The End Of The Peace

The Charmed One
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Baekhyuns P.O.V

Baekhyun woke up early, even thought he went to bed late last night with Chanyeol. Baekhyun sneaked up from the bed, trying to not wake Chanyeol nor Bacon up as he walked tired over to a window and looked outside. He gasped quiet when he saw trees lay on the ground, some dead animals and leaves everywhere.



“Oh my...”



Baekhyun let his hand touch the window as he tried to see more clear out. But he suddenly felt a strong power source appear in the house, and he felt the panic grab him. He knew it, he knew that they had found him!



“Chanyeol! Wake up!”



Baekhyun rushed over to Chanyeol who sat tired and surprised up, looking fast around, like he were ready to tackle someone down to protect Baekhyun.



“Honey, what is it?”
“S-Someone's here!”



Chanyeol stood up fast and open the door to just get pushed hard back, but since Chanyeol is a vampire he were fast to get his balance back and stared at the dark dressed man in the opening. Baekhyuns eyes widen when he saw the man, he knows who it is!



“Well, well, well, it looks like I found the rat.”
“Stay away from him!”



Chanyeol were fast to stand in front of Baekhyun, trying to protect him. But Baekhyun already knew that this man is more prepared than Baekhyun and Chanyeol.



“Pathetic vampire, move to the side or I will let you hurt the boy.”
“You can never make me hurt him!”
“Not? Just watch yourself do it then.”



The man smirked as he begun to say heavy and dark sounding words, dark magic. Baekhyun took a step back, feeling scared. What is this spell going to do?! Not to Chanyeol, don't hurt Chanyeol! Baekhyun wanted to do something, he wanted to use a spell that would break the dark magic, but he couldn't think. He were in panic.


Chanyeol suddenly turned around towards Baekhyun, his eyes glowing red. Baekhyun knew it, he knew that something like this would happen. The fear took over him, Baekhyun felt terrified. This isn't Chanyeol, it's the demon. He's filling Chanyeol with dark magic.



“C-Chanyeol... D-Don't give in for him! Chanyeol!”
“Don't be a fool boy! No one can stand against dark magic, or not vampires anyway. They are created from dark magic! What else?! Haha, your naïve fool! You're just like your grandparents, naïve and foolish! You deserve to die with them, but you wasn't there that night. Oh right, where were you Baekhyun? Where were you when your parents got killed? You could had saved them, but you didn't! You betrayed them!”
“I didn't! You're the monster who killed them! It wasn't my fault!”
“Not? Then why are you crying? Haha! See, you're still just a kid who cries! Lets have some fun, lets see what you will do when your boyfriend suddenly get hungry!”



Baekhyun stumbled back when Chanyeols body moved towards him, and it was fast. Baekhyun just closed his eyes, to scared to look. He didn't want Chanyeol to hurt him, because then Chanyeol would never forgive himself for doing it. Baekhyun open his eyes again, watching Chanyeol walk towards him, and Baekhyun realized that he can't let Chanyeol be taken by dark magic.



“Morbi a tenebris procul magicae nigrae accipere!”



Baekhyun shouted out the words, letting the positive spell fill the room and Chanyeol stumbled back, slowly waking up from the dark magic as he looked confused around.



“Uh? I see you have learned some spells, but not good enough to save your own skin!”



Baekhyun stumbled back when the demon appeared in front of him, somehow he had used a teleportation spell and sneaked by Chanyeol who looked confused around, not being able to keep up.



“Ah! Let me go! Chanyeol! Help! Let me go!”



The demon grabbed Baekhyun, smirking at Chanyeol who tried to catch them, but the demon were to fast and had planed everything to good.



Chanyeols P.O.V

Chanyeol stared at the fin air, feeling how his heart that is already dead, died more. He almost collapsed on the floor, panicking as he grabbed his hair. He just let something terrible happen, and it's all his fault. Baekhyun warned him that someone where here, but why didn't he trust the boy's words?



“Baekhyun... . G-Guys! W-We got trouble!”



Chanyeol run out from the room and down for the stair, heading for the living room to find something weird going on. Sehun, Lay, D.O and Kai were laying knocked out on the floor, Onew holding both Chen and Xiumin under his arms as Key and Minho were struggling with holding Kris and Suho down.


Jonghyun and Taemin were laying on the floor, wrestling with Tao and Luhan who seemed to try to get out from their grip. Chanyeol stared at them like a fool, wondering what was going on. But then he noticed something, their eyes were glowing red, except for Onew's, Key's, Minho's, Taemin's and Jonghyun's.



“They're under a spell! They're under a dark magic spell!”
“Wait, you're not like them? Thank god! Chanyeol, help me to take Kris down!”



Taemin shouted as Chanyeol hurried over and held down Kris who tried to bite him, which felt weird. Kris is usually so calm and not so, uhm, bitty? Taemin sighed tired as he got over to Jonghyun and held down Suho as Jonghyun got up and walked over to Onew, knocking both Chen and Xiumin out as Onew took a deep breathe.



“Now I can undo the spell. Stand still.”



Onew spoke with old words, just like Baekhyun had done. It's the exact copy of the words. Kris calmed down under Chanyeol as h

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Chapter 24: Aahhh I absolutely loved this story!!!!
Chapter 22: Holly Molly I'm shookktt
Chapter 21: Wha wha what is it?!?!?
Chapter 20: My heart's a mess rn
Chapter 19: Holyyy is baek a vampire now?!?!?!!!
Chapter 18: Noooo
Chapter 17: Omggg
Chapter 15: Sooo flufffyyyy I'm melting
Chapter 14: Aww
Chapter 12: Uggghh I hate that fate keeper