you're not a deer .. you're a wolf !!

I Love you, I Love you!
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hey guys .. ahmm, i'm going to make  a poll so please anwer it dearly ... kamsahamnida ^ 3 ^V


Ji eun's POV:


"thank you for today.." i said without facing suho .. suho hummed and twist the door knob, he entered the room first followed by me,


i jump on my bed, and sat down on it, suho threw his cardigan to the side then threw himself off to bed, yup forgot to tell you earlier, were not sharing a bed .. he have his own, i have mine so, no eted moves to mind.. i mentally nodded and took my phone out to chack the time .. 6;30pm


shoot .. i still have a time to go to luhan before dinner .. i stand up and went towards the door, i was about to open it when suho's voice spoke up "where are you going?" he asked.. i jerked my head to look at him with a smile on my face "to luhan, i'm just going to check on him.." i said, suho frowned and scoffed..aigoo? what's this.. is he back on being a jerk again?


"why..?" i asked .. suho wave his hand like he's shooing me away "nothing, go on .. have some nice time with your boyfie.." he mocked at me, making me to look at him in disbelief "i told you, he's not my boyfriend, we're not like that..he's just my bestfriend that's all.." i hissed at him before going out of the room then close the door.. i scoffed and let out an annoyed sigh whats wrong with him? mood swinger!!


.. ..


Luhan's POV:


"hyung, sorry, i didn't know that it would be like this.." xiumin said while trying his best to comfort me .. i run my hands on my face with my eyes closed.. everything,


earlier.. i saw everything, that should be .. i should be the one who is there to comfort ji eun not suho, i know he's a jerk and he will never make ji eun happy like i always do .. earlier, xiumin and i went out to roam around the seaside, but i stopped my tracks as i saw suho and ji eun standing on a cliff, suho's arms wrapped around ji eun while ji eun's face were buried to suho's chest.. i can hear her crying..


so as my heart .. it's like my heart fell down on my intestine .. 




now i'm here back to our room with xiumin .. he's comforting me for about an hour and i still can't manage to stop myself from being like this, "lu ge~ stop it .. you can still have ji eun, don't give up.." xiumin tried to cheer me up, i put down my hands and rest it on my knees then look at xiumin with sad face on, i was about to say something when a knock was heard on our room door..


"let me get it.." xiumin said as he pats my shoulder before standing up to answer the door..


ji eun .. ji eun .. ji eun .. she's the only that was on my mind by now, i can't concentrate myself, i still need to do some short reviews for the quiz bee tomorrow, but hell .. i can't concentrateeee~~~~ *sigh*, a voice took me out of my thought then look over to where xiumin is..


"luhan-ah~~" ji eun happily shouted while waving her hand .. i stare at her not even knowing what to say? i blinked a few times when xiumin help me up to go back to reality by coming near to me..


"ah..maybe i'll leave for a while, to let the two of you talk .." he paused then look over to me, he winked at me, knowing what he meant by that, i mentally face palm myself at what xiumin wants me to do by now, "well, let's just meet later at dinner..anneon~" he said as he wave his hand then left us alone ..



ji eun looked confused as if somethings wrong with the air .. i stood up and coughed, causing her to look at me, "oh,luhan-ah i came here earlier to tell you to come to make prayers for my dad, you weren't here, where did go?" she asked in

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exo_chanlove #1
Chapter 35: Done read this ^^ waaaa~~~ u story really daebakk !! 10000000x million thumbs for u author-nim .. nice ending ^^
exo_chanlove #2
Chapter 31: Suho really nice boyfriend ^^
exo_chanlove #3
Chapter 25: Kiyowoooooo~~~ Aigooo ><
exo_chanlove #4
Chapter 23: Aigoooooooooooooo >\\<>\\
exo_chanlove #5
Chapter 19: Sooo sweeeettt ^^
exo_chanlove #6
Chapter 18: Chorong ?? another character ? o__O
exo_chanlove #7
Chapter 17: luhan .. poor u dear :/ but .. i really love that scene author-nim .. the scene suho said that he already falling in lovr with her ! so cute !!! ^^ Kiyowooooo
exo_chanlove #8
Chapter 16: omoooo .. poor luhan T.T im here luhaen~~ haha xD
exo_chanlove #9
Chapter 15: Suho such a good take care of her ^^
exo_chanlove #10
Chapter 14: Its will be fun .. agree with suho .. ^^