
Wisdom Teeth

Chorong’s POV

“Uh can you help me study like in the library?” Luhan asked.

Did he just?My legs feel like jelly.What do I do?Yes!Yes!Yes!

“It’s okay if you can’t,”

“Yo-hup,”a hiccup escaped as I was about to say yes.

“Pardon,” he replied with furrowed eyebrow’s. Oh no what am I doing why is my mouth moving but not saying anything .Because my voice failed its duty and function I just nodded. I was paralysed while hyperventilating.

“Yo-hup,”Besides that…

I formed the number 1 with my hand and walked backwards to the water fountain which I took a quick sip. That seemed to do the trick.


 “My stomach is churning, flipping around and rotating 360 degrees.I tightly wrapped my hands around my worn out textbooks and rubbed my shoulders because of the goose bumps yet trying not to act weird.Be normal please.Don’t stare.Don’t stare.Don’t stare.

Luhan scratched his head and looked around the library”Uh where do you want to sit?” he asked.

Right next to you but of course I didn’t say that because wooooop that is creepy so I just shrugged my shoulders.We ended up sitting on the second level where there were only 3 people so if you minus the 3 it could be like a study date.Minus the study and it’s a date.

I sat down awkwardly looking like I was chewing grass from trying not to smile or not to frown but to look neutral.Luhan glanced at me as if he were about to say something.

“Yeh?”I asked nervously my voice almost sounding like a whisper.

He shook his head and sat down then flipping to the page “So uh tutor who came first what do we start on?”

I let out a small scoff”Thanks um we can start on that page I guess,” More like I don’t know but since the page we were on is technically relevant to the topic hey ho Mario.

Luhan nodded as if he was a little bobble head in the car like um you know one of those puppy bobble heads or I don’t know.The whole study session was basically about financial stuff which is one of the topics I hate the most in Maths although in this study session Luhan was the only one learning and actually studying.


All I had done within the 1 hour session was sit awkwardly and admire I mean teach Luhan mathematical solutions and formulas.He kept nodding so I assumed he was a fast learner as he needed no second application either.By the looks of it he might even surpass me in the test.

“Wait so how did you get $752?” Luhan asked with one eyebrow up and leaning in closer.

I awkwardly leaned to the left away from him and coughed”Ehrm well you multiplied by 52 but you’re actually supposed to multiply by 52.18,”

He nodded again like that puppy nod and I’m pretty sure he fully understood that.

After the tutoring session I packed my bag when someone tipped me from behind.

“I forgot to give your pen back,” Luhan said whilst scratching his left cheek approximately 2 cm away from the eye and 1cm away from the nose.

I mirrored his actions unintentionally”Uh you can keep it,” I said,”I have more at home like a drawer full actually,”

He smiled cheerfully”Thanks uh then keep this black one,”

I smiled that you could hardly see my eyes like they were squashed by my happiness.

“It’s about to run out so yeh,”.Luhan slomped his bag over one shoulder and started to walk away.

Well I should be grateful I actually got something from him.

Luhan stopped and turned back around”Thanks…Thank you Chorong.”

I smiled and walked back home without the smile fading away. That smile almost made me run into a van but I’m all good and I wouldn’t mind dying at that point because I was so happy,very.

Luhan’s POV

“Uh can you help me study like in the library?” I said. Boy that took so much courage and diaphragm movement. Of course I was expecting a yes well I wanted to for the least but as I read Chorong’s face she looked quite offended or displeased. She just stood there like a pole maybe possibly judging me with her jaw dropped.

“It’s okay if you can’t,” I replied. She is probably judging me because of my low marks wait Suho didn’t tell her?Did he?

“Yo-hup,”Chorong said.What is yohup? Is this slang or something but it was weird well Chorong was the definition of weird but no weird weird as in cute weird. You didn’t hear that from me.

To my surprise she agreed to the study session. To be honest when Chorong sat down her face looked kinda funny but she must’ve been so rebellious to chew gum in the library, especially when we were sitting across from the ‘no chewing gum in the library sign’.

I flipped to the page which was the homework due next next lesson because I wanted a better advantage but I tried to act like it was a coincidence to fall on that page. “So uh tutor who came first what do we start on?”

”Thanks um we can start on that page I guess,” Chorong replied. Goal for Luhan.

 I came with full intention of only help in Maths but I did not understand a single thing she taught me.Well with some exaggeration I forgot half the formulas. It was distracting as well when the person you like is the on tutoring you and that actually seems shameful now I think about it. Maybe I should just get a professional private tutor where I will actually learn.

Chorong declined the pen I was supposed to give to her yesterday. Maybe it’s a cooties thing? Her face seemed neutral so it was hard to tell. Or she could’ve been angry at me for not giving the pen back straight away.Quickly I searched through my bag and took out the random pieces of stationary from my uncle and took out a black pen from its original packaging.

She seemed really happy with the pen well she should be cause it’s a good brand. Don’t make her too happy because she might think I like her.

“It’s about to run out so yeh,”.I said slomping my bag over my shoulder. Nice save Luhan. My smile faded but as I checked the time it faded and when I looked up THUMP!

Author's Note: Oh my gosh I am soo sorry guys my internet was like gone for how many months?Idek.In those months I went through a lot,good and bad.Ehrm I got an after school job d(^-^)b nyeheheeh and my internet is back!I will try to update more this week to pay back my debt to you guys and Oh my gosh the Kris incident pls.I can't even I just Exo minus one is not we are one........Please comment some happy things that happened to you recently to lighten my mood up and have a great day and I kinda rushed this chapter soz. My maths assignment awaits me ttyl my nomnoms!

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Decided to change my traditional font cause it courier new looks bad on the phone


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Penawar #1
Chapter 21: update soon
Sakura7 #2
Chapter 21: I'm liking this story.. update soon author-nim. I'm very curious about them
rezurii16 #3
Chapter 19: Hi! I just found and read this story and I like it so I hope you continue to write it ^^
yllials #4
yllials #5
Chapter 18: more more more!!!! <3
kyuyoung #7
Chapter 18: Finally an update! Uhhh luhan being obvious and annoying at the same time
Chapter 18: Update!!!!
exequiel #9
Chapter 18: the story is slow ahuhuhuhu :)
kyuyoung #10
Chapter 17: Cute cute cute <3 I really love your writing like seriously. Will wait for your update^^