Ilhoon's POV

I Hate You, But I Can't Live Without You

Ilhoon’s POV:

I walked into the Cube studio for my first day. Of course I was nervous, but I had to be confident. I knew that I was meeting new people today and that I was going to rap a little for them. One of the Mangers told me that I was the main rapper in the group so of course I couldn’t let them down.

I walked to the main desk and saw a women typing on her laptop.

“Hi… my name is Jung Ilhoon and I’m here to meet my new Band members” I say. She smiles and asks me for my hands. When I hand them to her I watch her scan every single finger and input it into the system. When she’s done she looks up at me.

“Um… Do you mind tell me a little about my band members?” I ask.

“Sure.” She says with a smile before typing something into her laptop”

“Ok. Lets start off with the oldest in the group, Seo Eunkwang. His birthday is November 22nd, 1990 so he’s only a couple days older than you. He’s 173cm tall and he can play the piano. He’s in the vocal line and he’s probably going to be the leader because he’s the oldest.

Second oldest is Lee Minhyuk. He’s a rapper just like you, but you’re the only main rapper. He also has a great singing voice. He’s 173cm tall and his birthday is on November 29 1990. He used to do acrobatics.

Next is Lee Changsub. He’s left handed, has a tattoo on one of his shoulders. He can play the drums and piano he can also skateboard. His birthday is February 26th, 1991 and he’s 177cm tall. He’s in the vocal line.

Then there’s Lim Hyunsik. He’s 177cm tall and his birthday is March 7th, 1992. He plays the guitar and piano. He likes to compose music. He can also speak Chinese. He’s also in the vocal line.

There was Lee Minwoo was also in the band, but was pulled out because of his illness. He was replaced with the third youngest member Peniel Shin or Shin Donggeun. He was born and raised in Chicago so he’s not that good at Korean yet. He moved here only 2 years ago. He’s in the rap line. He can play bass and guitar. His birthday is March 10th, 1993 and he’s 175cm tall.

Second youngest is you.

Last, but not least is the maknae, Yook Sungjae. He’s also in the vocal line. His birthday is may 2nd, 1995 and he’s 180cm tall.

That’s all the members for you. Oh one more thing. You all have your ears pierced, but Minhyuk” She finishes. As she finishes she gets up from her chair and walks towards an elevator telling me to follow her.

When the elevator opens I see a little finger print scanner.

“Press a finger on the scanner and when the green light on the top lights up press 4.” She says as she walks in the elevator with me.

I do as she says and when the elevator door opens she takes me down the hallway and points to a door.

“One of your band members are already inside.” She says as she walks away.

I take a deep breath, open the door and walk in.

When I walk in I see a guy sitting on the couch looking kind of nervous. He gets up and looks at me when the door closes.

He walks over and hands out his hand.

“Hi I’m Lee Minhyuk.”


To Be Continued…

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Love this ^_^
chunjoe1004 #3
Nice story ^^
Chapter 15: wow Ilhoon is really responsable, can't wait till the next chapter please update soon
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #5
Chapter 15: Aawww Ilhoon is soo caring ~~~~ ><
Update sooon!!!!
Chapter 14: This is really good.
You should make some thing dramatic happen like some guy starts hitting on (Minhyuk or Ilhoon) and then the guy should start to TOUCH (Minhyuk or Ilhoon) and the victim (Minhyuk or Ilhoon) has to be saved by the other (Minhyuk or Ilhoon) it's just a sugjestion.
Please update soon
Chapter 13: Did you know orange juice is scientificly proven to get guys ?
It was a really good chapter can't wait to read more please update soon
Chapter 12: I can't wait to find out what they were talking about please update soon
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #9
Chapter 11: Oooh cant wait for their date kekke XD
Update PlZ!!!!!
Chapter 11: Please update soon can't wait to see what happens