Monday Madness and Fun?

Oh Brother....And Exo?

Skip to Monday

No one's POV

The morning was nice and peaceful. Not a sound was heard through the mansion. Everything was still and perf- Bang! Clank! Crash! The crude noises awoke Boyoung from her slumber. She groggily got out of bed to see what the commotion was about. As she was going down the steps, the noises became louder and louder. Once she reached the bottom, she searched where the noises were coming from, but then the noises ceased. Boyoung's face filled with suspicion. With her guard up, she walked into the kitchen to get some breakfast, but what brought her to a boiling point was the monsterous sight before her. The kitchen was a mess in different ways, the stove had a smoking, burned pan on it, water flooded the floors, the refrigerator, cabinets, and drawers were wide open, stains filled the walls, flour spreading around the room, and 12 sheepish grins form 12 flour covered boys. Boyoung pushed her tongue in the side of in annoyance. She dejectedly sighed as walked towards the burned pan. Twelve pairs of eyes followed her movements, but none bothered to move, in fright of what could happen to them if they did. Boyoung continued to clean the kitchen by herself, not even asking for help. Everytime she would look at the boys, she would open , but then grit her teeth, tighten her fist, and shut and continues to do what she was doing before. The boys could tell she was furious and no one dared to say a word to her. The two maknaes had teary eyes for they thought their noona despised them.

It took Boyoung around 30 minutes to clean the entire mess. She massaged her temples and shut her eyes and hanged her head. She lifted her head and shot knives at the boys, literal blades of death. The knives missed each of their heads by an inch and the boys stiffened and gulped in fright. Boyoung shook her head in disappointment and went back upstairs to get ready for school.

After Boyoung left, the boys looked at each other. They were afraid and worried, Tao and Sehun were sad and crying, and Chanyeol was pacing back in forth. He knew exactly what happens when Boyoung gets mad.

"Damnit!" Chanyeol dropped to the floor and grabbed his head on fustration.

"What's wrong Chanyeol?" Suho asked worrily.

"We're so dead! So freaking dead!" Chanyeol cried out.

"She couldn't be that bad?" Sehun hesitated as he looked at the knives that were stuck on the wall, "Right?" He looked at Chanyeol for a comfirmations, but he recieved a shake of a head. Their eyes widened and they began to fill the kitchen with questions all targeting to Chanyeol.

"There's nothing we can do! Did you not just see her throw knives toward our heads? It's useless! Once Boyoung is mad, you're done for! She won't talk to you at all and she'll torture us depending on how mad she is. And considering how she is now, we're going to have to say goodbye to the world. I give you the minute she comes down, she will explode." As he finished explaining, Boyoung came into the kitchen all dressed. The boys waited for the impact, but Boyoung ignored them and grabbed an apple and took a huge bit out of it. They sighed in relief a Boyoung continued to eat her apple infront of them.

"I don't see why you're sighing?" Boyoung stated, making them freeze in their spots, "I do believe Chanyeol told you what happens when I get mad. Am I correct?" They nodded their heads quickly. "Good, then you know what's coming for you". And then she finished off her apple and walked to the trashcan. They thought she was going the throw the core away, but Boyoung suddenly chucked the apple towards Chanyeol's forehead. Chanyeol, who had slow reflexes, got hit straight on. He grabbed his head and fell to the floor in pain. There was a red bump forming on his forehead. They rest of the boys looked terrified and looked back at Boyoung, but she was gone. They rushed to Chanyeol's aid instead of looking for Boyoung.

After Chanyeol's swelling went down, they walked out of the kitchen to clean themselves. What frightened them was the sight of Boyoung standing before them with arms crossed. They quickly bowed sorry, but Boyoung stayed unfazed. They stopped bowing when Boyoung started to speak.

"Stop bowing. It doesn't matter anymore. Doing that won't help you in anyway." They dropped their heads to the floor, Boyoung continued, "First of all, why the hell were you guys doing in the kitchen?" Her voice rised.

"We wanted to cook you breakfast since Aunty Eun went to work." Kris bravely replied.

"Okay. Now tell me WHY and HOW did you mess up the kitchen?" They flinched at her tone, but spoke anyway.

"None of us know how to cook besides D.O, so we forced him to not help us and we kinda burned the food and spilled a few things." Baekhyun trailed on at the end of his sentence.

"Okay. Follow me." Boyoung guided them back into the kitchen. "You guys see this? This is a clean kitchen." Boyoung motioned at the kitchen them walked over to a counter. "Memorize it!" Then she brushed off all the contents from the counter and onto the floor. She continued to trash the place, creating a bigger mess than it was before. When she was done she grabbed mops, brooms, rags, and other cleaning supplies from a closet and dumped them infront of the boys.

"I expect you ALL to fix this kitchen and when I get back it should be the way it was before or better. Understand?" They nodded, "Good and now this." She walked over to the crying maknaes. She placed a hand on their shoulders. They stiffened at the contact and cried even harder.

"We're sorry noona! We only wanted to make you happy! You probably hate us! We're so sorry!" They both cried out and what surpried them was that Boyoung pulled them into a hug and shushed them softly. Boyoung began to talk, 

"Don't cry. Look, just because I'm mad, it doesn't mean I hate you, so no need to cry. I'm sorry if I scared you, but I'm only doing this to teach you guys a lesson. Noona should be sorry, not you. And when I get back, you two better not be crying anymore." She patted their heads and walked to the front door. "I'll be going now. That kitchen better be clean. And don't shove stuff in the cabinet and drawers, I'll be checking everything!" And she walked out the door and slammed it behind her. The Exo boys sighed at the sight infront of them.

"Well, this isn't going to fix itself. Let's hurry up and finish this." Suho sighed and picked up a broom. The rest followed after him and they began to clean.

At Around 4

The Exo boys had finally finished cleaning. They spent atleast 7 hours cleaning just that one kitchen. They laid down on the floor and breathed heavily.

"This has got to be more tiring than practicing!" Kai whined. D.O smacked him on his arm.

"It's probably because you're never cleaned, you nasty bastard!" They boys chuckled lightly because they were too tired to laugh harder. They finally got up from the floor and went to clean themselves and rest.

At Around 5

Boyoung's POV

I walked through the front door and kicked it closed. I waited and listened for the boys, but all I heard was silence. I decided to check the kitchen first and I was surprised to see it spotless. The whole place looked brand new. I smiled softly at their great work and went to look for them in their rooms. I opened each of their rooms to find them empty. I suddenly grew worried. 'Where are they?' I check the entire house, but they were no where to be found. I finally got to the last room I hadn't check, the lounge. When I walked into the room, I giggled at the sight. Oppa's were sleeping silently on the floor, curled up together with blankets and pillows. 'They look so calm and peaceful. I should let them rest. They had a rough day. I guess I was a little harsh.' I walked down to the kitchen and started to cook some food and get prepare to have a barbeque night when they wake up.

It was around 6:28pm when I finished my preparations. I smiled at my work and went back to the lounge to walk up the boys. Whe I got there, they were still in the same postions as I left them. I decided to end their sleep, so we could eat.

"Guys wake up!" I yelled across the room. They stirred in their sleep and one by one, each of them slowly opened their eyes. They were surprised to see me.

"Come on sleepy heads! Time to eat!"

"Wait!" I turned back to stare at Chanyeol.

"What do you mean 'wait'? Let's eat!" I said back.

"Shouldn't you be all mean and torture us?"

"Oh Channie. You must have forgotten that you haven't been with me for awhile. I don't do that anymore, unless I'm mad at someone I don't like."

"Really!" He replied surprised. (That rhymed! :3)

"Yeah, so lets go to the backyard to eat!" I was about to open the door and leave, but Lay's voice stopped me.

"But, how did we do? Ya'know, with the kitchen?" They looked at me with pure hope. I decided to play around with them.

"Ah! That! You guys did horrible, so you guys will have to clean all the dishes after dinner!" I declared and left them speechless as I ran to the backyard. I hurrily lit the decorative torches and waited for the boys. I could hear them complaining  'how could we do horrible' as they came closer. I started to fire the grill once they walked outside. Their eyes widened in surprise. I had decorated the backyard to look like a beach. Torches were lit, bamboo sticks were standing around the yard, little lanturns were floating in the pool, and music was playing in the background. I tended the barbeque that was sitting on the grill.

"Well don't just stand there! Eat!" I pointed towards a buffet table filled with all kinds of delicious meals and desserts. They were suspicious at first, but sat themselves down and began to attack the food. Luhan then asked me a question,

"I thought we did horrible? Why are you treating us nicely?" They looked at me and waited for my answer.

"Geez guys! I was just kidding. If you guys did that bad, then I wouldn't even cook dinner and let you starve. I realized that I was a little harsh on you and so I wanted to repay you guys with food! Don't worry about the dishes! Tonight I will be doing everything, from cooking and serving to washing and cleaning the dishes! Just eat as much as you want." I continued to grill the rest of the meat.

Throughout the night, each of the boys took turns to helped me grill and they forced me to eat. They even fed me while I was grilled. After all the meat was grilled, we played games and laughed. That's how the rest of our night went until it was eleven and we remembered it was a school night and I had class in the morning. I told them I got all the dishes and they should go to bed, but they refused and we decided that we should all clean up, but we ended up splashing each other with soap and water. We cleaned up our mess after our fiasco and decided we should sleep in the lounge tonight. We went to our repected rooms to get ready for bed and went to the lounge with pillows and blankets. We stayed up until it was 1am and they forced themselves to sleep so I can get up early for class. And as I slept, I dreamed of how the rest of my year would be with oppa and of course Exo.


A/N: Herro! Herro! I am back! I actually had time to write and type this chapter! I have around 3 assignments that are due on Tuesday and Wednesday and they're all projects! So super important! I just wanted to write for you guys! Feel free to tell me your suggestions and ideas and also if I made some mistakes! I always have them! Thank you for ready my story and you can stay with me for awhile! Bye-bye~ <3

-Raven :3

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Exo_Fighting #1
Chapter 33: Please update soon!
DeerLuhan2233 #3
Chapter 33: Please update soon!(WHENEVER YOU HAVE TIME!)-.-
Chapter 32: please keep all 3 parts of riddles to your heart. that was one of my favorite parts :) ♥
vvvvvey #5
Chapter 31: whut da fishhh.... her father is coming backk ???? T.T
omfhunhan #6
Chapter 31: Omf is this the dad??
Chapter 31: Oooooh who is this mystierous person?? Love you auothernim! :)
omfhunhan #8
Chapter 30: Yay ur back
mizzkpop96 #9
Chapter 28: HIATUS? okay I will wait for ur update.. but please don't. Take ro many time.. jebal.. ^^
Cutear-ar #10
Chapter 18: Hope You Update Soon!! ^-^