Chapter 11

For A Hundred Days

Rain continues to pour outside, and it looks like it won’t stop.


            You had your lunch with SeungRi, after buying those kitchen wares you needed. You two are sitting happily in a Japanese restaurant just outside the mall you went into. You enjoy his company so much, that everything seemed like a dream sometimes.


            Because whenever you are with SeungRi, you never feel the pain you are going through. He knows how to bring back the smile to your face. He guides you into a world full of happiness, full of anything that would make the pain go away.


            You are having a fun conversation, talking about different stuffs in life, embarrassing moments, etc.


            Until he opens that question you haven’t been answering a while ago. He already asked you a lot of times earlier, but you were changing the topic, or diverting his attention to other things.


            “Ah. I’m so full.”, he said, rubbing his stomach, smiling at you.

            “Me too. By the way, I’ll treat you this time, okay?”, you said, as you look for your wallet in your bag.


            The moment your hand grabs out your wallet. SeungRi held your wrist, and placing your hands back to your bag.


            “No. I won’t allow that. Besides, it’s already paid.”, he said. He then raises his other hand making a V-sign. His face gives you an expression that, you couldn’t do anything about it.


            “Ya~ it’s unfair. You should allow me to treat you sometime, other people might think there’s something between us…”, you said, letting go of your hands from his grip.


            SeungRi’s eyes look away. He’s surprise to hear these words from you. You feel his tight grip a while ago; loosen up, as his hands slowly went back to his side.


            The atmosphere of the place became quiet for a while. You two didn’t know what to say, and you were quite embarrassed that you had said these words.


            “Ah. Okay, okay. But just once, Araso?…”, SeungRi then suddenly speak, trying to bring back the mood. He was smiling like he wasn’t affected of the words you just said.


            Well, it hurt him. But he’s a good pretender, and he prefers to hide everything that he’s been feeling. He’s already satisfied of this relationship he has with you right now, and he thought no matter what he do,


            He can never fill the space; TaeYang has in your heart.


            You nodded, and smiled. You didn’t know what to say after saying these things. Yes, you’re scared of what other people might think about you being always with him. Since, the public knows your TaeYang’s best friend.


            That he even protected you in these fans, who used words, that almost killed you emotionally.


            “…By the way, ______________…”, he said, as he leaned closer to the table, just so he could get near you.


            “Yes?”, you asked, while pouring a drink on your glass.


            “You aren’t telling me why JiEun went to your restaurant today.”, he asked, so curious on why that lady would go there and talk to you.

            “Ah.Yes, about that…uhm…She’s having a problem with…”, you said after taking a sigh. He can see it in your face that you don’t want to talk about it.

            “Oh. Yes, I see it as well.”, he said, nodding. It seems that he knows something about it.

            “What do you mean?”, you asked

           “Hyung is distant to her nowadays. We could barely see him reply or respond to JiEun’s actions towards him. He’ll just nod, or smile slightly, but that smile of him won’t last long…”, he said, but his phone rang made him stop from speaking.


            You look away and took a deep breath. TaeYang’s actions bother you now,  it looks like you really need to talk to him about this, no matter what you’ll feel about it.


            You were busy thinking of how you would talk to him, until…


            “What? He’s missing?”, SeungRi said, shouting in shock, in worry. Because of the tone of his voice, you’re eyes turned back to him, as curiosity comes into you.


            “Yes, I’m with her…Okay…We’ll go there.”, SeungRi said, calming down a bit. He then hangs up, and look straight into you. His eyes really look worried; he didn’t know how to begin saying this in front of you.


            “What’s the matter?”, you asked, as his expression in his face starts to bother you now.

            “TaeYang…TaeYang Hyung is missing…”, he said, anxious. He held your hand the moment he said it.


            Stunned. You feel your heart stopped beating for a moment, as blood looked like it stops from running down your veins. You almost cannot move from your position.


            “Wha…What… do you mean?”, you asked, like you don’t want to believe of what he just said.

            “I’m not sure either. JiEun called DaeSung hyung, asking him if TaeYang hyung is on the set already, but he said no. That he hasn’t been back after he left. Everyone then contacted his phone, but he’s not answering. He’s not even answering phone calls from JiEun.”, he said, as he was also tensed.


            You look away, teary-eyed. He never made you so worried, only now. Only to this point wherein you are starting to move away from him.


            But you had nothing to do, you still have that feelings of yours for him no matter what.


            “SeungRi, can we go now? Please…”, you said, begging him. Tears fall down your eyes, as you were so worried where could he be this time.


            SeungRi nodded, then let go of your hands. You two fixed your self, and went out of the restaurant in a rush. You went out, and saw it was still raining, raining like there’s no tomorrow.


            You now become more anxious. What if he’s out there in the rain, soaking himself. What if he’ll be seen by his fans, what is he going to do…



            You then rode SeungRi’s car, and reached the place where they were having a photo shoot, in a flash.


            It was a big spacious building, with only two floors. It was owned by a professional photographer who’d be working with them in their new album.


            You rushed going inside the building, as SeungRi followed, and saw people going in and out, carrying loads of stuff for an another shoot, maybe. You stopped, as your eyes look around you. You don’t know where you’ll be going that you waited for SeungRi to lead the way.



            He then leads you to their dressing room, trying to calm you and himself as well. He was informed that the organizer of the shoot, still doesn’t know what happened.


            You entered a room, and saw the 2 other guys, restless. JiYong walks back and forth, with his hands on his hips, he’s looking down, thinking where TaeYang might be in. T.O.P sits on the corner, as he dials his phone, trying to contact anyone TaeYang knew. Thinking they might know where he is.

            SeungRi gets in, holding you, and sat you on a sofa, just beside the door. You look at JiYong and T.O.P and saw how much they are worried too.


 He gently closes the door, and leaned against it so that no one will get in.


            “Where’s DaeSung hyung?”, he asked JiYong,

            “He went out to fetch JiEun…He’ll be here in any minute now…”, he said, looking at him, as he shake his hands, trying to relax himself.


            He looked away, and saw you sitting on the sofa, with your head down. He then walked toward you, and knelt down, holding your hands.


            “…_________________, do you know where he could be? You’re the closest person to him. You may be have the idea where he is.”. JiYong asked, as his hand then moved, touching your hair then placing it in the back of your ears. He knows you are so worried, much more worried than them.


            “I don’t know, I don’t know…”, you said, in a low voice. It sounded like you were about to cry.


            He looks away, and took a deep breath. He taps your shoulder, as he understands your situation. And he remembered you weren’t even talking to him these past few days, that he decided to ask these two guys with him.


            “Do you remember anything he said to you? Something about a place, that he wanted to go back, or a person he wanted to meet…”, Jiyong asked, as he stared at SeungRi and T.O.P


            SeungRi shook his head, since he don’t remember a thing, and ever since you started to walk away from TaeYang, they barely talk.


            “I don’t know if it can help, but I remember one thing he told me two nights ago, when I saw that he wasn’t asleep yet.”, T.O.P said, as he puts down his phone and then stood up near JiYong.


            “What is it?”, SeungRi asked, as he moved near his two hyungs.


            “He told me he can’t sleep and that he wanted to go back to the time when he was just waiting, when he would just be sitting waiting for the sun to rise, and count those people who would pass by in front of him….”, T.O.P said, remembering it if what he just said is correct.


            His words made you stood up from your position. You remember a place, a place who was close to your hearts, a place you always go to way back in high school.


            A place, where you first fell in love.


            Three of them looked at you in surprise, that you suddenly stood up.


            “The Red Garden…”, you whispered, you know and you’re sure where he is right now.

            “What?”, SeungRi asked, as he went near you.


            You look away , and ran towards the door. You opened it, and went out of the building in a rush. You hear JiYong and SeungRi, following you, as they ask you where you are going.


            But nothing stopped you in running, even the rain that up to now is still pouring.




You are soaked in the rain, as you continue to make your way to this place. Panting. You know this place he talked about. The place he told to T.O.P


            The Red Garden.


            It’s not its real name, but both of you call it The Red Garden. It’s a spacious waiting area inside a park, which overlooks, and stands at the side of a man-made lake. You called it The Red Garden because of its roof that is painted with colored red, and these red roses that surrounds it.


            During high school, TaeYang would be there, waiting for you, so you could go to school together. He said, that even though that the sun had already rise, and he already counted all the people in your town that would pass by him,


            He’ll be waiting for you no matter what.


            These memories that happened each and everyday during your high school days, made you cried. You remember how much he cares for you way back then.


            You stood outside the park, as your hand held a steel part of its arch placed on the entrance. You continue to catch your breath, as you were also drenched in the rain.


            It’s a good thing no one is in the park this time.


            You moved your head up slightly, and from afar you saw him right away.


            You ran towards him, as your mind prepares what to say to him this time.


            But the moment you were just a few steps away from him, your knees began to feel weak, that you just start to walk slowly, looking at him in shock, in worry.


            He was standing outside the waiting area, all soaked in the rain as well. He’s looking down, with his hands in his pocket.


            He was there, like he used to when he’s waiting for you when going to school. He was on the same position, with the same gesture when he’s there early to wait for you.




            You walked toward him slowly, as tears rolled down your eyes. The scenario that was just a memory you remembered now happened again. You look around the place, and saw nothing had change.


            “What are you doing here all soaked in the rain?…”, you asked, serious. It’s now the only time you talked to him after these days you avoid him.


            He move his head up, and saw you standing near him. He looks at you with relief, that he even took a deep breath, that finally you’re here in front of him.


            “…Let’s go now, the members are waiting for you.”, you said, turning back at him then walking slowly.


            “____________…”, he said, holding your arms preventing you to move away.

            “And yes, JiEun is waiting for you. I hope that will make you go now.”, you said, letting go from his grasp.

            “It won’t. And she can’t do anything to make me leave now…”, he said, holding you back again, now making you face him.

            “…_____________, please. I’m begging you, tell me what’s wrong or tell me what to do, if I did anything wrong.”, he continued, as he moved down a little, so he could look at you face to face.


            You didn’t say a word, and feel a slight pain in your arms because of his tight grasp. You look away, preventing yourself from speaking as well.


            “Please ____________, please…”, he said, as tears roll down his eyes. Though it isn’t obvious because of the rain, you feel and you know it when he’s crying.



            “I’m just going to ask you a favor, if you’ll do it until the end. I promise, I promise I’ll be back to my old self, that person whom you always trust, that person whom you always depend on, your best friend .” you said, still looking away.


            “Just tell me, I’ll do anything if it’s the only way to bring back…”, he said, as he was eager to hear what is that thing you’d be asking him to do.


            You didn’t let him continue, and with your eyes closed, you said the thing you had never told him all these years, something you should have said long ago.


            “Promise me…Promise me you’ll love JiEun forever…”, you said, with tears falling down from your eyes.

            “…that you’ll take care of her no matter what, that you’ll stay by her side in every struggle you go through, that you’ll never let go of her hand when you run away together, that you’ll never give up on her even if…”you uttered.


            “Oppa!”, a woman’s voice said, coming from behind.


            TaeYang looks back and saw JiEun fast approaching with an umbrella.


            “Omo. What are you doing here? Look at you, you’re all soaked in the rain.”, she said, as she drags TaeYang beside her just so he would be out from the rain.


            She turns into you, and looked at you worried, but deep inside she isn’t.


            “Oh! Look at what you did to __________. She’s even drenched in the rain because of you….”, , she said, glancing at you. Then stared back at TaeYang, wiping his forehead with her handkerchief


            “…Let’s go now, Oppa. You are needed in the shoot, and we need to get you dried up.”, she said, as she held his hand, pulling him away from you, away from this place.

            TaeYang didn’t move, and he let go from JiEun’s grip. His hands made its way to your arms, holding them, like asking you to continue what you were saying a while ago.


            You didn’t continue what you were saying, that you held TaeYang’s hand that was holding your arm. Your hands pulled it, making it let go from yours. At first, he doesn’t want to, but you looked at him, telling him to stop holding you, and he has to follow his fiancée.


            He slowly let go of his hand, but kept his eyes looking at you.


            JiEun dragged him away from you, out from this heavy rain. Away from this memorable place.


            You looked down, and tears continue to roll down your eyes. You now continue the words you should’ve said to TaeYang a while ago.


            “…even if I love you…”, you whispered, crying. Your hands cover your mouth preventing it from making a sound, as you sob out in pain.


            In a blink, everything turned black.

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janella #1
Chapter 23: Sequel juseyooooo~ a wonderful story worth the read :****
fahzerah #2
Chapter 23: Amazing story line! Hoping there is a sequel.. That will be interesting.
jessicalm145 #3
Chapter 23: please let there be a sequel!!! Im begging you!! i wanna know if we gonna have kids!!!
syazSpy-d #4
awesome~dis gonna be one of the most aff i liked!!i REALLY LOVE IT!
Chapter 23: You are an amazing writer to be able to make me cry lol. Dang, SeungRi baby, I'm here for you! <3
Onepenny #6
Chapter 23: Tears of sadness and tears of joy. Thank u for a brilliant story :)
abbe_28 #7
Chapter 23: waah!! I finished it author-nim!!!! LOVE IT!! Although you already told me the whole story.. but its really nice!! Haha! Hwaiting!! SEQUEL!! SEQUEL!!! -ABBE :D
Kris_Paulene #8
Chapter 23: I really love it! I hope there's a sequel!
aishh....really daebak!!