
Big Girls Need Some Lovin' Too!

Jiyong's POV

I quietly opened my door to follow Jiyeon and her friend to Jiyeon's room. Luckily the kept the door open. The person that was with Jiyeon was the girl I helped at the mall earlier. I hope she doesn't tell Jiyeon what happened, she might get the wrong idea and think I like her or something, which I don't!

"Guess what happened to me at the mall today?" her friend said. Damn she was going to tell her.


"Jiyong stood up to Mi Hyun for me"

"Mwo? Impossible, he's a heartless bastard"

"Well maybe to you, but today I seen Mi Hyun in the mall and she seen me and her boyfriend-"

"You mean that college student that's like five years older then us?"

"Mhm, anyway she seen me with him and she got mad and threw ice cream in my face and Jiyong came and yelled at her, really loud!"


"Mhm, then he helped me get the ice cream out my face and told me to "keep smiling""

"I find that hard to believe, and why were you with that guy anyway?"

"Never mind that, I think he likes me"

Jiyeon's POV

Jiyong standing up for Ji Eun? Does he like her? Why does he like 

"Do you still like him Jiyeon?"

"Nah I got over him" I lied. 

"Well I have to go, my Umma gets mad when I get home late. See you tomorrow at school. Bye!" she said and left my room and out the door in a flash. 

"Does he like her?" I said to myself. "I'm about to go find out!" 

I stormed down to Jiyong's room. He had his light off.

"Damn he's sleeping. I'll get to the bottom of this tomorrow.

The next morning, I got ready for school early so I could ask Jiyong about Ji Eun, but he was already gone.

"Where did he go?" I said looking around in his room, "He must be at school already" 

I hurried to school because this Jiyong, Ji Eun thing kept bugging me, I didn't know why but I needed to know if he liked her or not. When I got to school I didn't see Jiyong all day. 

"Did he even come to school?" I said as I looked at the crowd of people walking out of school, scanning them as the came out to see if Jiyong came out. After everyone left and there was no sign of Jiyong I gave up the search for him and started walking back to his house. 

"Ji Yeon!" I heard someone yell me name, I turned to see Seung Hyun on his motorcycle. I walked over to him, happy to see him.

"You need a ride home?"

"That would be nice" I said with a smile. He handed me a helmet and I got on and wrapped my arms around his waist. While riding to my house I couldn't help but notice Seung Hyun was so warm. When we stopped I hesitated to let go but unfortunately I did.

"Thanks for the ride" I said handing him his helmet back.

"Are you doing anything tomorrow?" he asked.

"Not that I know of"

"Well my birthday is tomorrow and I'm having a party, would you want to come?"

"Of course!". Seung Hyun invited me to his party, how exciting!

"Great. It's at six, you don't have to bring me a present. Just you being there will be my present" he said with a smile. When he says things like that how can I not fall for him.

"How old are you turning?" I said with blushing cheeks.


"Omo I thought you we're older then that"

"I get that a lot" he said, I could see flattery on his face.

"Well I'll be there for sure"

"You promise?"

"I promise"

"Alright then. See ya then, bye!"

"Bye" I said, then he put his helmet on and drove off. I giggled to myself as I turned around and headed towards the door. When I opened it I was greeted by Jiyong standing there with his arms cross.

"That's like the hundredth time I seen you with that guy, do you have an explanation this time?" he said like he was my father or something.

"I don't have to explain anything to you"

"You do if your living in this house" he said blocking me from going upstairs.

"He invited me to his birthday party"

"He's having a birthday party? That's for little kids"

"Well if it's for little kids or not, he invited me and I'm going"

"Not without me"

"You are not coming with me"

"Yes I am"

"No you're not!"

"He lives far, won't you need a ride?"

I thought about it for a minute. He did live pretty far and if I walked I would be aggravated since my feet probably would hurt.

"Fine, you can come"

"That's what I thought" he said as he let me pass.

The next day I hurried home from school so I could get ready for Seung Hyun's party, I had to look my absolute best. After I finished getting ready it was almost time to go, it had been 5:50 already. Since I was ready I went to see if Jiyong was ready.

"Are you ready?" I asked as I walked in his room but he wasn't there. Then I heard voices downstairs. I walked downstairs to see Jiyong letting Dara in.

"Oh Jiyeon I forgot to tell you, Sandara is going with us"

"No she is not!" I said in my mind, "Great the more the merrier" I said with a forced smile. I looked at her and I had to admit she looked amazing. Great now when we walk in all the guys would be staring at her.

"It's 6:10, should we be going?" Jiyong asked.

"I guess" I said.

As we were riding in the car, all I heard was Dara giggling at Jiyong's jokes. They both were smiling at each other and were just having a damn good time. Since Jiyong decided to annoy me about Seung Hyun I was going to meddle in his relationship with Dara.

"I thought you two broke up?" I said, they both immediately stopped smiling.

"Well actually I meant to talk to you about that Jiyong, but in private" Dara said. I smirked to myself, happy I made their smiles go away.

Before it got any more awkward in the car we had reached Seung Hyun's house. I got out first as Jiyong got out and held the door open for Dara. I scoffed and walked into the building, wanting to hurry to the elevator so I could go up by myself. When I got to the elevator it seemed like a century for it to come, I was awkwardly standing there as Jiyong and Dara had a conversation about their stupid relationship, thinking I couldn't hear it. When it finally came I sprinted in and pushed the button hoping it would close in their faced but like the elevator, the doors took forever to close, giving them enough time to walk in. I stood on the opposite side of them and watched as the doors opened and closed as we reached each floor. When we finally reached Seung Hyun's floor I was relieved to get out. We all walked over to his door and I rang the doorbell. I smiled, so when he answered he wouldn't see my annoyance from Jiyong and Dara. 

"Hi Ji Yeon.." he looked over at Jiyong and Dara.

"I see you brought guests..." he said smiling at them.

"They were my ride" I explained.

"Well actually I was going to take you to see a movie, then out to eat, just the two of us. I wanted to ask you something"

Aw how sweet. We we're going on our first date.

"Well I guess it's going to be all four of us then" Jiyong said, he smirked.

"I hate you so much!" I mouthed at him as I squinted my eyes.

"I guess that's cool too" Seung Hyun said rubbing the back of his neck as he came out of his apartment and locked it. We all waited for the elevator but as usual it was taking forever. 

"Shall we take the stairs?" Seung Hyun whispered in my ear.

I nodded, I just wanted to be away from these two. As Seung Hyun and I were walking down the stairs Seung Hyun suddenly stopped me.

"Do you like that guy?" he asked.

"No of course not"

"If you do it's alright"

"No I don't really"

"Alright. I was just wondering" he smiled and we continued walking down the stairs. When we finally reached outside Jiyong and Dara were already there.

"Smart move taking the stairs" Jiyong said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

"So are we taking my car or your's?" Seung Hyun asked Jiyong.

"Let's take mine. It probably goes faster then yours" he said with a smile but wanted to insult Seung Hyun. Not caring about his insult Seung Hyun agreed and we all got in. I sat in the back with Seung Hyun as he and Dara sat in the front. We all talked amount ourselves until we finally reached the movie theater. 

"Which movie should we see?" I asked Seung Hyun.

"How about that one" Jiyong said pointing to a movie.

"I wasn't asking you" I pointed out

"I don't mind seeing that one" said Seung Hyun.

"I guess it's alright" I agreed.

"It's whatever to me" said Dara.

We all bought tickets which were unfortunately next to Jiyong and Dara. We all walked in and sat in our seats and waited for the movie to start. As we were watching the movie, I glanced over at Jiyong and Dara and then quickly looked back at the screen. I kept doing it, but only when Seung Hyun didn't notice. After my last glance I got caught by Jiyong who smirked at me.

"Bastard" I said in my head. Then in the middle of the movie I couldn't help but notice Jiyong and Dara started kissing. I tried to act like I didn't care but after a few minutes it began to drive me crazy. I got up with out saying a word and headed out the door. I knew Seung Hyun was looking forward to our date, as was I, but leave it to Jiyong to ruin it. As I was approaching the exit I felt someone grab my wrist, it was Seung Hyun.

"Don't let him bother you" he told me, knowing the reason I had gotten up and stormed out.

"He's such a bastard. I hate him!"

"No you don't. I can tell by the way you kept glancing at him you like him"

"No I don't"

He looked at me as if he knew I was lying.

"Ok maybe a little"

"I understand. I guess our date can't go on"

"I'm sorry"

"It's alright. I should be the one sorry. I should have taken you away the first time I seen you with him and claim you as mine" he said with a smile. I smiled back at him.

"We can still be friend though right?" he asked.

"Of course we can"

"Good" he said, then he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. Before he could straighten back up Jiyong came out of nowhere and pushed him.

"What's your problem?" I said pushing him.

"I already seen him kiss you once, I defiantly didn't like seeing it twice"

"Why does it matter? Don't you have a girlfriend?!"

At that time Dara had came out.

"She's not really my girlfriend, I only brought her to make you jealous! She cheated on me why would I go back to her?!" I seen rage come across his face.

"She cheated on you?" I felt a little bad.

"Yeah" he said lowering his voice. By that time Seung Hyun was about to exit and noticed I was looking at him and waved with a smile. I smiled and waved back and he left. 

"Why were you trying to make me jealous?"

"Because.." he didn't answer.

Then Dara came up to us.

"Yeah why were you using me to get her jealous?"

Now everyone was paying attention to us.

Jiyong noticed everyone's eyes on us too. He grabbed my wrist and led me out of the movie theater, leaving Dara behind. She scoffed and stood there with her arms crossed. Oh well she could find a way home.

"Let's just go home" Jiyong said as he walked over and opened the door, he got in and I got in after him. 

"Wait" I said holding my hand out, covering the button to start the car.

"Answer the question before we go anywhere"

Jiyong stayed quiet for a while.

"Fine, I wanted to make you jealous because I was jealous of you and Seung Hyun"

"Why were you jealous?"

"Isn't it obvious? I like you Ji Yeon!"

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ChocolateDoll #1
I can tell this is going to be good. Reallllly good
Hatsumomo #2
Chapter 27: Very motivating story! I love your kind intentions and I am sure many girls who read this have their self confidence ! :) Although some scenes were a bit rushed imo , I liked this story all and enjoyed reading it all at once ! :) Upvote !
Aww. Cute :))
This was an awesome story! And I loved the whole theme of it! JuJuBeezz fighting!
Awww :)
Great story! I love it! :D
deemiiex #7
I luv this story ;3
waw i love it
very very love it
shiningirl #9
Hmm.. Very sweet story :D