Bottled water

I Love you, I Love you!
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Ji Eun's POV:


suho and i went home a little too late .. and it's already past 12 midnight and i can't sleep, i've been flipping myself on the bed for almost an hour, i need to rest cause tomorrow i'm sure it'll be a tiring day for me..


"aigoo~" i scoffed as i close my eyes trying hard to drift myself to dreamland, then as soon as my eyes were closed flashback started, since last day suho's been nice to me, and i don't even know why he started to act nice? maybe because he's tired of being rude already .. or maybe i had mistaken to identify his tru personality..


i open my eyes before shaking my haid " can't sleep~" i said then sat up.. i look around the room then i remember i haven't packed my stuffs yet, i stood up then went over to my cabinet.. first i put out my backpack for small things to put like toothbrush , shampoo , shower gel, face powder , lip balm, comb , mini notes then my under garments..

 after that i put out my luggage, were there is my sports wear , pajamas , shirts and extra clothes.. maybe i can stroll around there when we have free time.. it's 3 days and 2 nights, i'm going to die if i stay inside of my room there!!


after packing, i stood up then stretched my back and arms, i pouted. my mind kept on thinking about suho's sudden change of personality . . and it's confusing the hell out of me.. i look over to my clock 2;30am great.. prepare myself to be a walking zombie tomorrow..


maybe i should get some water to refresh my throat.. i thought before nodding my head .. i slowly twisted the nob to make no sounds .. before going out i peaked my head to look over when someone's there, good, obviously it's freaking 2;30 am and who dares to not sleep maybe that's me.. *sighs*

when it's clear i went out of my room then made my way downstairs to the kitchen .. i've passed suho's room and lights were off maybe he's already sleeping .. oh well~


as soon as i enter the kitchen my eyes started to search for the fridge .. the main lights were off and only the dim lights were on, and the moons light help it to make it more brighter .. but good for me to have eyes like this .. actually, i know that everyone couldn't see trough dark but in my case even if there's a small light coming from the moon to make the darkness lit up .. i still can't manage to see trough things..


i didn't bother to turn on the lights cause it's too much time to be wasted just to search the switch .. my head jerked around oh! there you are!! ..

i slowly took my steps towards the fridge and opened it .. my eyes ached for a bit from the sudden light coming out from the fridge as i open it.. i hummed as i get the the bottled water .. it's still sealed good .. it really meant for me :)

i opened it then started to drink .. "aahh~~ so refreshing~~" i sang before drinking on it once again ..

"can't sleep?" a familiar voice spoked up making me to choke on the water, making it to spill over my shirt .. i coughed as i pat my chest, before turning my back suho's head popped out from my side making to yelp out of shockness ..

he took a bottled water before drinking on it he looks at me .. i wipe off the water on my cheeks then on my neck.. suho looked at me as if i've done something wrong .. "why?" i asked..

suho blinked as he coughed "what do you mean why?" he asked a bit irritated..

i pouted .. "tsk~ you're looking at me as if i've done something wrong .. why is drinking water a sin..?!!" i sarcastically asked ..

suho smirked then shook his head "ani, it's just you're being too much careless..geez~ it makes me shiver.." he said before shaki

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exo_chanlove #1
Chapter 35: Done read this ^^ waaaa~~~ u story really daebakk !! 10000000x million thumbs for u author-nim .. nice ending ^^
exo_chanlove #2
Chapter 31: Suho really nice boyfriend ^^
exo_chanlove #3
Chapter 25: Kiyowoooooo~~~ Aigooo ><
exo_chanlove #4
Chapter 23: Aigoooooooooooooo >\\<>\\
exo_chanlove #5
Chapter 19: Sooo sweeeettt ^^
exo_chanlove #6
Chapter 18: Chorong ?? another character ? o__O
exo_chanlove #7
Chapter 17: luhan .. poor u dear :/ but .. i really love that scene author-nim .. the scene suho said that he already falling in lovr with her ! so cute !!! ^^ Kiyowooooo
exo_chanlove #8
Chapter 16: omoooo .. poor luhan T.T im here luhaen~~ haha xD
exo_chanlove #9
Chapter 15: Suho such a good take care of her ^^
exo_chanlove #10
Chapter 14: Its will be fun .. agree with suho .. ^^