Terrible Lier

Big Girls Need Some Lovin' Too!

Jiyeon's POV

"Here you go" Jiyong said as he handed me back my clothes, I took them and then he handed me my phone.

"I'll be back with your phone" I said, then left his apartment. When I went downstairs to mine I seen Youngbae waiting for me.

"Where have you been?" he asked like a worried mother.

"I was out, getting stuff"

He looked at my outfit then and the clothes I had in my hands.

"Why are you wearing that and whose clothes are those?"

"These are my...uh...pajamas and these are some clothes I'm about to wash because I got them dirty"

He gave me a weird look so I went into my apartment, but he followed me in. I grabbed Jiyong's phone and tried to head back to the door, but Youngbae stepped in front of me.

"Where are you going now?"

"Nowhere I was just going to lock the door"

I walked over and pretended to lock the door since his eyes were glued on to me, then I dashed out.

"Yah Jiyeon!" he started coming after me.

When I got to the elevator I quickly tried to close it but it seemed like it was on Youngbae's side since it barely started closing when he got in.

"Where are you going and why don't you want me to know?"

"I'm going out for a walk to clear my thoughts and I didn't want you to come because I want some Jiyeon time"

"If you're going for a walk then why did you press the fifth floor instead of the lobby?"

"Fine you caught me! I'm going to Jiyongs!"


"We accidently switched cell phones so I have to give it back to him"

"Is that who you were with dressed like that too?"

I nodded.

He eyed me again as the doors opened to the fifth floor.

"Are you falling for him again?" he asked while we walked down the hall.

"Of course not"

"You sure?"


When we reached Jiyong's door, Youngbae didn't hesitate to ring the doorbell.

"Why did you come?"

"I want to see why you liked a guy like him"

"Fine, but don't call me Jiyeon when we're around him, call me Sujin"

"Got it"

When Jiyong opened the door, he smiled at me, then looked over at Youngbae baffled. Before anything could happen I quickly handed him his phone then turned to go back to the elevators.

"Wait" I heard him call out.

We both turned back.

"Is he your boyfriend?" he asked pointing to Youngbae.

"Yeah I am!" he answered and grabbed my hand.

"I see" he simply said and closed the door.

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ChocolateDoll #1
I can tell this is going to be good. Reallllly good
Hatsumomo #2
Chapter 27: Very motivating story! I love your kind intentions and I am sure many girls who read this have their self confidence back.now ! :) Although some scenes were a bit rushed imo , I liked this story all.in all and enjoyed reading it all at once ! :) Upvote from.me !
Aww. Cute :))
This was an awesome story! And I loved the whole theme of it! JuJuBeezz fighting!
Awww :)
Great story! I love it! :D
deemiiex #7
I luv this story ;3
waw i love it
very very love it
shiningirl #9
Hmm.. Very sweet story :D