Chapter 4

Con Todo Mi Corazon

~Flashback: 1985~

            She looked in the full length mirror, making sure her makeup, hair and clothes were on point. She had been in America for all of six months and this was the first time that she was going out  on the town. Her smooth ivory skin was now a beautiful tan brown, compliments of the California sun. Styled in flowing waves her jet black hair caressed her back ;it had taken her hours to get the strands to curl just right, her hair quite determined to fight the curling iron.

            “Hey girl!! Ohh~~ look at you!!! Your hair looks great. I love your makeup!! Those eyes are killer. It is going to be so fab tonight.” Said the bouncy blond, named Jennifer, who had bounded into the girl’s room. Rei smiled at Jenni giving herself one more look over before grabbing her clutch. They were going clubbing tonight with their other friend Maria who had suggest this hot new Salsa club.

             Maria had already arrived at Rei and Jennifer’s apartment and soon the trio is laughing and having a good time, making their way to the Bubble Lounge. The Bubble Lounge was just your typical salsa club that was outfitted with the typical bright tacky furniture and decoration of the infamous 80s with its main decorating inspiration being bubbles (which was why it was called the Bubble Lounge) . There was nothing special about the club in Rei’s opinion. But she really wasn’t sure how she felt about it. This was her first time experiencing Latino culture and music. It seemed kinda ordinary to her; until HE stepped onto the small stage.

            Taylor Maldonado.

             Rei was struck by the magnetism and charm that flowed from him. The lights reflected off him of a halo around him. Her eyes took in the sway of his natural gant. She noticed that he walked with a slight limp that was barely noticeable, but she had. Where the girls stood in relation to the stage was stage left. When Tayor grabbed the mic and started to sing his voice flowed over her and the rest of audience. His shades protected his eyes from the glaring spotlights, but in a matter of minutes the girls were swept up in the beat of the music and have unconsciously pushed their way to the front of the stage. It was in that moment that Rei caught the eyes of Taylor Maldonado. A electrical spark flowed through them, and for the first of many times, the world only consisted of just Rei and Taylor.

            It seemed to Rei that Taylor was singing just to her, and Taylor thought that the sway of Rei’s hips were just for him. And in truth it really was.


~~End of Flashback~~


            That memory floating on the fringes of her sleep lingered as the annoying alarm clock pulled her from those memories of a sweet time to the cold reality of the present. Rolling over she quickly shut off the clock. Snuggling, burring actually, underneath the warm covers until only her eyes and the top of her hair could be seen. A gentle smile was hidden under the covers as her mind replayed the memories that had floated through her dreamy slumber.

 Taylor Maldonado also known by his real name of Noé Taylor Rodriquez was something else. There was no one like him and he was a permanent part of her heart and soul. Sadness covered her knowing Noé was gone, but now she had Kokoro here with her.

            Sitting up Rei pushed the covers back and got up leaving warmth and security of the bed covers. She needed to shake off these melancholy feelings and focus on getting her daughter back. Making up her bed she quickly showered and dresses for work. Upon entering the living room/kitchen area she immediately smelled the delicious scent of pancakes frying on the stovetop.

            Ren was up and awake.

            Ren is Rei’s son. She had given birth to Ren eight years after Kokoro. And being unable to lavish all the love she wanted on both of her children Ren received it for both himself and his sister Kokoro. Ren has always been aware of the existence of Kokoro (now called Lolita) almost from the moment he was born and has longed for her. To say that he was ecstatic that his  nii-chan was finally in Japan was the understatement of the year.

            Ren’s routine is to cook breakfast for himself and his mother. Ren loved to cook, especially breakfast. Depending on his mood he would prepare an American, Latin or a Japanese style breakfast. This particular morning he was in the mood for American, hence the pancakes.

            As he was finishing the last pancake Rei had exited the bathroom all dressed and ready for the day. He observed her as she entered the kitchen to pour both of them glasses of milk to go with the pancakes and eggs.

 Ren always got a sense of pride when he looked at her. To him his mother was amazing. Not only is she stunningly beautiful, she is smart, gentle and kind yet very strong willed. A mom a son would be proud of. Knowing how strong-willed she was made it hard to believe that she had bended to the will of his grandfather. But as she had tried to explain she was different back then, much weaker.

            Giving Ren a kiss on the cheek and grabbing her prepared plate Ren instantly picked up on the nervousness that had been present yesterday and today.


Rei: Ohayo Ren-chan. Arigato for breakfast. I love when you cook! Hmmm, pancakes.


Ren: Ohayo! Just finished the last pancake, glad you like them.


After sitting at the table quietly eating breakfast Ren decided to break the silence.


Ren: Mama?


Rei: Hmmm?


Ren: She came to JE yesterday?


Rei knows immediately who the “she” in question is. Putting down her fork and intertwining her fingers with her elbows resting them on the table then gently rested her head on her interlaced fingers. She looked into her youngest child eyes and gently smiled.


Rei: Hai… she is here…in Japan. And Ren, she is more beautiful than any camera could capture.


Ren: I can’t wait to meet her *Ren sighs*


Ren , being 16 years old, had school in the morning before reporting to JE. Yes, the entertainment business ran through his blood. With his stunningly handsome face, cool demeanor, an a alluring voice he was part of the next generation of Johnny’s. Being that he had missed the opportunity to meet his nii-chan the other day he had to make do with getting the details about his sister from his mother.


Rei: She acts like it is nothing between her and I. And I guess that is true. Your grandfather thinks that I should play my cards close.


Ren: Yeah, I guess that would be wise but I want to tell her right now that she isn’t an only child and do “brother and sister” things together.


Rei: “Brother and Sister” things?? *a confused expression on her face*


Ren: Sure, like you and my tios


Rei: Oh... I see you mean the tormenting, teasing, pranks and fights that brothers and sisters do to each other.


Ren: Exactly. *Ren grins in excitement*


Rei: *chuckles* Well, I think you will have to wait on that first. I hate that you weren’t able to meet her yet, and she will not be at the Jimusho until tomorrow since she needs to let her body adjust to the jet-lag.  But tomorrow will be here soon enough.


Ren:* sighs dejectedly and murmurs to him self* Won’t come soon enough. This is as bad as waiting for Christmas morning to arrive.


Rei  happened at that moment to look at the clock on the far wall and squeaked in surprise. If they didn’t hurry both of them would be late. Both started to hustle stuffing food into their mouths as they ran around the apartment as the grabbed there book bags and purse and other necessary items they needed for the day  lastly cramming their feet into their shoes as the moved out the front door eager to start the new day.


As Ichinose Ren ran to make it to the bus stop so he wouldn’t be late for his first class he day dreamed about meeting his sister tomorrow for sure.




July 6, 2010

Dear Journal:

            It has been one week since I last wrote in this journal. Hmm where did I leave off? Oh, yeah my first official day at the Jimusho. What can I say…I was excited! Yes I will admit it. You may be wondering how my first week has been? Crazy? Exciting? Tiring? Yes it was all of those things. The jet lag was bad enough; add to that immediately jumping into the life and culture of JE.

            Jin Akanishi took me home after the first meeting with Kitagawa-san and Rei-san, which was really sweet of him since I knew that he had a lot of work ahead of him in relation to the American Tour. I didn’t get to see Koki again that day and I was disappointed yet relieved knowing how I had embarrassed myself. And I know that I shouldn’t have.  Relationships for JE artists are strictly prohibited.

What a minute did I just write that????

Apparently I still need some sleep. Anyway back to Jin. He is a cool guy; we hit it off really well and talked almost non-stop during the drive to my apartment. I think we even flirted with each other, at least I know I was. (He is so like his character in Yukan Club. I love it.) About what we talked about I could not tell you in detail but it was mostly about working at JE, what I could expect and he told me he would protect me from Daichi (Daichi apparently is a NUTCASE). We talked about what he hoped for in his tour in America (Sold out arenas), and in Japan (Number one solo albums and concert tours and dramas).

            He didn’t mention anything about Kat-tun and I didn’t think I should ask; although I was dying to. After all I was is a diehard KAT-TUN fan. But I am also aware that when it came to his private life he is notoriously close-lip about it and KAT-TUN is included in said personal life.

            After he dropped me off waving to me as he pulled away I walked into my apartment and promptly went to sleep on the sofa not even making it to the bedroom. I slept the rest of the day and well into the next one not even getting up to go to the rest room. Thankfully I had been given that day off with the expectation of being there the very next work day bright and early.

            When I finally awoke (with a knot in my neck from sleeping so awkwardly on the small sofa) I noticed my cell phone that had slide from my bag or, maybe I had pulled it out while I was asleep, it was blinking with tons of message from Tricia who was checking up on me. And as I walked to the bathroom to run my bath water and take a bath I called her back and holding the phone away from my ear as she ranted and raved over me not calling her as soon as I had landed in Japan. When I called her back and told her how sorry I was for leaving her hanging and she made me promise to buy her a lot of Kat-tun and NEWS and TOKIO merchandise she calmed down some…just a little bit though :P

            Oh!!! And yesterday was a GREAT DAY!!! I was able to watch Koki’s drama. It came on last night on Tele Asa Hissatsu Shigotonin 2010 SP PR!!! I was in Heaven!!! I have been walking on air ever since. He was perfect <3. I love Koki in the longer hair style, although I love it in the bald style also, because I can see the shape of his head which is so cute. Why does everything about him appear so perfect to me? Major fangirling going on inside me (hahahahaha).

The only thing about working at JE is to being near the center of my fantasies and to know he doesn’t even know I am around. *sighs*


July 7, 2010

Dear Journal:


            I am really tired today but for some reason I need to write. I am in the middle of completing my first week at JE I will let you know if I make it. Today itself was not so bad (if I disregard Daichi which I will), on my first day I discovered a quiet place by accident to go and just think. It is the rooftop of the Jimushmo. The wind felt so good against my skin with the sky so blue and clear with only the cityscape of Tokyo bi-secting it with white puffy clouds here and there drifting through the sky. I even took a picture of it with my new Japanese cell phoneJ.

            It was lunch time for me and being that I had no real desire at the moment to eat after I had allowed Daichi to make me cry. I am so ashamed to even write that in here. But what can I say the little weasel needs to disappear, at least from around me.

I had made my way to the roof deciding to relax and regroup while just lazily watching the sky…

<3 <3 <3


            Lolita walked up the flight of stairs hoping that there was an exit that led to the roof top. She was tired of being cooped inside the building breathing artificial air. She wanted to breathe and look out over this amazing metropolitan maze of wonder and awe that was unique to Tokyo.  And soon she reached the final door and pushing it open she was in the open air of Tokyo.

            Her much used bento box was in hand as she turned in a circle and took in the look of the skyline in the afternoon sun. This was what she was looking for, this was what she needed. If only she had a blanket to lay on she would be so content.  Lying on her back she placed her purse under her head (after taking out her I-pod and her cell phone so she wouldn’t damage them) she laid her head on it and looked to the sky. Sighing in contentment for the first time that day she wiped the last of her tears from her eyes and  placed the ear buds into her ears selecting the name Noe Rodriguez out of the literally a thousand of music artists names listed in her I-pod and soon the sounds of her father’s voice filled her ears. She needed the comfort of her father’s soothing voice right now to calm her somewhat frayed nerves. They were quite frayed from having to work with Daichi.

            A smile graced her face. Then deciding to test the new phone that she had just bought that morning she clicked several picture of the beautiful sky.




            Continuing to  relax she closed her eyes and soaked up the warm rays of the sun, while her mind slipping into a place that she rarely got the chance to visit.


Meanwhile on the 2nd floor of JE:

            Juri Tanaka was looking at his best friend in amazement. Personally he didn’t think he could be as bold as his best friend.


Juri: Are you sure about this?


Ren: Of course. I can’t wait any longer. Do you realize how long I have waited for this chance? Since I was I was toddler when my mother told me that I had an older sister.


Juri: But…I don’t know…what reason can you makeup to meet her. She works on the 3rd floor. And unless the Senpais invite you up there or you have a connection to a Senpai there is no way you would be allowed on the 3rd floor, for any reason other then rehearsal for a Senpai’s concert.


Ren: Juri, Juri, Juri. I know this. Why do you think I am asking for your help? Hello, who is your brother?


Juri: *sighs* why does it seem the only merit to my existence is that I am related to my knuckle head Oni-chan *Juri sighs again*. Okay, but I want to meet her too. The rumors floating around JE is that all the Senpais have fallen in love with her. She cannot be that beautiful can she?


Ren: *gives a look to his best friend* Of course she is! She’s my sister isn’t she?


Juri smirked at that comment. Currently the two teenagers were sitting in the small room that was assigned to Hip Hop Jump, the group that Juri Tanaka was a member of. Ren was an anomaly in Johnny’s Entertainment in that even though he was a talent with tons of potential Ren had, up to this point, not been assigned to a unit. Not even a temporary one. Part of it was that Ren stood out to much and he was not your typical Johnny’s although there were already a few Senpai that was a-typical of the mold of a Johnny’s member. First Ren was tall. At the age of 16 he is already touching 5’11”, and still growing, making all the juniors and 90% of the Senpais look like shrimp, and with his exotic, not quite Japanese, looks make him stand out even more.  Not to mention the tone and range of his voice--- there were none in his peer group that could complement him in singing. His voice was that strong and melodious.

Johnny had no idea what to do with him, so Ren was usually regulated to the back, which Ren didn’t mind (yet). He knew there was a lot to learn and observe and Ren drunk it in like a fish.  And he was glad that his best friend Juri was there to help him through the pains of becoming an idol.

 Both Juri and Ren had entered JE at the same time and had quickly become best friends, spending time outside of JE as well as within and now were even attending the same high school together. Ren and Juri were as close as brothers with Juri even calling Ren his brother and Koki even considered Ren a sibling, that was how much Ren and Juri were tied to the hip. It was nothing for the two to spend the night at each other’s house. And Juri was the only junior or Senpai to know that Ren was the son of Rei Kitagawa. Not even Koki was privy to that juicy tidbit of information. And being that Juri knew Ren had also explained the family history of his Mother and Noe Rodriguez.

Juri realizing that Ren wasn’t going to let this go, he stood from his chair and waved his hand to him as he exited the room.


Juri: Come on, let go and see what my annoying brother has to say. And we have to hurry back since we have to rehearse for the show.


Hip Hop Jump as well as Ren was part of the backup dancers for KAT-TUN and their Big World Tour.


Ren: I can always count on you. *Ren affectionly putting his best friend in a headlock as they made their way to the elevator bank*


Juri: *wiggling himself out of the headlock with much effort * What I want to know is why you don’t wait until your mother introduces you to her?


Juri had waited until they were alone on the elevator as it moved to the third floor before asking this.


Ren: It would look suspicious.


Juri: says you.


Ren: I know I sound paranoid, but right now there can’t be any hint that Rei-san and I are connected.  But I have to be extremely careful now that Lolita is here. I mean so far no one knows except you that Rei is my mom but we don’t know how long that can last.  It amazes me that I have been able to keep this a secret for the past five and so years.


            The elevator doors open as they arrived on the 3rd floor. The ultimate goal of a Junior was to be a success that you officially graduate to this floor. Only the top senpai are moved to this floor, which was why Kanjani 8, NEWS, KAT-TUN, Jin Akanishi, TOKIO, SMAP and Arashi are located on this floor. The floor that Juri and Ren aspired to enter.

            As the boys came closer to the KAT-TUN room the noise level increased. It sounded like a major party was taking place and by the voices that came through the partially opened door it was clear that Koki and Ryo were leading the chaos that was taking place inside the dressing room. Looking at each other they were deciding if now was a good time to ask about the whereabouts of Rodriguez-san (It didn’t sound like it was safe to enter at the moment) when a voice spoke up behind them.


Kame: Are you guys scared?


Both boys jumped at the sound of the unexpected voice.


Juri and Ren: Kame! What are you doing here?


Kame: *Smirks* Well, WonderTwins this IS my dressing room. Why wouldn’t I be here? *He raises his left eyebrow, he sensed these two were up to something. They were giving off weird vibes. *


            At that moment KAT-TUN’s dressing room door was banged open with Yuichi and Koki falling through the door with Koki laughing hysterically at whatever the hell had just happened before he fell through the threshold landing soundly on Yuichi. Ryo was laughing hysterically, then he noticed the two Kouhais who were standing just in front of the door.


Ryo: Hey it’s the WonderTwins!! What brings you two up here?


Koki was picking up himself off the floor and then offered his hand to his Yuichi.


Yuichi: I swear when all of you get together it turns into a circus and I always get hurt. *he dusted the imaginary dirt off his self* Are you sure you two want to be here? *Yuichi directed this question to the “twins” Juri and Ren*


Juri: I’m never sure if I want to be in the vicinity of Ko-chan


Ren snickered at that statement then he looked at Koki who was directing his annoyed glare at  his kid brother. But quickly cut it off when Koki turned to look at Ren. Crossing his arms, Koki looked at his two kouhais.


Koki: Yah! Juri, what are you doing up here? *Koki squints his eyes at the boys*


Ren: Sightseeing.


Juri: What the smart means is we came to see if the rumors are true.


Kame, Koki, Yuichi and Ryo: What rumours?


Ren: Lolita-san…


The rest of News and Kat-tun filled the hall way at the sound of Lolita’s name. Juri and Ren’s eyes widened at the response to her name, they quickly glanced at each other then back at Koki who now stood directly in front of his brother and his best friend with his arms crossed against his chest.


Koki: Why do you want to know?


Juri: Chill, Koki. You’re acting like you are her bodyguard.


Ren: Or worse, her boyfriend *Ren frowned at that thought of Koki hooking up with his sister*


Koki frowned at Ren. He was confused as to why he was acting so strange.


Koki: No I am not her bodyguard *looking intently at Ren* nor her boyfriend. She went to lunch. Look now is not the right time to meet her. Daichi has been laying on her hard.


Juri: *rolls his eyes* what did the pompous Daichi say today?


Kame: What doesn’t he always say, that we haven’t heard for the 1 millionth time? But he made Lolita-chan cry. She went to the roof to regroup, so you guys need to ….Yah!! Ren!! Where are you going?


Once Kame announces where Lolita went his feet started moving without his command and he disappeared through the stairwell that lead to the roof, all the others quickly forgotten. His heart was racing, he was about to come face to face with his long lost sister. He prayed he wouldn’t make a fool of himself.

He stopped short when he came to the door that would open up to the roof. Taking a deep breath he opened the door and walked onto the roof into the bright sunlight.



Lolita was enjoying her lunch break after the horrible morning of shadowing Pompous aka Daichi. She was still mad at herself for crying in front of him since it was obvious that he took such great pleasure in upsetting her. Shaking her head to dislodge the troublesome Daichi she concentrated on the music flowing through her ears. Her father’s voice always calmed her whenever she was upset. When she would wake from nightmares as a young child he would come and console her and sing her songs to settle her. Those were her most treasured memories.

            As her mind played scenes of growing up by her father’s side like a movie, she suddenly felt a shadow cover her, blocking the sun. When it didn’t move she opened her eyes. The sun blinded her and she had to close them then slowly open them again. After blinking twice a face came into view, and she blinked again in an attempt to clear her vision even more.


Lolita: Daddy???


The young man blinked and cleared his throat. Lolita seat up with a start, roughly rubbed her eyes as then looked at the male that stood before her. When she looked at him more clearly she realized that of course it wasn’t her dad, he just favored him in his height, build and the  shape and color of her father’s eyes.


Lolita: Ah, gomenasai. You startled me and you favor someone I knew.


Ren: No, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. A-Are you up here alone?


Lolita: Yeah…*leans her head to the left side as if to take him in* Have we meet before? * She is looking intently at Ren as she slowly stands up to her full height. The top of her head barely reaching his shoulders* You just seem really, really familiar to me.


Ren: No, we have never met. I would have remembered you. My name is Ichinose Ren *Presents his left hand for a hand shake* A Johnny’s Junior which means I live on the 2nd floor


Lolita: *takes his hand in surprise* Rodriquez Lolita desu.


Ren: Rodriquez??  Senorita Lolita? Habla espanol?


Lolita:  Si, y tu? And you’ve heard about me ?


Ren: Si…, y Si. You have been the talk of the Jimushmo. *Lolita grimaced at that, she was sure that it hadn’t been all good.*


Lolita: Is that why you are out here? Because of the rumors?


Ren: No…I just really wanted to meet you. And the fact that you are Spanish…


Lolita: Puerto Rican.


Ren: *looks confused* eh?


Lolita: You said I was Spanish. I am not. To say someone is Spanish means they come from Spain, which I didn’t. I am Puerto Rican.


Ren: Ohhh…I don’t get it. Don’t you speak Spanish? *Instead of being annoyed with Ren for not getting her nationality right, Lolita just laughed.*


Lolita: I like that, you’re honest. And si, Hablo espanol y spanglish. *Ren still had a look on his face that looked totally confused, which was the normal reaction she elicited from 99% of the male population. She was used to it by now. And on Ren she found it really cute.*


Lolita: Don’t worry, you will understand the longer you hang around me *she smiles at him*


Ren: *eyes widen in excitement* It’s cool if I hang out and talk to you? Ya know practice my Spanish?


Lolita: *in Spanish* Sure, I already miss talking in my native language. I mean I LOVE specking Japanese but I am the most comfortable speaking Spanish. * Switching to Japanese* By the way how old are you?


Ren: 16


Lolita: *snickers*You’re just a baby. How long have you been studying Spanish?


But before Ren could answer, the door that led to the roof was banged open by Juri who had come in search of his best friend.


Juri: Great, you’re still up here. Oh…Hello? Ren, we need to get back to the 2nd floor to rehearse.

*Juri lingered in the doorway as he watches Ren turn back towards Lolita.*


Ren: Nice meeting you Lolita-san. I hope to talk to you soon.


Lolita: If we are going to be friends you need to call me Lola. And sure, talk later.  Ja~ *With that Ren and Juri exited the roof heading back inside.*


Lolita looked at the now closed door , that Ren had just exited through. She rubbed her eyes as she set down then opened her bento. It was so strange, she pause in the middle of picking up her food with her chopsticks why did I mistaken Ren for daddy? No he doesn’t favor daddy that much…ne?  She shook her head in disagreement. It was just that I was thinking and remembering about dad when he came up here, that’s it.  Deciding to settle on that logical explanation she continued eating. Glancing at her watch she realizes she only had ten minutes left to eat her lunch. Quickly chopping the food down she then quickly cleaned up after herself and dangerously ran down the stairs to the third floor. But as she ran down the stairs she realized something for the first time all day since arranging at 7 am she had smiled and laughed.


<3 <3 <3





It had it been a long day. At least that was the thought that had run through Koki’s mind as he entered into his home. At least I didn’t have to stay until 1am like I had for the last few days.  Koki was at least thankful that his muscles weren’t as sore as they used to be. His new exercise regimen was paying off. He also liked that his body was bulking up somewhat, the lines of his face sharpening, showing a glimpse of what he could be if he continued to stick with it. He was pleased. Of course the results hadn’t been in time for the summer for him to walk confidently (shirtless) on the beach, but there is next year.

When he opened the front door, there waiting for him was Rai and Sakurai, their tails waging at the sight of the person that they love best in the whole world. Kneeling down he playfully roughed up his “children”.


Koki: Did you miss me?!! Huh!! I missed you!!  *his playful tone exciting the dogs more*


The dogs barked their mutual lovefest and pranced and danced around communicating that even though they loved him lots he needed to feed them right now. Koki being exceptionally fluent in dog, understood perfectly.


Koki: Okay! Okay! *laughing at them he threw off his jacket and baseball cap attempting to aim for the armchair but in reality hitting the floor* I’ll pick that up latter.


            Quickly, feeding the monsters he went in search of food for himself. Opening the fridge it displayed an empty interior. Grimacing, he belatedly remembered that he was to have gone food shopping before coming home. Sighing Koki looked at the clock, he decided to take the easy way and just eat out at one of his favorite noren shops that was located just a block away. Then he would walk the dogs when he got back. Bending down to pick up the discarded clothing items he put them back on, pulling the ball cap low over his face, and before leaving he admonished Rai and Sakurai to behave while he was gone.  They barely glanced up at him as he left.

            The streets of Tokyo were b with peoples. It was 7 o’clock at night and for most Tokyo residents the evening had barely even started.  The lights of the enormous buildings that lined the streets were lit up creating a hypnotic dazzling display. There was definitely no place like Tokyo. Yet Koki is excited about going overseas to Korea and Taiwan, the two other influential countries of Asia. He was excited to entertain his foreign Usagis. Thinking about the upcoming 2nd half of the tour put a bounce in his steps. Maybe even for the next world tour they would hit the Philippines, Malaysia and mainland America. Koki wouldn’t mind going back to New York.

             Koki noticed that there were a lot of couples out tonight, and for some reason the sight of them brought Lolita to his mind’s eye. His steps slowed. 

The scenes of Daichi and his cruel words to Lolita that afternoon as she had made suggestions for what their costumes for certain numbers that they would perform haunted him. The look of mortification on her face as she realized that she was crying, something that you never do in this business, ever, pierced his heart. Koki clutched his hands in the pockets of his baggy jeans at the memory. For the first time Koki had wanted to deck Daichi, and he had the feeling that his band mates had the same idea. When she had ran from the room he had wanted to follow but Kame and Yuichi had convinced him not to, that she was embarrassed enough and probably wanted to be alone. He had been relieved to see her during their break during rehearsal in their dressing room talking to Rei-san about ideas for Jin’s upcoming photo shoot. Unfortunately he hadn’t had the chance to talk to her, to make sure she was okay. Because that was what a concerned friend does, ne?

As he stood at the corner waiting for the crosswalk sign to assure him it was safe to cross, he happens to glance over to his left noticing that across the street is a convenience store. Through the glass front of the store he could see that along one wall was three rows of magazines and there stood Lolita in front of the display totally engrossed in a magazine obvious to her surroundings.  She had changed clothes from what she had on earlier in the day and has pulled her hair in a high ponytail that bounced lively as she bounces to the music that was playing in her head as she flipped through the magazine. She appeared unaware of the admiring male stares that watched her with interested.

Koki twisted his lips in concentration. What is it about her that grabs my attention? Yeah she is beautiful, but in Tokyo and especially in the entertainment industry beautiful women were plentiful and the norm. Why? Koki was definitely complexed by this, especially when he wanted to take a break from women for a while.  The reason why she pops into my mind is because I am worried about her~~ but just as a friend, one side of his brain said. Uh huh, you do know that playing dumb and obvious only works in your dramas, ne? That was the more realistic side of himself there. Koki was suddenly shaken from his musing when a voice called out to him.


Stranger: Hey, Baka. You’re blocking the way! If you’re not going to cross the street, at least move out of the main flow of pedestrians. Baka!!


            The stranger pushed passed Koki almost pushing him into the street. It was then that Koki realized that he had been standing in the same spot eye stalking Lolita for at least a few minutes or more. Deciding to appease his growing desire he crossed the street, heading straight to the convenience store. And as me made it towards the store Koki attempted to convince himself he just wanted to check on her.

            The bell above the door tinkled announcing his entrance.  Looking to his left he got a closer look at Lolita who still had her back to the door.  Walking casually over to the magazine rack he stopped to her right about three feet away. Glancing at her he grabbed a random magazine without looking. As he continued to observe her Koki realized that she was bouncing to real music from her I-pod and she was gently humming a song that sounded very familiar. She also appeared to be taller, but that mystery was quickly resolved when he peeped the very feminine heels on her feet. Stilettos. And that did a number on his insides. Her toes where painted a vibrant red that glowed against her brown skin. Koki’s eyes roamed up her frame taking in the firm and snug deep blue jeans that hung and hugged her small yet full hips. A elaborate metal hip chain hung from her belt loops. She had on a black biker jacket that is half zipped over a red top that peaked through. In her ears where large elaborately designed sterling silver hoop earrings so large that his fist could fit through, her lips simmered with pearly glossy gloss. By now in just these past few days he learnt that she was an expert at makeup and knew all the tricks for making  it look natural even when she did the full face so he was unsure if she had more makeup on her face or not. But he didn’t care she was stunning.

            Lolita oozed and the remarkable thing was it wasn’t contrived or practiced, it was natural and pure. It was in the way she naturally stood with a hip out as she leaned against the rack, the tilt of her head that accentuated the curve of her neck, the way she was now biting her bottom lip as she intently read the magazine in front of her. And Koki was willing to bet everything he owned that she had no idea what she effect she had on the opposite .

            That was part of the reason why all of JE was enamored by her.  And if Koki would be honest with him self he would admit to his self that he really wanted her, in the worst kind of way.

            Koki cleared his throat, one in an attempt to capture her attention and two to clear what he considered a disturbing thought from his head. Unfortunately it did not accomplish either objective. Seeing he was in need of a different approach, he moved closer to her and touched her on the small of her back.

            As soon as he touched her she jumped in fright dropping the magazine and crashed into the wall almost tumbling the display.


Lolita: What the hell?! * She turned and looked at the man that had been bold enough to touch her*


Koki: You need to learn to pay attention to your surroundings Lolita. *Koki pulled his cap all the way up on his head where the brim now rested at the top of his hair line.*


Lolita sighed in relief at the sight of Koki, obviously thankful that it wasn’t some erted stranger. Pulling the ear phones from her ears she smiled at the sight of Koki before her.


Lolita: Hey, what are you doing here? And why were you trying to give me a heart attack?


Koki: First, I wasn’t trying to do anything *smirks* secondly, I happen to be in the neighborhood on the way to eat dinner when I saw you here. *picking up the magazine that had flown from her hands he outright smiled. On the cover was his group’s picture for one of the numerous articles/interviews he and his band members had done over the past weeks and the magazine appeared to have fallen on the page that she had been so engrossed in when she threw it. It was open to his solo photo shot and interview* I see that you found something worthwhile to be engrossed in *point to the picture of himself and was pleased when a slight blushed darkened her face*


Lolita snatched the magazine from his hands and placed it back on the rack.


Lolita: You are really full of yourself, you know that Tanaka-san. It could have fallen on that page when I dropped it.


Koki tasked at that. He wasn’t buying it. But he decided to let it go.  Readjusting his cap but not pulling it down as low as before he looked around him and realized that they were being watched by most of the customers, which strangely enough were all male.


Koki: *turns back to Lola* If you aren’t doing anything do you want to grab dinner with me?


Lolita’s eyes widened for a split second before she calmed herself. She hadn’t expected that and before she could answer verbally her stomach did the talking for her, by growling extremely loud. Looking up to the ceiling, she grabbed her stomached and groaned out,


Lolita: Gomenasai. I think I just gave you my answer. I am so starving. And since you gave me a earlier, you’re paying. *She places her hands on her hips*


Koki: I was paying anyway.


He laughs at her attempt to strong arm into paying, grabbing her arm he pulled her from store and they walked the rest of the way to the noren shop that he had been heading to earlier. It didn’t take long and before they knew it they were at the small restaurant. It was a small establishment with the blue noren (short hanging curtains made of four or five panels with slits in between) declaring the name in white hiragana tipping off that Koki had lead her to a sobaya shop.  Upon entering one could see it was a cozy and welcoming place. And it was almost full. As soon as they entered one of the waiters approached them.


Waiter: Ahh, Tanaka-san, shibaraku desu.


Koki: Konbon wa, Yushi. I’ve been busy. Is my regular table available?


Yushi: Yep, Just in time. It has been very  busy tonight. Follow me.


            Yoshi lead them to a corner table that was somewhat secluded but looked like it could easy seat four people if necessary.  Placing menus in front of them once they were seated, Yoshi left them for a moment to give them time to decide what they wanted to eat.


Koki: Have you had much experience with Japanese foods?


Lolita: Well, I like to eat at Japanese restaurants in Miami, but I feel that is rather limited. You know because it seems like it caters to American taste too much. Sushi is seems like the only real Japanese foods the Japanese restaurants wants to sell.  I do know I want to try as much of the cuisine that I can while I am here for the year.


Koki: I don’t know… but you seem more excited about being here then when I drove you to the Jimusho that first day, what three days ago?


Lolita: You sensed that? *she lifts her head and looks at him* you’re very observant Tanaka-san. I need to watch what I say and do around you…Since this your favorite place you have any suggestions of what to eat?


Koki: If you like noodles you can’t go wrong with anything here.


Lolita: Obviously. *looks back at the menu* I never knew that there was so many ways to cook noddles. *She raises her eyebrows in wonder* I don’t know what I want.


Koki:  why does that seem like an innuendo? We are talking about food. Can I make a suggestion?


Lolita: Yeah, please.


Koki: The soba here is really good. I would go far as to say the very best in Tokyo. Try that.


Lolita nods her head in agreement snapping her menu closed. At that moment Yoshi came back to his table,


Yoshi: Ko-kun, you ready to order?


Koki: The specialty, the soba, Yoshi-kun.


Yoshi: *nods to both of them* All righty them.  It won’t be but a moment. *And he leaves them alone taking the menus back with him.*


Lolita: Let me guess, you come here a lot?


Koki: Why do you say that?


Lolita: Even though the exchange is short, the way you address each other is familiar. Yoshi-kun, Ko-chan.


Koki laughes.


Koki: I see you are observant too.


Lolita:*Smiles* Not much, most things slip by me. Apparently I need to relearn that skill after today. *She looks annoyed for a second as she thinks back to earlier that afternoon*


Koki was surprised that she would bring up what happened that morning, but it allowed him to question her about her feelings about it.


Koki: I am sorry about what happened earlier.


Lolita: Why? It’s not your fault and you aren’t the one that needs to say that to me. Beside it’s not worth being upset over. I just need to remember what Jin told me.


Koki: What was that?


Lolita: *doing her best Jin impersonation* If he starts acting up just tell him to Off. If that doesn’t work then I will send Ryo and Yu after him.  He’s terrified of them.


Koki: *Smirks* that sounds like Jin. is his favorite word. And you might want to call on Ryo and Yu if D.H. acts again. He hates them and they hate him.


Lolita: D.H.??


Koki: Daichi aka Head (d.h.) *Koki outright laughs with his signature smile, the lines appearing around his eyes.*


Lolita heart skipped a beat at the sight. It was one thing to stare at his pictures for hours studying the lines and the shape of his face, it was quite another it see it up close and personal while sitting only three feet from each other.


Lolita: I take it that you and Jin are close.


Koki: *at that question Koki’s smile disappears* we used to be.


The tone that he said that in held a wealth of meaning behind it, it expressed pain, annoyance and sadness.


Lolita: Hmmm…*there was a moment of silence*


Then at the same time,


Koki: So what is like to live in Miami & Lolita: Are you excited about the overseas tour?


Both laughed.


Koki: You first…


Lolita: All I was wondering was how excited or nervous you are about the overseas concerts?


Koki: VERY excited. I get to entertain my foreign Usagis. And that is something that I have never done before. 


Lolita: the buzz online is extreme. *Lolita notices that one of his eyebrows went up in question* Okay, I will admit it. I am Kat-tun Fan. I have been since before the group debuted.


Koki: Ah! HA!! So that wasn’t a fluke. I am you ichiban?!


Lolita: *blushing madly* WHAT!! No!…NO!!


Koki: There is no need to deny it, I know I am hot; It’s okay to admit it.


Lolita:*Scuffs indigently* Yeah, sure, Okay. Apparently the Osaka-man of Kanjini 8 and NEWS is not alone in his inflated view of himself. *She throws a balled up tissue at him which Koki easily ducked and caught; they share a laugh with each other relaxing in each other’s company.*


Koki: Okay, so name in order you favorites. *Koki was definitely fishing for information on what she thought of him. His was seriously interested in his standing in her eyes*


Lolita is not wanting, nor ready for that matter, to admit to anyone especially Koki that he is indeed her Ichiban. Lolita seemed to sense that Koki was questioning her on this for some reason other than just curiosity. Quickly modifying her mental list of who her favorite Kat-tun members are she gives them in a “slightly” re-arranged order.


Lolita: Sure if you want to know. *offers a smirk*Hope you can handle it: Kame, Nakamaru, Junno, Ueda, Tanaka and when Jin was in the group Jin was first.


Koki’s eyes bulged at that order.


Lolita: What? Couldn’t handle it? * She smirked even more at Koki’s classic comical face*


Koki: How come Junno is before me?!? I am way cooler than him!! And you like old man more than me? I am so hurt! *he places his hand over his chest in a show of fake hurt*


Lolita begins to softly applaud.


Lolita: Lovely show of hurt emotion. Now I definitely see why your animal is the monkey. Hehehe.


Koki: Okay, there is cheeky, and then there is being cheeky.


Lolita: but if it’s any consolation you’re a cute monkey. *she blushes at her admission and  quickly looks away*


Koki: *blushes  smiling at the embarrassment showing on Lolita’s cheeks. He is satisfied that she thought he was cute* So…, off that depressing subject of what you think of me. I mean you only think I am cute. How about we get to my question?


At that moment Yushi arrived back with their orders an placed the appetizing food before them


Lolita: WOW!! This looks really good. My stomach thanks you.


Grabbing her phone she flipped it opened and quickly took a picture of her food and drinks




Looking across at Koki’s bowl she quickly realized that his was different than hers.


Lolita: Did they mess up your order? *She points to his food*


Koki: Nope, the wait staff knows this is my absolute favorite Soba so whenever I order it unless I specifically say otherwise this is the Soba that I want.


Lolita: Okay, I shall make a note…this is Tanaka Koki’s favorite Noren shop. Is it cool if I take a pic?


Koki: Sure go ahead.




Snapping her phone closed she laid it down on the table next to her.


Koki & Lolita: Itadakimasu


After a few minutes of eating in silence Koki resumed the conversation. For some reason Koki was attracted to her and he wanted to know as much about her as he could. Maybe it was because she was American and then not American; that she was, at least on the outside, different than he was or thirdly it just her magnetic eyes that drew him to her. Looking at her now he saw that her eyes were almond shape and full. Her lashes were thick and lush and her eyes were a dark brown that were almost black that he noticed sparkled at the slightest ting of happiness, like they were now, as Lolita enjoyed her food.  It was obvious she took pleasure in even the smallest delights. And Koki like that about her, but beneath that there was something more in her eyes~~ he could see a hidden hurt that lay just below the surface and that tugged at his heart too. It was like she was a lost helpless animal and it was well documented how much Koki loved to care for and lavish love on animals, especially abandoned and abused ones.


Koki: So, getting back to my question. What is Miami like?


Lolita: Hmm….cities inside a city. Miami is …how would I describe it? Have you ever watched the American show CSI:Miami? *Koki shook his head no* Well, it’s one of my favorite shows it is a crime investigation show that is set in Miami. Anyway, Miami is shown as y and gritty, which it is, but is more than that. *she takes a bite of her food then chews and swallows* you have this melting pot of cultures. You have the Little Tokyo section, the Little Havana section for the Cubans, the Jamaican conclave, the Vietnamese part, the African American community, just this amazing co-habitation of cultures that is amazing. I mean it’s not all good all the time but at the end of most days it’s cool. After living in NYC for college it was a real change in some ways.


 Koki: I was in New York a few years back for my group’s first photo book, which as a fan you should know about, ne? It was very gritty. I mean it was cool and I like it. It was really American, at least to me. I think that was when Jin really started to like American culture.


Lolita:*she was surprised that Koki had mentioned Jin again when she had picked up on a undercurrent in Koki and Jin’s relationship* How about you? How do you feel about America?


Koki: *swirls some noodles around his chopsticks and thinks back on his first real encounter with American culture* Different; An adventurous place. I mean we get a lot of American culture here since your military has bases here. And the Hip hop scene is …like…, woah Tupac is still my hip hop inspiration, and I like Jay-z. The music that comes from the R&B is…I love it. Ne-Yo is my favorite male R&B singer. The fashion, the slang I think that is what I like the most about America. And American TV.


Lolita: Favorite show?


Koki: Prison Break. Favorite Japanese drama?


Lolita:  Mop Girl.


Koki: What? Unexpected. I was thinking Yukan Club or Anego.


Lolita: I love Jin but I love Keiko-chan more. It would be so cool to cloth her. Her style is cool. Ah!! And Aya is cool too.


Koki: which one? Matsurra or Ueto?


Lolita: Matsurra and Ueto are both awesome, so both.


Koki: *laughes*Greedy aren’t you?


Lolita: Nope, just optimistic. *she smiles as she finishes the last of the food* Go-chiso- sama. Oh, I am stuffed! That should hold me until morning. Ugh, but I still need to go grocery shopping. That will be an adventure.


Koki: I need to do that too. Go-chiso-sama. Are you ready? *She nods her head in affirmation*


It was completely dark as the two of them exited the shop.


Lolita: *rocking back and forth on her heels she looked at Koki* Arigato for dinner. That was very sweet of you. *She pauses for a minute and seems to contemplate something for a moment* I been wondering something all during dinner. Why did you come up to me at the convenience store? I mean you could have left me on my own.


Koki didn’t know how to answer that. He couldn’t exactly tell her that ever since that morning that she had arrived at his apartment that she was on his mind a lot. That would admit that he was attracted to her. But he liked being around her and dinner with her tonight felt special, it was just that plain and simple…, not.


Koki: I just happen to see you and thought you needed to have a little fun after dealing with D.H. today.


Lolita: Well…, thanks. It was fun and I got to eat for free and that is always awesome!! * Koki laughed at her childlike enthusiasm, and for the first time he realized how much he had laughed and smiled tonight. And it had all been because of her.* Well I better good. Thanks again for dinner.


Koki: Wait!! * He grabs her hand and quickly realizing it he lets it go again. He nervously inhaling air audibly through his teeth, scratching the back of his head he looked shyly at her.* Let me walk you home. I understand that you aren’t that far from me.


Lolita: *Bites her bottom lips making Koki’s heart skip a beat* Hai. * And turning in the direction of her apartment she signals for him to follow *


They walk in silence enjoying each other company yet deep into their own thoughts.


Why am I nervous again like it’s a first date or something? He was just being nice to me after the horrible day that I had. He said as much that that was what this is or was. Don’t make this out to be more than it really is Lola.Lolita tried to tell herself inwardly sighing at the butterflies that have seemed to move into her stomach since he sneaked up on her at the convenience store. All this unnecessary stressing was making her feel super self conscious. Number 4: Just because a guy takes you out to eat doesn’t mean he is interested or attracted to you, reign in all over active fantasies.


Meanwhile in Koki’s mind: Okay, Koki a good thing to do right now is breathe, in…out… okay good. She is just a girl, a female, a member of the opposite …a member of the opposite that you may want to have with. OH MY GAWD!!! That didn’t just enter my head!!! ARGH!!!  Glancing to his right he watched her as she walked, the glide of her legs, and the sway of her hips. She walked like a graceful dancer. This was so not helping his libido. Then his new memories of her laughter and smiles throughout dinner floated to the front of his mind and he wondered if he could get away with touching her hand again. Okay what happened to my resolve from 3days ago to not date for a while? Koki wasn’t sure and he was really afraid to test the waters even if he was intrigued by the woman who was walking by his side. And the reason for this current situation reared its ugly head when his cell phone went crazy.




,Koki thought as he muted the phone after looking at the caller id. Lolita looked at him in question.


Koki: Not important *then the phone rang again*


Lolita: It sounds important.


Koki: Trust me its not.


Just then as Koki was shutting off his phone Lolita’s signaled that an incoming voice mail was in her inbox. She smiled at the familiar Mexican accent of her best friend Trica. Hey, Mi Amiga. Como esta. Yo? Muy bien.  Mira, I got something really awesome coming up, but I cannot really talk about it just yet, but I did want you to know that A VERY SPECIAL Delivery from America is coming your way in about two weeks. Okay, so on July 23 at 4 pm I want you to be at the Shibuya Chrome Area 8 okay. Important so write it down and be there so you can get the delivery. Okay. Hasta Luego.  After she listened to the message she saved it to listen it again later and mark down what Tricia had just told her. They were now at Lola’s apartment’s alley way.


Koki: Family??


Lolita: You could say that, best friend. She was mentioning about some special delivery in about two weeks. No telling what that means. Well, we’re here. *she walks up the stairs to her door with Koki following behind her. Unlocking the door she turns to Koki* Thanks again for tonight it was really fun hanging with you.


Koki: Yeah, me too. Umm, get some sleep. *Koki smiles, turns then jogs down the short stairs and was halfway to down the short alley way when he turned back and yells outs* Hey, Rodriquez-san, don’t worry about the rest of the week , cause I got ya back. *and on the end of that declaration he raised both arms  in victory with a smile  and turned the corner exiting her view as she smiled at that display of friendship.*


Lolita enters her apartment locking the door behind her. She leans against the door way and stood there a while and willed her heart to stop fluttering.


Lolita: It’s not a big deal, it’s not a big deal, and it’s not a big deal *she walks to her bedroom to start getting ready for the next day*

<3 <3 <3 <3


Nakamaru Yuichi is your typical somewhat nerdy shy guy. Yet, his looks are not what you would expect from a “typical” Japanese despite being in many ways, well, typical. Usually the oldest when in a group of his peers he naturally took on the role of being the reasonable and sensible one in the bunch, which suited him just fine since he firmly believed he was the only reasonable and sensible one the bunch. His band mates called him Otosan for his papa-like, overprotective tendencies, the direct mirror of Kameneshi Kazuya’s overly dramatic overprotective motherly tendencies, the Okasan of the group. Yuichi occasionally wonders how the oldest and youngest members of KAT-TUN had come to be the “parents” of the other three children of the group, four when you count Jin. And Yuichi still did. Koki and Tatsuya liked to tease that it was because he just looked like an old man.

It was a late Friday night the end of the “normal” work week with the weekend itself now officially underway. Thankfully it was a week end that was basically work-free.  Johnny in a moment of brilliance had scheduled in this short break for the group allowing them this small breather since next Friday was the first stop on the BIG WORLD TOUR. Yuichi couldn’t believe it in a couple of days he and the rest of the group and crew would be flying from Japan and holding their first concert outside their homeland. It is a dream come true.

It was so exciting that it was enough to keep a person awake. This explained why at 2 am in the morning he was sitting on his sofa flipping through satellite television wondering if he would ever get to sleep.  He looked at his lap-top which lay on his coffee table and debated whether he should go online and play around for a while.

Glancing at the television Yuichi dull down the sound of the TV dropping the remote on the sofa beside him, then lifting the lid of the laptop he quickly started it up and soon the universal sound of the Windows OS starting greeted his ears. Latching onto a wireless signal quickly he was on the internet.  Not really sure what he wanted to do, he logged in first to his e-mail to see if any new ones were in his inbox, as opposed to what had been there at 10am when he had last checked it.  Nothing was really there; mostly it was stuff from the manager about merchandise that has been decided for the overseas tour and the e-mail from his University about registering for next semester’s online courses.  Next was an e-mail from his mother, reminding him to eat well and exercise and not to catch cold when he went overseas. Yuichi smiled at that. He missed his mother. He made a mental reminder to go see about her before he flew out next week. Hopefully she would feed him before he goes.

Then going to Mainichi Daily News’s website he practiced reading English since this was one of a handful of Japanese publications that wrote about Japan’s everyday occurrences in English. After reading all the things that could possible interest him and was somewhat easy to read and understand his eyes drifted to a side panel advertisement that had flashed and caught his eye. It was an advertisement about a social community geared toward Japanese who had an interest or love for environmental protection of Japan and its surrounding oceans. The community called itself EPJ.

Intrigued Yuichi clicked on the ad and it took him to the website where multiple discussion threads had been started discussing everything from recycling options to energy conservation to oceanography. Being an Environmental Science major this was amazing to discover, and it appeared to be pretty active. Yuichi knew there was no way that he would be able to go to sleep now.

Before he could click on any thread his phone buzzed letting him know that an incoming text had entered into his inbox.  Picking it up he flipped it opened and checked the message. It was from Koki.


To: Yu

From: Ko


Hey man! Are you up? Can I come over?


To: Monkey

From: Yu


Yeah, sure, why not? I am up…, can’t sleep. Come on over.


To: Smart

From: Monkey


Well, open the door. I am standing outside.


            Upon seeing that message Yuichi shook his head and moved from the sofa to open his front door.


Yuichi: Why didn’t you just ring the doorbell since you were already here?


Koki: well, Yuichi, I didn’t want to wake you up so rudely if you were sleeping; Its call being considerate.


Yuichi: Whatever. *Yuichi just rolls his eyes* so what brings you out here? Shouldn’t you be asleep?


Koki: Shouldn’t you?


Yuichi: I am just keyed up because I finished this school session, thank God, and because I keep thinking next week on the 16th we have our first international concert.  What’s your excuse?


Koki: Hmm…


The guys were laid out in the living room with Yuichi in his previous position in front of his laptop and Koki spread out on his wooden floor. Koki looked tired and drawn and from Yuichi’s point of view that was not good.


Koki: I got a new phone number. Maybe I can finally get some sleep now. *he pauses for a moment* What makes a woman go crazy like that?


Yuichi: She IS crazy. She looked normal until she opened . I don’t know what you saw in her, or any other the other girls you have went out with. They either lack class or lack brains and usually they lack both. *Koki glared at him* I know the truth hurts but it’s the truth.


Koki:*sighs* I know. *he sits up and looks at Yuichi who has turned his attention back to his laptop* Speaking of ex-girlfriends, what’s this I hear from Tat-chan that you and Ai broke up?


Yuichi: *now it was Yuichi turn to sigh* I don’t know. It’s just we didn’t click, and after I put so much effort in overcoming my shyness to talk to her and try and get to know her for her to…*Yuichi trails off and his face become red from an embarrassment*


Koki: What? *his eyes intently looking at his best friend*


Yuichi: She said that I lack the joie de vivre whatever that means. *he continues to blush* I think it means she thinks I am boring.


Koki: I told you not to take her out on dates to the National Museum of Fossilized Sea Creatures.


Yuichi chuckled at the joke that Koki threw at him. Koki was glad that Yuichi was able to laugh at situation in spite of his hurt feelings. It meant that deep down he was okay with the relationship ending. Koki understood quite well what it felt like to be disappointed by a relationship or lack thereof.


Koki: Sorry to hear that man. Why didn’t you tell me? And don’t say it was because of the Erina situation because despite any drama I am here for you.


Yuichi: I know. It’s just that it was hard to admit I had been dumped…again. And I only told Tatsuya because he was planning another double date for me and Ai and him and his girlfriend. So I had to tell him.


            Tatsuya, also lovingly called Tat-chan by his fans and best friends, had introduced Yuichi and Ai a few months ago at a gathering at his apartment to celebrate his sister’s birthday. Ai was a sister of one of Tatsuya’s sister’s friend’s and had been invited to the party. And when Yuichi had first seen her he had been attracted to her as soon as he had laid his eyes on her. Encouraged by his band mates who all there for the party he had swallowed his nervousness and approached her. And things appeared well, Yuichi and Ai had been going together for a few months and to honest Yuichi hadn’t been clueless to the signs that the relationship wasn’t going anywhere.

            Yuichi was the first to admit to himself that he was not talented when it came to relationships with the opposite , most times it was painful for him.


Yuichi: I think I’m following you Koki…, no more girls, for a while. At least until I can figure out this whole concept of dating.


Koki: Good luck with that. It wouldn’t be so hard if the females wouldn’t switch up the rules without telling us. *Koki frowned*


Yuichi frowned too, he totally agreed. How was a guy suppose to know what the next step was if the female kept switching the rules on you, and not even telling you they had done so. He was so done with dating.


Koki: I don’t know Yu…, I am seriously thinking I shouldn’t give up so soon on women?


Yuichi pauses for a moment then looks at Koki who was intently staring at the ceiling.


Koki: *notices that Yuichi is now staring intently at him* What?


Yuichi: I am curious, that’s all. Like how not a week ago you were all gun-ho about taking a break from dating and almost out of the blue you say maybe not. * Then a perceptive light entered his eyes* this wouldn’t have to do with a certain new stylist that came to work at JE has it?


Koki’s eyes widen. He was pretty damn sure that he had hidden his interest in Lolita .


Yuichi: It’s pretty obvious that you like her considering how much you were flirting with her today during break.


Or maybe notKoki thought.


Koki: I didn’t think I was so obvious with my interest. I don’t know. I am still trying to figure out what it is about her that gets me.


Yuichi: all I have to say is that she is a 1000% better choice than your previous conquests. She has a brain and isn’t afraid to use it. And if you want to have a chance with her you better let the guys know, because at least Ryo and Yu are already arguing over which of the two of them is marrying her.


Koki: WHATT!!! *the idea of her being in a relationship with someone churned his insides in a very uncomfortable way*


Yuichi: I know! It’s insane.  The girl hasn’t done anything as far as I can tell and all of the Senpais, and apparently that includes you, are drooling after her and following after her like love sick puppies...


Koki: and she doesn’t even notice.


Yuichi: You noticed that too, huh.


Koki:*nods his head* At first I thought that was just an act, but its clear that she isn’t, she seriously doesn’t know how hot and alluring she is. She treats everyone the same and shares her smiles with everyone. *he pauses for  a moment laying his forearms flat on Yuichi’s coffee table that lays his head on top of them. * I haven’t been smiling a lot lately because my life has seems to have turned into but she makes me laugh…, a lot and it genuine laughs and I found myself after we had dinner together the other night that I want her to smile those special smiles only for me.


Yuichi: You took her out to dinner!!! What!! Why didn’t you tell me?? When?


Koki: It was a Wednesday  night, I ran into her at a convenience store on the way to my favorite noren shop. 


Koki went on  to explain what they talked about during dinner the things he had been thinking before and after the dinner, but he left out the ranking of KAT-TUN members after all he didn’t want Yuichi to get the big head.


Yuichi was speechless. He had never heard his best friend talk this way about a female before. And Yuichi was sure that Koki was unaware of how his facial features soften when he talked about Lolita. Koki was definitely feeling something for sure, but it was still going to take more than a week to figure out. To be honest Yuichi was happy to see this in Koki. For the past two to three months, well actually since  he and Erina had split Koki had been just floating, his broken heart on his sleeve and Yuichi and neither of his friends and band mates had known what to do to get Koki out of his funk, but Yuichi wanted to see Koki leave it behind and it appeared that Lolita was the key to maybe taking him out of his depression; If another person could even do that.


Yuichi shook his head. No, a person could only get themselves out of a bad emotional funk only if they wanted to for themselves not for other people.  And Yuichi seriously wants Koki to want it for himself. But he knew that Koki would have to address the issues that he had inside of him.


Koki was thinking also along those lines and knew that he had a lot deal with, his issues with getting tangled up with the wrong type of women and the breakdown of his relationship with Jin Akanishi. He scrawled at the thought of Jin. Koki was more hurt then angry at the situation with Jin. How could he ever forgive him, for everything?


Pulling his thoughts from Jin, he moved from his place on the floor and made his way to the sofa and sat next to Yuichi to see what he was so intently looking at on his computer. Leaning over his shoulder he quickly read the screen and smiled gently shaking his head. He should have known.


Koki: You know this is part of the reason why you don’t have a girl friend?


Yuichi looked over his shoulder furling his forehead.


Yuichi: Look, there is a woman out there that will love me for my commitment to the environment and my looks.


Koki: *laughs* She will probably be completely near sighted. But hey whatever works for you. Do you think I should get her number?


Yuichi: *He sighs he was not at all fazed by the quick change in topic* Can you stop thinking about her for five minutes.


Koki: Well do you have any suggestions on that? And you still didn’t answer my question?


Yuichi: *twists his lips in thoughts and leans back against the back of the sofa intertwining his hands together; Koki imitates his posture* Well, as far as suggestions on how to stop thinking about a girl when you really like her or is attracted to her…, I’ll let you know when I figure it out or someone shares the secret with me. As to the original question, do you want to get to know this girl better? I mean REALLY get to know her? *Koki takes a moment to ponder the question seriously then nods his head in affirmative* Then go for it. What do you have to lose besides, changing your phone number again and dodging her until she returns back to America?


Koki nods in appreciation of the advice and feeling a lot better than when he had arrived; he spreads his self out on the sofa taking up more than half of it.


Yuichi: OY!!! What are you doing??


KokI: I feel sleepy now, so am going to sleep and since my favorite pillow is right here I think I will use it.


Koki’s aforementioned “pillow” is Yuichi’s shoulder. So now Yuichi was crammed into the corner of the sofa while Koki was spread out with his feet propped on the opposite armrest, with his head resting on his shoulder. And when Yuichi looked at his best friend with the intention of pushing him on the floor he saw that Koki was indeed truly asleep in this totally weird position. Sighing deeply in annoyance he realized how true his earlier thought was: It was going to be a long night.



Monday arrived faster than the guys had anticipated. Well, not fast enough for Koki nor Ren, when the only person in the forefront of their minds was Lolita Rodriquez, evidently for different reasons. But both young men wanted the same outcome: to be closer to the woman, who unbeknownst to her, would be an integral part of both their lives.


The sun was shining brightly, reflecting the mood of the members of KAT-TUN. There was a lot that still needed to be done, yet this was a festive occasion. Tatsuya’s solo concerts had been a success and he was looking forward to doing another theatrical concert again in the very near future and maybe next time he wouldn’t sprain his foot towards the end of his solo concert and the beginning of the next leg of the tour. For a second Tatsuya had really thought he had broken it, he thanked his lucky stars that it wasn’t. Tatsuya wouldn’t know what he would do if he couldn’t participate in the overseas concert.


Junno was his usual goof smiley self, Maru was quietly excited and Kame was Kame-chan x 10. Need we say more? As for Koki, it seemed like he had ants in his pants. Because he couldn’t keep still, there was so much nervous energy.  Lolita’s week of shadowing Daichi was over so she was no longer reporting to the KAT-TUN dressing room. So the whereabouts of Lolita-chan was unknown and Koki didn’t want to necessarily ask in fear of revealing his real intentions for asking her whereabouts.


Kame: Koki!!! SIT DOWN!!! What is up with you?


Yuichi smirked behind the book that he was reading. He didn’t say anything but it is funny watching Koki be so antsy (and being the only one in the group that knew the reason for the ants).


Ueda: Yeah, You’re even making me dizzy and crazy. And it takes a lot to make me that way, excluding Ryo. * Ueda popped a pain pill, his foot was really starting to ache*


Kame: Why don’t you go to the roof and do some pushups or run around or SOMETHING!!!


Koki: The roof?


Junno: Yeah, the roof, and while you are up there let Lolita know that we miss her and she needs to stop by once and a while and visit.


Koki: She’s on the roof? * A surprised look on his face. Yuichi snickered*


Ueda: Yeah, that’s where she goes to eats lunch on a pretty day. Didn’t you know? Yu was asking her about it the other day.


Koki without hesitation made his way out of the dressing room.


Kame: Ya!! Where are you going?


Koki: To take your suggestion.


And with that Koki was gone like lightening. Kame, Ueda and Yuichi just stared at the place he had vacated so fast and shared a look with each other.


Kame: Finally. It’s about time he made a move.


Apparently Yuichi wasn’t the only one who noticed that Koki was interested in Lolita.


In a matter of minutes Koki had arrived at the entrance leading to the roof too. Taking a deep calming breath he opened the door and entered the quiet roof top. Lolita was sitting on a small thin blanket her back to the door. She had her i-pod plugged into her ears as she bobbed her head to whatever music that she was listening too.


Her chopsticks were expertly held in her right hand as she munched the food from her bento box. Looking at the food it looked really good and he noticed that it was a store bought bento. Not wanting to scare her like he did last time he kept to the far end of the rooftop but staying in her line of peripheral vision. And just as he hoped when he came into view on her radar she turned her head and looked at him.


When she realized that it was Koki a shy happy smile graced her lips.


Lola: Koki!! Hey, what are you doing up here?


Koki: its break time…lunch time actually. I came up here to see you actually.


Koki decided that he needed to be honest. He hadn’t decided on any roundabout way to ask her for her number and to be honest he wasn’t that creative when it came to that, unlike Pi or Ryo, who were master manipulators (especially Ryo) when it came to wheedling a phone number from a girl.


Lola:* raised an eyebrow* About what?


Koki: *Clearing his throat, he motioned to the blanket* Can I sit down for a moment?


Lola: Sure, grab a spot.


Koki: *takes a seat across from Lola*you know we leave for Korea and Taiwan *Lola nods her head* Well, I really like talking to you and I was kind of wondering if we could exchange numbers so we could text each other while I am overseas.


Lola eyes widen. She was unsure how she should response to that. Inside she was squealing with excitement that Koki liked her enough that he wanted to talk to her more. But from some where she managed to answer in as calm of voice as she could.


Lola: Sure, why not? I mean, can we text each other since you will be outside Japan?


Koki: Yeah, I verified with my mobile company since I wanted to keep in touch with my family while I was away. So I got this unlocked phone that can work on any mobile network.


Lola: Oh, okay. Sure. *pulls out her phone flipping it open and gets to her contact list. Handing her phone over to Koki so he can input his number into her phone*


Koki pulls out his phone flipping it open and wirelessly syncing both of their numbers to each other’s phone. Lola was intrigued by the process.


Lola: WOW!! That is so cool. *she leans over to try and watch how Koki had done that* We have NOTHING like this back in America. Our phones compared to Japan’s totally .


Koki: *with a look of surprise* Are you serious? I thought America was the hotbed of technological technology.


Lola: We were…I mean we are on some fronts but not like anything here and in the rest of Asia. America is slow to embrace change of any kind sometimes. Although our movie industry is number one although India has us beat on the volume of movies released in a year *she laughs as she takes her phone back from Koki*


Koki: Let me test it out to make sure the numbers transferred. *quickly punching a short text onto the screen he presses enter and shortly after Lolita phone plays the clip of change your world to announce a message was received.*


Lolita flips the phone open and quickly reading the incoming text, and then quickly looks at Koki and smirks.


Lolita: I see you like to flirt…a lot.


Koki: What its not really flirting when I think its true. *Lolita blushes* well it is, I hope you don’t mind.


Lolita: *Shakes her head* no I don’t. Its sweet actually that you want to flirt with me although it seems that its more teasing on your part then actual flirtation.


Before Koki could respond to that the door to the roof opened again. And who should enter is Ren and Juri. Lolita smiles at the two boys surprised to see them but happy. She thought they were adorable. And watching the dynamic of the two was entertaining and now she could see the dynamic of big brother and younger brother. Koki just frowned at the intrusion since he wanted a little alone time with her. He didn’t want a audience to see him fumble over himself as he tried to untie his twisted heavy tongue, which always seemed to be stuck to the roof of his mouth when he was around her.


Ren: Buena tardes! *Ren calls out as he approached the pair*


Juri and Koki: Ben what? *Juri and Ren make themselves comfortable next to them without asking*


Lolita and Ren shared a smile. Lolita was impressed in his enunciation of the phrase and she let Ren know.


Lolita: That was real good Ren. I like the accent. As to your question, he just told me good afternoon in Spanish.


Juri: Oh! Looks like you finally got your native speaker to practice your Spanish, Ren.


Ren: Yep, I’m excited. Now all you need is a native English speaker to practice your English, Koki is no help.


Koki glared at Ren.


Koki: Who invited the two of you?


His English wasn’t that bad was it? Seeing that look on Koki’s face, Lolita touched Koki’s arm.


Lolita: Your English is getting better every time hear it, Tanaka-san.  *turning back to the younger boys she asked* How long have you been studying your languages?


Juri: Since 1st year high school, so a year.


Lolita: Well I speak English of course. Juri I wouldn’t mind practicing that too. It’s not my native language and my accent is pretty thick.


Koki: Your Nihongo is excellent. You speak it without an accent.


Lolita: I actually learned to speak Japanese since the day I was born along with Spanish, my father’s native language. My mother is Japanese, so my father made sure I learned to speak her native language and he made sure I was taught the written language really well. When it came to learning in school my padre made sure I understood how important it was.  He wanted me to totally embrace my other culture.


Juri: Wow, I didn’t realize that you were part Japanese? I just thought you were black.


Lolita: *Laughs* Yeah, I look pretty plain. Most people, even those who I see and work with every day don’t know I am Japanese, well half, or that I am Latina too for that fact until they hear my last name, since I don’t look like the stereotype of either one. Only those that are super close to me know that about that.


Koki, Ren and Juri felt honored that she would openly share that part of herself with them since it wasn’t something that she normally did. For Koki it definitely made him feel special and expressed how comfortable she felt around him to offer that information about herself.


Juri: I didn’t mean to say that you look plain or anything…


Ren: Yeah, you’re far from plain!! Who told you that?


Koki: I agree. I can tell from the shape of your eyes that you have Asian in you, it just never occurred to me that it was Japanese.


Lolita: Thanks. I appreciate that.


Ren: You said your mother is Japanese, she must be really proud that you speak her language really well.


Lolita: I won’t know. My mother abandoned me three weeks after I was born. Its one of the reason I changed my name.


Koki: *furled his brow* Changed your name? What was it before?


Lolita couldn’t believe that she had brought all this up. Normally she was closed mouth about her past. Why was she letting it all flow out like a river, unstoppable? A part of her knew that it had to do with the fact she was on her mother’s home turf and that unnerved her. She was starting to work with her mother more and more and it wasn’t something that she was all together sure she was ready for or could handle. So far it had been okay, but as the days increased and things with Jin geared up she would be working more and more with her. A part of her, the little girl that has always wished that her mother would come back to her father and her was excited. This was a chance of a lifetime to get and know her mother. It was highly unlikely that she even knew who she really was. And the older more mature part of her just didn’t seem to want to let go of the hurt and anger over growing up without her mother especial during that time that she really needed her. Which when she really thought about it was not that mature.


Lolita: I “changed” my name  when I was 18 to Lolita and I no longer went by my given name since then and when I was 20 I changed it officially for work purpose so that my professional name was different then my real legal name. I couldn’t really legally change it.


Ren: Why couldn’t you?


Lolita: Because I knew if my father knew I had, it would have disappointed him. He still very much loved my mother and he and my mother had chosen my name with care. So I just couldn’t do it.


Koki: *Gently asks* What is your real name.


Lolita: Kokoro.


Koki: Kokoro Rodriguez…I like it. It totally fits you.


Lolita smiles.


Ren: Its does, the meshing of Japanese and Spanish.


Juri: Just like you.


Lolita’s smile widens.


Lolita: To admit, I kind of, sort of, like it.


Kind of doesn’t even cover it. Secretly she loves it, a lot, because when she was given that name her parents were deeply and madly in love; the kind of love that is only found in those Disney, Korean, Japanese fairy tales. And if she admitted it she longed for someone to call her by the name that expressed her parents’ love that resulted in her birth. She had wanted Koki to say her name. And when he had goose bumps had taken over her body.


Just then Lolita (Kokoro)’s phone beeped remembering her that her lunch time was over. The guys, quickly helped her pack up and together they walked to the third floor and Koki and Lolita waved the younger one’s off at the elevator bank as they headed to their own floor, leaving the two of them in the fairly quiet hallway. Koki turns to Lolita.


Koki: Where are you heading?


Lolita: I have a meeting with Rei-san in about ten minutes so I am heading to her office on the 4th floor.


Koki he nodded in understanding. Jin. She is working with Jin he reminded himself.


Koki: Can I ask you a question? * He waited with her as she waited for the elevator bank to return to the 3rd floor* Can I call you Kokoro? I mean if it doesn’t make you uncomfortable?


The elevator doors dinged opened revealing an empty elevator. Lolita moved inside, pressing the button for it to take her to the top floor.  Koki stood in the door way, leaning casually against so it wouldn’t close before he got his answer. Lolita could only think was “why was he so damn handsome” it had to be a sin. Yes, definitely a sin.


Lolita: Why??


Koki: Kokoro, suits you more…You look like….love.


Lolita just stares at him on that statement, then gives him an answer.


Lolita: *pushes him gently out of the elevator door* Only if I can call you Koki instead of Tanaka-san. And for the record you don’t look like a saint.


Just as the doors closes, Koki smirks.


Koki: Deal!


And as simple as that that was how they became on a first name bases.




Chapter 5 will be posted on 09/07/2011


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Hello! I posted another chapter! It has been hard to get back into the groove but writing this was fun. For those sticking around thank you. I hope everyone is safe and enjoy your summer or winter if you are in Australia and New Zeland.


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733 streak #1
Chapter 29: Hi, I just started reading this story and I am really enjoying it so far. It would be awesome if you finish it at some point. Take care and good luck. I will definitely check out your other story as well.
Chapter 28: i spot new couple! heheehehehe fighting for next one! gambatte na
Chapter 26: thank you for updatein. its a good thing jin n minzy are kinda gettin along.
IsaSweetsin #4
Chapter 25: nsdfevkesbvsejgneskbgsb first time i log on in months and see this updated! YATTA!
thanx for the update.Ill wait patiently 4 jiminnzy.
@Kikyo670 Jin and Minzy will be interacting soon!
cant wait for minzy & jin interaction.update soon.
IsaSweetsin #9
ughh you don't update enough~ oh well, i love your fics anyways. (: message me! i miss talking to you~
Cute chapter. It makes me want to put Koki in a room full of cute animals. xD
I'm assuming that things are going to get awkward.