Halloween Scare!

Oh Brother....And Exo?

A/N: This is basically a filler! Has nothing to do with the actual story line! 


Exo and Boyoung were walking around, trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. They continued to walk until they were pretty sure they went to all the houses.

"Wait! I think I see a house over there!" Sehun yelled and pointed at a slightly big house on a hill. It seemed that the house was vacant, but there was a light on the porch. They decided to walk over and try and get some candy. When they weren't paying attention, Boyoung had disappeared from the group.

The Exo boys walked to the front porch and rang the doorbell. They waited awhile, but the door didn't open.

They pressed the doorbell again...

and again...

and again...

The door still hadn't opened, but as they turned away and headed back home, the door creaked open. They looked at each other, slightly frightened because there was no one even near or at the door.

"Gege's lets go back home! This is kinda creepy!" Tao said, his voice cracking in frightment.

"How about we explore! I wanna see the inside this place!" Baekhyun smiled and walked in through the open door. And once he got inside, the door shut with a loud bang! They ran to the door and tried to retrieve Baekhyun, but even with the amount of force they had, the door stayed shut.

"Come on now Baek! That's not funny! Open the door!" Chanyeol yelled, but all they heard was complete silence. They grew worried and looked at Suho for an answer.

"Um...lets try and find a way to break in! We need to get him back!"

They nodded at their leader and split into groups, but no one noticed that a certain maknae was gone.

First Group: Chen and Xiumin

The two looked at the side of the house. They were trying to find an open window or something to help break in, but they couldn't. They walked until they heard a noise. It was crying.

"You can hear that too, right?" Xiumin asked Chen. Chen nodded. He was about to speak, but both of them out from something unknown.

Second Group: D.O and Kai

"Hey Kai. Didn't you notice that while we were spliting groups, Sehun and Boyoung weren't there?" D.O asked towards Kai with round eyes.

"Now that you mentioned it, yeah. I didn't see them, but weren't they with us when we walked to the house?"

"Maybe they got kidnapped too! This must be a prank or something!" D.O yelled frantically. Kai walked over to D.O and tried to calm him down. After he had calmed down, they fell into a hidden hole in the ground.

Third Group: Tao and Kris

"What if we don't find him! What if that happens to us or even worse ME!" Tao fell to floor and bawled. Kris sighed at the sight.

"Stop thinking so negative! We're going to find him!" Kris sounded so sure and leaned on the side of the house. A piece of twood moved backwards, leaving a small place for them to slide their fingers through and pry it open.

"See! What did I tell you?" They both tried to open the small opening and once it was big enough for them to fit, they were pulled into the darkness.

Fourth Group: Suho and Lay

They two weren't talking and focused on finding a place to break in. They ran nuts as they tried to open the tightly closed windows. When they were about to give up, they heard something opening and closing. They looked at each other, then ran to the noise. It was the front door, wide open to a pit of darkness.

"I swear that was closed!" Suho looked at Lay and lay shrugged his shoulders. The two walked in anyway, the door shutting loudly behind them. They couldn't see anything.

Fifth Group: Chanyeol and Luhan

"Not only is Baekhyun gone, but also Boyoung and Sehun! This is the worst Halloween ever! People are so cruel to pulled such mean pranks! Or what if this is real and we can never get them back! Oh no!" Chanyeol cried out. 

The two were trying to climb a tree and find an opening, but it was hard because Chanyeol kept making the tree shake, causing Luhan to almost fall. Luhan just glared at him, but noticed an open window.

"Hey look! I found a window!" He yelled down at Chanyeol, who had fell from shaking too much. Luhan jumped into the open window and Chanyeol hurrily climbed the tree. When he got inside, he couldn't find Luhan.

"Luhan hyung? Where are yo-" 

No One's POV

The groups were wandering around aimlessly and doing so, they ironically met up with each other in the house's living room. They counted heads to make sure they didn't lose anyone. They noticed that neither Sehun and Boyoung were there. They decided to be one big group and try and find the others. They walked to many rooms, but none of them had any sign of life. They even looked in the basement and attic and yet nothing is what they found. Then came the last room they had not checked. They prayed and hoped that this is where they were. Suho reached for the doornob, he cautiously turned it and when the door was open, something terrible was right before them.

Boyoung, Baekhyun, and Sehun...hanged on the ceiling with a long piece of rope, each one painted with blood. Their lifeless bodies dangled in the air. And on the wall behind them had blood red writing saying,

Which one of you is next?

They were frightened and hopeless as they read. Their bodies froze and they remained silent. All you could hear was the beating of their hearts and their heavy breathing. No one moved until they heard the door behind them locked shut! All turned around and saw a figure with red eyes staring back at them. They yelled and screamed, holding on to each other for support. Some were crying, some were cursing. The unknown figure walked closed to them. They saw the glint of a bloodied knife in the attackers hand. The figure made a menacing laugh as it walked closer.

It walked closer...

and closer...

and closer...

Then it stopped. The boys took this chance and tried to fight it, but the figure was stabbed from behind. They looked to see that it was 2 other dark figures. The 2 new presence laughed evily at the dead bodies. Then laughed even harder as the stabbed body moved. It moved and stood up and laughed as well. Exo was frightened and were afraid of what was going to happen next. They got themelves ready as the figures removed their covered face, to find Boyoung, Baekhyun, and Sehun wearing all black and red contacts. The boys eyes widened, their eyes looked back and forth from the hanged and the laughing bodies. They were majorly confused as the trio laughed.

"Noona! Why did you laugh! You broke our cover!" Sehun joked.

"Haha! Does it matter, did you see their faces! Best reaction ever!" Baekhyun yelled and laughed even more.

"That was really good acting noona!" Sehun exclaimed. Boyoung said thanks and continued to laugh at the utterly confused boys

"WAIT! What's going on here?!" Chanyeol pointed at the three, "I thought you were dead! These bodies looked real enough!" 

"Oh oppa." Boyoung sniffled a giggle, "That's what you call fake." She walked over to her fake bodies and hit it. It fell to the floor and the head rolled off. They looked in terror, but then inspected the object.

"I got to say, they got us pretty good." Kai sighed in defeat.

"But why did you do that and how long were you planning this?" D.O asked with wide eyes.

Baekhyun talked first, "Well...this was actually Boyoung's idea! She wanted to play with you guys a little bit."

"So I asked Baekhyun and Sehun to help me." Boyoung continued as she motioned to the two boys.

"It took a while, but we managed to do this much in just one week!" Sehun finished brightly. The other two nodded at the group in agreement. The room then filled with 'oohs' and 'ahhhs' They understood the reason why they were not with the rest of the group.

"So how did you get the house?" Kris asked.

"I know someone that owns this house. It's actually really nice in the morning. I had to make sure that no one was going to come here, so I decorated it to make it look scary." Boyoung explained then cluntched to her side. Chanyeol rushed towards her,

"Baby girl! What's wrong?" Boyoung removed her hands from her side to reveal a bloodied cut.

"Don't worry about it. I guess we just messed up the stabbing scene."

"YOU USED A REAL KNIFE!" Boyoung winced at the tone of his voice,

"No...I don't know...maybe..." Chanyeol stared her down, "Yes..." She looked down at her feet and shuffled them back and forth. Chanyeol's eyes softened,

"Are you sure you're okay?" He inspected the cut, "It doesn't look deep. We can probably clean it and bandage it at home." But then Baekhyun and Sehun stared to laugh again while Boyoung held back a chuckle.

"Why are you guys laughing? This is serious! She got cut because of this stupid prank!" Chanyeol yelled at them only to make them burst out laughing. The boys thought they were downright crazy. Boyoung then slightly lifted her shirt to show the cut.

It was fake.

The trio laughed even harder and Chanyeol tried to chase them. After they grew tired from running, they finally decided to leave the house. Jus as they were about to turn the knob of the front door, there was a small sound heard. It sounded like a piano. "Very funny guys, that's enough of the pranks." Suho turned to the trio, but their eyes showed fear.

"That's not us oppa...but I think that is." Boyoung pointed behind the others. They turned around only to be facing a girl, that looked like the grudge, hanging from the ceiling. Her face was covered with her hair and she wore a white dress. The only thing that came to their minds was to run. They frantically tried to open the door, but it was locked shut. They were stuck! They turned back at the girl and noticed it was coming closer. Their yells began to spread throughout the house as the figure got closer. Just as the figure got closer, the girl slipped on a wooden floorboard and let out a cute yelp. Then the same trio began laughing again, so did the mystery girl. The girl took of their wig and it showed Aunty Eun! The four of them laughed as they were being chased by the rest of the members.


A/N: Done with the Halloween Special! The trio will be the pranksters! Hopefully there's more specials like this! Jalja! ~Raven


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Exo_Fighting #1
Chapter 33: Please update soon!
DeerLuhan2233 #3
Chapter 33: Please update soon!(WHENEVER YOU HAVE TIME!)-.-
Chapter 32: please keep all 3 parts of riddles to your heart. that was one of my favorite parts :) ♥
vvvvvey #5
Chapter 31: whut da fishhh.... her father is coming backk ???? T.T
omfhunhan #6
Chapter 31: Omf is this the dad??
Chapter 31: Oooooh who is this mystierous person?? Love you auothernim! :)
omfhunhan #8
Chapter 30: Yay ur back
mizzkpop96 #9
Chapter 28: HIATUS? okay I will wait for ur update.. but please don't. Take ro many time.. jebal.. ^^
Cutear-ar #10
Chapter 18: Hope You Update Soon!! ^-^