Big Girls Need Some Lovin' Too!

Ji Yeon's POV

"Telling me what to do, I'll do whatever I want! He isn't the boss of me" I mumbled under my breath as we were eating dinner.

"Something bothering you?" my mother asked.

"Huh? No just fine" I lied.

I hurried and ate my food then excused myself. I was upset but not so upset I couldn't eat.

"He thinks I'm his toy or something? Well I sure the hell am not" I said as I walked into my room and closed the door. As I was about to call Ji Eun and tell her what had happened I noticed I left my phone at Seung Hyun's.

"Forget his stupid rule! I'm going to get my phone" I said as I got dressed and headed to Seung Hyun's house. When I arrived my anger towards Ji Yong faded away when I seen Seung Hyun's smile. 

"You came back to get your things right?" he said as he held his hand out for me to come in.


"I kept them safe" he said as he handed me my clothes and bag.

"Thank you"

"No problem, by the way, who is that guy?"

"Don't worry about him. Just like I told you he's just a bastard"

"Good so he isn't your boyfriend?"

"No I'm single"

"You are? Well I might have to take that into consideration" he said and smiled at me as we walked towards the door.

"Thanks again" I said as I stood on the outside of his door.

"Your welcome, and you feel free to come back anytime" he said then waved.

"I will" I said waving back then headed to the elevator. I smiled when I got inside. I don't care what Ji Yong said, I can see Seung Hyun whenever I felt like it. He treated me better then he does. As I was walking out of his apartment, I couldn't stop smiling. Even when I reached my house I was still smiling. 

"I'm home" I said in a better mood.

"Someone seems happy" said my mother as she was washing the dishes from dinner.

"I am happy"

"Well that's good. It's better then you being mad like you were earlier"

"I suppose"

"Oh while you were out, Ji Yong, what a lovely boy, dropped something off for you. I put it in your room"

I hurried to my room and seen a box lying on my bed. I knew if anything, Ji Yong would be the person to make me stop smiling. I opened the package to see a whole bunch of exercise equipment and weight-loss food menus. A note was in side also, it read: "Lose weight, I don't like fatties! :P"

"I can't believe this bastard sent me exercise equipment and called me fat! What kind of person does cruel things like that?!" I said, putting the box next to the trash outside. The next morning as I headed to school I looked at the box and got even more angrier the second time I looked at it. As I was on the bus I stared at my phone and thought about what Seung Hyun had said and smiled again. He was like the prince from fairytales. Drifting off into my imagination the bus stopped across the street from my school and I got off. As I was walking across the street Ji Yong stopped right in front of me and smirked. I just rolled my eyes and walked around his car.

During class all I could think of is that box Ji Yong sent me. It made me so angry I snapped at the student next to me that was just going to ask me for a pencil. 

"I need to get over it before I snap at the wrong person" I said as I walked out of class. I looked down at my phone to see the text message that had my phone buzzing all period.

"Who is this?" I said then I bumped into someone.

"Oh my bad" I said but instantly wanted to take it back after I seen it was Dara. 

"I didn't know you and GD went to the same school"

"Who is GD?"

"Oh I mean Ji Yong. My bad I call him GD short for G-Dragon"

"Yeah we go to the same school"

"How cute" she said pinching my chubby cheeks. " don't touch me", is what I wanted to say but I kept it to myself as she walked away.

As I walked down the halls by myself since Ji Eun hadn't come to school, I heard girls snickering behind me, as usual. I hated this school but it was either this school or an all girls school and that would be even more torture. I usually ate off campus so I wouldn't have to hear girls rude remarks about me eating and my weight, but today I had no money since I forgot my wallet. I sat at a empty lunch table, starving.

After lunch was over I finished my last classes and it was finally time to go home, I could hear my stomach growl as I walked home since I only had enough money in my pocket for a bus ride to school. Approaching my home a familiar car appeared next to me. 

"You must be exhausted from all that walking" Ji Yong joked as he slowly drove beside me.

"Since I'm so nice how about I drive you the rest of the way since they are like miles away in your point of view" he said the laughed, these jokes weren't funny at all.

"Ji Yeon just get in the damn car, my halmeonim wants to see you!" he shouted. I stopped to think about it. Even though he was evil his grandmother was sweet.

"Fine! Stop raising your voice at me!" I said as I got in the back and slammed the door.

"Why don't you get in the front?" he asked looking back at me from the rear view mirror.

"Because I don't want to be near you" 

He smirked then focused back on the road. We finally reached his house and I quickly got out of the car and walked up to the door as he followed behind.

"Lose the attitude and pretend we're a happy couple"

"I don't see how that is possible if your such a bastard" I replied. We were quietly arguing until the maid answered the door and Ji Yong and I smiled as if we were never fighting. We walked in and bowed to Ji Yong's halmeonim and sat down. She smiled at me.

"How have you been Ji Yeon?"

"I'm fine"

"Are you two getting along well?"

"Yes we are" I lied and looked at Ji Yong with a smile on my face but hate in my eyes.

"That's good to hear"

"Halmeonim may I ask why you called us here?"

"I just wanted to see you" she said and smiled. She was obviously up to something.

"Well then I guess we should get going" Ji Yong said.

"Wait, not so soon, lets talk so more"

"I wish I could but I need to get home before my mother worries" I lied, she probably didn't even notice I wasn't home yet.

"But..." she said then looked over at one of the maids. 

"You can go if you need to" she said and smiled. We got up and headed to the door. 

"Why was she acting so strange?" I said to Ji Yong.

"I don't' know she's old" she said as he got in the car. I glanced back at their house once more before I got in the car. 


"Are they all in place?" Ji Yong's grandmother asked the maid from before.

"Yes they have placed the camera's in Ji Yong's car"

"What about Ji Yeon's house?"

"They are working on it, they said Ji Yeon's mother won't answer the door. 

---At Ji Yeon's house----

"Umma what are-" Jin Sang, Ji Yeon's little brother, asked before his mother cut him off.

"Shh Jin Sang, the FBI is at our door" she said as she peeped at them through the window.

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ChocolateDoll #1
I can tell this is going to be good. Reallllly good
Hatsumomo #2
Chapter 27: Very motivating story! I love your kind intentions and I am sure many girls who read this have their self confidence back.now ! :) Although some scenes were a bit rushed imo , I liked this story all.in all and enjoyed reading it all at once ! :) Upvote from.me !
Aww. Cute :))
This was an awesome story! And I loved the whole theme of it! JuJuBeezz fighting!
Awww :)
Great story! I love it! :D
deemiiex #7
I luv this story ;3
waw i love it
very very love it
shiningirl #9
Hmm.. Very sweet story :D