Riddles To Your Heart: Part 3

Oh Brother....And Exo?

This time there were two cards instead of one. Kai took one while I took the other. We took turns reading each riddle.

Hey Youngie! Two of us wanted to do two at the same time! So here goes mine! Don't worry! We're in the same place!

I am up high in the sky,

With heat I am yellow and sweet

I am a ball of fire in the morning

I raise up higher and higher

 I am hot that looks like a big dot

 What am I?

Kai and I turned to the other card!

Heyo! Happy Valentine's Day noona! Considering we're almost the last one's you could probably guess who this is!

Go to the place where the water flows out from it's holder!

I go well with a certain kind of meat.

My first three letters will give you a ride for a fee,

My last three are a word for the amount of time that something has existed.

What am I?

Super duper easy noona! Good luck!!!

"Well considering the last one, I know that's Sehun. Who else would it be and the first one would either be Luhan or Baekhyun. Which one do you think it is?" I asked Kai.

"It's Baekhyun, he said he wanted to be with Sehun before we started anyway." He replied

"Then the last person it Luhan?"

"Who else would it be?"

We headed back out of the forest and into the open park. Our feet took us to the fountain, where we spotted, of course, Sehun and Baekhyun. They smiled and waved at us and motioned us to come over. Sehun asked me a question when we got there, "So...Do you know the answer?"

"'Cause we won't give you the next clue until you answer it!" Baekhyun continued.

"Well you guys had the easiest one's, I guess." Kai nodded in agreement. "The first one is the sun, which came from Baek and the second one is a cabbage, which came from Hun."

"Wow! You're really smart Youngie!" Baekhyun said with wide eyes.

"Yeah! You managed to almost get this done in less than 3 hours!" Sehun exclaimed.

"You could say I was getting used to all the guessing and my mind just started flowing. If that makes any sense." I muttered.

"Haha! Alright! Here you go," They handed me a bag, that was slightly heavy. I stared at it confused. They told me to open it, so when I did, I saw a ceramic coffee mug. It had a mustache on it and had the letters 'B.B.S.' in cursive. 

"It stands for Baekhyun, Boyoung, and Sehun!" Sehun exclaimed happily.

"Sehun and I have our own too! So now we have couple mugs together!" Baekhyun also exclaimed. I smiled at my gift.

"Thank you! I love it. I'll definetly use it!" They hugged me and finally handed me the next and last envelope. The only problem was, they grabbed Kai's hand and started walking away!

"Hey! I thought he was going to help me?" I yelled as they got further.

"Don't worry! You'll be fine on you're own! Just go back home! You'll find LuLu hyung there!" With that, the three of them ran away. I blew a raspberry and opened the final card.

Well I'm the last one! Happy Valentine's Day Boyoung! Sorry we made you do this. To be honest it was my idea. Hope you don't get mad.

I'm hoping Sehun or Baekhyun told you where to go, so you better head on over there.

I don't really care if you answer the riddle or not. You'll see why. Here you go!

At the sound of me, men may dream
Or stamp their feet
At the sound of me, women may laugh
Or sometimes weep.
What am I?

Luhan...I thought to myself. My heart slightly, and I mean VERY slightly, flutter when I thought of him. I shook my head and removed the his y face from my mind. I continued to walk back home. My feet were starting to hurt too. I've been walking for at least two hours already and Exo had to meet Alyssa and Daniel.

When I reached the house I walked into the front door. It was empty inside. I thought they said Luhan was here? I decided to go to each of their rooms, but I couldn't find them. Though, when I went into Luhan's room, there was a note attached to it.

Go inside and look out the window.


I did what I was told and went straight into his room. It was fairly clean for a boy, not going to lie. I went his window and open it. The afternood breeze blem as I opened it and I stuck my head out. I stared at the sky for a moment and then looked down to the backyard. Everyone was there, including Alyssa and Daniel. They saw me and they smiled brightly. I tilted my head in confusion, but then Luhan yelled up at me.

"Hurry up and come down! We were waiting for you!"

I quickly left his room. Stumbling down the stairs I ran to the backyard and haulted as I saw them. They smiled at me, but none of them really paid attention to me. All their eyes were on Luhan. Luhan was pushed over by one of the members and he stumbled into me. I helped him keep his balance, but that meant I had touched him. Our touch sent a shock down my spine. When he had his balance, he looked at me. Our faces were a few centimeters apart. I froze in my spot, but then he released from me. He cleaared his throat and smiled at me. He grabbed my hands and faced my palms upward. Then he placed another card. I looked down at it.

Hope you enjoy! Happy Valentine's Day!

When I looked up, Luhan was already on the porch with a microphone. Lay and Chanyeol oppa were there too. Lay was on the piano, which I didn't know was there, and Oppa on the guitar. The duo began to play a melody on their instruments and Luhan began to sing after a little while.

Ji shi shen xian zai meng li (zai meng li)

Wen rou zhang kai shuang bi (wo huai li)

Quan xin    XOXO yong bao  zhe  ni    XOXO

Yue lai yue ji de hu xi (ji dong de XO)

Fang fu shen shou ke ji (qin wen zhe ni Kiss me girl)

Baby, XOXO mei ge meng li XOXO (XOXO)

Give me XOXO L.O.V.E

You’re my XOXO L.O.V.E

(Exo M- XOXO  Do to own, of course)

When he finished we all clapped. I smiled brightly and when he got off the porch I ran and hugged him. I was so happy. No onw had ever sang me a song before and Luhan's voice my magical. I could see why he's a vocalist. 

I could be he was hesitant at first, but he relax after a while. The Exo member, Alyssa, and Daniel roared and hollered. Some whistles were blown too. When we parted, our faces we flushed red. I hid my face in embarrassment, but Luhan removed held them back. 

"Don't hide your face. You look cute." He grinned at me, making my heart flutter even more. Then he kissed my cheek. His lips were soft against my skin and I felt a warm feeling travel through my body. My heart began to race.

"T-Thanks." I stuttered. Why am I feeling this way? Ahh! Luhan walked away from me and started getting teased by his other members. Then Alyssa and Daniel came towards me. Speaking of which....

"Why are you here?" I asked them.

"Well that kinda stings a little bit." Daniel joked.

"Daniel stop it!" Ayssa scolded him. She turned to me, "Well it was Luhan's idea, so your brother called us from your phone and asked if we could help them prepare this while you we're busy with your riddle hunt." So that's where my phone went. I thought silently.

"Why? I thought we were going to spend Valentine's Day together, not like this."

"We were, but Luhan oppa had such a great idea and we couldn't pass the opportunity! I would give this mission an A+!" She exclaimed and gave a thumbs up.

"Yup! Yup! And you've never been into the whole 'Valentine's Day' spirit, so think of this as a boost." Daniel yelled, following the same action as Alyssa. They both giggled and I rolled my eyes at their childness. 

"Youngie! Put your stuff down and let's eat! I bet you didn't eat yet!" Chanyeol oppa yelled at me. I listened to him and I placed my stuff on the porch and headed to the gazebo. Everyone was sitting down, waiting for me. I took a sit in between Chanyeol and Luhan. We thanked the food and began to stuff our faces. I finshed first, surprisingly since I didn't eat since breakfast. Luhan had slipped a tiny box in my hand. I stared at it and Luhan whispered in my ear.

"Don't just stare at it, open it!" I removed the ribbon tied to the box and lifted the lid. It was a ring. I stared at it surprised. "I have the same one. Don't worry, their not couple rings. Just think of it as friendship rings." He faintly muttered something afterwards, but I ignored it. He took the ring and slipped it on my finger. It was a perfect fit. Luhan seem surprisingly happy when it fit. I don't know why, but I thanked him again.

Alyssa and Daniel went home after it got late. I was currently lying on my bed. I held the hand in the moonlight and stared at the ring. It glistened everytime the light ony on it. I smiled softly. What I didn't know was Luhan was doing the same in his own room.

Luhan's POV

I hope they can be couple rings in the future. I smiled and my mind drifted off to my dreamland.

That night...

I had the best dream ever.


Happy Valentine's Day!!!! <3 This is a thriple update, so look back at the other chapters! Hope you enjoyed I kinda rushed if you could tell, but I was busy with school once again! Ahhh! Plus I have school tomorrow and it's on a Saturday!! So tired! Anways byeeeee!

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~Raven <3

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Exo_Fighting #1
Chapter 33: Please update soon!
DeerLuhan2233 #3
Chapter 33: Please update soon!(WHENEVER YOU HAVE TIME!)-.-
Chapter 32: please keep all 3 parts of riddles to your heart. that was one of my favorite parts :) ♥
vvvvvey #5
Chapter 31: whut da fishhh.... her father is coming backk ???? T.T
omfhunhan #6
Chapter 31: Omf is this the dad??
Chapter 31: Oooooh who is this mystierous person?? Love you auothernim! :)
omfhunhan #8
Chapter 30: Yay ur back
mizzkpop96 #9
Chapter 28: HIATUS? okay I will wait for ur update.. but please don't. Take ro many time.. jebal.. ^^
Cutear-ar #10
Chapter 18: Hope You Update Soon!! ^-^