Adventures of B.B.S.

Oh Brother....And Exo?

Well I guess I wanted to update tonight! So surprise!


No One's Pov

"Noona, I'm bored!" Boyoung looked up from her book and raised an eyebrow at Sehun.

"And? What do you want me to do?" She replied.

"I don't know! Just something to keep me occupied!" Boyoung sighed and closed her book. She stood up from her seat and placed the book down.

"Fine, go get Baekhyun." Sehun smiled and rushed to grab his hyung.


"Shouldn't we make it a little bit more extreme? I feel the reaction would rise to a whole new other level." Baekhyun said towards Boyoung and Sehun. They thought for a moment and continued to expand their plan.

~~~Later on in the day~~~~

"What the hell!?" Twelve pairs of eyes darted towards a green faced Kris, "What happened to my face?" Three certain people snickered quietly, making sure they weren't going to get caught. 

"Kris, aren't you a little too early to be dressed as the grinch? Christmas isn't here yet." Chanyeol asked, recieving chuckles from the rest. Kris glared at him, but that made them laugh harder because of his face. Once the laughing finally died down, with the exception of a few giggles here and there.

Suho spoke, "On a serious note, what really happened?"

"I don't know! I was washing my face and I went to apply my moisterizer, but then when I looked in the mirror my face was all green!" Kris glared at the ones that started to giggle as the word 'moisterizer' popped up. "Who ever did this will be punished!" Kris yelled and stomped into the bathroom to wash the green off. When he finally left, three people started bursting out laughing.

"Oh my god! Did you see his face? Priceless!" Baekhyun rolled on the floor while laughing immensely. Sehun followed suit,

"I know right! We did goooood!" The two high-fived and continued to laugh. Boyoung sat there looking at the two giggling to herself. The rest of them stared at the three in confusion.

"Wait! What are you guys talking about?" Lay asked.

"If you couldn't tell already, we were the ones that did that to Kris!" Baekhyun said after his laughter settled.

"What do you mean by 'we'?" Luhan suspiciously asked. Baekhyun motioned to the other two victims.

"By 'we', we mean Sehun , Boyoung, and, of course, me!" The three grinned at the others.

"I have to admit, that was pretty sick, but just wait until Kris finds out." Chanyeol smirked, "You guys are so dead."  

Boyoung went to reply to her brother, "Oh don't worry! We already planned on when he finds out, which should happen in" Kris comes storming out from the bathroom and rushes towards Kai.

"Kai get your over here!" Kai's eyes widen and quickly got up from the couch and ran as far as he could from Kris.

"I'm guessing that was the plan?" Chen looked towards the trio, who were laughing again. They nodded as they rolled on the floor. The boys just watched in worry for their dancing machine as he frantically ran from Kris the Grinch.


The trio was busy setting up the prank for the Exo M leader. They snickered as the squeezed green invisible dye into Kris' moisterizer bottle.

"What are were going to do when he finds out?" Sehun asked Boyoung worrily.

"Already one step ahead of you." She pulls out a heart shaped sticky note and placed on Kris' towel, so when he washes his face, he can see the note.

"Did you really put Kai's name on it?" Baekhyun laughed when Boyoung nodded her head,

"Let's just say, it's going to be revenge for all the times he's tried to hit on me."

~~~~After the other prank~~~~

Kai was eventually captured from Kris and the other leader had to convince to latter not beat the dancer into complete oblivion. It took awhile, but finally Kris gave up and went to wash his face.

While this was going on, everyone beside the trio were busy making their prank comeback.


There! I'll probably keep doing this until it's my birthday, because I plan to go back into the actually storyline! I just want you guys to enjoy while I'm writing and editing the future chapters! Thanks!

~Raven <3


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Exo_Fighting #1
Chapter 33: Please update soon!
DeerLuhan2233 #3
Chapter 33: Please update soon!(WHENEVER YOU HAVE TIME!)-.-
Chapter 32: please keep all 3 parts of riddles to your heart. that was one of my favorite parts :) ♥
vvvvvey #5
Chapter 31: whut da fishhh.... her father is coming backk ???? T.T
omfhunhan #6
Chapter 31: Omf is this the dad??
Chapter 31: Oooooh who is this mystierous person?? Love you auothernim! :)
omfhunhan #8
Chapter 30: Yay ur back
mizzkpop96 #9
Chapter 28: HIATUS? okay I will wait for ur update.. but please don't. Take ro many time.. jebal.. ^^
Cutear-ar #10
Chapter 18: Hope You Update Soon!! ^-^