I named her Hana


---Hani's POV---

I was walking along the sides of the road as I finished grocery shopping since we ran out of some of our daily necessities when I saw her. That little girl in my dream, that little girl who called me "umma" in my dream. She was holding onto a woman's hand, looking all so miserable. Just then she looked towards my direction and when our eyes met, my heard started to hurt a lot.

"Oppa.." It came out more like a whisper. Shocked, I tried to climbed out of bed to hide myself. I couldn't let him see me like this. I lost my balance and fell on the floor and a pair of strong arms quickly lifted me and placed me on the bed. "Oppa.. Mianhae.." Tears flowed down my cheeks uncontrollably. My hands reached out for him and I felt him sat down on the bed in front of me. "Is it scary?" He asked as he tucked my hair behind my ears. "Ani.." I smiled and reached out to caress his face. My hands started from his forehead, tracing down to his small eyes and I smiled. "Oppa, you still have your small eyes." I traced my fingers down to his nose and moved to his cheeks. "Don't cry.." I said when I felt moist cheeks. "Don't.. Don't ever leave again." He pulled me into his arms. 

"Forget me." I said as I pushed him away. "I'll never do that." He tried to pull me back closer to him but I resisted. "I'll just be a burden, don't you get it? I'M BLIND!" I cried out loud. "You won't.. You won't be a burden." He wiped the tears off my face. "I'm blind oppa, I can't see.." I sobbed. "I'll be your eyes then." He pulled me closer to him by the waist and I just sobbed into his chest. "Don't you ever leave me again." He said as he snuggled closer. "I missed you." I whispered. "I missed you more than you could imagine." He chuckled and leaned down, pecking my lips lightly. 

My head hurt a lot when this vision started playing in my head and there she was, waving happily at me.

"She's so small.." I whispered as I brushed my finger on the baby's cheek. "She's furrowing her eyebrows like you, hyung!" A tall guy said and everyone hushed him. Our daughter stirred a bit in her sleep before slowly opening her eyes and looked like she was about to cry. "It's all your fault hyung!" Another guy nudged the first. "SHUT UP! SHE'S GONNA CRY!" The good looking one shrieked and pushed the both of them away as far away from the cot as possible. My husband took a deep breath and carried her in his arms and she started smiling. "Awwwwwwwwww" Everyone looked at us warmly.

"You're so pretty like a flower.." I paused. "Let's name her Hana." I said. "She's pretty like a flower, so let's name her Hana." I took her from my husband. "Araso, Kim Hana." He smiled warmly. Why can't I see his face clearly in my visions or dreams?

"I named her, she's my daughter, Kim Hana.." I muttered as I dropped the grocery bags in my hand and rubbed my temples which was hurting like mad. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a loud screeching sound. Hana.. Hana was running across the road towards me. I turned my head towards the sound and saw the car trying to brake. "NO! HANA!" I yelled and ran over to her, my daughter, I have to keep her safe. I grabbed her in my arms and quickly pulled ourselves out of the road. The driver stopped the car in time and yelled at us before driving off again. I just knelt on the ground with my arms wrapped around her protectively as tears started flowing out of my eyes. "Don't.. Don't do that next time, it's dangerous." I said, more like a whisper. I removed my arms around her and she stood up staring at me. "Umma, I missed you." She carressed my cheek, just like what she did whenever I held her in my arms. 

"Hani?" A woman around my age was standing beside us staring down at me and I realiszed that she was holding onto Hana just now. "Hana, you scared me! Don't ever do that again!" She chided but bend down to make sure Hana wasn't hurt anywhere else before turning back to me. "Hani ah.. Where were you all these time?" her eyes were full of worries. "I'm sorry.. I think you mistaken me as someone else. My name's Sohee." I smiled and reluctantly pushed Hana towards the woman. "What do you mean that you're Sohee? You obviously Hani. Don't play around like that!" She pushed me lightly and chuckled but her face turned serious when she realized that I wasn't joking. 

"Don't you remember me? I'm Hyemi ah! And this, this is your daughter, Hana. Don't you remember her?" She frowned. 'No, I'm not married yet. And even if I'm married, I'll be married to Youngdo. I haven't got a child named Kim Hana. All those visions must have just been my imagination!' I thought. "No, I'm sorry, you must have made a mistake." I said before turning back, grabbing my groceries and walked away. "Umma!" Hana ran and tugged my hand. "Sorry dear, I'm not the person you're looking for." I smiled and ruffled her hair. 'Why does my heart hurt so much when I say this? Why does my heart hurt so much when I saw the pain in her eyes?' I frowned. "At least!" Hyemi suddenly shouted and pulled a little boy along towards us. "Can you give me your number?" She asked. "Yes." I said before giving her my number. I didn't know why I did because it's strange to just give number to random strangers on the road. But it seemed like I still wanted to see Hana again, and maybe her father..

"Youngdo ah, I'm back." I said as I placed the stuff on the counter. "Welcome back." He slipped his hands around my waist and kissed me lightly on the cheeks. 'He's not the one..' I thought sadly but shrugged it off. "It's strange. I met a small girl on the streets today and she called me umma." I chuckled lightly. "What?" He's eyes widened. "Strange right? The woman who's looking after her claimed that I'm the mother of the child too." I said as I placed the fruits into the fridge. "And.. What did they say?" He's face turned pale when I turned to look at him. "Nothing much, just that they mistaken me as the woman they knew, I guess?" I said as I walked back towards him. "You okay? You looked pale." I caressed his face. 'Different.. He's not him..' The inner me said but I chose to ignore it. "It's nothing, I'll go have a shower then we'll have dinner." He said before leaving the kitchen. 


---Sungkyu's POV---

"How's our little princess today?" I asked as I entered the house with Woohyun. "Appa!" Both Hana and Hyungsik yelled and ran towards us. "I saw umma today! She saved me!" She said and smiled widely. "Really? Where?" I asked her. "When we were shopping!" She said. "Appa! I saw Aunty Hani too! But she said that her name is not Aunty Hani. She said that her name is Sohee." Hyungsik scratched his head with confusion. "Hyemi ah, the kids said that they saw Hani today, is that true?" Woohyun walked deeper into the house and Hyemi came out while drying her hands on a piece of cloth. "Yes, we did." She said and her eyes adverted my mine. "But she said we mistaken her for someone else." She said and my heart fell. "Is there.. Is there any way I can find her?" I asked and she fished out her phone. "She gave me her number when I asked for it. I heard that she's working at the chinese restaurant." She said and gave me the number. "Thanks Hyemi ah." I said before going back into the room with Hana. "Let's visit her tomorrow." I said as I tucked her into bed. "Umma?" She meekly asked. "Yes, umma." I pecked her forehead and sang her to sleep. "See you tomorrow, my love." I sighed when I made sure Hana was asleep. 

"Thanks for driving us here, Hyun." I said as we got off the car. "No worries, Hyung." Woohyun said before driving off. "Let's go in." I held Hana's hand and got into the restaurant Hyemi told me about. "Welcome!" She bowed. Her voice, that voice that I've always loved. It can't be wrong. She lifted her head and our eyes met. "Ha.. Hani.." I stuttered and we stood there looking at each other before she dropped onto her knees. "Hani! Are you okay?" I knelt down and placed my hands on her arms. A guy emerged from the kitchen and pushed me away. "Sohee, are you okay?" He asked worriedly. "I'm fine, Youngdo. Just a little headache." She weakly smiled as he helped her up to sit on the chair. "Umma.." Hana moved over to Hani and hugged her. "This is the girl you're talking about?" The guy asked and she nodded as she smoothens Hana's hair. "I'll go back in." He looked at me wearily before going back into the kitchen. "Hani ah.." I started but she looked at me with confusion. "I'm sorry, but I'm not the Hani you're talking about. My name is Sohee." She said. 



Just a short update to compensate for the lack of updates due to exams and a little writer's block.
Please still give me your support and thank you all for your patience while waiting. 
I'll be having my attachment soon, so I might not have a lot of time to update. But I'll try my best!


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 40: I love it!!!

I really love the ending!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
Best wishes for your other stories :)
Chapter 40: SEQUALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woohyunsyoja #3
Chapter 40: Ahhhhhhh~~~~~ omg yipeeeeeee^^
Their children r the cutest everrrrrrrr~~ keke^^
Thanks for writing an awesome fic author nim^^
woohyunsyoja #4
Chapter 39: Hani is such a sweet girl! How can she still say sorry after all they did to her!!!!!! I'm so happy she remembered her really identity!!!!!!!!! Dream finally come true^^ I don't get y youngdo likes hani, it's not like they even know each other tho...
Pls update soon^^
jiyongjiyong #5
woohyunsyoja #6
Chapter 38: OMG is she starting to remember?? :O
If ur having writers block just have her remember everything but then pretend she actually hasn't and then she will know what youngdo and his ing sister wanted in the first place, then she can leave them and go back to sunggyu!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if that didn't make sense....
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #7
Chapter 37: Awwww!!!!! She doesn't remember her own daughter ;( this is sad!!
I absolutely hate youngdo and his ing sister!! They both should seriously rot in hell!!!!
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #8
Chapter 36: WTD youngdo? Seriously go to jail!!! Go die!!!!!!!!! I hate ur guts!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can u luv her, u don't even noe her, you don't even noe her name for gods sake!!!!!!!! Somebody pls kill youngdo and his sister for me!
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #9
Chapter 35: wtf is wrong with those bloody siblings? Wtf omg!!!!!!! Seriously they should just go die... Mb I'm a little mean but wtf she has a happy family and he friend is bloody fetting married for gods sake! Wtf is wrong with those stupid/ insane f*ing sibling? Goddamit
Pls update soon
woohyunsyoja #10
Chapter 34: Cute!!!!!!!!!
Please update soon^^