Chapter 18

Romance in The Rain (English Ver)


Heechul couldn’t say anything when the man that she believed was long dead now sitting in front of her.
" You're alive ... "
" Nde . "
" Why did not you seek me sooner? "
" I did seek you, but you didn’t see me. After all at that time you have been married to Tan Hankyung. "
" Mianhae. "
"It's not your fault. It’s mine. I did not fight you or try to take you away from him. I'm afraid of the cruel fate that would continue over and over when you're with me. There is one thing I never told you. You may not believe it but it happened to me. I was born under the auspices of death.  It was start when I turned 20 years old every people who close to me will die or have bad luck. All my family died because of me. Sunny, my first wife left me because she did not stand the bad things that happen around us.  I have Junsu because Sunny's new husband did not want to accept him. Then finally I met you, I actually try to avoid you, but ... "
" I force you to accept me. "
" Nde. Then that night the tragedy separated us. Although I survived, I ‘m to afraid to Suie or Joongie . I do not want anything bad to happen to you all. The curse requires that I have to live alone."
" But why are you with the people who attacked Joongie and Ji Yoong ssi ? "
" I have a responsibility to protect and help Taecyeon to fulfill his dream to… "
" Destroy the Jung family. I heard the rumors. But Hyung if Yunho did not survive in this battle, Joongie will suffer again. He had suffered for his entire life. Yunho is the biggest thing that makes him happy, the one who heal his heart. If Joongie lose Yunho , he would not be able to defend his insanity any longer. Can you help him and make sure that Yunho colud go home safely?"
Doong Wook did not answer, but nodded his head. After that Doong Wook stood and prepared to leave.
" I love you but I love my husband more. Even so, although I can’t be with you but my prayers will always be with you. You had to move on and gain your happiness." Heechul whispered when Doong Wook passed him. Doong Wook did not stop or say anything, Doong Wook continued walk without looking back.

Then when Doong Wook walked in the hospital corridor, Junsu already stood not far from the hospital room where Doong Wook located.

" Appa ... " Junsu whispered, too happy to be reunited with his Appa even in inappropriate situations . Doong Wook smiled at his eldest son. Doong Wook walked to Junsu then hugged him. Junsu burst into tears as the warmth that he missed has returned to him.

Doong Wook let Junsu hugged him for a while, but when Doong Wook feel that he must leave immediately, with a heavy heart Doong Wook ask Junsu to release his arms and carefully told about what he have to do . But Junsu was stubborn just as usual, Junsu force to drove his Appa to the parking area without releasing Doong Wook arms. In that previous time Junsu talk about himself and ask many questions about Doong Wook state.

"I hope Appa will visit us soon." Junsu said as the two got to the parking area. Junsu purposely handed Yoochun car keys so his Appa was no hassle to find the vehicle. After all his husband will not mind if the car was donated to the important mission.

" I will try. "

" At least Appa could come when your grandchildren were born later. "

" Suie, Are you pregnant ? "

" Nde , about a month. "

"All right then. Appa will definitely be there to greet my grandchild. "

" Gumawo Appa "

Doong Wook kissed Junsu forehead before saying goodbye and left that place to shadow Yunho and made sure that everything will alright.
Jaejoong’s head was so heavy and where he lay was very comfortable. But there were voices shouting under his consciousness to awake. Then Jaejoong opened his eyes slowly. The first thing Jaejoong realize is that he in an unfamiliar room and somebody hugged him from behind. Jaejoong knew that the body did not belong to Yunho, but somehow Jaejoong knew the owner of this body. The warm was familiar.

Jaejoong turned around. His Doe eyes slightly rounded when he saw at the familiar face.

"Tae Ajushi … ? "

Jaejoong sat down carefully then turned his gaze back to Taecyeon's face and saw that there was blood flowing from both Taecyeon nostrils. Jaejoong turned his head to look for something that can be used to clean the dried blood. Then Jaejoong saw a hand towel and a glass of water on the table next to the bed where the two laid. Jaejoong took the towel and wet it with water and then wiped the dried blood around the Taecteon nose carefully.

Jaejoong just half finished wipe the blood when Taecyeon opened his eyes. Taecyeon smiled at him, took his hand and wanted to kiss Jaejoong’s hand but with reflex Jaejoong pulled his hand, not familiar with this kind affection except with his ​​husband.

" Mainhae ." Jaejoong whispered.

But Taecyeon was still smiling didn’t bother with Jaejoong rejection.

" Gwenchanayo , I'm glad that you're okay . I was the one who supposed to apologize for get you in this not polite way. "

Taecyeon 's words remind Jaejoong at what had just happened yesterday. About himself and Ji Yoong who fell into the river. Jaejoong panic increases when realize he was in a foreign place and Ji Yoong was not with him.

"You do not need to worry about Ji Yoong ssi. Although I shot and stabbed him, he will alive. "

Jaejoong's eyes dilate when he heard Taecyeon admitted it with a flat face and no regrets at all.

"You hurt him and almost killed him ajushi ... "

"I hate him it was a normal thing if I wanted to harm him. He is the source of some tragedy that happened to me. “

"I heard some stories about Yoongie ahjumma . Maybe in your eyes what he did was very wrong, but in general view what he did was a big sacrifice. He had to give up her life and future in order to prevent Jung Seunghyun commit greater crimes. I did not live in those days, but the stories about his cruelty still remain until these days. He killed Appa Seung Hyun that true but he did not intentionally to do that. He Love him just like Your Eomma"

"And you call that cruel man with Appa?"

"Umm ... he still Yunho’s Appa, Is that wrong if I call him Appa ? " Jaejoong asked, tilting his head slightly, a habit when he think hard.

"My meeting with you very much changed me, and I apologized for the hurt you twice. "


" Nde . First, because I was the brain of your car accident a few months ago. The accident that had made ​​you can’t walk a few months and lost your first baby. "

Jaejoong's breath caught as he remembered his grief when his miscarriage then lost his first baby.

"So it was you? " Jaejoong asked with a slightly hoarse voice.

Taecyeon nodded before returning to continue his words.

"I did it to help you. I know you're not going to let anyone to save you even if that one is Yunho. I know you've not hate Heechul as before, surely you will give your heart to Kibum for Heechul sake. You were going to leave without telling Heechul that you are her biological son.  You plan to give her happiness without she knew that it was a fake and grief. So I hit you, because to me you become paralyzed much better than you were dead."

"Then why you kidnap me."

"That’s because I desperate want to meet you. With my war with Yunho, I can’t visit Jung family Residence by normal way. So I'm looking for other way to be able to meet you. I inadvertently sent document the results of DNA tests of Heechul and Kibum , fishing revealed the truth about your identity . By nature Heechul will mentally shocked by with that fact and fell ill. I know you're very kind, you will forget the sadness that Your Eomma done to you and desperate to see her. And I took the opportunity to pick you up like my promise to you ten years ago. "

"You know that what you are doing is very wrong. If only you ask nicely, I could definitely persuade Yunie Hyung to let me to see you. "

"Of course there are other reasons behind this incident. Revenge. "

"Revenge will not produce anything but suffering greater than before. I ever felt it."

"I'm not kind like you and I’m not the type of person who easy to forgive. I 'm dying and this is my last desire before death. "

"What happened to you? "

"My head was shot about a year ago. The doctors had given up and I'm not worrying my age limit again. "

Jaejoong was silent, staring softly at Taecyeon , feel so sad for what happened to Taecyeon .

"I want to do great things before dying. Meeting you gave me a big impact. I began to see that the old generation of Jung's family had to be terminated. But the Daesung and Yunho struggle will never be perfect if Appa’s loyal subordinate still poison the peace that they create. I'm looking for that people, collect and manipulate them to rebel against the leadership of Yunho. They believe that I will bring them to the Glory of Old Jung family just like in the past, without realizing that actually I took them to die with me. With this way I can take revenge on Yunho but also helped him. "

"Do you think that you too cruel to them and to yourself?"

"Since childhood I've learned cruelty from My Appa, it ingrained in my gut. I just utilize the negative nature of me for the greatest good. "

"But you're going to die and we've just met… "

Although they only met for a little moment but their encounter had made a good influence for them. At that time when little Jaejoong always crying and hurt, Taecyeon can always find him then comforted him. The day when Taecyeon disappeared become one of sad day that he ever experienced. And Jaejoong tears flowing in his check as he knew what kind of fate would befall to his used to be hero.

"Are you going to stop this fight if I begged you ? "

"Ani. It is my choice. I do not want to die miserable by lying in the hospital, waiting for death to pick me up. I had been planning this for a long time, I plan to die in this fight and embrace death as death is my old friend."

"You always ask who will save me but Tae Ajushi, who is going to save you? "

"You have saved me Joongie since the first time we met."

Their conversation could not last much longer as they heard a knock. Taecyeon took towel Jaejoong's hand, clean the rest of the blood in his nose before shouting permission to enter. Wu Chun, one of Anthony Wong inner cycle who followed Taecyeon to Seoul walked towards them.

" Gege , one of our mans reported that it seen Yunho had his move."

"I understand."

 Taecyeon’s attention back to Jaejoong. Taecyeon get out of bed, walked toward the cupboard, opened it, took a big jacket and elephants stuffed, then walked back towards Jaejoong. Taecyeon offer the stuffed. Jaejoong accept and immediately hugged his favorite stuffed.  Then Taecyeon put the jacket on Jaejoong .

" Yunho will pick you up soon. I can’t promise not to hurt him but he will alive as he came here to be with you."

After finished putting on the jackets, Taecyen opened a desk drawer beside the bed. Taking an elephant shaped lollipop candy and handed it to Jaejoong.

"There will be violence and gunfire fills this place, I knew it was not good for your pregnancy. I hope this can help you. " Taecyeon said as he put the candy in Jaejoong’s palm.

" Joongie , thank you and good bye . "

Tacyeon hair rubbed Jaejoong slowly then going to leave that place followed by Wu Chun. While Jaejoong was silent trying to digest the most important parts of some sentences that Taecyeon said. And there smile on Jaejoong's face wet with his tears. He is pregnant again.
A trip with Changmin had always give Yoochun bad headache. Yoochun really know that Changmin has a hobby to rob cake shop but be part of the Changmin’s robbery squad was a nightmare. On the way to the port, Changmin forced to ' buy ' the cake with the reason that it’s took a lot of energy for a Jaejoong rescue mission.

Yoochun was very lucky that it was over quickly and they are now up in the port.

" Yun ! " Yoochun shouted as he approached Yunho and Kangin .

“ Mianhae we have a little late , there is  technical trouble. "

Yunho just nodded as he understand what Yoochun mean by the technical trouble when his eyes  saw  Changmin who bring 5 clear plastic bags containing with variegated cake.

" I've told him that this is not a picnic , but he did not care. So is everything ready ? "


Yunho did not say anything else after that. His eyes continued to stare at the sea with a sword in his hand. Yoochun recognizes the sword as a symbol for Head of Jung Family. Yoochun's attention was diverted when Kangin gave him a vest bullet proof and a gun to defend. Changmin was still busy with his cake, but he very knew that Changmin was very capable of take care himself even without protection and weapons. In other side Yunho still looked at the sea. Yunho has been too long without his Jaejoong and it made him so starved for Jaejoong’s warm.

"Boo just wait. I'll pick you up very soon. "

To be continued (…)


Anyeong, Author back with Chapter 18.  Sorry for the long update and short Chapter.

Author Knew about Anime world first before K POP and Fanfic world. Some author favorite anime usually have antagonist character but they has story that sometimes no less exciting than the main character. In this fic Author tried to apply it. Author wants to make the antagonist character but he has a realistic reason behind his cruel nature and act. That is the reason why Author featuring Taecyeon with different characters from other bad guy in Author previous fanfic. ( I will translate them if any of you interested   ^ ^ .)

And finally 3 more Chapter before this fic finish^^.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Please tell your mind about this fic^^

Thank’s  for your comment, support and subscriptions^^

Big hugs

Yeye Kyunie


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monshine #1
Chapter 21: Super cute story.
chu-yunjae #2
Chapter 21: Its a cute little story
ikabelle #3
Chapter 21: Very original.... Hey authornim. Love you!!!!
For writing a great story and most important..... ORIGINAL!!! ^^
ONE KISS FOR YOU.. mmmuahx!!!!
it was a very nice story i really liked it but who is Ji Yong?
tote88 #5
Chapter 21: Really really really
This story is veryyyyyyyyyyy good
I like it very original. Keep going I'll be looking for more from you fics
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 21: Wow, good story. I love all the kids especially Changkyu.
Thank you for an entertaining story.
Chapter 21: Thx hon for make the sweet ending, although i alr read the bahasa one hhheee keep writing! Pls make the eng version too hhe
Chapter 21: Thx hon for make the sweet ending, although i alr read the bahasa one hhheee keep writing! Pls make the eng version too hhe
Kattan69 #9
Chapter 21: The ending was so sweet...and thank you for writing.