First Day -- PART THREE

Red, White and Black
You turned to the cafeteria, which was big and crowded. Junhyung stood behind you, and you gasped as you heard him speak.

"This way, squirt," he smirked, and you had no choice but to follow him or else you'd have to stick with arrogant, annoying Lee Joon for lunch.

The table he led you to had six people sitting there-- 5 boys, and the same blond-haired girl you saw talking to Junhyung earlier. The boys looked excited, but the girl seemed indifferent and was suddenly interested in her nails.

"Hi! So you're hyung's new stepsister!" one of them greeted you. He was cute and sort of small, and you suddenly wondered why he was friends with a jerk like Junhyung. He waved at you. "I'm Yoseob!"

You smiled, probably the second time you did so, "I'm ~~~."

"We all know that," someone chuckled. This other guy looked tall and foreigner-looking. "I'm Dongwoon, by the way."

You nodded towards Dongwoon and turned to the next boy, who introduced himself as Hyunseung. A guy named Doojoon introduced himself next and you turned to the one sitting nearest to you, who wasn't at all speaking ever since you arrived. Yoseob sniggered.

"That's Kikwang. He's not usually like this," Doojoon chuckled, poking at Kikwang's arm, who blushed as finally, you sat next to him.

"Kikwang-ssi, are you okay?"

Kikwang turned to you and smiled softly, you smiled back, feeling your cheeks burn and turned away.

- - -

Your smile didn't fade 'til dismissal time came. You had met this girl named Soojin, who didn't show up 'til after lunch. Apparently, she was famous too, and she was Hyunseung's girlfriend. She sat on the vacant seat right next to you, making you sit in between her and Sanghyun.

She was nice, and by the end of the day, she'd been your friend along with Sanghyun.

The bell rang and you sprinted out to the gate and waited for the car.

Someone chuckled behind you. Junhyung.

"Will you please stop doing that?" you said desperately.

"Doing what?"

"Suddenly popping up when I don't expect you to!"

Junhyung chuckled again. "Right. Well, no one's picking us up, so you better start walking if you want to get home."


He smirked, turned and walked away.

"YA! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE! How am I supposed to know the way home???"

Junhyung shrugged, waved his hand airily. You fumed, and bumped into someone again as you turned. It was Kikwang.

"Uh, hi, Kikwang-ssi," you said, embarrassed, rubbing the back of your neck.

"Hey. Hm? Are you okay? You looked a bit angry just now," he said. You blushed and he chuckled. "Junhyung left didn't he."

"Yes. I don't know the way home."

"I can take you there, I go to your place with Junhyung all the time!" Kikwang said quiet cheerfully, and grabbed your hand, running along the sidewalk, wearing a smile you couldn't see.

- - -

YES! Done~ Really really busy with school. So maybe my next update will be.... Saturday. Or Sunday. Depends on how busy I will be this week.

@Beastly. Oppas! Kekeke, everyone from MBLAQ and BEAST are coming don't worry ;)

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AThirteen #2
hi beshie bahahaha
AThirteen #3
bump (4)
I like it... Update soon :)
:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O i just finished reading it ! AHHH ! im excited ! HAHA <br />
update soon please (:
xxakai #6
I'll just read this ending since I only approve junhyung (-_-)(_ _)(- _-)(_ _) <br />
<br />
Nice story >_<<br />
TunAngel #7
Accidentally_in_love #8
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw :3 <br />
"I've loved you from the very start"<br />
so cute <3
Woah, I was at the edge of my seat reading this fic >< I really want to find out what's happening next! LOL.<br />
Ahh, I haven't read a good fic in ages! Thankyou. :)<br />
I hope you update soon, looking forward to it! <3
Accidentally_in_love #10
~runs to save Mir-oppa~ <br />