Single Pringle?

Oh Brother....And Exo?

Author's Note

For the heads up, I plan to follow 'a schedule'. By that I mean, I want to update atleast once every week or maybe two. It will depend on my own schedule. So anyway, enjoy this chapter! Plus the gang already came back from their trip, just incase anyone gets confused.

Valentine's Day was just a few days away. A week to be exact! The Exo boys were excited, that they wanted to compete to see who would be the one to capture Boyoung's heart and become her Valentine. But what they didn't know, Boyoung had already made plans to be single pringles with Alyssa and Daniel.

Boyoung walked side by side with her other two companions. They were currently walking arm-in-arm as they, well except Boyoung, skipped down to the cafeteria. "You should invite your brother and his friends! You haven't introduced them to us! Are we really your friends?" Alyssa asked as they arrived at the lunch room.

"Probably because I don't want to corrupt your minds with their silliness." Boyoung mumbled under her breath.

"Can you ask them to come! Please!" Daniel pouted as well as Alyssa and they shot puppy eyes at Boyoung's straight face.

After a little while, "Fine! I guess I can ask, but only on one condition! You cannot ask them out or flirt with them, especially you, Daniel!"

"Aww!!!! But why not?" He whined back.

"You know what I mean! We will not go through this again!"

"Come on! That was one time and plus, Alyssa's brother was totally hot! How could I not flirt with him?"

"Yeah, and he was totally straight too! And we weren't the ones that came crying to us when he dumped you!"

"He was just afraid of our relationship being announced and what others might think. He was totally into me." Daniel flipped his newly died hair and sat down at their usual spot, outside in the courtyard.

"What are we going to do with you?" Alyssa giggled at Boyoung's comment and began eating her untouched food.

"You're still gonna ask them, right?"

"Be quiet!"

"So that's what happened. So are you guys in or not?" Boyoung asked the twelve boys. In her mind she was hoping they would say no, but reality spoke otherwise.

"Yeah, sure! I want to meet these friends of yours." Chanyeol responded.

"You'll regret it later." 

"They can't be that bad! So what if one of them's gay! I've never met a gay guy before, beside Baek and Yeol over here!" Kai pointed over at the two boys, who surprisingly didn't feel offended and only blushed at the comment.

"I want to see your friends, noona! We didn't even know you even had friends!" Sehun smiled. In his head, he thought it was a polite comment, but Boyoung felt agitated and her right eyes twitched a little.

"You guys didn't think I had friends? Do I really look that anti-social to you?" Boyoung paused for a moment and continued, "Nevermind, don't answer that. On Valentine's Day, their coming over here, so try to be on your best behavior. Your weirdness will only make them worse. So please?" They nodded in response. Boyoung grabbed her phone from her back pocket and sent a message to Alyssa and Daniel.

Alyssa, Daniel

Their coming, but stay out of trouble. Please?

After that, Boyoung went up to her music studio and dropped her phone on the couch lying in there. She laid on the wooden floor and let out a hefty sigh. 'This will probably turn into a disaster. What have I done?'


This was kinda short, but I hope you guys liked it! I have also determined how long I want this fanfic to go. I was thinking around 30+ chapters because I have a lot of ideas for this story that has yet to be written, so hold on tight! And I started writing another story and I have lots of new ideas! But this fic won't end anytime soon!

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~Raven <3

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Exo_Fighting #1
Chapter 33: Please update soon!
DeerLuhan2233 #3
Chapter 33: Please update soon!(WHENEVER YOU HAVE TIME!)-.-
Chapter 32: please keep all 3 parts of riddles to your heart. that was one of my favorite parts :) ♥
vvvvvey #5
Chapter 31: whut da fishhh.... her father is coming backk ???? T.T
omfhunhan #6
Chapter 31: Omf is this the dad??
Chapter 31: Oooooh who is this mystierous person?? Love you auothernim! :)
omfhunhan #8
Chapter 30: Yay ur back
mizzkpop96 #9
Chapter 28: HIATUS? okay I will wait for ur update.. but please don't. Take ro many time.. jebal.. ^^
Cutear-ar #10
Chapter 18: Hope You Update Soon!! ^-^