Get it? Got it. Good

Big Girls Need Some Lovin' Too!

Ji Yeon's POV

"C-cover your eyes" Seung Hyun said awkwardly. I hurried and put my hands over my eyes and turned to leave but ran into the door and fell to the ground.

"Are you alright?" he asked after he put on a towel and was now looking down at me on the ground.

"Yeah", I said rubbing my backside, then he helped me up. We both awkwardly looked at each other and then I turned around, made sure the door was open this time, and left closing the door behind me.

"How embarrasing.." I said to myself.

After our encounter I started looking for my clothes, but didn't find them.

"Looking for something?" Seung Hyun asked me as I was looking under his bed.

"No!" I said startled, hitting my head on the frame.

"Sorry.." he said. I got from under his bed and straightened my clothes.

"It's alright"

I seen he was dressed, now I could have a less awkward conversation with him.

"Are you looking for your clothes?"

I nodded.

"I washed them because they smelled like strong alcohol"

"Thanks" I smiled a little.

"They should be dry. I'll go check, don't go anywhere" he smiled then walked off.

I smiled, he was so nice, nicer then Ji Yong. How I hate him!

"They're still a little wet but I'm sure they'll be dry in-", the doorbell interrupted him. He went to go answer it and who was standing there made my happy mood go away.

"Ji Yeon, I've been looking everywhere for you" said Ji Yong as he walked in and gave me the most fake smile I had ever seen.

"How did you find me?"

"I have ways of knowing" he whispered in my ear then smirked, then he looked me up and down, then back at Seung Hyun.

"I hope you two weren't doing what I think you were doing?" he said to Seung Hyun then turned back to me, "We're leaving" then he grabbed my wrist and began to pull me towards the door.

"Wait I need my clothes"

"To bad" he said as he managed to pull me all the way out of the door.

"Bye Seung-"

"Creep!" Ji Yong interrupted before I could finish and closed the door after us.

"Yah let me go!" I yelled as he pulled me towards the elevator in the apartment building, but he didn't let go, instead he tightened his grip. He finally let go when we got in the elevator and the doors closed.

"Why did you-" I began to ask.

"Don't talk!" he shouted at me.

"Mwo? Who are you raising your voice at?"

"You, I only raise my voice to ty girls"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me! Your a ! Nice girl haelmonim says, nice girl my !"

"You don't even know what happened!"

"I know enough"

Before I could respond the doors opened, Ji Yong took off his jacket and threw it at me, "Cover yourself!"

As we were walking out to his car, he got in the car first and I waited for him to unlock my door, instead he started the car. I started tapping the window.

"Let me in!" I yelled loud enough for him to hear me from the inside.

"Walk" he mouthed, smiled, then drove off.

"That bastard!" I said as I watched the car zoom away. I started walking towards my house, I couldn't go back up to Seung Hyun's apartment after Ji Yong embarrassed me like that.

After finally reaching my middle class home, my feet were killing me. Ready to go in and rest, I forgot my clothes and bag had been at Seung Hyun's and I had no way into my house. I had no idea if anyone was home or if anyone had been awake. I circled my house, struggling to hop the little fence we had that led to our backyard. After face palming into the grass and scraping my knee, I finally made it to out backdoor. Unfortunately it was locked. I looked up to see my window right above it and I knew it was open. I looked around to find something to stand on so I could reach it. I grabbed a lawn chair and put it right underneath my window. I stepped on it but it wasn't high enough for me to reach my window. So I put my foot on the top of the chair and jumped, I reached with all my might and now was hanging from the rim of my window, my feet dangling.

"Honey?" I heard my mother call up to me in confusion. I looked down to see no one other then Ji Yong standing next to her.

"You have a....guest.." she said as she analyzed my situation.

"Help me down"


"I don't know"

"Just let go"

"Yeah let go I'll catch you" said Ji Yong with a smirk.

"I don't trust you"

"You can trust me"

"Trust him honey" said my mother, "Let go"

Listening I slowly let go and fell to the ground, now my hurt.

"Thanks for catching me"

"I tried my hardest"

"It's alright you didn't know where she was going to land" said my mother, smiling at Ji Yong.

"Where's your clothes?"

"At Seung Hyun's house"

"Who is that?"

"The boy that did the nasty with Ji Yeon"

My mother looked at me with a shocked expression.

"He's lying, we didn't do that!" I said waving my hands in the air.

"Then what did happen?"

"Nothing my clothes smelled like alcohol and-"



"Wait I drank because-"

"No excuses, get upstairs and go put some clothes on"

As I was walking inside I heard Ji Yong say "I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend but she just hurt me so bad" he said with a fake pity voice, he sure could act couldn't he.

"Poor you, here come inside I'll make you some cookies" I heard my mother.

I slammed my door once I got up to my room. I knew he was a bastard but I didn't know he would be so much of a bastard as to tell my mother I did the "nasty" with someone.

"I hate him so much!" I shouted as I fell back into my bed.

After I put on some clothes I walked downstairs to see Umma and Ji Yong laughing.

"Ji Yeon, Ji Yong is such a nice boy, he told me he was the boy you went on that blind date with. How lucky are you to be dating him" she said then smiled at Ji Yong.

"Yeah if lucky is what you want to call it" I said sitting at the table with them, crossing my arms and glaring at Ji Yong who was smiling back at me but his eyes were glaring right back at me.

"Well I'm sorry Mrs Lee but I have to be going, I'm going to the orphanage to read to the children"

"You read to orphans too? Such a kind soul" my mother said, believing his lies.

"Will you walk me out Ji Yeon?" he said with a pleading smile that made him look like an idiot.


"Ji Yeon" my mother said in a tone as if I was being rude.


After I closed the door behind us Ji Yong's kindness went away.

"Look here, haelmonim wants me to date you so to her and your mother we are, but between me and you I'm dating Dara. And even we aren't technically dating you can't just go around sleeping with random men"

"I wasn't-"

"Don't interrupt me, if you do it again, I'll make your life hell or even worse, got that?"

"Don't threaten me"

"Got it?" he asked again, then he put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in closer, my heart started to beat faster.

"Do you got it? Yes or no?" he asked then he pressed his thumb and middle finger against the sides of my neck, and it started to hurt.

"Ow, alright I got it!" I said then he let go.

"Good" he smirked then got in his car and drove away. 

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ChocolateDoll #1
I can tell this is going to be good. Reallllly good
Hatsumomo #2
Chapter 27: Very motivating story! I love your kind intentions and I am sure many girls who read this have their self confidence ! :) Although some scenes were a bit rushed imo , I liked this story all and enjoyed reading it all at once ! :) Upvote !
Aww. Cute :))
This was an awesome story! And I loved the whole theme of it! JuJuBeezz fighting!
Awww :)
Great story! I love it! :D
deemiiex #7
I luv this story ;3
waw i love it
very very love it
shiningirl #9
Hmm.. Very sweet story :D