A date with a dummy

Big Girls Need Some Lovin' Too!

Ji Yeon's POV

I secretly panicked to myself, what if he finds out it's me?! When we arrived at work, I couldn't focus on taking pictures knowing at anytime Jiyong could look through my phone and find out about me.

While in the middle of taking a picture Jiyong got a text message, I checked it knowing it was his private business but not caring. It was from him from my phone, telling me to meet him at his apartment. He gave me his apartment room number and I finished up and headed over there. 

When I got to his apartment, I rang the doorbell, hoping he hadn't looked through my phone, he opened the door and he had the lights dimmed and music playing, I slowly walked in, a little creeped out.

"What's all this?" I asked after seeing rose petals thrown everywhere and a bowl of strawberries with chocolate on them.

"I thought we could have some fun before I give you back your phone" he whispered in my ear from behind me, I turned around quickly, to see him in a tuxedo.

"Why are you so dressed up?" 

"Because we're going on a date"

"I'm not going on a date with you"

"If you don't then you'll never get your phone back" he put my chin in between his index and thumb and lifted my face towards his, "But before we go on our date, I want you to feed me those strawberries, I didn't have lunch today and I'm hungry"

We walked over to the couch and I sighed heavily before I shoved a strawberry in his mouth in an aggressive fashion.

"What the hell? Do it more gently like this"

He picked up and strawberry and lifted it up to my face, but I kept my mouth closed.

"Open your mouth so I can feed you this damn strawberry!" he demanded.

"Not if you ask me like that"

He gave up.

"You killed the mood, go change into this so we can go on our date" he said like I was his servant. I snatched it out of his hand and he pointed towards his room for a place to change. I looked back to see him eating the strawberries himself and giggled.

After I finished changing I had major problems with the dress he had chosen, it was way to short. If I bent down you could see under my entire dress.

"What is taking so long?" I heard Jiyong ask through the door.

"This dress is way to short"

"No it's not, let me see"

"No way! So you can have erted thoughts? I think not"

"Just let me see it, if it's to short we'll go get another dress"

I sighed and slowly opened the door.

"You look great, let's go" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out the door. When we got to his car I refused to get in.

"Hurry and get in, we're going to be late"

"Late to what?"

"Our date! Now hurry and get in!"

I just stood there with my arms crossed, then these guys passed by and whistled at me, creeped out I hurried into the car.

"I hate you and this dress" I mumbled under my breath.

"It's not that short" he argued.

As we were driving to wherever our date was going to be, I stared out the window at all the happy couples walking down the street, and began to have a nostalgic feeling of when I was happy with Jiyong. My mood instantly grew sad, and I could feel tears in the back of my eyes, but I held it together.

"Sujin...Sujin" I heard Jiyong calling me.


"We're here" he said, I had barely noticed the car had stopped. I got out and looked up at the beautiful restaurant. 

"They say this is the best restaurant in Busan"

Busan? He drove me all the way here? I didn't even notice the long drive we must of had from Incheon.

"Why are we in Busan?"

"Because I didn't want you to run away during our date" he said with an evil smile. This bastard!

He held his arm out and I wrapped my arm around it and we walked in. I looked around as Jiyong was finding his reservations. As the man led us to our table I noticed people were already sitting at our table, and the two guys looked familiar. We sat down and their eyes were glued to me.

"Who is this?" one of them asked.

"Sujin, nice to meet you" I held my hand out and shook their hands and their dates hands. Then it hit me where I seen them before, they were the guys who came to Jiyong's house once. Jiyong didn't know at the time but I heard them making jokes about my weight, jerks. After I noticed my attitude towards them changed. I pulled Jiyong's collar and pulled him closer.

"Who are these people?" I whispered in his ear.

"My friends, Daesung and Seungri, we're on a triple date" he smiled at me.

"You didn't tell me there would be other people here?"

"I guess I forgot to mention it" he smirked, I let him go and the waiter came and took our order. It took me a long time to order since everything on the menu was fattening. After I finally ordered, Daesung and Seungri tried to make small talk with me.

"So Sujin, how old are you?" 


"How did you meet Jiyong?"

"I was on a date with someone else and him and his date interrupted us"

"No we were reserved the same table"

"As I said interrupted our date"

For the second time at that.

"To be honest, when Jiyong didn't tell us what you looked like, we thought you were going to be fat like one of his previous girlfriends" the Seungri guy snickered.

"And if I was fat?"

"Then we would call you a whale like we did her, it was so funny" Daesung said.

"A whale? That's not funny at all. Did you even stop to think how she must have felt seeing girls like me walk past her when she ate, or went shopping? Her weight probably was something she was really insecure about and you had the nerve to make fun of her like that. That just tells me you two are heartless bastards!"

They both looked at me with scared eyes.

"If I ever find out you made fun of another girl that doesn't look like a twig, I'll come find you and beat you into the dirt!" I shouted before I got up and stormed out of the restaurant. I heard Jiyong calling after me and after my feet started to hurt from these heels I stopped.

"Are you like them? Shallow and heartless? Because if you are then I'll never like you and there is not point in trying to get me to date you because I never will"

"No, I'm not like them"

"What happened to this "fat" girlfriend then?"

"I broke up with her"



"Because she wasn't skinny right?"

He nodded.

"Stop chasing after me, I will never in my whole life ever date someone like you!" I said as I threw these feet killers considered heels at him and ran off. Forget the plan, I couldn't stand being around him enough to make him fall for me!

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ChocolateDoll #1
I can tell this is going to be good. Reallllly good
Hatsumomo #2
Chapter 27: Very motivating story! I love your kind intentions and I am sure many girls who read this have their self confidence back.now ! :) Although some scenes were a bit rushed imo , I liked this story all.in all and enjoyed reading it all at once ! :) Upvote from.me !
Aww. Cute :))
This was an awesome story! And I loved the whole theme of it! JuJuBeezz fighting!
Awww :)
Great story! I love it! :D
deemiiex #7
I luv this story ;3
waw i love it
very very love it
shiningirl #9
Hmm.. Very sweet story :D