Chapter 16

Romance in The Rain (English Ver)

Heechul still remember clearly, a few hours ago she was so anxious to meet with Jaejoong . Want apologized, begged for Jaejoong forgiveness and promised to do anything until Jaejoong forgive her. However now, when she’s sitting in front of Jaejoong, Heechul lost his voice. Heechul just cry quietly, looking at Jaejoong who looked at her too in silence. She wants to touch her biological son so much but she was too afraid of Jaejoong rejection.

Heechul imagine that Jaejoong would be mad at her, screaming at her, and expressing his hatred for her. But Jaejoong did not say anything. Of course Jaejoong's silence tortured her heart more.

" I understand what happened to you, Heechul ssi . "

Dheg !

 And of course the way Jaejoong call her made Heechul heart’s hurt more than before. Heechul realized that she did not deserved, but still,Heechul was so hoping that she  had a chance that Jaejoong would call her ‘Eomma’.

Jaejoong himself experienced the same dilemma, on the one hand he has not been able to forgive Heechul but on the other hand, his deep wish as a child screamed when he saw the yeoja who gave birth laid helplessly and so weak. Beside Heechul already knew about him. Despite the hatred was so great for some reason there was a bit of happiness when Jaejoong knew that Heechul will love him from now on. Jaejoong childhood dreams to have Eomma who will love him with all her soul finally become real.
Jaejoong bit his lip softly before finally ventured to say.

"I lost my first aegya, of course it’s more difficult for Heechul ssi because Heechul ssi had see, hold and hug him. And I just  more lucky because in that time there was Yunie Hyung who always by my side while Hechul ssi had lose that kind of figure. That's why I forgive you, Heechul ssi ."

Jaejoong paused, tried to catch his breath though from the outside Jaejoong looked calm.

"But still I can’t call you as a child to a person who has been given birth. You have found a family that can heal your grief, as well as me. I have found Yunie Hyung . Therefore I beg to God will give you happiness in your life time Heechul ssi. "

After said that words, Jaejoong bowed then up and running a little faster than he can do. Jaejoong could hear Heechul call him, but Jaejoong pretended not to hear. Because Jaejoong really know that his eyelids was unable to hold back his tears. Just when Jaejoong feel that he had far enough from Tan Senior Bedroom. Jaejoong stopped with tears flowing on his cheeks.
" Joongie , are you fine ? " Ji Yoong who waiting outside the room asked him.
Jaejoong did not answer. Jaejoong rushed towards Ji Yoong and hugged him, searching for comfort and support.
"I should feel happy when I see her hurt like that, My pain and hatred has been repaid. But I was wrong ahjumma, my heart is more hurt when she saw him like that. I hurt my selt for hurting her. " Jaejoong whispered still with hands hugging Ji Yoong and more tears flooding his cheeks and maybe made the scarf around his neck become wet.
" Because you're too kind Joongie, you can sad even for those who have hurt you. "
Ji Yoong hugged Jaejoong with his right hand while the other hand, rubbed Jaejoong back gently and repeatedly.
" Don’t worry, everything will be all right, and your pain that will heal smoothly. One day you and she should definitely together just like other Eomma and Child without any hatred. You just have to wait a little longer. "
Yunho just opened the door of his office in Jung Corp. when his eyes caught sight of a familiar figure and Yunho knew that figure was not one of his employees. His eyes become sharp when he knew the one who sat on his chair.

"Come without invitation and sat on landlord chair are disrespectful attitude, Hyung. " Yunho said as he walked slowly approaching Taecyeon that sat with glory on Yunho Chair.
" I don’t need invitation to came here. Since the beginning of all of this is mine if Ji Yoong not present in our Appa life. Ani, the tragedy would not have happened if you were not born in this world. "

Taecyeon justify his position with eyes that never left Yunho that stared at him with blank expression.
" If Ji Yoong was not pregnant with you and the misunderstanding not happened, Apaa will not be killed and Jung family would not be destroyed. "

" Nde , Jung family has been destroyed, but I and Eomma managed to build it better than ever. "

"Better? Hmmph You make me laugh. This is not a glory in Jung family eyes. Like what Appa always tell me. Appa has always told me about his dream and the Jung dreams when he visited us. Of course you do not know about the true vision of Jung family because you never know Appa or other Jung family member."

Yunho paused and not be lured by Taecyeon words. For Yunho besides Ji Yoong and Jaejoong , he does not care about anything . Big name, wealth and position did not mean anything in his eyes. Yunho just need to make a comfortable place to satisfy all Jaejoong desires and needs. Even if Jaejoong asked him to leave all of Jung fortune and become a farmer and live in a small villages, Yunho will grand Jaejoong wish as far Jaejoong stay with his side. But Yunho knew Jaejoong would not ask him to do that. With his wife kindness, surely he would support what he stood for. Rebuilding Jung family and clean the Jung name from darkest past as a black family.

"Jung family that you knew, have been destroyed along with Jung Daesung's death. It does same with their legacy. The government had confiscated and contributed their fortune to the social foundation to redeem their sin. What remain now are the remnants of Jung Daesung Jung struggles. The legal business that Jung Daesung had build from nothing, separated from Jung Familly influence. The Jung Corp. was the forerunner of Jung Daesung and I had to develop it along with his ideology. So Jung Corp. is not yours but mine. "
" Jung Daesung...The dumbest and weakest descent of Jung Family history and you even follow in his footsteps."

"He is not the weakest Jung. In my eyes he is the strongest Jung that I've ever knew. He was so strong that he can dispel the biggest temptation accursed in Jung family. Since the first descent, Jung member have abnormalities with their soul and he's the only one who survived with healthy minds. "

Taecyeon felt silent, still stared at Yunho.
" You were sturdy as I heard. I'm really curious, Do you still as solid as you now when You lost him. Have you ever heard there are two requirements that made a kingdom destroyed completely. The first is the death of the king and the second is taking the Queen away. I may not be able to kill you right now but I can snatch your Queen first. "

Yunho who has been in close Taecyeon instinctively lunged and grabbed Taecyeon neck so tightly as if he wanted to squeeze it.

"I will kill you in the most cruel way that ever happened in the history of humankind when you dare to touch him even though it was just a strand of his hair." Yunho hissed as he tightened his hand around Taecyeon’s neck.

"What I will do to him is not only touch his hair. I’ll do more than what you imagined So you have to think of a more painful way to kill me. "

With a quick and strong movement Taecyeon kick Yunho. Yunho pushed back several steps but not affected by Taecyeon kick. Yunho attacked his brother again. However Taecyeon was a equal opponent. Jung blood run in their bodies, they have the Jung talent and intelligence.

They fight, punching and kicking with the same accuracy. Taecyeon was the first one who ended the attack when his ears catch the sound of several pairs step run toward them. With cunning, Taecyeon took a revolver from under his coat and then ...

Dor ! Dor !

Two shots rang out. Two bullets fly quickly towards Yunho. Yunho managed to dodge the first bullet but not with the second bullet that hit him right on his chest.

Yunho ignored or even feel the pain in his chest. His eyes are now focused solely towards Taecyeon. But the wound made his move slower. Taecyeon shot window glass at his office and ran through the glass that had shattered. Yunho almost catch Tacyeon if only hyung was not jumping down. Taecyeon freefall of buildings as high as 200 meters and with the accuracy of an athlete acrobat, he capture the rope that hanging from a helicopter that flew not far from his reach.

Yunho looked at Taecyeon who getting away with Helicopter that carries him. Yunho's hand tightly clenched when he reading Taecyeon lips movement.


'I 'll pick Joongie up, from the beginning he was mine because I was the first to find him. '

But Yunho did not stay silent. Yunho immediately turned over to Kangin and some guard who ran toward him.

" Yunho ssi, you get shot!" Kangin yelled unable to mask his panic.

"I fine. The bullet was not hit my vital organs. Do you know where Eomma and my wife position? "

" On the way home from the Tan residence. "

" We must hurry. Instruct the guard who escorted them to raise their awareness. "

" Nde, Yunho ssi. "

Kangin contacted Doo Joon who lead some guard that escorted Ji Yoong and Jaejoong on their way out of the building Jung Corp. Kangin also called Seungri without asking Yunho consideration. However, the window glass at Yunho workspace has high standard safety and immune to bullets. And if the bullet was able to pierce the glass with such a level of security, what would happen if the bullet had pierced through the human body?
That afternoon Changmin returned home earlier than usual after the umpteenth time disrupt by Kyuhyun who whining and ask him to buy the latest psp he had seen in a catalog. Changmin had to buy the psp by himself and drove the psp to Kyuhyun if Changmin do not want ...
" That what aegya wish hyung, if you don’t grand his wish later when he born his face won’t look like you hyung!. Do You want our aegya have face like Yong Hwa?”
And off course Changmin didn’t want his aegya have face like Yong Hwa his right hand.

For the umpteenth time Changmin sighed as he remembered Kyuhyun words on the phone.
When Changmin reach home, he walked to the game room where Kyuhyun used to spend his day. Changmin immediately forget the fatigue and frustration when he saw his wife sleeping form on the carpet with some psp, cassette games and PS2 that surrounds him. Do not forget some cake and cookies that lay not far from him.

Changmin sat beside Kyuhyun, rubbed the smooth curls when Kyuhyun suddenly wake up and scream.

" Joongie Hyung ! "
Kyuhyun’s breath haunting, his eyes restless and anxious .

" My Kyu , waeyo ? "
" Minie Hyung , Joongie Hyung ... bridge ... "

"What happened to him? "
Kyuhyun did not answer, but stood up and sprinted out of the room.
" Yak Kyu be careful! You're pregnant!"

Doo Joon was watching Jaejoong and Ji Yoong who visited a stuff shop when his mobile phones vibrating in his pocket. Doo Joon pressed one part of the head seat in his left ear without removing his eyes from the two figures that were his responsibility.

Doo Joon's eyes narrowed sharply at the information that he received. Without waiting for any time longer Doo Joon walked half ran toward his two masters.

"Doo Joon Waeyo? " Jaejoong who hugged elephant stuff asked him.

Ji Yong who cannot stand Jaejoong sadness took him to the stuff store on their way home to buy some elephants stuff. Jaejoong really love elephants and just by looking at them can make him feel better. Actually Ji Yoong wants to bring Jaejoong to the zoo, but considering how protective Yunho are, his son was certainly not going to allow them. So Ji Yoong just brought Jaejoong to the store and bought him a large stuffed elephant. The right size to cuddle. Jaejoong's eyes are still puffy and swollen, but there has been little light on his doe eyes.

" Jaejoong ssi , Yunho ssi asked us to go home. "

" Nde . Kajja . Incidentally we have finished buy the stuff, though Umh ... "

Ji Yoong only smiled when he saw Jaejoong glanced at a few stuffed on store shelves full of interest. Jaejoong apparently not content to see the elephant stuffed neatly displayed there.

But Ji Yoong smile vanished when he realized the anxiety in Doo Joon face. Something has happened.

"Joongie , we'd better go home. It’s Seems about to rain. "

" Nde . Ahjumma"

All three immediately left the store. Ji Yoong walked beside Jaejoong. Be patient with his son in law who were still not able to walk fast as usual while Doo Joon continues to rotate his face, watching the situation around them. Do not forget to give the same instruction to several guard who waiting not far from the car.

Ji Yoong helped Jaejoong just get in the car, when a car at high speed across the road and then turn hard sped toward them.

" Ji Yoong ssi! " Doo Joon shouted.

Ji Yoong who was a former member of an elite international police agency was easily able to read the situation. Ji Yoong went into the car. Yoseob who was on the front sit car immediately pulled away with a speed that required. Some cars come to him away while some guard led by Doo Joon stay, trying to dispel the uninvited guests.

Jaejoong could not hide his dismay whem he aware of that bad situation, especially when several shots rang out. Jaejoong hugged elephant stuffed elephant tightly with his eyes closed, not daring to opened it.
" Joongie , Don’t worry everything will be alright." Ji Yoong said tried to comfort him. Ji Yoong took his hand, holding it tightly.

When he saw Jaejoong bit calm, Ji Yoong turned his head to saw the situation of their back. One car that escorting them tires when they were got shot. There was still one car that escorting them, but they're quite desperate.

" Yeseob , did you ask for help ?" Ji Yoong asked with worry.

" Nde . They will be up shortly about ... "

Dor ! Dor !
Yeseob was unable to finish his sentence when a few shots hear. The bullets did not directly destroy the glass and not on Yeseob. Some bullet was stuck in the glass. But the glass will not be able to survive when the second attack came. Especially now a few feet in front of them drove the car from the opposite side is ready to shoot them. Seeing an increasingly precarious situation, Ji Yoong took revolver from under the seat and open car window beside him.

" Yoongie Ahjuma ? "

Ji Yoong put out half his body and preparing to shoot a black car that runs smacking their direction. Ji Yoong was a reliable shooter of this time and his ability did not rust even though he has retired long time ago. Although alon , Ji Yoong was able to win a shootout with two cars chasing subvert and threaten their safety .
But amid the chaos, a helicopter approached them and later ..

Dor !

A shot hit Ji Yoong’s shoulder who slightly off guard. The situation was forcing Ji Yoong to back into the car.

" Ahjuma ? ! " Jaejoong shouted panic when he found severe bleeding in Ji Yoong shoulder. His doe eyes that shine just few hours ago now back cloudy and ready to cry out of fear and worry about the safety of Ji Yoong.

"I’m fine Joongie. It’s not that hurt."

"But ... "
Then the Shot back occurs. The car where bring them get shock when one of the bullets hit the tire of their car.

" Yeseob ! ! "

Yeseob already try to control the car that carried them. But his efforts did not succeed. Uncontrolled car struck the bridge railing. The pace car fast enough to make the car a little fly before falling into the deep rivers flowing under them. It happened so fast that Ji Yoong could not do anything. With Ji Yoong last energy, Ji Yoong reach Jaejoong and hugged him before their car fall into the deep river.


To be continued (…)


Anyeong, Author back with Chapter 16.  Sorry for the late update.

Taecyeon already start his move. Yunho got shot and Jaejoong + Ji Yoong in dangerous. And so many thing will happened and some secreet will reveal.

 Hope you enjoy this chapter. Please tell your mind about this fic^^

Thank’s  for your comment, support and subscriptions^^

Big hugs

Yeye Kyunie



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monshine #1
Chapter 21: Super cute story.
chu-yunjae #2
Chapter 21: Its a cute little story
ikabelle #3
Chapter 21: Very original.... Hey authornim. Love you!!!!
For writing a great story and most important..... ORIGINAL!!! ^^
ONE KISS FOR YOU.. mmmuahx!!!!
it was a very nice story i really liked it but who is Ji Yong?
tote88 #5
Chapter 21: Really really really
This story is veryyyyyyyyyyy good
I like it very original. Keep going I'll be looking for more from you fics
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 21: Wow, good story. I love all the kids especially Changkyu.
Thank you for an entertaining story.
Chapter 21: Thx hon for make the sweet ending, although i alr read the bahasa one hhheee keep writing! Pls make the eng version too hhe
Chapter 21: Thx hon for make the sweet ending, although i alr read the bahasa one hhheee keep writing! Pls make the eng version too hhe
Kattan69 #9
Chapter 21: The ending was so sweet...and thank you for writing.