Rejection leads to redemption

Big Girls Need Some Lovin' Too!

Jiyeon's POV

"Umma, Appa, can I go to my friends graduation party?" I asked as we were all walking towards the car.

"Right now?" Umma asked.


"I thought we were all going out to eat?"

"We can do that when it's over, I'm sure it won't be that long" I lied.

"Well I guess" Appa replied. 

"Thanks!" I hugged them all and went to go find Jiyong. 

Jiyong's POV

"Haelmonim, I'm going to a friends for a while, I'll be home later" I told her.

"Alright, but hurry home, I have a surprise for you" she said as she was getting in the town car,

"Okay I will" I said as I closed the door for her, I waved to her as she drove off, then went to go find Jiyeon.

Jiyeon's POV

Since I couldn't find Jiyong in the crowd I decided to just wait by his car in the parking lot, he would eventually have to come here. After I waited for what seemed like forever, I finally spotted Jiyong and called him over. He hurried to the car and we both got in. When we arrived at CL's house, we parked across the street. For some reason, it seemed like Jiyong was nervous about something.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, he was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he kept looking at everyone go into the house.

"No, nothing at all"

"Then why aren't we going in"

I looked at the house and seen the two guys from before standing there, it looked as if they were waiting for someone, perhaps Jiyong.

"Lets go then, but try to keep a low profile"


"Because we don't want to attract a lot of attention, at parties like this you don't want to have a lot of attention, it's not cool" he informed me.

"Oh, I got you" 

We got out the car and made our way over to her house, then the two guys approached us. They whispered something to Jiyong but he looked like he was not amused, 

"Lets go inside" he said with a angry expression, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside. I looked back at the guys and they were laughing, I don't know why but I had a strange feeling about them. When we got inside Jiyong walked me over to a couch and told me to wait there and that he'll be back, he was going to get us something to drink. I watched him walk away then began to look around the house from where I was standing. It was a nice house, almost as nice as Jiyong's. After admiring the house two girls came over to me.

"Who are you?" one asked in a rude tone.

"Lee Jiyeon"

"Who did you come with?"


They looked at each other then began to laugh.

"You came hit him? Yeah right, tell the truth. Who did you come with?"

"I am telling the truth. I came with Jiyong"

"Excuse us for a moment" they said as they walked off, giggling. I looked around for Jiyong, but I couldn't see him anywhere.

Jiyong's POV

"Yah GD!" I heard a familiar voice yell out.

"Yes Dara?" I turned and seen her.

"You brought that fat with you to my friends party?"

"She's not fat or a ! Watch your damn mouth! And yes I did, CL is my friend too and she said I could bring a guest if I wanted to"

"Your so happy to claim her now but you watch out GD!"

"I'm not scared of you stupid threat, not get out of my sight" I said as I continued to wait to get my drink. She scoffed and walked off.

"I know this isn't who I think it is?!" I heard someone yell in an excited voice. I turned to see CL.

"You came!" she said as she jumped into my arms.

"How could I not come? I haven't seen you in forever!"

"I'm glad you came because I have something I wanted to ask you"


"Here you go" the bartender said as he handed Jiyeon and mines drink. I looked down at them and handed one to CL, I'll just get another one for Jiyeon.

"Hurry and tell me, I'm anxious"

Secretly I have always had a crush on CL since middle school, our families were close, but when my parents left, Haelmonim and I moved away and I haven't seen CL since, I always wished she would confess to me and we would get married, but that's a little out there.

She sipped some of her drink then she began playing with the straw, "I was wondering if...ahh I'm embarrassed"

"Just say it"

"Well I've liked you for a long time now and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" she said without taking a breath or looking up at me.

Before I could say anything feedback came on the microphone and everyone clutched their ears.

"Attention everyone! Can I get everyone's attention?!" Dara said into the microphone, "There is a girl who crashed this party!"              

Everyone gasped and looked around.

"She's right here!" Dara said as she went over to Jiyeon.

"I would like everyone to help me her out" she said.

"Wait!" Jiyeon grabbed the microphone from Dara.

"I did not crash this party, I came with Jiyong"

Everyone turned towards me, everyone's eyes were on me, including CL's.

"Is this true Jiyong?"

I hesitated to answer for a moment. I had to decided if I wanted to claim Jiyeon's mine and tell everyone she is my girlfriend or deny Jiyeon and have CL as my girlfriend.

"She's just a friend" I said, not making eye contact with Jiyeon.

"But she told me you were her boyfriend and you are saying you guys are just friends, who is telling the truth?"

"I am, we are just friends!"

"If you say so" she said then returned the microphone to the DJ and everyone continued on with what they were doing.

"About that date? I would love to go on a date with you" I told CL.

"Really?!" she ignored what just happened and grew excited once again.

I nodded and she jumped into my arms again. As I was hugging her I looked up to see Jiyeon looking at me with sad eyes, I seen a tear go down her cheek. She hurried and wiped it and ran out the door,

"I'm sorry Jiyeon" I said in my head,

~~~~~ 1 year later~~~~~~

Jiyeon's POV

"I'm sorry Oppa but I can't keep dating you, we have nothing in common"


"We can still be friends right?"

"I guess"

I smiled at him and left out of the restaurant. I got my phone out of my purse and called Youngbae to come pick me up.

"Your date is over that fast?"

"I told you I was going to break up with him today"

"Well I hope he isn't to heartbroken"

"I'm not so he shouldn't be. Hurry and come before he tried to convince me to date him again"

"I'm coming" 

I hung up and waited patiently for Youngbae to come back.

(Jiyeon's Thoughts)

"A year later and you probably couldn't tell I was the Jiyeon who get rejected by the love of her life. Since then I had been working out with a personal trainer who now is my best friend. We met the day after Jiyong denied me in front of all those people, he seen me crying and came to comfort me. When I explained to him why I had been crying he said he would help me lose weight, then one day I would meet Jiyong again and he would wish he never rejected me. He was the only person who believed in me, my parents thought I could never lose weight and so did my brother, I also doubted myself but I proved them and myself wrong. After I turned 19 I moved out of my parents house and moved into the same apartment building as Youngbae. Since Youngbae and I spent so much time together we became close. In exchange for helping me lose weight I became his friend, he told me while he grew up he was quiet and shy and never really had  friends. Now that I lost weight I have much more self-confidence, the Oppa I have just broken up with has been the tenth one this month, usually it's more then that a month but I have been busy lately since I got a new job to go with my new house and friend! Since this day I still haven't seen Jiyong, where ever he was I hope he was happy because I sure am."

(Out of Jiyeon's Thoughts)

"Are you coming or what?" Youngbae said as he interrupted my thoughts. I hurried and got in before Youngbae drove off, he was very impatient. When we got to our apartment building, I hurried up to my apartment, I had to get ready for my job, I worked for GQ Korea magazine, Youngbae is one of their models and he got me job as a photographer. It was fun taking pictures of him as he had to be all serious with his model face.

As I was getting ready I stopped and looked in the mirror for a minute. I now had the body shape of a coke bottle, I didn't want to be a twig like other girls and my hair had grown longer, other then that I was the still the same Jiyeon. 

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ChocolateDoll #1
I can tell this is going to be good. Reallllly good
Hatsumomo #2
Chapter 27: Very motivating story! I love your kind intentions and I am sure many girls who read this have their self confidence ! :) Although some scenes were a bit rushed imo , I liked this story all and enjoyed reading it all at once ! :) Upvote !
Aww. Cute :))
This was an awesome story! And I loved the whole theme of it! JuJuBeezz fighting!
Awww :)
Great story! I love it! :D
deemiiex #7
I luv this story ;3
waw i love it
very very love it
shiningirl #9
Hmm.. Very sweet story :D