Don't like me, cause I will never like anyone

The Love Game

The break time bell rang and everyone left. Myungsoo watches as Soojung searches the whole table. He knew instantly that she was looking for her blue notebook. Myungsoo continues watching as she searches the table.

"What are you looking at? Go and eat" she asked, frustrated.

Instead of replying, Myungsoo puts his hand in his bag and takes out the blue notebook then hands it over to her. Soojung smiled and grabbed it quickly forgetting that Myungsoo was the one who had it. She hesitates for a moment and wonders if he have read the things in the notebook or not.

"Thank you" she said, thinking that he doesn't know anything.

"Myungsoo die? Babo? Loser? Monkey? Is that what you think about me?" he added.

"Did anyone ever tell you that it is rude to read other peoples stuff?" she smiled sarcastically.

"No, and I'll tell you this now, if you like me stop it, because I will never like anyone" he said in a serious tone and lefted straight away.

"This guy.....why is he so weird..." she frowns.

After school Soojung quickly goes to find Onew cause she knew that Luna would be there. As predicted, Soojung found Onew and Luna walking out of the school gates.

"OPPA!!!!!!~~" she yelled from far away to stop them.

"Here you are, let's go home now" he said.

"Wait, unnie can I ask you something?" she panted.

"Me? Yea, what is it?" repied Luna.

"Let's go to the park then and we'll talk there" she suggested.

"Okay. Myungsoo!" she yelled. "Do you want to go to the park or go home first?"

"No, I'll go home first, I'll tell uncle to come and pick you up later" he said after seeing that Soojung was going to the park as well.

Luna, Onew and Soojung began walking towards the park after Myungsoo left.

"What did you want to ask me?" ask Luna.

"I wanted to ask....what......what is wrong with Myungsoo?" she hesitates to say it out.

"Myungsoo? What's wrong with him?"

"Was there something that happened to him that cause him to dislike girls? Cause his attitude toward girls is like he hates them so much." explained Soojung.

"Ahhhhh, I understand now. Myungsoo doesn't hate girls, it's just that his afraid of them." she explained.

"Afraid? Why is he afraid?"

"Because, since Myungsoo was born he's never met his mother. He doesn't even know what she looks like. We're not sure what happened to his mother, from what I heard people say, they said that she left with his twin sister and others said she wsa kidnapped. Our appa is always really busy with work, he never have any time to spend with us since we were little. Myungsoo childhood was really lonely, he would get into fights when he was in school because the others would about him having no mother. From then on he kept saying to himself that his mother was dead and the only sibling he has was me. He avoided girls and rejected every girl that asked him out because he thinks that everyone was going to leave him just like his mother left him." Luna explained in detail.

"What do you mean his mother?" Onew asked curiously.

"We have the same appa but different umma" she added.

Soojung's face went down and she suddenly felt that she could understand the feeling Myungsoo was going through because she haven't seen her father as well.

"That's what's wrong with you..." she mumbled to herself.


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izla122 #1
Chapter 35: OMG!!! Authornim please update soon!! I'm so curious right now. I think I couldn't sleep!!
Chapter 35: daebak!!! when will U update authornim??
cant wait the next chap^^ update soon please:)
CutieWay #3
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 35: Please please
I really cried after reading this
Luhan143 #5
Nice story :)
Chapter 35: I love this fic but please update soon > <
Chapter 35: Updateeee soon pleaseeeee
iheartJongSica #8
Chapter 35: Update soon~ its been a long time since u update ^_^ this is one of my fav story :)
seiyong #9
Chapter 35: please update... it's good... keep going...