Chapter 19

Romance in The Rain (English Ver)

Taecyeon brought Jaejoong to a mansion in one of the Jung family private island that located beside Korean peninsula. At Jung Seunghyun time, the island became the main base of any underground activities of Jung family. The Mansion was resembles like a palace on Dynasty Jaseon with a modern twist.

Yunho and some his best guard had arrived at the west side of the island and started to track down the west region of the mansion while Yoochun along with  Changmin and some guard track the east area.

" Yunho ssi , Do you think that this fight a little bit strange?. If Taecyeon want to fight you, He not need force us to come here. Open attack in a public place is Jung style in past time but…. "

"This Mansion is a symbol of Jung family power. There are two terms that a king lost his War. One, when his place shattered and the other one is his Queen had captured. This mansion is a symbol of Jung family palace for several generations and Jaejoong is my Queen. I'm not too concerned with this mansion or the power of Jung, I just want my wife back. "

They keep going, and when they have stepped foot in the door of west part in mansion courtyard, dozens of people have been waiting for them with various types of weapons. Yunho does not see Taecyeon among them but Yunho saw Kangta.  Kangta was his ex head of Jung plant, known as the brain of the riots and Hong Ki’s shoot accident.
There was no pause or cued, both sides ran quickly and in the next second, the scuffle unavoidable. Sounds of terrible blades and several gunshots sing in the air. With his natural speed and brave, Yunho easily fight some of them before entrusting them to the guards and his right Man, Kangin.

Yunho took off the mansion down without vigilance. Several times he met with Taecyeon 's men but able to incapacitate them without struggle. Yunho continued run, his eyes never stopped looking around .if his intuition was correct, His BooJaejoong was in the main room behind the park that located in the center of the mansion. Yunho was walking rapidly among cherry blossom trees when his eyes caught the sight of Taecyeon standing in the middle of the park between canola flowers. Jian sword in his hand are similar to Yunho’s . The Twin swords are both owned by the late Jung Seunghyun’s Appa, gift from his close friend from Chinese. The sword was passed down to his two sons. And now the sword in the hands of Yunho and Taecyeon . Taecyeon who carried a sword of late Seunghyun and Yunho who carried a sword late Daesung .
Yunho and Taecyeon looked at each other in silence for a few moments.

"Where is my wife? "

"In that room, you know He have seriously injured ... if you do not help him he would quickly leave you forever. "

"You can’t hurt him. Doong Wook said... "

"And you believe his words?"

Then the imagination of his Jaejoong who cried in pain harassed him. However Jaejoong is his greatest weakness, but also the only one who can control him, his secret source. Yunho's face remained flat as ever, but Taecyeon can see there are streaks of anxiety on his face. With a winning smile and his trained movement Taecyen approached him, quickly pulled out the sword from the sheath and began attack Yunho. Yunho can read Taecyeon movement and at the same time pulled out his sword.
Trang !
And the fight began.
Yoochun and Changmin were given the task for tracking down the east area had suffered from the same fate, dozens of people facing them with brutal attack. Despite being outnumbered, Yoochun and Changmin had no trouble at all because the Jung’s guards who escorted them were so well trained. And they have Changmin ‘the killing machine’ that almost beat 3/4 of their opponents. Every guards Jung family was amazed by his action, but not with Yoochun, because Yoochun really know what the reason behind the big action. Changmin could not wait to finish the fight because he wanted to eat the rest of the cake in the ship that was still three sacks.

"Yak! Shim Changmin Where are you going? " Yoochun shouted when he saw his friend ran rapidly toward their ship.
And Yoochun can only pinch his nose when Changmin did not hear his shout. Yoochun did have trained patience considering his two very best friends did not have human nature like others, but that did not mean that he was not tired by their ‘magical nature’. Yoochun sighed quietly, after that he led some guards and asked some guards to bring the injured one to back to the ship.

Meanwhile Changmin had reached the ship. The guard who assigned to keep the ship can only wince surprised to find that Changmin came back with hurry run and immediately stormed the cake that lay innocently on the boat deck. The guard did not mind because behind the bizarre nature and childish act, their boss's friend was the most reliable figure especially in toppling several enemies quickly and his genius was unmatched.

Changmin recently spent a sack of cake, when his cell phone vibrating. Changmin's lips were messed with cream cake draw a soft smile when he heard a special ring tone for his wife.

"Hi My Kyu Kyu ." Said Changmin without stop taking cake and eat it.

Kyuhyun who heard the special tone of chewing cake become angry.

"Minie hyung! Why did you eat cake? Did not I say that you should save Joongie Hyung or your *pip* will be blunt?!"

"My Kyu , I was in the mansion so do not shout or they will see me and catch me. I was infiltrated by eating cake." Said Changmin with little lie for the welfare of his stomach. Lucky for him because the waves were not too noisy so that Kyuhyun will not be suspicious.

" Jinja ? "
" Nde . "
" Mianhae . Oh Hyung, what kind of cake that you're eating cake now? "
" Umh I have all kinds. "
" Is there any of blueberries cake? I want it hyung! "
At that time Changmin just wanted to bite the blueberry cup cake but stopped immediately. Changmin felt silent, confusing between wanting to give the cake to his wife or his stomach. And finally the wife came to first.

" Nde ! "

" Yay ! I want it now Hyung, bring here quickly. "

Changmin can hear his wife gulping saliva and rubbed a little slobber on the corner of his lips. It was indeed terrible cravings that able to divert his anxiety for Jaejoong safety.

" Nde . After making sure Yunho hyung managed to save Joongie , I will go home and bring all the blueberry cake there just for you. "
" Thank you Minie Hyung! Saranghae ! "
" Nando saranghae "
But Kyuhyun did not hear Changmin’s words because his wife was too hastily hung up without giving Changmin a chance to reply the magic words.

Dor ! Dor !

Suddenly, he heard several shots. Changmin immediately turned around and saw some guard of Jung family struggling with some of the Taecyeon’s men. They want to destroy the ship.
Jaejoong tightened his embrace on elephant stuffed in his arms. Gunshots and a collision between swords made ​​him uneasy. He was so worried about his Yunnie safety but also did not want his Tae ajushi die.

" Jaejoong ssi , you have to calm down. Everything will be fine. "Said Changsung who was given the task or …well,forced by Taecyeon to accompany Jaejoong until Yunho pick  Jaejoong up.

" Are you a friend of Tae ajushi ? "
" Ani . I'm just a poor doctor who was kidnapped by him and blend with this bad situation. "
" Mianhae , because of me ... "
" It's not your fault but me who always got bad luck. After all this is done I can get back home and take cake my Eomma."
Jaejoong somehow remembered Heechul, though Jaejoong has forgiven him but Jaejoong still not accept the existence of Heechul as his Eomma.
" She must love you very much. "
" In otherwise she hates me very much. Eomma had been when she was at the top of her modeling career. And I was a result from the . I was a little unlucky because my face is very similar to my Appa so he hates me. "
"You do not hate your Appa?"
" He is nursing me after My Eomma going crazy and was not capable of nursing events. Appa does not love me like his own son, but he fulfill my needs and paid my school. He was not abandoned me. It was very enough reason for me to not hate him or My Eomma even though she hates me, I still wanted to stay in her side all the time because whatever she hate me or not she is the person who given birth me"
Changsung story somehow gave Jaejoong a light and a new spirit, Changsung be able to receive his Eomma who do not want him, so maybe he was able to forgive his own Eomma wholeheartedly and finally both of them can be happy as they should.
Both were silent in their own mind of then suddenly the sound of a door that opened by a rough bank and draw their attention.
After escaped from his fight with Kangin, Kangta immediately run quickly into the room where Jaejoong was. They will lose.  Kangta can feel it. Most of them have fallen. Kangta was also heard that they plan to destroy Jung ships also have failed miserably. No, Kangta will not let Yunho fully win. They will not win this battle but at least he will make Yunho feel a big loss that he can’t be imagined, the death of his lovely wife.

Brak ! !
Kangta opened the door by kicked it then directing a gun to Jaejoong .
" Kangta ssi what are you doing? Taecyeon ssi says ... " Changsun tried to prevent him.
" I do not care. We have lost and the only one can fix this is .. "
Jaejoong immediately stood up. No he would not let himself die just like this, now that there were aegya in his body. He had to survive to tell his Yunnie about the good news.

" Mianhae " he whispered to the elephant stuffed  before finally throwing it in the direction of the gun before  Kangta had a chance to pull the trigger .

Dor !
Kangta misses the shot toward the bed beside Jaejoong. Changsung not remain silent in such a time. Changsum tried to pounce Kangta , trying to hold Kangta for hurting Jaejoon . However Changsung no match for Kangta . Just with a few punches and kicks Changsung lose and almost unconscious.
" Changsung ssi ! "
Succeeded in crippling Changsung, Kangta attention now back to Jaejoong and prepares to shoot back but...
Dor ! Dor !
The Shot sound occurs. But Jaejoog did not feel the pain. He’s Kangta who collapsed with blood pouring on his back. Jaejoong Doe eyes slightly enlarged when he saw the figure behind Kangta collapsed body.

" Appa ? "
Jaejoong recognized the man from the photo that Junsu gave to him.  The man was his biological Appa.
Doong Wook smiled when he saw Jaejoong fine, not hurt even it’s just a little.
" Appa glad you're fine, Joongie . "
Jaejoong approached Doong Wook , a little confused as wonder if he can embrace his Appa 's body. And Doong Wook answered the doubt with open his arms.  And with pleasure Jaejoong hug his Appa, in other side, Doong wook smile softly and replay the hug. Although not as warm as Yunho hug, the hug was very soothing as Hankyung’s hug. But the moment not take long, Doong Wook took off his arms.
" Joongie , Appa can’t be around you too long. Appa too scared to hurting you. "
Jaejoong looked at his Appa with confused face, obviously he does not want to be left alone.
" Appa promised Your Eomma to ensure your safety. I also have a promise to an Appa to bring his son's body back to hongkong whatever happens. And of course he hoped that his son was still breathing. Appa would go but will see you in the near future so do not need to worry."
Doong Wook kissed Jaejoong's forehead before eventually walked away.
Trang ! Trang !
Both the twin swords were still clashing. It’s already an hour they were fighting and there was no sign of a quick end. Yunho has been wounded in the left chest. The blood that comes out from the incision was soaking his shirt. Taecyeon circumstances not far from Yunho. He gets an incision in the right chest. Even so, their speed did not reduce during the fight. Both were still clashing their swords and cut the canola flowers when one of them swing his sword but missed the target made the flower petals floating in the air. They still continued to attack and defend. Until painkillers that Taecyeon used  has reached its limit.  The dizzy attack his head again. That made his concentration ruined and slowing his movement. His movement was not fast enough to withstand sharp sword that directed at him.
Jleb !
The tip of the sword Yunho managed to penetrate Taecyeon’s body. They movement were silently stopped, everything stopped even just the sound of the breath, the wind stopped and some canola petals falling on top of them. Taecyeon had dropped his sword. Taecyeon face met Yunho’s.
" I have been waiting for this death. This world is not for me and I want to leave this world with dignity. "
Taecyeon raised his bloody and patted Yunho's cheek softly.
"You must take care of Joongie. When I know Joongie is hurt, I will rise from the dead and take him from you. "
"Don’t worry I'm not going to let him get hurt."

Yunho draw his sword. Blood was oozing from the Taecyeon’s body and Taecyeon slowly crumbling. Yunho stood not far from the Taecyeon bloody body. Taecyeon’s body was so pale but still breathing slowly and alive.
Then two men approached them, Yunho raises his sword on alert in case if they were Taecyeon 's men. Yunho lowered his sword when he knew that they were Doong Wook and one namja he knew as Wu Chun.

"I'll take care of him. My son has been waiting for you. "
Yunho was not questioned Doong Wook words and took a quick step toward the room where his Boo Jaejoong located.
After Yunho left, Doong Wook and Wuchun immediately approached Taecyeon.
" He's live "whispered Wu Chun a bit relieved.
" Nde he was still alive but dying. If he didn’t get special treatment he will die. Hurry Anthony could make big trouble if his adopted son can’t be saved. I have promised him to take him home alive. "
Wu Chun nodded then they raised Taecyeon's body and bring him to a ship on the north of  island.
Yunho did not reduce his speed when the room door had been seen by him. Yunho opened the door in a hurry.
" Boo! " Yunho cried as he success enter the room.
His anxiety was gone when he saw Hia Boojaejoongie was fine not hurt at all which made Yunho relief his pain in his chest. Yunho sat up, clutching his chest, his blood pouring more intense than ever.
Jaejoong, who was helping hangsung rushed towards Yunho when he heard Yunho voice.
" Yunnie Hyung ! "
Jaejoong sat in front of Yunho so worried about the state of his husband.
" Yunnie ... we have to ... "
But Jaejoong's words cut by Yunho kiss. Yunho hugged Jaejoong so tightly as if he wanted to fulfill the emptiness after a long time apart with Jaejoong.
" Boo I come to fetch you. How I miss you, Boo saranghae ! "
" Nado saranghae Yunnie Hyung."

 Jaejoong let Yunho hugged him. Jaejoong himself was replaying the hug. He can’t deny that he also missed his husband very very much.

Soon Kangin and Yoochun comes finish remnants Taecyeon 's men . And finally everything is under control. It would be easier if Yunho leave them, Taecyeon 's men were dying and Yunho yourselves know perfectly well when their death is the best path to peace that will be created after this. There will be no rebellion again. However as cruel Yunho can be he would never have the heart to kill the father and the husband or relatives of someone. That's why he asked Kangin to bring them to the hospital to get the best nurses.

" Yunho ssi, Are you sure this is a good decision? They can ... " Yunho Kangin tried to warn of the risks Yunho had taken .
" Then I will personally kill them by myself. You, don’t need to worry. "
Kangin nodded and implement Yunho’s demand. After making sure that everything goes according to his orders, Yunho met Jaejoong in their room in the ship.
Jaejoong was waiting there when Yunho came into the room.
" Yunie Hyung .. you're hurt hyung. Don’t force to move much ne!"  Warned Jaejoong when Yunho was sitting beside him.
" I promise after this is finished I will take a few days off to rest . "
" Hyung. Did he ... "
Yunho understand what his wife tried to ask and he answer him.
" Tecyeon dying but he is still alive. But I do not know his conditions now. Maybe he can’t make it because his wound was so severe. If it turns out he's dead, are you going to hate me?"
" I will never hate you, Yunnie Hyung . I'm just sad for him. "
" Mianhae has made ​​you sad."
Jaejoong shook his head slowly and then hugged Yunho carefully.
" Hyung Yunnie there is good news I want to tell you " Jaejoong said with a twinkle of happiness in his eyes.
" We have Aegya in here." Jaejoong said as he his belly. And a second later, happiness spread in Yunho hearts.
" Jinja ? "
" Nde " Jaejoong answered with a nod of encouragement.
Yunho smiled happily then hugged Jaejoong to express his overload happiness. None other than the happiest thing in Yunho’s world than Jaejoong was at his side, perfectly in his arms .

To be continued (…)


Anyeong, Finally update again with Chapter 19.  Sorry for the late update.

It took a long time to decide the end of their war (Yunho vs Taecyeon). Auhtor want to seek a fair settlement and hopefully it’s answered by this Chapter. Taecyeon did not die but will not interfere with Yunjae or their lives in the future unless something happens to Jaejoong. And Everything back to peace^^.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Please tell your mind about this fic^^

Thank’s  for your comment, support and subscriptions^^

Big hugs

Yeye Kyunie



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monshine #1
Chapter 21: Super cute story.
chu-yunjae #2
Chapter 21: Its a cute little story
ikabelle #3
Chapter 21: Very original.... Hey authornim. Love you!!!!
For writing a great story and most important..... ORIGINAL!!! ^^
ONE KISS FOR YOU.. mmmuahx!!!!
it was a very nice story i really liked it but who is Ji Yong?
tote88 #5
Chapter 21: Really really really
This story is veryyyyyyyyyyy good
I like it very original. Keep going I'll be looking for more from you fics
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 21: Wow, good story. I love all the kids especially Changkyu.
Thank you for an entertaining story.
Chapter 21: Thx hon for make the sweet ending, although i alr read the bahasa one hhheee keep writing! Pls make the eng version too hhe
Chapter 21: Thx hon for make the sweet ending, although i alr read the bahasa one hhheee keep writing! Pls make the eng version too hhe
Kattan69 #9
Chapter 21: The ending was so sweet...and thank you for writing.