
Big Girls Need Some Lovin' Too!

Ji Yeon's POV

Then he... started laughing in my face.

"Why are your eyes close? Did you think I actually was going to do something to you?" he said as he unpinned me and I got up, red from embarrassment.

"I hate you" I said and squinted my eyes at him as he continued to laugh. 

After I finished packing I said goodbye to my family and got in the Kwon's limo. I sat in the limo with Ji Yong as his Haelmonim sat in the front with the driver. As we were riding to Ji Yong's house no one said a word. I was staring out the window, trying not to make eye contact with Ji Yong. When we finally arrived at their home I hurried out the limo with my stuff. 

"This will be your room" one of the housekeepers said as she showed me where I would be staying. I thanked her and walked in. The room was huge, possibly larger then my whole house. I dropped my stuff on the floor and sat on the bed, it was extremely comfortable. I lied down in it to feel the comfortable mattress. 

"I see you like your room" I heard a voice say. It was Ji Yong's Haelmonim.

"Yes it's nice. Thank you for letting me stay in such a nice room"

"It's nothing. This house is so lonely since it's just me and Ji Yong"

"His parent's don't live here?"

"No. It's a long story I'm sure Ji Yong will tell you when he feels comfortable talking about it" she said then walked off. 

I knew what happened to his mother but what happened to his father? Why didn't he live here with them?I wonder what happened to him I guess it's a mystery until Ji Yong tells me, which might be never. I began to unpack my stuff and after I had finished one of the maids called me down to have dinner. 

I hesitated to have dinner with Ji Yong since he'll probably make fun of my weight like he usually does. I was the second to arrive at the table, Ji Yong's Haelmonim was there already, at the foot of the table.

"Ji Yong will be here in a moment he said he was going to bring a guest. We will have to wait for them until we can eat" she informed me. I nodded to show I  was alright with the fact that we had to wait to eat. Actually I was starving and wanted to eat now. I don't care about Ji Yong, or his guest whoever it might be. I painfully smelled the fragrance of wonderful food as they prepared it in the kitchen. I tried my hardest not to show my hunger on my face so, so every time Ji Yong's Haelmonim would look at me I would smile at her and she would smile back. Finally I heard the door open and Ji Yong was home and now we could eat. He walked in by himself.

"Where is your guest?"

"She went to go freshen up before she ate" he explained as he sat down next to his Haelmonim.

Who is she? His guest was a girl? Wait why do I care? Because why wouldn't I care? 

"You brought a girl as your guest knowing Ji Yeon was going to have dinner with us?"

"We're just friends Haelmonim, it's nothing serious" he said but I just knew by the way he looked at me after he said it that he had only done it to piss me off. The maid served us our plates and right as I was about to eat I stopped myself knowing we still had to wait for the guest.

"What's the matter Ji Yeon? Can't wait to stuff your face?" Ji Yong joked. I gave him a death glare. 

Finally I heard footsteps, this girl, whoever she was, had finally finished and we could now eat. To focused on my food I hadn't realized I was sitting next to Dara until I had finally looked up from eating. She ate small bites and then wiped after as I was taking big bites and then wiped my mouth. After I noticed she was Ji Yong's guest I began to lose my appetite so I pushed my plate away and excused myself from the table. I went up to my room and fell onto my bed and sighed,

"I thought he said she broke up with him, but I don't care.....who am I kidding of course I care"

I flipped over so now I was lying flat on my stomach, then my phone began to ring. I answered it to hear Seung Hyun's voice on the other end. I automatically sprung up hearing him say "Hi Ji Yeon it's me Seung Hyun"

"H-hi" I forced out, I was speechless.

"Are you busy?"

"Not at tall, I mean at all" 

Smooth Ji Yeon. Just smooth.

"Can you meet me somewhere?"

"Of course"

After Seung Hyun gave me the directions to meet up with him. I hurried to fix my hair and grabbed my coat. Before I left I let Haelmonim know I was leaving.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"To go meet a friend"

"Well be back by 9"

I looked at the clock and seen that was only an hour away. 

"Yes" I said not so happy with the time she gave me. I closed the door and was on my way.

It took me 30 minutes just to get to the place Seung Hyun wanted to meet up at. 

"Great not I only have half an hour" I said as I walked in. It was an ice cream shop. I seen Seung Hyun waiting at a table and went over and sat down. When he seen me he greeted me with a smile and I smiled back. I couldn't recall what he had said in the beginning of our conversation because I was focused on staring at him. I found myself repeatedly saying "Huh?" or "Mwo?". After I noticed that might look like whatever he was saying wasn't important I started to listen.

"The reason I asked you here was because I wanted to ask you something"


"I-" but before he could say it someone interrupted us.

"Hey Ji Yeon" said Ji Yong as he slid in to the seat next to me in the booth.

"Go away" I whispered to him then smiled and Seung Hyun.

"It's been past an hour and Haelmonim told me to come find you"

I looked at my watch and seen I had 10 minutes left. Ji Yong was lieing he just wanted to ruin my moment with Seung Hyun.

"We have to go" Ji Yong told Seung Hyun while he smirked at him, pulled me up out of the booth, and out of the ice cream shop.

"Your an " I said as I pulled away from his grip. He purposely left his car so we had to walk.

"You should be thanking me"

"Really now?"

"Yes really. He seems like a creep"

"You seem like a creep. How did you know where I was? Where you following me?"

"No I just happened to know"


Then he started walking closer to me. It was an awkward silence between us.

"Do you like that guy a lot?" he asked.

"Why does it matter?"

"I'm just trying to make conversation"

"Well if you must know I do as a matter of fact"

"What is so great about him?"

"What is so great about Dara?" I mumbled under my breath but he managed to hear me.

"What was that? Do I smell jealousy in the air?"

"Yep and it's coming from you"

"You wish. I am no where near jealous of that "

"Then why are you asking me if I like him or not?"

"I already told you, to make conversation"

"Whatever you say" 

Then our conversation/argument ended. My phone then began to ring, it was Seung Hyun. Ji Yong seemed to notice it was him too.

"Don't answer it" he said then looked away.

"Why not?"

He didn't answer. I was about to press the "Answer" button but Ji Yong said " Don't answer it!" and this time with sincerity. I ignored him and pressed the "Answer" button but before I could hold it up to my ear Ji Yong grabbed my wrists and pinned me up to a wall making me drop my phone.

"What are you doing?"

Instead of answering Ji Yong kissed me....ON THE LIPS! :3

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ChocolateDoll #1
I can tell this is going to be good. Reallllly good
Hatsumomo #2
Chapter 27: Very motivating story! I love your kind intentions and I am sure many girls who read this have their self confidence ! :) Although some scenes were a bit rushed imo , I liked this story all and enjoyed reading it all at once ! :) Upvote !
Aww. Cute :))
This was an awesome story! And I loved the whole theme of it! JuJuBeezz fighting!
Awww :)
Great story! I love it! :D
deemiiex #7
I luv this story ;3
waw i love it
very very love it
shiningirl #9
Hmm.. Very sweet story :D