will i forget you. . .?

I Love you, I Love you!
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Ji eun's POV:


luhan and i parted ways since we're not on the same room, his on class A-1, i'm on class A-2 .. yeah, luhan's a lot more smarter than me, but listen up, because of luhan i get to know who suho is.. back then when we're at 1st year(freshmen) i went to his classroom to give him a visit, when i was looking around, i stop when i saw a guy looking so innocent, and then he smile a sudden sparklewhen out through my head .. then he laugh my heart then started to beat fast..


i was looking, staring and gazing at him .. it's the first time i ever felt like this, maybe this something what you called LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.. i think?



good thing luhan popped out from somewhere making me back to my senses.. for the past three years i only liked suho, i never gave others the opportunity.. but here i am now, few more months i'll be graduating already, well i hope i would.. *pout*. it's just that it's hard to forget someone you liked for a long time.. three years is a really long .. Tiiiiiimmmee~~~ ^ _ ~


,,, i asked mr.lee, my homeroom teacher if i could go to the clinic to clean up my wound, hehe, i can still see his shocked face when he saw my arm bleeding.. i thought his eyes would pop out at the moment... *evil smile* but since he approved, i'm now on my way the school's clinic..


it's quiet silent here in the hallway.. it's still class hours and there are more 30 minutes before the lunch break,  so no need to rush anyway, "tsk~ now i can feel the pain.." i said to myself as i scan my wound while walking .. then i bump into someone.. i was about to fall when he grabs my wrist and catches me .. my eyes grew bigger, my mouth were a bit open and i feel like i'm melting..


"s-suho..." i murmured .. he was looking at me, he was holding my hands.. he was only an inch away from me..i suddenly feel like my feelings started to get back.. dugeun~~dugeun~~dugeun~ my heart started to beat fast.. "clumsy~~" he blankly said, one word then i get my soul back to my body!!


i startled as i push him away from me.. i awkwardly bow my head and my voice were shaking "s-sorry i didn't n-notice y---" suho cutted down my words "you're that girl right?" he asked, making me to get confuse. i look at him and blinked my eyes several times.

. he let out a deep but i know it's irritated sigh = .. = "nothing,." he said .. "stupid~" he whispered, i heard it so my anger went out again.. "what?! did you just call me stupid?!!" i yelled at him while poiting at myself..


suho turn his head to face me "hmm. . .you're not just stupid" he paused then lean closer to me "and you're also like the other girls who makes me irritated all the time.." he whispered at me..


he lean back and just stare at me.. i look down as i frowned "tss~ by seeing you now make me sick..i don't care to you anymore so i'll be leaving now..jerk!!" i furiously said to him and turn my back to continue on walking towards the clinic..


i left her there .. ARggghh!!!!!! > . < !!!!!! i'm really angry now.. i don't even know why did i ever like that jerk! "suho you're the jerkiest person in the world !! i HATE you with all my might~~~~!!!" i scream my heart out .. i'm now on the school's rooftop, i went here to let my anger out, i was done cleaning my wound and it's already lunch break so i just went straight to the rooftop.. my favorite place to hang out..


then i can feel tears started to fall from my eyes .. i'm angry but i'm feeling broken at the same time.. that suho, i will never going to like that guy anymore!! b-but.. how will i forget him if i'm deeply inlove with him? i kneel down and let myself to burst out from crying .. i cover my face with my hands and started to cry harder and harder..


- - - -


Luhan's POV:


ji eun's crying because of that suho .. i'm hiding here behind the wall,  she yelled out all her pain.. why does she only see suho? ji eun's tears were unstoppable.. she's crying hard and it makes me hurt to see her like that..

if i only could beat up that suho guy i would, but i know it may only bring bad results.. i don't want to dissapoint ji eun, even thou she says she hates suho and doesn't like him anymore, i know she's only lieing .. i can see it through her eyes.. she still loves suho.. 

"ji eun please look at me once..." i whispered as i let out my tears to fell .. i turn my back and lean on the wall, i cupped my face with my palms and sighed heavily .. "i wish i'm the one ji eun will love in the future.." i whispered to myself..


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Ji eun's POV:

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exo_chanlove #1
Chapter 35: Done read this ^^ waaaa~~~ u story really daebakk !! 10000000x million thumbs for u author-nim .. nice ending ^^
exo_chanlove #2
Chapter 31: Suho really nice boyfriend ^^
exo_chanlove #3
Chapter 25: Kiyowoooooo~~~ Aigooo ><
exo_chanlove #4
Chapter 23: Aigoooooooooooooo >\\<>\\
exo_chanlove #5
Chapter 19: Sooo sweeeettt ^^
exo_chanlove #6
Chapter 18: Chorong ?? another character ? o__O
exo_chanlove #7
Chapter 17: luhan .. poor u dear :/ but .. i really love that scene author-nim .. the scene suho said that he already falling in lovr with her ! so cute !!! ^^ Kiyowooooo
exo_chanlove #8
Chapter 16: omoooo .. poor luhan T.T im here luhaen~~ haha xD
exo_chanlove #9
Chapter 15: Suho such a good take care of her ^^
exo_chanlove #10
Chapter 14: Its will be fun .. agree with suho .. ^^