Merry Holiday's!

Oh Brother....And Exo?

"Should we wake her up?"

"But she looks so peaceful, how about we let her sleep?"

"But hyung! It's Christmas and better yet, it's snowing!"

"But Sehun, wait, Sehun...what are you doing? Sehun!"

"WAKE UP NOONA!!!!!!!" Boyoung sprung up from her bed at the sound of Sehun's voice. She rubbed her eyes and groaned at the sight of the other eleven in her bedroom. "Come on noona! It's Christmas! Let's open presents." Boyoung winced at the happy tone and she quickly laid back down and covered her head with a pillow.

"You idiot! We're not going to open presents till later!" Kai scolded Sehun while he went to sit on Boyoung's bed. When Boyoung stayed still, the rest of the boys followed, but they could feel Boyoung's glaze from behind the pillow and decided against it. Oblivious to the situation, Sehun stayed on the bed.

"Please wake up noona. I want us to play outside in the snow!" Boyoung lifted the pillow, allowing her to see Sehun's pouty face. She sighed and she lazily got out of bed. "Yay! She woke up!" Sehun ushered Boyoung to her bathroom and shut the door, "Hurry up and get ready! Then after we eat breakast let's finish decorating the house and play outside!" Boyoung slowly started to get ready and she went downstairs.

The inside of the house had already been decorated, but Exo, mostly Sehun and Tao, wanted to have a Christmas party, so there were more decorations to be done. Boyoung went in the kitchen and went to the last open seat. It was between Chanyeol and...Luhan. Boyoung slightly blushed at the memory from the day before. Luhan and her still haven't gotten to know each other better, so interaction from yesterday, left an awkward aroma and when Luhan tried to start up a conversation, it became even worse.

"Boyoung, make sure you wear the proper attire for snow. I wouldn't want you to get a cold." Boyoung nodded while she slightly blushed and Exo noticed and they teased them.

"Oooh! Looks like LuLu hyung is worried about Boyoung," Baekhyun winked at both of them and Luhan rolled his eyes.

"I was just worried, because when you guys told me to find her the other day, all she was wearing was a coat, no hat, gloves, or scarves." 

"Mhm...that's what they all say." Exo laughed at Baekhyun's comment and continued to eat.

"Let's go Youngie, Sehunnie!" Baekhyun grabbed the said two and rushed out the door. Baekhyun and Sehun walked out the door, but Boyoung was pulled back. It was Luhan and he was holding gloves,a hat, and a scarf.

"Didn't I tell you to wear the right stuff?" Luhan placed the hat on her head and made her wear the gloves, "You may be smart, but you lack common sense sometimes." He wrapped the scarf around her neck and chuckled at her. Boyoung blushed bright red, she was speechless. 

"Youngie! What are you doing? Get out here!" Boyoung silently thanked Baekhyun for indirectly helping her escape the awkward moment. She walked outside, but not without saying a quiet thank you to Luhan. Sehun and Baekhyun dragged her behind a snow bulit fort and behind the fort were snowballs. 

"Okay Youngie noona! As of today, The Michief Mafia will declare war on hyungs and we will destroy them with our hand-made bombs." Sehun gestured towards the snowballs, "We grant you to throw the first bomb. Aim for their leader."

"And who would that be?" 

"Chanyeol of course!" Boyoung blinked her eyes at them.

"Why would I hit my own broth-"

"Shh! Right now, the ties between you two are no more. We will be victorious!" Sehun and Baekhyun began laughing and Boyoung shrugged her shoulders.

'I guess I have no choice.' Boyoung silently aimed at Chanyeol, who was with Lay and D.O, and threw the snowball. She quickly hid behind the fort, she would have gotten away from it, but Sehun's loud mouth blew it.

"That was awesome Youngie!" Chanyeol directed his attention towards the trio.

"Youngie? Why are you calling my sister Youngie? Only I can! And why did you hit me!?"

"Mwhaha! You finally figured it out! We are The Mischief Mafia and we have bombed your kingdom! Now bow before us and if you refuse, we have no choice but to eliminate you." Baekhyun yelled towards him.

"That's not fair! You have three people, a fort, and Boyoung!"

"Oppa, you know you have the choice to surrender." Boyoung smirked, she was actually getting interested in this game.

"Fine! Lay, D.O, and I will be a team," Lay and D.O. agreed and they went to make a fort. While the were making thier fort, Baekhyun and Sehun asked the rest of Exo if they wanted to play. So now there were teams of three,

The Mischief Mafia: Boyoung (Leader), Baekhyun (Bomb Maker), Sehun (Support/Cheerleader)

Team 1: Chanyeol (Leader), Lay, D.O

Team 2: Kai (Leader), Suho, Xiumin

Team 3: Luhan (Leader), Tao, Chen

Kris was being a party pooper and didn't want to play, so he's the score keeper. The four teams were facing each other in the middle of their bulit forts. All the leaders stepped up. Kris went in the middle to greet to rest. He held cards created by Sehun and he was forced to read them.

"As of today, The Mischief Crew-"


"Okay...The Mischief Mafia has declared war on the neighboring kingdoms. Those who objects, will enter war and those that surrender, will fall in the hands of their kingdom. So is there anyone that surrenders?" No one said a word, so Kris sighed and continued to read, "Then return to your kingdoms and get ready for battle." The groups dismissed and they ran to their forts. The Mischief Mafia had created a plan to destory the others, so their plan commensed. Baekhyun quickly created more snowballs and Sehun made their fort even bigger. Boyoung was helping both of them and was keeping look out. The teams had five minutes to prepare and so Kris started the countdown.

"One...Two...THREE! Fight!"

The teams carelessly aimed their snowballs towards each other, but not Boyoung's team. They had left without anyone knowing. None of them noticed their absense because they thought were hiding behind their fort, so while the teams were destroying their fort, each of them snuck behind each of the teams. Sehun was behind Team 2, Baekhyun was behind Team 1, and Boyoung was behind Team 3. They stayed low, so the other teams wouldn't notice them. So when the teams grew tired, The Mischief Mafia ambushed them with snowballs. The teams were left defenseless, so the winner was anonymous. 

After the battle, Sehun and Baekhyun did a victory dance and they held hands with Boyoung and they twirled in a circle. The rest of them sighed in their defeat. 

"Well that was fun!"

"Yup!" Baekhyun agreed, the others lightly nodded, but they have to admit it was fun. They continued to play in the snow, until it was getting dark outside. They quickly ran inside the mansion and got dressed in warm sweaters. Once they were all dressed, they met up in the living room, where the tree was and the gifts. They were eating Christmas dinner in the living room and then they were going to open presents.

"Present time!!!!!!!!!!!" 

"Shut up!" Sehun pouted towards Kai and muttered, "Stupid hyung."

"I heard that!" Sehun quickly grabbed his present and sat next to Boyoung.

"Open mine first!" Boyoung grabbed the gift from his hands and opened it. It was a picture of Sehun and her, when they were doing pranks. Boyoung smiled at the present.

"I love it Thank you." Sehun hugged Boyoung and then Baekhyun showed his present next.

"I didn't know what to get you, so here." When Boyoung opened to gift, inside was a book full of pranks. Boyoung slightly chuckled.

"Thanks. I'll be sure to grab you and Sehun to do all these." Exo shuttered in fear while the three smirked at them. Next up was D.O, he had given her cookies. He didn't know what to get her, so he gave her food instead. She appreciated the gift anyway. Boyoung continued to open Christmas presents from the boys. She recieved and scarf from Kris, a stuffed-panda doll from Tao, a cute sweater from Xiumin, a jewelery box from Chen, new shoes from Lay, hair clips from Suho,  and a picture of Kai from Kai. This time she was opening Chanyeol's gift. When she opened it, it was a scrapbook filled with pictures of her and him and the family. Boyoung skimmed through the book and smiled at every picture. When she got to the last page, there was a note attached to a picture of Chanyeol and her, before he left.

I promise I will always be by your side, no matter what. Love, Chanyeol

Boyoung released a tear and smiled at Chanyeol. She went up and hugged him, "Thank you so much! This was the best present so far."

"If you think this is the best present, you should see what Luhan and all of us got you." Luhan handed her his gift and she opened it slowly. Inside was a music box and when she opened the box, a cute little lullaby played and there was also a charm bracelet. One charm caught her eye, that heart locket charm. She picked up the bracelet and opened the locket, it was a picture of Exo and her. It was a picture with all of them smiling. Boyoung looked up at Exo and then Luhan.

"The music box was from us, but the bracelet inside was from me." Luhan was expecting a thanks, but what surprised him was that Boyoung had engulfed him in an embrace.

"Thank you so much. I love it." Luhan relaxed and hugged her back. Exo watched them slyly and giggle at the sight. When they released, Boyoung walked over the the tree.

"Now it's my turn!" She handed each of them a wrapped present and one by one, they opened their gifts.

Sehun received a picture of Boyoung and him. 

"I guess great minds think alike." They smiled at each other and hugged once again.

Baekhyun got a picture of bacon with his face photoshopped on it.

"I know how much you love bacon and your name is close to the word bacon, so I give you, you." Baekhyun chuckled at her and thanked her.

D.O got a cookbook of English dishes.

"So when you go back to Korea, you can cook some English dishes." 

"I'll try them right away!" D.O smiled and sat down. Boyoung went over to Kris and handed his present.

"I admit, I didn't know what to get you, but this reminded me of you and that alpaca of yours." Kris raised an eyebrow and opened his gift. It was another alpaca, but with a bow.

"A girlfriend for Ace!" Boyoung smiled at him and he just rolled his eyes and hugged her. 

"Noona! What about me?" Boyoung handed Tao his gift and he tore it open. He opened it to find a sword. The boys stared in awe and they touched the sharp object.

"I promised that we would spar and I would teach you, so I'll teach you some sword first."

"Thank you noona!" Tao grinned at the rest of the boys, "I can't wait to try it out!" The boys cowered in fear and scooted away from him.

Xiumin was the next person to get a present and when he opened the gift,he got a stuffed doll of a bun. 

"I know you like buns and all, so here!" Xiumin laughed and ruffled her hair.

"Thanks. Not only will I think of myself, but also you."

Chen got a book. The cover was hard-covered and blank. "I just came across this while shopping and I thought of you."

"So I'm hard-headed and plain?"

"Look inside, dummy" The first page of the book had the letter 'Y'. He continued to to flipp through the book and each page had a letter. Afterwards, he pieced them all together and it spelled, 'YOU JUST GOT TROLLED! MERRY CHRISTMAS! - BOYOUNG.' Everyone laughed and Chen chuckled at the gift and thanked her anyway.

Lay also got new shoes. "I heard that your shoes were worn out, so I bought you new ones!"

"I'll wear them when I dance. Thank you." Lay smiled at her and admired the shoes.

Suho opened his and he got a book called How To Be a Good Leader. He looked at Boyoung questionally, but Boyoung told him to open it. On each page, there were pictures of him and Exo and they each had a caption.

"Each caption represents a picture and each of them have to do with the good traits about you. Look at this one, it says, 'The way you smile at everything and have a positive mind.'" Suho smiled at her and gave her a big hug.

"Thanks Boyoung. I'll treasure it forever."

Now it was Kai's turn and he was ready for his gift. He tore the wrapping to see what was inside, but he was met with another layer of wrapping paper. He tore that layer and once again there was another layer and another and another. He kept unwrapping until he got to the last layer.

"Let me guess, there's nothing." Boyoung just shrugged her shoulders and motioned Kai to continued. He cautiously unwrapped the last layer and there was a gold, plain ring. Kai picked up the ring and noticed there were engravings, 'To my erted oppa...Saranghaeyo, Boyoung'.

" you like it?" Kai grabbed her and kissed her cheek. Boyoung's eyes widened in surprised and playfully punched him.

"This is beautiful. Thanks Boyoung." Boyoung nodded and smiled at him. 

"Can I open mine now!" Boyoung laughed at Chanyeol and handed over the present. He opened the present and was surprised to see a collage of Boyoung and him. He looked at the picture in the middle and noticed it was the two of them, making a heart with their arms, smiling widely. Chanyeol rushed over to Boyoung and gave her a tight hug. He then placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I love it Boyoung! Thanks!" Boyoung patted his head and smiled up at him.

Lastly was Luhan's. Boyoung handed Luhan the smallest present there was. Luhan stared at the present and back at Boyoung.

"Well go on, open it." Luhan tore the wrapping and he laid his eyes on a wooden box. He opened the box and his eyes widened. It was a old ring attached to a chain. He studied the pendant and he noticed that Boyoung had a matching one. He pointed towards the pendant around her neck.

"Are they suppose to go together?" Boyoung blushed and nodded her head.

"I saw it at a store and I thought it looked like it would suit you. And when I went to the eomeoni, she said that they were matching necklaces. I really wanted to get it for you, so I just held onto the other one because I grew to like it too. You can have it back if you want..."

"'s okay. You can keep it. Thanks, I'll wear it right now." Luhan put the pendant on and admired it. He smiled at Boyoung and she blushed. "Thanks again. I love it." Luhan went up and hugged her. Boyoung tensed up, but relaxed and hugged him back. 

"Okay! Okay! No more touching my sister! I only let you hug her because it's Christmas! Now release!" Chanyeol separated the two and hugged Boyoung. "They didn't hurt you, right?" Boyoung chucked at her protective brother and shook her head. He sighed in relief and let her go.

"Wait! Are you not going to accept my present?" Thirteen pairs of eyes turned to Aunty Eun. She handed each of them a ticket to a resort. "I got you all free tickets to Eun's Resort! Well considering I own the place, you don't really need the tickets, but just to add a feel." 

"Woah! I heard about this resort! I didn't know you own it!" Suho asked, "Is that why your always gone?"

"Good observation Suho. Well hopefully you guys can go before winter ends. I'll be seeing you guys there soon!"

"Wait Aunty Eun! Are you going back to work already?" Boyoung asked and Aunt Eun nodded.

"Sadly, yes. But on the bright side, I get money!" Exo chuckled at Aunty Eun's comment. Boyoung and Chanyeol ran over and hugged their aunt good-bye before she left. The rest of them waved bye and watched her walk out the door.

"Well, shall we continue our party?!



Finally! This is probably the longest chapter I've ever written so far! So hopefully you like it! Next chapter will be next year! In 2014! See you in 2014! Bye!

~Raven <3

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Exo_Fighting #1
Chapter 33: Please update soon!
DeerLuhan2233 #3
Chapter 33: Please update soon!(WHENEVER YOU HAVE TIME!)-.-
Chapter 32: please keep all 3 parts of riddles to your heart. that was one of my favorite parts :) ♥
vvvvvey #5
Chapter 31: whut da fishhh.... her father is coming backk ???? T.T
omfhunhan #6
Chapter 31: Omf is this the dad??
Chapter 31: Oooooh who is this mystierous person?? Love you auothernim! :)
omfhunhan #8
Chapter 30: Yay ur back
mizzkpop96 #9
Chapter 28: HIATUS? okay I will wait for ur update.. but please don't. Take ro many time.. jebal.. ^^
Cutear-ar #10
Chapter 18: Hope You Update Soon!! ^-^