facepalm to Baekhyun hahahaa. Nice storyline authornim! I read this back then in 2015 but now I reread again ><
duo_latte #3
Chapter 6: I cannot stop laughing! The stickman though hahahaaha. Good job authornim ! ♥
Chapter 28: Omg omggggg aaaaaaa i love thiss
Chapter 28: Well... cool!
kiarrahmah #6
Chapter 28: I love the way you put EXO here. Thank you for making a sequel. I'd love to read it once I'm free ^^
Chapter 2: Hey author. You're so cool. You're story is so cool. Wow, the storyline is unique. Hahaha..... I'm loving it!
MeAndSehun #8
Chapter 23: What in the world???
i love love dis story