To the rescue

Big Girls Need Some Lovin' Too!

Ji Yeon's POV

I quietly sat in the back of Ji Yong's car staring out the window. Then we suddenly stopped out of nowhere and I flew forward in my seat.

"What the hell?" I said

"Get in the front. I feel lonely"

"You almost gave me whiplash because you want me to sit in the front with you?"

He nodded as if it was normal. I sighed got out slammed the door close then got in the front and slammed the door again.

"Easy on my car, she has done nothing to you"

I ignored his comment and he continued to drive. I seen it was getting late and we weren't going the direction of my house.

"Where are we going?"

"Be quiet and enjoy the damn ride" he barked.

I sat in the car in complete silence then decided to turn the radio on since it seemed like we were driving to nowhere and to break the silence. The radio played a song about the artist being in love and Ji Yong immediately turned it off.

"I was listening to that" I whined.

"I hate them love songs" he said. (A/N get it? :D)


"I just do"

Then I seen his expression become very sad.

I sighed knowing I knew it would make him feel better if he talked about it.

"Would you like to tell me what's bothering you?" I said

"No you don't care anyways"

"I don't but-"

"Well if your going to harass me I'll tell you" he said cutting me off.

"Dara broke up with me" he said in a sad tone.

"I'm sorry" I didn't like the anyway.

I slowly reached over and patted Ji Yong on the shoulder. Even though he was an complete to me it was nice seeing he had a different side. He looked at me when I patted his shoulder and I quickly stopped and took my hand back.

He smiled then looked back at the road. 

"You could be my girlfriend...." he began to say and I started turning red from the flattery.

"But you too fat"

My flattery turned to anger.

"Your an , I was being nice to you and you say some rude stuff like that. No wonder she broke up with your !" I said. Then he abruptly stopped the car again.

"Don't even play like that" he said in a serious tone.

"Who said I was playing?" I said crossing my arms.

"Get the f**k out my car"

"But you stopped in the middle of nowhere"

"I don't care, get the f**k out my car!" he yelled.

"Whatever" I said as I got out and slammed the car door and he drove off. I started walking towards my house which was like 40 miles away.

It was cold and the last time I checked my phone it was 11:53 pm. As I was walking down the streets I sensed someone following me. I looked back and seen no one was there. I turned back around and started walking faster. I began to hear footsteps getting closer and closer. I panicked and started to run but was stopped by two men.

"Move out my way" I said acting as if I wasn't scared.

"Your cute.." one of them said, "..and chunky. Just like I like'em" he whispered in my ear.

"Get away from me creep" I said then turned to see the one that was following me.

"What do you guys want?" I asked now showing I was scared.

"I think you know" one said and started playing with my hair.

"Get away from her!" a voice yelled. I was surprise to see who had said it.

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ChocolateDoll #1
I can tell this is going to be good. Reallllly good
Hatsumomo #2
Chapter 27: Very motivating story! I love your kind intentions and I am sure many girls who read this have their self confidence ! :) Although some scenes were a bit rushed imo , I liked this story all and enjoyed reading it all at once ! :) Upvote !
Aww. Cute :))
This was an awesome story! And I loved the whole theme of it! JuJuBeezz fighting!
Awww :)
Great story! I love it! :D
deemiiex #7
I luv this story ;3
waw i love it
very very love it
shiningirl #9
Hmm.. Very sweet story :D