Flanting and wanting!

Big Girls Need Some Lovin' Too!

Jiyeon's POV

Once we got to the ramyun shop, Youngbae sent me a text saying "Part 2: Unhygienic >:D", not really knowing how to be unhygienic I asked him for help. I was informed to burping, wiping my mouth with my hand, and coughing and sneezing without covering my mouth is really unhygienic.

When we ordered our ramyun Jiyong tried to make small talk. All throughout our conversation I would cut him off or yawn, starting the bad manners part of the plan. Our ramyun arrived shortly after, I picked up my chopsticks and slurped my noodles down, then repeatedly wiped my mouth with my hand.

"Do you want a napkin?" he gave me a disgusted look.

"No, my hands jus-jus- *cue fake sneeze*

"Bless you" he said, keeping the disgusted expression on his face.

"Thanks, I wiped my nose with the same hand I was wiping my mouth with, even though I didn't actually have snot.

I continued to be absolutely disgusting, I could tell I was preventing Jiyong from eating. After I finished he just pushed his ramyun away and said he wasn't that hungry anyway. We paid and left, once we got back to the apartment, Jiyong asked me if I wanted to go somewhere tomorrow to get my mind off of Youngbae. I agreed, but was completely dumbfounded by the way he still wanted to be around me after how gross I was being.

"What do I do? He still wants me to go on a date with him?" I asked Youngbae.

"I have a plan for that" 

~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~

"What is that?" I asked Youngbae.

"Your outfit for your date"

It was literally an inch of clothing, supposedly a "dress".

"That's an outfit for a tramp!" I argued.

"Yes, but it will get you a lot of attention and remember Jiyong doesn't like girls who want a lot of attention"

"But I don't want that kind of attention"

"How else are you going to get it then?"

I was silent for a moment.

"Ugh fine!" I grabbed the short dress, and dragged my feet to my bedroom. When I put it on, everything was on display, I put a cardigan over it since it was strapless, and pulled it down with all my might which made it stretch a little further down, and pushed all my hair to the front to somewhat cover my chest. It still screamed for attention but not begging for it like before. 

When I finished dressing, Youngbae made a face since I made some alterations to the dress.

"It'll have to do" he said, then the doorbell rang, he quickly hid behind the door as I began to open it.

"You look amazing" he said as he looked me up and down. 

"Thanks" I said as we headed out. 

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Where do you want to go?" he said as we got in his car.

"Anywhere is fine"

We drove out of the parking lot, and I felt the sun blaze it's hot heat onto my revealed thighs, it burned like a . I tried to pull the dress further down but it wouldn't go and we weren't heading into shade anytime soon. I sighed and had no choice but to take my cardigan off and cover my things since the pain was unbearable. Once I did so, Jiyong's eyes immediately went my way, but I looked out the window as if I didn't notice. 

"Are we almost there?" I asked Jiyong, it was getting stuffy in his car

"Yeah almost" he answered.

I waved my hand to cool myself off since his A.C was broken. 

"You want my to roll the window down?"

"Yes please"

Once the window was down, my hair blew back and now what I was trying to cover was fully exposed, now Jiyong's full attention was on me, I just smirked and continued to look out the window.

Finally we had stopped and I seen we were at a Itaewon. It was really crowded since it was the weekend. 

"Where to?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter"

"It's pretty crowded, let's just walk around for a minute" he suggested. 

As we were walking around, multiple guys were staring me down and Jiyong certainly noticed. Just for a laugh, I would wink at some guys and their faces would glow.

"You want some ice cream?" Jiyong asked, I nodded. After the vendor gave me my ice cream, he told Jiyong he didn't have to pay.

"Thanks" he was kinda old so it creeped me out but I pretended like it didn't.

"I can't believe you" Jiyong said under his breath.

"Can't believe what?"

"Why are you dressed like that? So guys give you attention. I understand you're heartbroken but you don't have to dress like some "

"It's hot, and why does it matter it guys are looking at me? Is it bothering you? It shouldn't considering you're not my boyfriend or anything!"

He just stared at me for a long time and turned and went back towards his car.

"How am I suppose to get home?" I yelled after him.

"I'm sure some bastard will give you a ride home!" he shouted back at me


Then Youngbae came out from nowhere, "Good work, not I'm sure he's not going to bother you again" he said with a thumbs up. 

"Yeah" I felt kind of bad though.

We took his car back home and when I got to my floor, I seen from afar Jiyong was waiting for me at my apartment. 

"I'll just got the long way" Youngbae said after he seen Jiyong as well. When I walked up to my apartment Jiyong looked up at me, but he didn't say anything.

"Is there a reason why you're standing outside of my apartment?"  I asked, breaking the silence.

"I was going to keep acting like I didn't know but I can't keep going on like this" he said.

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"Why did you go through all that trouble?"


"My words were really that terrible?"

"What the heck are you talking you?! 

"I know it's you Jiyeon! I've known since we switched phones!" 

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ChocolateDoll #1
I can tell this is going to be good. Reallllly good
Hatsumomo #2
Chapter 27: Very motivating story! I love your kind intentions and I am sure many girls who read this have their self confidence back.now ! :) Although some scenes were a bit rushed imo , I liked this story all.in all and enjoyed reading it all at once ! :) Upvote from.me !
Aww. Cute :))
This was an awesome story! And I loved the whole theme of it! JuJuBeezz fighting!
Awww :)
Great story! I love it! :D
deemiiex #7
I luv this story ;3
waw i love it
very very love it
shiningirl #9
Hmm.. Very sweet story :D