A sweet gesture

Big Girls Need Some Lovin' Too!

Ji Yeon's POV

After for about thirty seconds Ji Yong pulled back from the kiss and wiped his mouth with his thumb. He looked at me and then started walking as if nothing happened. I walked behind him so we wouldn't be walking awkwardly together, as I walked behind I felt my lips and began to smile. 

"He kissed me! He actually kissed! This is not a dream!" I thought in my head. Then Ji Yong suddenly turned back around and I stopped feeling my lips and stared at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact. 

When we arrived at his house he walked up the steps and opened the door but I guess he was waiting for me so we could walk in together. When I walked up the steps and was about to walk in he grabbed my arm. "Did he want another kiss?" I thought to myself and smiled.

"What just happened meant nothing so don't take it the wrong way. I don't like you!" he said in a rude tone which made my smile vanish.

"I didn't think it meant anything"

"Well good because as I told you before I don't like fat girls!" he said and walked into the house. I instantly was furious. Every time he calls me fat or anyone calls me fat I instantly get furious. I quietly went up to my room not wanting to wake up Haelmonim. 

"Dumb bastard!" I said to myself.

Ji Yong's POV

The next morning I ditched school and went to go see some friends. I needed someone to talk to. Kissing Ji Yeon, I must be slowly turning into a loon. I kept thinking about it as I waited for Seungri, and Daesung to come. I was deep in my thoughts when they had arrived.

"GD....GD!" Daesung said waving his hand in my face.

"Oh I didn't even notice you guys came"

"Thanks for making us feel wanted" joked Seungri

"You know what I mean" 

"Anyways why did you ask us to come? You know we are all missing school since you made it seem urgent" explained Seungri

"One day of school won't kill us" said Daesung.

"Well if school is so important, leave and go" I said.

"Fine I will" Seungri said getting up. He walked all the way over to the exit then turned around and sat back down.

"That's what I thought!" I said and Daesung and I started laughing.

"Just hurry and tell us why you asked us to come" Seungri whined.

"Well there's this girl..."

"Is she pretty?" Daesung interupted.

"Well she's..."

"Is she ugly?" Seungri asked.

"Let me finish please! Her name is Ji Yeon and well she isn't like most girls"

"What do you mean?" Daesung asked.

"Well she is....f...f..f...fat! There I said it"

Daesung and Seungri exchanged looks then looked at me, then began to laugh.

"GD loves a fat girl. GD loves a fat girl" they began to sing.

"Shut up no I don't!"

"If you guys get married your names will sound similar" Daesung pointed out.

"Kwon Ji Yong, Kwon Ji Yeon, omo they do sound similar!" said Seungri.

"I knew I shouldn't have told you guys!" I began to get angry.

"We're just kidding, unless you really do like her?" said Seungri.

"Well I'm not sure. Yesterday she was with some other guy and I got this feeling..."

"Jealousy you mean" said Daesung.

"No I'm not jealous. Back to the story, I was walking with her and he was calling her and I told her not to answer, but she was going to anyway, and I don't know what came over me but so she wouldn't answer I kissed her, on the lips!"

"So you do like her?"

"I don't know"

"Well let's hope you don't because your reputation will be ruined" said Daesung.

"And you will be teased for liking a fat girl" Seungri added.

"You think so?" 

They both nodded.

As I was walking home after meeting Daesung and Seungri I thought about what they said. All my girlfriends were known for always being pretty and thin. I mean not that Ji Yeon isn't pretty. Maybe if I persuade her to lose weight she will be thin, then we can be together. I checked the time and seen it was only 30 minutes left of school and Ji Yeon will be home soon. I couldn't go home just yet because I didn't want Haelmonim to know I didn't go to school. So I ended up going to the mall. 

While at the mall I seen all these pretty girls, they were skinny and had nice long hair, but no matter how pretty they were I thought none of them were as pretty as Ji Yeon. To try to get my mind off of her I went to get some ice cream. After I got my scoop I walked out to see these girls harassing another girl. I watched as the girl took the other girls ice cream out of her hand and shoved it in her face. 

"If I see you trying to talk to my boyfriend again, I'll kill you. Fat !" I heard her yell. As the girl was about to walk away I grabbed her wrist.

"Apologize!" I demanded.


"You heard me apologize!"

"She should apologize to me! You don't even know the situation!" she said as she snatched her arm back and walked off. I seen the girl had began to cry. I analyzed her, she was like Ji Yeon, chubby but cute.

"Would you like me to buy you another ice cream?" I asked her.

"No thanks" she said wiping ice cream off her face, then she began to look familiar, but I couldn't quite tell where I had knew her from. I handed her a napkin from a table nearby.

"Well I'm sorry for what happened, don't let it ruin your day though. Keep smiling" I said and smiled at her. I waved goodbye and walked off. Ji Yeon would be home soon. 

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ChocolateDoll #1
I can tell this is going to be good. Reallllly good
Hatsumomo #2
Chapter 27: Very motivating story! I love your kind intentions and I am sure many girls who read this have their self confidence back.now ! :) Although some scenes were a bit rushed imo , I liked this story all.in all and enjoyed reading it all at once ! :) Upvote from.me !
Aww. Cute :))
This was an awesome story! And I loved the whole theme of it! JuJuBeezz fighting!
Awww :)
Great story! I love it! :D
deemiiex #7
I luv this story ;3
waw i love it
very very love it
shiningirl #9
Hmm.. Very sweet story :D