Chapter 12

Romance in The Rain (English Ver)


Jaejoong stayed at Seoul Hospital for four days. After feeling that he quite healthy, Jaejoong asked Yunho to brought him back to their home and Yunho was never refused Jaejoong wishes as long as it did not encroach Jaejoong safety from Jung Yunho point view. From that day Jaejoong had his medical treatment at Jung residence. Junsu or Seungri would be to check and monitor his condition 3 times a day.

The Bruises and scratches on Jaejoong body almost healed but not with his shifted spine.  It still needs special attention. Jaejoong still can’t move his lower body or walk alone, although just go to the bathroom. Yunho was always there for him, to be the one who carried wherever Jaejoong wanted to go. It was enough to made Jaejoong felt sad, he was burden to Yunho because Jaejoong knew how busy his husband. But Yunho always gave him a reason to comfort him.

"Boo, this may sound very silly but I really don’t like when someone touch you. Even though I knew he was helping you. Imagine that someone else carry you can make me very jealous. It was just very simple act but enough to break my concentration. To me you are my happiness source but also will be my death. Maybe someone else who saw me would think that I was a very devoted husband. But beyond that, I was the most selfish person who can’t share you with others. Even I know that they are your closes relative." Yunho said that words when both were in their bedrooms. Every morning after the accident, Yunho would wake up before Jaejoong, their bathing together routines must be removed first until Jaejoong healed completely. After had shower, Yunho approached Jaejoong who already wide awake. Yunho helped Jaejoong to cleaned up and change his clothes. Like this this moment when Yunho washed his body with wet wash lap. Jaejoong skin always looked flawless and prickled every time the washlap touched it, his skin was still so sensitive even though Yunho had touched him repeatedly. Jaejoong's face never bored to flush every second their eyes met.

"I have married you, touched every parts of your body, take care and tried to grant every your whish, but I felt that it was not enough. I want to love you more than ever. "
"Please do not be like that. Because it is so not fair to you. You loved me so much while I can’t ..."

"Boo, to me…you are a living proof of fairness to me. Since my birth, even when I should be enjoying my childhood, my feeling has been frozen.  But since you came, my heart began to feel a sense of happiness that I used to believe only happen in a fairy tale."

Yunho stopped wash Jaejoong. Took a towel and dried Jaejoong body before helping Jaejoong to wear his clothes. After that Yunho carried Jaejoong with bride style to the dining room for breakfast with the Ji Yoong.

As usual Ji Yoong already sat there. Yunho helped Jaejoong sat in a chair beside Ji Yoong while Yunho took a seat on the other side. Ji Yoong put a pancake to Jaejoong plate before gave him a traditional herb that Ji Yoong believed able to accelerate Jaejoong healing process after his miscarriage.

Two hours later Junsu came to chek Jaejoong condition. Yunho let the brothers chatted longer than usual while he busied himself with checking Kangin email about the company business and read the document that he receipt this morning before put his signature.
Yunho just finished checking the document when his Hand Phone rang. Without wasted any time Yunho accepted it.

" Kangin ... "

" ... "

"Look for information about that person and give the report to me this afternoon. Heightened security around Jung's Residence and I want the best guard."

Yunho shut down his phone and back to work. Finished it with speed and accuracy as his usual while occasionally saw the monitor screen that showing Jaejoong who was still chatting with Junsu . Or rather Junsu who babble about  his frustration towards his husband.
" I hate rich people and never wanted to be one of them. " Junsu said .

"Waeyo ? "

"My Eomma… she left our Appa for becoming one of rich people. Our Appa also killed by them as well as Ji Sub Ahjussi . Ahjussi Ji Sub was the one who let me stay with him, take care of my needs even he pay for my school. He died while defending a group people of village that their homes will be evicted after one of the large company claimed that the area belonged to them. Ji Sub Ahjussi died when heavy equipment used to evict their homes hit him."

"Maybe not all of them that bad, moreover Hyung need not be one of them. Hyung  just need to love Chunie Hyung . Chunie Hyung was never asking Hyung to understand his world or become part of his world. Instead he gets to pretend to be ordinary officer in pursuit to get Hyung’s love. Until this day, Chunie Hyung still faithfully accompany you and patient with your simple way of life. "

Junsu paused. Junsu can feel the truth of his baby saeng words.

" Nde . Maybe I'll stop the punishment tonight"

" Uhm punishment ? " Jaejoong asked as he tilted his head.

" Aish never mind it is an adult business. "

" Hyung, I ‘m an adult you know? "

" Joongie, there are no way an adults who still like embracing such a stuffed elephant! " Junsu accusations, pointing to a large elephant stuffed that laid in Jaejoong arm. Some month ago, suddenly Jaejoong had very interested in elephant trinkets. Jaejoong admit that he was indeed one of the fans of elephants, but not as bad as the last one month. Without knowing that he was pregnant at that time and it was a part of his pregnancy.

Jaejoong smiled gently to respond Junsu words. Yet somehow in Junsu eyes that smile means as Jaejoong wanted to say ' I know hyung, you also like to hug your dolpin stuffed even in your office in hospital you save your favorite one in the cupboard'

Junsu shook his head slowly and tried to divert the conversation. Suddenly, they heard footsteps approaching them. Junsu and Jaejoong 's eyes widened, stared horror at Kyuhyun who ran towards them with a swollen eye.

"Yak , Kyunie do not run! You're pregnant! " Junsu shouted.

" Mwo? Kyunie pregnant? " Jaejoong asked with high voice.

Junsu fell silent cursing his own mouth because can’t keep a secret longer like other people. Kyuhyun was asking Junsu to conceal his pregnancy. Besides he did not want to make Jaejoong who just lost their first baby become sad. Kyuhyun somehow have a hunch there will be a bad thing when Changmin found out about his pregnancy.

"Hiks… Hyung…Hiks "

Kyuhyun  come  straight to crashed Jaejoong and hugged him tightly.

" Kyu ... kyunie waeyo ? "

" Minie Hyung….Hiks…he…hiks want to kill aegya. Ottoke ? "

" Mwo ? ! "
Changmin did feel there was something strange with his wife. His cheeks was getting more  chubby, his skin was more sparkling than ever, more frequent sleep and tired than usual. And the most notable was Kyuhyun being a bigger appetite even beat his rations.  His genius brain quickly suspected that his wife was pregnant.  And it was become clear when he looked more information through google. This afternoon Changmin accidentally get home sooner. Changmin wanted to discuss this serious issue with Kyuhyun . But when he got home, Channgmin can’t find his wife.

Changmin immediately called Shin Doong ,  the Shim Family butler.

"Where is my wife?" He asked with dangerous hissed.

Shin Doong was already very familiar with Changmin possessive nature quietly bowed before giving an answer.

"An hour ago Kyuhyun ssi was taking a nap and suddenly woke up to with loud screams. He requested us drop him to the Jung residence."

Changmin closed his eyes. His wife did it seem to have a sixth sense. Before he got home and talk about the pregnancy, Kyuhyun had sought a refuge at Jung residence.

"Did he do other stupid things?"

" Kyuhyun ssi take yours  blueberry cheese cake pan. Hwa Young who drove him said that Kyuhyun spent the whole cake during the journey to the Jung residence."

Changmin could not help but smile at the thought of Kyuhyun's face at that time. Absolutely adorable. Unfortunately, Changmin was not there and it was a shame. But Young Hwa dared to saw what should not be seen. As he understood about what Changmin thought, Shin Doong reopened his voice.

" Uhmnn Changmin ssi , Young Hwa  managed to record the incident  off course without Kyuhyun ssi knowing that he did it."

Slowly with gloves hands, Shin Doong handed a Smart Phone that plays a video.

Changmin lips showed a bright smile when he saw the video.  The Video showed him about his Kyuhyun who was crying while chewing the blueberry cake. That made a perfect beautiful view in Changmin eyes.

" Shin Doong, tell Yong Hwa that this time I forgive him . "

" Gamsahamida Changmin ssi "

Changmin continued played the video a few times before finally decided to go to Jung 's residence to pick up his wife .
Kyuhyun fell asleep due to his sated and his tired of crying. Yunho let him sleep in one guest room until Changmin pick him up.

"Is Kyunie okay? " Jaejoong asked his husband when Yunho meet him in the middle of a flower garden in Jung residence. Junsu had gone to the hospital so it’s Yunho turn to spend his time with Jaejoong.

"Yes. He was exhausted and slept. Changmin already on the way to pick him up." Yunho replied, as he sat down next to Jaejoong.

"I’m quite worried about them. Do you think Changmin will hurt him?"
" Ani . Like me who can’t hurt you, Shim Changmin will never able to hurt Kyunie. But maybe Changmin could hurt their baby in Kyunie womb. "

" Waeyo ? "

" Changmin has bitter memories of his Eomma pregnancy and his childhood experiences. "

"So are you going to do the same thing to me if one day I'm pregnant again?"

" Ani , I would never dare to hurt our baby because they are part of you . It is an impossible to me. "
Jaejoong's hand rubbed his stomach softly, wondering when he will be pregnant again. Understand about what his wife thought, Yunho smiled softly, Yunho reach Jaejoong right hand, kissed his wife fingers then said...

"Boo, you have to patient until your body healed completely. When the time comes you will be my prisoner of our bedroom. We will work hard until you get pregnant. And this is a promise from me to you"


Jaejoong's face flushed to the max when Yunho said it with a smile that promised him a naughty hot night for both of them when Jaejoong recovered later.
" Uhm ... ! "

Kyuhyun awake from his sleep a few hours later when he felt there was a hand his hair. Kyuhyun opened his eyes slowly. Kyuhyun 's eyes blinked several times to adjust the light . The blink turned into a stare of horror when he saw Changmin sat on the edge of the quen size bed where he laid. By his best reflex, Kyuhyun sat and move backwards to avoid Changmin, hugged his stomach, protecting aegya in his womb.

"My Kyu … "

"Do not call me by that name. I'm not Your Kyu ! "

"You're angry with me for no apparent reason My Kyu "

"The fact that you're going to kill aegya already a strong reason for me to hate you Shim Changmin ! "

"You love me My Kyu not hate me. We both very know about it Shim Kyuhyun. Moreover, where you get the crazy idea that I wanted to hurt Aegya ."

"From a dream. "

"And you believe in your silly dreams? "

"You do know that my dream was never betray me Shim Changmin ! "

Changmin had to admit that Kyuhyun dream was sometimes true. So it was with the current situation.

"Nde you're right"

After heard his husband's immediate recognition, Kyuhyun immediately took a pillow nearby. Fortify his stomach with a pillow to protect the aegya.

"My Eomma died when she given birth me. Pregnancy can kill people and I do not want to lose you My Kyu . Your death will become end of my life"

Changmin's words managed to make Kyuhyun 's chest felt so tight.

"I love you My Kyu. I hope you understand my fear"

"Your love to me is false as well as your fear. "

"You doubt my feelings? "

"Ani... .Amore tale. I have been using amore tale to trap you. And about that genuine feeling, is just an illusion."

Kyuhyun turned his face to hold back tears that would come out. The fact was very hurt. While he was no longer able to escape from the shackles of his love for Changmin and at the same time Kyuhyun knew that the love that he received from his husband during this time was false. Changmin never really loved him.

Then a hand touched his chin. Pulling his chin slowly, forcing his gaze to met Changmin who looked at him with gently stare.
" I want to tell you something, My Kyu. Son of Amore Tale relationship was immune with that evil poison. And I was one of them. "

Kyuhyun 's eyes widened, his mouth opened to say something but no one word that comes out of his vocal cords.

"You know My Kyu , each child of the relationship amore tale destined to have someone who will be their antidote. Someone who will fill in the emptiness that shackle us since our birth. Our feeling towards that person is crazier than a victim of amore tale. It’s several times more powerful than amore tale. Can you imagine that feeling, My Kyu ? "

Changmin touched Kyuhyun 's face with both of his hand , kissed the tears that flowing from both corners of his eyes .

"My Kyu , Saranghae "

And Kyuhyun could not help but melt when the love confession reached his ears.

"Why you do not reply my love confession? " Changmin asked as he plays his finger at Kyuhyun 's lips .

"I 'll answer it if you promise that you won’t hurt aegya "

" Arasso . I will not hurt aegya as long his face look like me."

" Hyung ! "

" Nde ,I promise I will not hurt aegya . So now tell me that you love me"

" Uhmnn Minie Hyung sa .. saranghae "


For the sake of the entire foods of the fridge in Seoul, Changmin really like the red hue that throughout Kyuhyun body. Without warning Changmin crashed Kyuhyun’s body, kissed him harder than normally.
" Ukh .. Hyung don’t … so.. tight. Hyung, careful …I 'm pregnant!"
And Changmin never grand Kyuhyun wishes when it’s came about their intimate affection.
As Yunho order, Kangin met Yunho that afternoon to report his found about the culprit behind Jaejoong accident.

"Park Hyo Sin was the one who driving the car. However Doo Joon found out that the car was rented by Ok Taecyeon. Park Hyo Sin was unconscious when the car drove before hit Jaejoong ssi. There was one chip in the brain engine of the car. In other words there someone who had intention to hurt or kill Jaejjong ssi ."

"Did you find any information about Ok Taecyeon ? "

"Yes, I did. Ok Taecyeon  is a member of a triad in Hong Kong. However, we find little sensitive information. Ok Taecyeon is the son of Ok Yoona . Ok Yoona was close to the late Seung Hyun ssi before he was married to Ji Yoong ssi ."

Yunho paused as he understood what exactly face him. Yunho allowed Kangin to go . Yunho himself was immediately rushed to Ji Yoong’s bedroom to clear his guess.

Ji Yoong was getting ready for bed when Yunho entered his room.
" Eomma , there are things I wanted to ask you. Did Eomma know someone named Ok Yoona? "

Ji Yoong paused before finally nodded.

" Nde , she was your Appa lover. Someone who might your Appa true love before Eomma gave him Amore Tale. "

And finally Yunho can connect the dots. Ok Taecyeon, son of Ok Yoona and Jung Seunghyun came to destroy the Jung family and take what he thought should be his.

To be continued (…)


Anyeong, finally I can manage to finish this Chapter.   Sorry for the long update.  Honestly I almost give up for this English version Fic.  My English is really bad and I afraid that you guys don’t understand about the story that I try to write. But Then 2 friend of mine ask me to update the story. And of course I won’t to disappointed them so I’m continued the story.

 Hope you enjoy this chapter. Please tell your mind about this fic^^

Thank you  for your comment, support and subscriptions^^

Big hugs

Yeye Kyunie

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monshine #1
Chapter 21: Super cute story.
chu-yunjae #2
Chapter 21: Its a cute little story
ikabelle #3
Chapter 21: Very original.... Hey authornim. Love you!!!!
For writing a great story and most important..... ORIGINAL!!! ^^
ONE KISS FOR YOU.. mmmuahx!!!!
it was a very nice story i really liked it but who is Ji Yong?
tote88 #5
Chapter 21: Really really really
This story is veryyyyyyyyyyy good
I like it very original. Keep going I'll be looking for more from you fics
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 21: Wow, good story. I love all the kids especially Changkyu.
Thank you for an entertaining story.
Chapter 21: Thx hon for make the sweet ending, although i alr read the bahasa one hhheee keep writing! Pls make the eng version too hhe
Chapter 21: Thx hon for make the sweet ending, although i alr read the bahasa one hhheee keep writing! Pls make the eng version too hhe
Kattan69 #9
Chapter 21: The ending was so sweet...and thank you for writing.