School .. school .. school =_=''

I Love you, I Love you!
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ji eun's POV:

"ji eun.. you know in my eyes you'll always be my angel.." suho whispered .. i was standing infront of him like a statue, my lips were trembling and i don't even know what to say.. god! "will you accept my heart?" suho asked as he lean closer to me.. i bit my lips as i take a deep breath *s-suho's going to k-kiss me..?* i thought.. i close my eyes and wait for him.. wait and wait .. until..

"YAH! JI EUN!! HOW DARE YOU TO DAYDREAM IN MY CLASS~!!!". i open my eyes and yes, i was here sitting inside of our classroom.. i slowly look up to see my angry teacher "you again...."mr.lee frowned at me .. "s-sorry sir.." i said *nervous* .. then mr.lee shot a glare on me which makes me more nervous "you go out and reflect on your actions.." he shouted as he points out the way towards the door.. i slowly nodded my head and stood up .. trying so hard to not make eye contact to mr.lee.. then i heard from the background *arrgghh~~ laugh all you want..stupid!!* i growled inside my mind..

well yeah, i'm now outside of our room reflecting on my silly actions *pouts* .. my knees were shaking already and i can sense that by anytime i will fall.. actually this books were kinda heavy to balance in both of my hands, my arms are too weak for this.. "ok, ji eun! for suho you will fight!! ok! ji eun-ah, FIGHTING!!" i whisper to myself and endure more and more..

i was stretching my neck when someone caught my attention.. *s-suho..*i thought .. my heart started to beat fast as it could .. then everything went bright and beautiful .. seems like i'm in a romance movie when everything you could see is the one you love and then suddenly everything will be at slow motion.. there he smile and laugh with his friends.. ahh~~ what a good view i have now *bwahahahaha*

my eyes widen up when his eyes looked on where i was, *gulp* i'm a bit nervous.. no actually i'm really nervous he was walking close to me.. maybe he'll tell me that he likes me too..i bit the lower type of my lip as he walks closer and closer, a few more steps ..

"Ji eun!!! how dare you let the books fell~~!!!" mr.lee shouted, *snap* i went back to my senses, i look down and then i saw the books laying down on the floor..i panicked "sorry mr.lee.."i bowed several times as i kneel down to pick the books, *aigoo~~this is kinda embarrassing* i mentally facepalm myself,

"tss, such a waste" i heard suho's voice as he pass trough me, i look up to saw him and there he was staring at me like i was some kind of an idiot girl.. "yeah, but she's kinda cute thou.." his friend Chanyeol said to him, suho smirked and looked at him "cute? men, you're blind.." he said then shot a glare to me once again before leaving..

*BOH?!!* my inner voice shouted .. i close my eyes as i calm myself, now i'm really out of my mind.. i'm really a crazy girl! for two years i only like that bastard, the suho i know is kind,gentle and really an angel inside and out but w

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exo_chanlove #1
Chapter 35: Done read this ^^ waaaa~~~ u story really daebakk !! 10000000x million thumbs for u author-nim .. nice ending ^^
exo_chanlove #2
Chapter 31: Suho really nice boyfriend ^^
exo_chanlove #3
Chapter 25: Kiyowoooooo~~~ Aigooo ><
exo_chanlove #4
Chapter 23: Aigoooooooooooooo >\\<>\\
exo_chanlove #5
Chapter 19: Sooo sweeeettt ^^
exo_chanlove #6
Chapter 18: Chorong ?? another character ? o__O
exo_chanlove #7
Chapter 17: luhan .. poor u dear :/ but .. i really love that scene author-nim .. the scene suho said that he already falling in lovr with her ! so cute !!! ^^ Kiyowooooo
exo_chanlove #8
Chapter 16: omoooo .. poor luhan T.T im here luhaen~~ haha xD
exo_chanlove #9
Chapter 15: Suho such a good take care of her ^^
exo_chanlove #10
Chapter 14: Its will be fun .. agree with suho .. ^^