His fiancée?


---Hani's POV---

I handed an envelope and a ring box to Minah when I met her at the lobby of the hospital. "What's this?" She asked and was about to open it when I stopped her. "You aren't allowed to open this." I glared at her. "I'm doing you a favour, so why are you restricting me?" She scoffed. "Just do as you're told. He's here." I said and quickly hid behind a pillar where I can see them clearly. Did Sungkyu oppa lose weight? He looked so weak and skinny now. I brushed my index finger on the couple we had on my ring finger. "Let me selfish just once and keep this." I whispered to myself. I watched as he read the letter and when manager oppa handed him a tissue. I clenched the top of my hospital pyjamas as I sobbed. Why does it hurt so much to see the one I love cry because of me. "Mianhae oppa.." I whispered. My vision started blurring again so I held onto the pillar and closed my eyes until I regained normal eyesight again. When I decided to return back to my room, Sungkyu oppa turned to face my direction so I quickly turned so that my back was facing him and quickly walk away.


---Sungkyu's POV---

"Why did she ask to meet you in the hospital? Such a weird place to meet up." Manager hyung asked as he drove to to the hospital and I just shurgged. "Why did you want to meet me here?" I asked coldly when I approached Minah with manager hyung following behind me. Every single time I see her, I remember how she treated Hani and I will get pissed. "I needed to pass you something. Is there a need to ask your manager along, oppa?" She frowned. "What do you want to pass me? I still have schedule to go to, make it quick." I snapped and she took out an envelope and a ring box from her bag. "Here." She smiled sweetly which disgusts me. I took those from her and opened the ring box. The ring that grandma gave me was sitting nicely inside. Hani came into my mind immediately and I quickly opened the envelope just to see 2 words. {Forget me.} That's all she wrote, and yes, I could recognise her handwriting because I've been staring at her fan letter whenever I have time to do so recently. She wanted me to forget her, does she not know how much I'm hurting inside? I just want to wake up from this nightmare, I want to wake up with her still by my side. I didn't realised that I was crying until manager hyung handed me a tissue. "Thanks." I said without looking at Minah and turned.

When I was walking away, I saw a petite figure, turning her back towards me and quickly walk away. "Hani.." I mumbled. "Bwoh?" Manager hyung asked and I turned to face him. "I think I saw Hani." I widened my eyes and turn back to look at the girl again but she's not in sight anymore. "Who am I kidding? Why would she be here?" I laughed at myself. "Ya, Sungkyu ah.." Manager hyung placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed lightly. I guess I missed her too much that's why I'm even hallucinating. 'Forget me.' These 2 words started to get stuck in my mind. "I don't want to forget you and I don't think I will ever do so.." I mumbled to myself. "Oppa! I'll always be here if you need me!" Minah said as she grabbed my elbow. "Thanks, but no thanks." I coldly replied and walked away. 


---Woohyun's POV---

I had my arms folded as I stood in front of my parents. "That's final, young man." Appa said sternly. "I'm old enough to make my own decisions, I have a choice to marry who I want." I said and umma did a dramatic gasp. "You've never disobeyed us! That girl changed you!" She yelled. "No umma, she didn't do anything at all." I explained but they didn't seem to get anything in their head at all. "Don't you understand why we're doing this? It's all for the company, which is your future. The company is going to be facing some crisis soon and we need the Jin's financial support." Appa said. "I've never wanted to take over the company." I stared at the floor. "What did you say?" Umma shrieked. "I said, I never wanted to take over the company. I want to be a singer, I want to sing. Why not let hyung take over the company since he have always been working there for you?" I know that they have always been biased towards me, but they should give hyung a chance too. "I don't care, your marriage is final. Is either you choose Miss Jin or quit Infinite." Umma scoffed. How dare they use Infinite to threaten me? They knew that I will never leave Infinite. Knowing that I'm at the losing end, I walked off and slammed the door behind me. "Mianhae Hyemi ah, I'm such a failure." I covered my face with my hands. 

I felt someone poking my shoulder and I ignored it. But that person continued poking and when I was about to flare up at the person, I look up and saw little Eunhee squating in front of me with a smile plastered on her face. "Uncle, do you want some sweets? Sweets make Eunhee feel better when sad.." She smiled, showing off her cute little dimples. "Can I have one to make me feel better then?" I smiled and she fed me with one. "Why is uncle sad?" She frowned a little. "It's nothing, uncle needs to go already, give me a hug?" I raised a brow and she immediately hugged me. "Thanks Eunhee, you make me feel so much better." I winked and ruffled her hair before leaving the house. "Hyung!" Sungjong yelled into the phone as soon as I picked up the call. "What?" I groaned. "This girl called.. Yooyi. Jin Yooyi came to our practice room, claiming that she's your fiancee and said that she wants to see you." Sungjong whispered into the phone. "What?!" I widened my eyes. Why is she dare? And why did she want to see me? "She doesn't seem like a nice girl though.. Is she really your fiancée? But I thought you have Hyemi?" He asked but I ignored his questions. "I'll be right back." I said and hung up the call. 

"Hyung! You're here! She's really bratty." Sungyeol whispered as he led me into the practice room. And there she is sitting in front of the piano, with her feets resting on the keyboard. "Don't you find it rude for you to do this?" I asked as I approached her. "Oh! Woohyunie!" Yooyi jumped out of the seat and skipped over to me. "I said that I was your fiancée but none of these fools believed me." She pointed at the members and clung onto my arm. "Number 1, keep your hands to yourself. Number 2, my members are not fools. Number 3, we are not engaged yet so you're not my fiancée. Number 4, I don't plan to be engaged with you." I rolled my eyes and she looked like she's going to burst into flames. "It's okay, what matters is that I like you." She smirked after she calmed down. "What are you saying? I won't love you, which means, you will marry someone that don't love you, you will be miserable, do you want that?" I asked. "I don't mind. As long as my husband is handsome and presentable." She flipped her hair and sat back down on the piano seat. I shook my head and watched her in disbelief. "You came here to see me because of?" I questioned. "Nothing. Can't I see you because I miss you?" She smirked. "Now you've seen me, so get out. We need to practice." I spat. I don't think I have any more patience to play with this bratty princess. "Fine! Goodbye jagiya~" She cooed and left the place. "Woah hyung, you really need to update us." Hoya said. 


---Hyemi's POV---

"Alright! We'll end here for today! See you girls tomorrow!" The coach said and I slumped myself on the floor. I wiped my perspire away and gulped down water which my team mate passed to me. "Hello there!" A face hover above mine and I took a while to finally recognise who that person was. She's my rival, Woohyun's future fiancée, Jin Yooyi. I quickly stood up and face her. "Anyeonghaseyo." I bowed and she looked at me with amusement. "I'm Jin Yooyi. And don't bother telling me your name, because I don't bother to remember. You'll be out of his league soon anyway." She flipped her hair. "What do you mean?" I raised a brow. "Woohyun will soon forget about you and fall in love with me. So it's not necessary to know your name." She smirked. Where does that confidence come from? How does she know that she'll win over Woohyun's heart so easily? "I won't let him fall in love with you." I glared at her. "We'll see, little girl. We'll see." She patted my head and walked away. 




Yes, I've updated!!!!
Hope you guys enjoy the update! And sorry to disappoint some of you because Sungkyu can't know about Hani yet. (At least not YET)
Please do leave some comments! Thank you!! ^^

Kisses for you?


Many loves,

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 40: I love it!!!

I really love the ending!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
Best wishes for your other stories :)
Chapter 40: SEQUALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woohyunsyoja #3
Chapter 40: Ahhhhhhh~~~~~ omg yipeeeeeee^^
Their children r the cutest everrrrrrrr~~ keke^^
Thanks for writing an awesome fic author nim^^
woohyunsyoja #4
Chapter 39: Hani is such a sweet girl! How can she still say sorry after all they did to her!!!!!! I'm so happy she remembered her really identity!!!!!!!!! Dream finally come true^^ I don't get y youngdo likes hani, it's not like they even know each other tho...
Pls update soon^^
jiyongjiyong #5
woohyunsyoja #6
Chapter 38: OMG is she starting to remember?? :O
If ur having writers block just have her remember everything but then pretend she actually hasn't and then she will know what youngdo and his ing sister wanted in the first place, then she can leave them and go back to sunggyu!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if that didn't make sense....
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #7
Chapter 37: Awwww!!!!! She doesn't remember her own daughter ;( this is sad!!
I absolutely hate youngdo and his ing sister!! They both should seriously rot in hell!!!!
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #8
Chapter 36: WTD youngdo? Seriously go to jail!!! Go die!!!!!!!!! I hate ur guts!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can u luv her, u don't even noe her, you don't even noe her name for gods sake!!!!!!!! Somebody pls kill youngdo and his sister for me!
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #9
Chapter 35: wtf is wrong with those bloody siblings? Wtf omg!!!!!!! Seriously they should just go die... Mb I'm a little mean but wtf she has a happy family and he friend is bloody fetting married for gods sake! Wtf is wrong with those stupid/ insane f*ing sibling? Goddamit
Pls update soon
woohyunsyoja #10
Chapter 34: Cute!!!!!!!!!
Please update soon^^