
Oh Brother....And Exo?

Boyoung didn't know that the minute she got up this morning, she would be thrown into the bathroom to get dressed and then dragged to the snowy mountains. She was currently geared up, with the rest of Exo, in skiing gear. Apparently, they wanted to learn how to ski, but they wanted Boyoung to join them. Minjoon was also with them, only because he begged his mother. 

"Come on Youngie! Let's go up the ski lift together!" Chanyeol was about to grab his sisters hand, but realized she had already been dragged away by Sehun. He pouted and walked over to Baekhyun. "Hyunnie! That nasty maknae stole my baby sister!" Chanyeol whined and Baehyun just stared at the lad. In the inside, Baekhyun was blushing madly, but he wanted to show his 'cool' side and rolled his eyes.

"Let her go. She's a big girl now. I'm pretty sure she can take care of herself and Sehun." Baekhyun gave him a reassuring smile and patted his back. "How about we go together!" Chanyeol suddenly brightened and smiled towards him. Baehyun was then dragged, just like Boyoung, to the ski lift.

The rest of Exo followed, well except Luhan. Of course, who could forget that the baby faced elder was afraid of heights. He sighed as he watched the rest of his friends go to the lift without him, but he would rather stay on the ground, where it was safe, than sit on a lift that takes you up a million meters high in the sky and with the possibility of falling and dying. Instead, he watched as the others went up and as others went down the mountain. His insides were telling him that he should go with his friends, but he knew he would have never made it up the mountain alive. He stayed, playing with the snow, waiting for the rest of s to come down. He watched as each person made it down the mountain, one by one. 

Everyone of them did pretty well for their first try. Some of them fell along the way, mostly Kris. That guy kept falling every five minutes that he grew fustrated and said that he didn't want to do this anymore, of course, everyone else laughed at the lad. The best one out of them was definietly Minjoon, but hence being the owner's son and he practically stayed at the resort, he didn't really count.

Luhan continued to observe the others as they went down. Minjoon, being the pro, finished first even though, he went up the lift last. Boyoung was second and following behind her was little maknae, Sehun. Well technically they were skiing side by side, but Boyoung was skiing a bit faster than the other, but only to look back to make sure the maknae was alright. Luhan noticed Sehun fall a couple times as they mde their way to the clearing, but would always be helped by Boyoung. Surely, Luhan was slightly jealous at all the physical contact, but he was also happy, maybe even a little proud, that Boyoung was kind enough to help out a friend. His eyes suddenly turned to the next person, Kai. He already could guess that the latter was going to catch on pretty fast with the dangerous activity. Kai was the dancing machine and was a quick learner. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were slightly behind the dancer. They fell a couple times, but only began laughing once they got back up. A smile lingered on his face as he watch the couple. Sure, they weren't an actual couple, but he could see the love and affection in their eyes as they interacted with one another. They would have been a couple by now, but they just had to be the most dense people of the group. Luhan scanned behind and saw Tao coming down swiftly. The Exo M maknae was doing a very decent job, being by himself. Kyungsoo was pretty decent as well. There were the occasional slips and falls, but he always brushed it off and continued. Suho and Lay were next in finishing their little activity. Each time one of them fell, the other would help. Those two always had a close relationship and Luhan could see the bright smiles on their faces.

Everyone manged to ski to where Luhan had been observing. The only person left was Kris. Even after Suho and Lay had reached Luhan, the latter did not show up in the clearing. "Where's Kris? Wasn't he like, the third person to go up?" Luhan asked the others, then they all started to laugh and giggle. "What's so funny?"

"Haha, Kris- haha- can't ski-ha- like at all! Hahahahaha!" Baehyun and Chanyeol laughed even harder as they remember what had happened at the top of the mountain.

"He can't be that bad...could he?" Minjoon patted Luhan while giggling.

"Bad? I don't think there's even a word to decribe how terrible he is!"

"Huh? I don't get it..."

"Look for yourself." Boyoung pointed towards the clearing and he saw Kris' tall figure, struggling to go down the mountain. Luhan tilted his head slightly as he watched the leader fail miserably tried to go down the mountain without falling on his face. Kris continued to go down the mountain, but then he noticed as he saw his group was staring at him. He suddenly grew agitated and a hint of determination gleamed in his eye. Kris began to increase his speed, to show off to the others. He continued to increase speed, that he couldn't stop and he was heading towards Boyoung! Exo and Minjoon started pacing around and yelling at Kris to stop.

"I would stop if I knew how!" Everyone's eyes widened and they ran out of Kris' way, except Boyoung. She just stared as Kris was heading towards her. Kris coming closer and closer to her and she stayed put, but the thing that surprised everyone was that there was no fear in her eyes. And just as Kris was about to hit her, she quickly side-stepped and stuck her foot out, causing Kris to trip over her leg and fall, for the millionth time. Kris fell face down in the snow and quickly got up.

The members were about to rush over the help out their other leader, but then Boyoung started laughing? Her laughs were music to everyone's ears because it wasn't her fake laughs. It was a genuine laugh. Her lips were curled up into a smile and her petite body was shaking. Her arms were around her stomach in attempt to stop the laughter. Kris stood up and stared ar Boyoung, only to make her laugh even harder.

Kris' face was covered in snow. 

Boyoung continued to laugh and tears began forming in her eyes. Her laughs were loud, but it was a nice sound to everyone's ears. Once her laughs died down, her already red face, was flushed to an even brighter red. Every time she would even catch a glance in Kris' direction, she would start giggling slightly. "I'm sorry. It's just that, I couldn't take it anymore. You were probably the worst skier I've witnessed in my entire life! Even little kids are better than you!" Kris faced flushed in embarrassement and the others chuckled.

"Luhan oppa! You should have seen the way he fell! I didn't know anyone could fall like that!" Boyoung slightly giggled as she spoke towards him. Luhan's face flushed bright red causing Boyoung to stop laughing. How could he not have blushed? That was probably the first time he had heard her call him oppa. Boyoung stepped closer to Luhan's face and tilted her head. Luhan's face became even redder as she got closer. "Are you okay? You look dangerously red? Let's go inside, it's starting to get a little cold."

"I-I'm ok-kay! Just a little cold!" Luhan fibbed. He couldn't admit that he liked Boyoung's presence so close to him, she would think he was weird! 

"Oh! Then let's go inside. And I thought you told me to dress warmly, when you're clearly freezing out here." Boyoung smiled, but it was one of her fake smiles, but it was more than enough to make Luhan blush even more.


Here's some slight Baekyeol and some Luyoung action for you! So yay! Boyoung is finally starting to open up! And that means...

IT A SECRET!!!!!!!!

Anyways! There goes another chapter! See yah!

~Raven <3

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Exo_Fighting #1
Chapter 33: Please update soon!
DeerLuhan2233 #3
Chapter 33: Please update soon!(WHENEVER YOU HAVE TIME!)-.-
Chapter 32: please keep all 3 parts of riddles to your heart. that was one of my favorite parts :) ♥
vvvvvey #5
Chapter 31: whut da fishhh.... her father is coming backk ???? T.T
omfhunhan #6
Chapter 31: Omf is this the dad??
Chapter 31: Oooooh who is this mystierous person?? Love you auothernim! :)
omfhunhan #8
Chapter 30: Yay ur back
mizzkpop96 #9
Chapter 28: HIATUS? okay I will wait for ur update.. but please don't. Take ro many time.. jebal.. ^^
Cutear-ar #10
Chapter 18: Hope You Update Soon!! ^-^