I Will Prove You Wrong....

The Love Game

Soojung took a deep breath before knocking on Jessica's door. She knew that there was no going back after.

"Come in" Jessica answered. "What is it honey?" 

Soojung went in, finding Jessica sitting on her bed, reading a book. She walked over and sat on the bed beside her.

"Umma...." Soojung began softly. "I was wondering...."


"A-a-a-appa...." she hesitately said.

Jessica's face stifffened. "Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

"Because....I just wanted to lnow a bit about appa...." she said carefully, not wanting to hurt Jessica. "Since I was born...I never saw his face, I don't even know what his name is.....Umma, granny and hyung are the only people I grew up with....did he pass away or did you guys divorce?.......I just want to know a bit...."

There was a moment of silent before Jessica decided to talk "You're appa...is s-still alive, but....because of some reasons, we're living a part for now. His name is J-Jonghyun" mentioning his name caused tears start to form in her eyes. "Don't worry, one day....one day I have to take you to go meet him....and the others...." she said, patting Soojung's hair. 

"Neh Umma should rest now" Soojung said and help tuck Jessica in her blanket. 

"I miss you guys (her sisters which are SNSD members)  so much" Jessica thought after Soojung left.


It was a cold windy day, the wind was so strong it felt like there was a hurricane outside. Myungsoo has been avoiding Soojung since the last time they've talked. But no matter how much he tried to avoid her, he kept seeing her everyone because they had classes together and hang out in the same group. As normal their group met up at the table, they dropped off their belongings and headed towards the cafeteria/canteen leaving Myungsoo and Soojung alone. Both of them stiffenly sat opposite each other with both of their hands in their pockets, to prevent it from getting cold. Soojung reached into her bag and took out a hand knitted woollen scarf and passed it over to Myungsoo. Myungsoo looked up at stared at her with a confused expression.

"Take it" she said, throwing the scarf onto his lap.

"I'm not cold, I don't need it, take it back" he said, annoyed and threw it back to her.

"Don't lie to me, your lips are turning white. My umma made this, it's new, she finished it last night, there's no girl germs or anything. Now wear it." she said in a demanding voice and threw the scarf back to him.

Myungsoo was about to throw the scarf back at her, but was interrupted. "Are you going to wear it yourself or do you want me to go over there and wear it for you? You decide?" exclaimed Soojung who was talking without moving her teeth. 

When the others came back, they all decided to go and sit in the dance studio since there was a heater in there. While everyone was playing and dancing around, Soojung walked up to Myungsoo and blocked him from avoiding her.

"I need to talk to you" she said, looking at him in the eye.

"There's nothing we need to talk about" he sharply said and tried avoiding her.

"Just listen and stop avoiding me. For gods sake" Soojung exclaimed, slightly raising her voice.

"What do you need to say, say it quickly" he sighed, and looked away.

"Luna told me everything...." she began

"Did Noona tell her that I'm the Prince of this land?" he thought, looking straight at Soojung.

"Listen, I know that your umma left you...BUT! that doesnt mean that all the other girls are the same-"

"This is none of your business and it doesn't concern you" he said, cutting her off.

"Everyone in this world is born for someone, there IS someone out there waiting for you. So stop holding onto the past and walk forward. If you can't walk backwards to change things, then continue walking to create things. If you hold onto the hot flaming coal, YOU are the one who get's burnt" explained Soojung, in her most convincing voice.

Myungsoo slightly nods and walks away.

"YAH! I will prove you wrong!" she yelled to him.


Later that night.....

Myungsoo was sitting in his huge room, playing with his quitar when he's phone went off, indicating that he's got a message. "Who's this?"  he thought, staring at the unknown number. He started reading it in his mind.


Yah! It's Soojung. I got your phone number from Minah. I figured out that if I talk to you, you won't
listen anyways so I'll text you instead. I know you might think that no one understands your feeling. 
But think again. I'll tell you honestly, I don't have a father, well I do but I don't even know what he looks
like. I don't know who he is or what type of person he is. Just like you he left me and my mom since I was borned.
I understand that you are afraid to lose someone you love again. But it doesn't mean you have to be cold hearted
to all the everyone out there. They have a heart as well, you are scared someone might break your heart, but you are breaking
some else's heart. Think carefully before it's too late. I just wanted to help.....because I'm  your friend.

"That girl really won't give up, would she" he smirks, thinking about her. 


Hey guys! If you are a fan of Infinite, maybe you might be interested i this fanfic. 

Hello Umma! by DongBangShinki

hope you liked this chapter. Comment lots, love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ o(^.^)o

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izla122 #1
Chapter 35: OMG!!! Authornim please update soon!! I'm so curious right now. I think I couldn't sleep!!
Chapter 35: daebak!!! when will U update authornim??
cant wait the next chap^^ update soon please:)
CutieWay #3
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 35: Please please
I really cried after reading this
Luhan143 #5
Nice story :)
Chapter 35: I love this fic but please update soon > <
Chapter 35: Updateeee soon pleaseeeee
iheartJongSica #8
Chapter 35: Update soon~ its been a long time since u update ^_^ this is one of my fav story :)
seiyong #9
Chapter 35: please update... it's good... keep going...