The Second Encounter

Oh Brother....And Exo?

Exo managed to make a decent breakfast the next morning. Surprisingly, there were no damages or injuries during the process. They ate leisurely and discussed how they would take Boyoung to school.

"Should we take turns or go all together?" Kris asked. They looked towards their other leader for assistance. Suho scratched the back of his head and thought hard. After a couple minutes, Boyoung came into the dining room, all dressed.

"Oh Boyoung! Good morning! If it's no problem, do you want us to take turns or go all together when you walk to school?" Suho asked her as she was eating her breakfast.

"Just do whatever you want, I don't care." She shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat while the boys thought.

"How about we all just go with noona for today and we'll think about it another time?" Tao exclaimed.

"Good thinking Tao!" Kai said and everyone agreed as well. Boyoung sighed as she finished her food and went to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

"Hey Chanyeol! Does Boyoung have any friends?" Luhan asked Chanyeol.

"Now that you say that, I don't know. I've never heard her talk about her friends and from what my aunt says, she doesn't know either."

"How could you not know if your own sister had friends?" Xiumin asked with a mouthful of food. Chanyeol continued to speak.

"First of all, ew and close your mouth, and Boyoung had a pretty tough time growing up, so it's kinda hard to tell what goes on in her life or her head. Even if we're siblings, we're still not blood-related and I haven't been there for her during the bad times. She had always been an outcast, even with the many people that care and love her. She still has many secrets kept inside her," Chanyeol started at his food sadly, he was holding back his tears, "The real reason why I wanted to come here, was to be the big brother I never was and to open her up more. We fight a lot, but we do it because we love and care for each other. The biggest fight we ever had was when I was going to Korea to become a trainee. That was the day I broke out promise of being at each others side forever. I can still remember the look on her face when I left the house. It's something unforgetable. I wanted to stay, but I didn't because I was selfish. I left her in one of her hardest times- when mom died- , while I went to live my dreams. We even shared the same dream," Chanyeol weakly smiled behind his newly found tears, "But she never tired to achieve it, because I know she's scared. I would be too if I was in her shoes, but she will always be that fragile, glass angel hiding behind her facade. I needed you guys to help me break through her wall, because I want her to have more people to look up to and to be someone that can fight through, no matter how difficult the situation is, I want her to be able to smile through the pain." The boys softened at the sight of their member crying softly in his hands. They quickly went to his comfort and no one noticed the small figure behind the wall, listening to every word said.

'Someday oppa, someday. You'll understand everything soon. You haven't heard the full story. I'm sorry I'm not telling you, but I have to...because I care and love you too.' The figure silently cried at the sight of her brothers' tears.

After Chanyeol had calmed down, they hurrily went to meet Boyoung at the front door. No one noticed the worried expression on Boyoung's face as she looked at her brother. They quickly left the house and they walked in silence to Boyoung's campus. They silence was uncomfortable and they walked awkwardly through the streets. They tried to say something, but a certain group stopped them. It was Brittany, her friends, and Dillon. Brittany glared at Boyoung and seducingly looked at the Exo boys. Some were disgusted or they felt awkward at her stare, even Kai was grossed out. Chanyeol, Luhan, and Baekhyun filled with rage for they were there at the last encounter.

Noticing the familiar three boys, Brittany dropped her nice girl act and spoke, "Well look what the hoe brought with her. Her precious boy toys! I knew she was a , but I never knew that it was with twelve boys!" Brittany and her friends giggled and the boys were confused at the foreign language, but the one's that knew what she said translated and everyone glared at her. Boyoung stayed silent and was unfazed by the comment.

"Oh look! She's all quiet now! What happened to all that talk from before? Cat got your tongue?" Brittany grabbed her chin harshly and raised it. The boys wanted to help, but Boyoung's faced told them not to interfere.

"Looks like your boys toys can't help you! You're nothing but a cold hearted, emotionless robot! You are just a piece of trash! Nothing! You have nothing and you are nothing! Even your parents didn't want you! You-" 

A hand brought up to slap her, but it was stopped by another. Chanyeol dropped his hand, for Boyoung had already got the job done. The redness on Brittany's face and Boyoung's hand brightened. They could tell the slap had an impact. The look on Boyoung's face filled with emotion, from hate to pain to sadness. You could hear the heavy breathing from her, even with her head down, she began to speak.

"You can call me all you want, but not about my family. At least I have a heart and I'm not a selfish, heartless brat like you. I may not have the best family in the world, but at least they give me the time to love and care about me and they keep me alive! I may not have my mom or dad, but I have people that care and love me for who I am, unlike you, who has the bribe her way to get what you want! And you insulting me, just makes me stronger and stops me from finding other people like you! You don't know anything about me, so stay out of-" Boyoung's eyes widened from the impact. What surprised everyone was that Brittany had not hit but, but Dillon.

"You shut up! You don't know anything! You have not right to say anything! You little piece of-" Dillon had fell from Luhan's punch. When Dillon looked up, his nose was bleeding. No one exchanged words, only stares between the two boys. 

Then Luhan broke the silence, "I don't think you have the right to say that to her. You're saying that Boyoung doesn't have the right to say anything bad about her because she doesn't know anything, but you're doing the same thing. Am I right?" Dillon got up and charged at Luhan, but the other eleven boys blocked him. He stopped at the deadly stares from the boys. Boyoung walked inbetween Dillon and Brittany, and Exo. They we're expecting for Boyoung to fight back, but all they recieved was a smirk and a scoff. Boyoung walked away from the area and continued to walk to campus. On the inside, she was hurting, but she wanted to be strong and not wanting to show her weak side to her oppas. She quickened her pace as she heard twelve paird of feet behind her. She quickened until she was sprinting, with tears flowing down her face.


See that! I did update! And guess what? It's my birthday today!!!!! Yay! Another year of existence down the drain! XD But anyway, I don't know when the chapter will be up, so please wait patiently!!!!!! 

~Raven <3

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Exo_Fighting #1
Chapter 33: Please update soon!
DeerLuhan2233 #3
Chapter 33: Please update soon!(WHENEVER YOU HAVE TIME!)-.-
Chapter 32: please keep all 3 parts of riddles to your heart. that was one of my favorite parts :) ♥
vvvvvey #5
Chapter 31: whut da fishhh.... her father is coming backk ???? T.T
omfhunhan #6
Chapter 31: Omf is this the dad??
Chapter 31: Oooooh who is this mystierous person?? Love you auothernim! :)
omfhunhan #8
Chapter 30: Yay ur back
mizzkpop96 #9
Chapter 28: HIATUS? okay I will wait for ur update.. but please don't. Take ro many time.. jebal.. ^^
Cutear-ar #10
Chapter 18: Hope You Update Soon!! ^-^