

---Hani's POV---

I was lucky enough to have brought enough money for the bus fare back home. Home, where my husband and daughter live. I groaned in frustration when I realised that I didn't have the house key with me when I'm outside the door. 'I kept insisting that I wasn't Hani. Would the both of them forgive me?' I thought. I hesitated before pressing the door bell. "No they won't.. Oppa and Hana won't do this to me." I said to myself and took a deep breath. I pressed the door bell and waited but nobody came to the door. "Oppa must be at work.." I sighed and sat down leaning my back on the door. I watched as the sky became darker and darker. Soon it started raining and I wrapped my arms around myself trying to keep myself warm. 

"Hani? Is that you?" Someone's voice woke me up. I opened my eyes and stood up to see Sungkyu standing right in front of me. "Oppa.." I felt sudden weakness but he held me in his arms. I was too weak to open my eyes. I felt so tired. "Ha- Sohee.." He tapped me gently after placing me in the bath tub. Reluctantly I opened my eyes. "Why did you wait in the rain outside?" He chided as he helped me remove the damp clothes. "Oppa.." A tear slide down my cheek and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close. "I'm sorry.. I remember everything already. I'm sorry for forgetting you, forgetting Hana." I sobbed into his chest. "It's okay. I'm just thankful that you're back.. I missed you so much.." He smoothens my hair. 

After I was done washing and drying up, he carried me back onto our bed, tucking me under the thick warm blanket. "I'll go get something warm for you to drink." He said and turned to leave when I held onto his hand. "Oppa, don't go.." I whined. "I'll be back soon." He said, placing my hand back onto the bed. "I promise." He kissed my forehead softly before walking out of the door. I heard the door bell ring and suddenly there were lots of noises. "UMMA!" The door slammed open and I flinched at the sudden loud bang. Hana came running into the room and jumped onto the bed and climbed onto me, sitting on my stomach. "Did you really remember Hana and appa now? Really? Is appa not lying?" She cupped my face in her small hands. "Yes Hana, umma's sorry for not remembering you.." I teared looking at her face. How could I forget my own daughter? 

"Aunty Hani!" I felt a weight on the right side of the bed so I turned to see little Hyungsik jumping up and down beside me. "Hey there." I brushed his messy bangs aside. He calmed down and sat down looking at me with those innocent eyes of him. "You're really back." He poked my cheek. "Yes I am." I chuckled. "I've been protecting noona!" He strained is muscles. "Really?" I chuckled, and turned to look at Hana, who's smiling very sweetly. "Yes! I always wipe away her tears when she cry!" Hyungsik announced proudly. "Araso araso, everyone knows that you're the hero, now let Aunty Hani rest." Woohyun carried him into his arms. "Welcome back." He smiled before going out of the room. Hyemi gave me a tight hug before going out too. 

"Have you been a good girl?" I asked Hana once everyone was out of the room. "Y-" "HANI! HANI! HANI!" The rest of Infinite except Sungkyu and Woohyun came into the room. "Are you okay? We were worried sick!" Sungyeol wailed. "I'm fine. Thanks everyone. Sorry for worrying all of you." I chuckled. I missed them. I missed this warmth when everyone is together. "Now, get out!" Sungkyu shouted and they all scrambled out of the room. "Sorry, they were too excited when I told them I you came back." He shook his head as he sat down beside me on the bed. "Here, warm chocolate." He handed me the cup. "Thank you oppa." I smiled. 


(15 years later)

"MY LIFE !" I heard the front door slammed close so I walked out of the kitchen to see the 19 year old Hana stomping past the living room up the stairs. I was going to follow her up the stairs when the phone rang. "Aish, who would call at this time." I sighed and walked over to grab the phone. "Yoboseyo?" I answered. "Ya! Hani! I swear Hyungsik's getting more and more rude to me nowadays!" Hyemi wailed over the phone. "What's wrong this time?" I sighed and slumped onto the couch. "He shouted "MY LIFE !" when he entered the house. So I asked him if he's okay and do you know what he said?!" She blowed her nose and I waited for her to continue. "Ya! Are you even listening?" She asked. "Yea, of course. I'm just waiting for you to continue. So what did he say?" I chuckled. "HE SAID THAT I WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND BECAUSE I'M NOT YOUNG ANYMORE." She sobbed. "Which is the truth?" I chuckled. "Yea.. I'm old already.. But how could he?!" She cried. "Okay, I'm going to hang up now, Woohyun's back, I have to tell him about this!" She said and hung up on me. 

"Okay.." I stared at the phone and put it down. "Looks like relationship problem to me." I shook my head and rolled up my sleeves before climbing up the stairs. "Hana?" I knocked on her door a few times. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" She screamed but the door clicked unlock and I rolled my eyes. 'She's exactly the same as oppa' I thought. I entered the room to see photos of her and Hyungsik laid all over the floor. I bend down to pick them, tidy them up a little before placing them on the study table. "What's wrong?" I wrinkled my nose when I saw the mess on her bed. She had used tissue all over the bed. "Hyungsik." She sobbed and removed the blanket from her bed. She sat up and looked at me with her puffy red eyes. "Okay, stop crying and tell me what's wrong." I brushed the tissues off the bed and sat down. "I don't think he loves me anymore." She wrapped her arms around my waist. "Why is that so?" I asked, brushing her fringe to the side and tucking the ends behind her ear. "HE SAID THAT I'M UNREASONABLE!" She wailed. "Young lady, what did I say about being loud?" I frowned. "Sorry umma." She muttered. "Why did he say that you're unreasonable then?" I wrap my arms around her shoulder. 

"HEY NOONA!" Soohyun, my 14 year old son, barged into the room. "DO NOT EVER CALL ME NOONA AGAIN!" Hana yelled. "Okay, I better go, girl's having a major PMS." He put his hands out as if he surrendered and was about to move out of the room when Sungkyu appeared behind him, blocking his way. "Appa, we better hide!" Soohyun warned. "What's wrong?" Sungkyu asked. "GET OUT OF THE ROOM!" Hana screamed. "Okay, we better go!" Sungkyu pulled Soohyun out. "Told ya so!" We heard Soohyun said as they closed the door. Just then her phone rang. "Yo-Yoboseyo?" She sniffed and after a while, her frown turns into a smile. She was about to say something when she realised that I was still beside her. "Hold on a minute." She said into the phone before putting down the phone. "Umma, can you please go out? I need to speak to Hyungsik!" She grinned widely and pushed me out of the room. 

"Wow, that's fast." I said as I walked down the stairs. "What's wrong with her?" Sungkyu and Soohyun asked at the same time. I looked at them and laughed. They both had their heads turned to look at me at the same angle, Soohyun had Sungkyu's eyes and cheeks, which puffed out like hamsters. "What are you laughing about?" they both said at the same time. "Ani." I shook my head and sat down beside them. "Boy problem." I muttered and took their popcorn before stuffing it into my mouth. "Told you Hyungsik hyung's the only person that will cause her to erupt like a volcano!" Soohyun said and we all laughed. "So.." Soohyun interrupted the moment of silence. "Do I call her noona or hyung?" He asked seriously. "Why did you ask this question suddenly?" Sungkyu asked and I laughed because I knew exactly why. "She told me not to call her noona anymore." He shrugged and we all laughed. 

"I'm so lucky I went onto We Got Married with you, oppa." I said as we walked along the bridge. "What if we didn't meet." I asked as he stopped walking and turned to face me. "Wrong. We would definitely meet. We are destined to meet." He grinned. "Even without We Got Married, we will would have met. Maybe it would have been at the supermarket and picked the same banana, so we meet." He chuckled. "Oppa, you know very well how much I hate Bananas!" I jokingly smacked his chest. "I know.. Or at the place where Hyemi taught dancing? You clumsily bump into me, so I would be unlucky enough to know you. Or it might have been at a dance, where I will fall in love with you a first sight. In this world, in any possible corner, we would meet because I would find you. Only you can make me feel complete." He hugged me tightly and pressed his lips on my forehead. "I love you oppa." I said, breathing in his scent. "Me too, forever, my destiny." He said.


Sorry everyone for the long awaited finale.
I've been a bad author.. I know. 
Hope everyone have enjoyed this so far.


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 40: I love it!!!

I really love the ending!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
Best wishes for your other stories :)
Chapter 40: SEQUALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woohyunsyoja #3
Chapter 40: Ahhhhhhh~~~~~ omg yipeeeeeee^^
Their children r the cutest everrrrrrrr~~ keke^^
Thanks for writing an awesome fic author nim^^
woohyunsyoja #4
Chapter 39: Hani is such a sweet girl! How can she still say sorry after all they did to her!!!!!! I'm so happy she remembered her really identity!!!!!!!!! Dream finally come true^^ I don't get y youngdo likes hani, it's not like they even know each other tho...
Pls update soon^^
jiyongjiyong #5
woohyunsyoja #6
Chapter 38: OMG is she starting to remember?? :O
If ur having writers block just have her remember everything but then pretend she actually hasn't and then she will know what youngdo and his ing sister wanted in the first place, then she can leave them and go back to sunggyu!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if that didn't make sense....
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #7
Chapter 37: Awwww!!!!! She doesn't remember her own daughter ;( this is sad!!
I absolutely hate youngdo and his ing sister!! They both should seriously rot in hell!!!!
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #8
Chapter 36: WTD youngdo? Seriously go to jail!!! Go die!!!!!!!!! I hate ur guts!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can u luv her, u don't even noe her, you don't even noe her name for gods sake!!!!!!!! Somebody pls kill youngdo and his sister for me!
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #9
Chapter 35: wtf is wrong with those bloody siblings? Wtf omg!!!!!!! Seriously they should just go die... Mb I'm a little mean but wtf she has a happy family and he friend is bloody fetting married for gods sake! Wtf is wrong with those stupid/ insane f*ing sibling? Goddamit
Pls update soon
woohyunsyoja #10
Chapter 34: Cute!!!!!!!!!
Please update soon^^