Be mine


(A few days later)

---Hani's POV---

From: Sungkyu oppa<3
Hey, how about a date tonight?

To: Sungkyu oppa<3
Sure! ^^ Where do I meet you?

From: Sungkyu oppa<3
The mall at 7 okay? :D

To: Sungkyu oppa<3
Yea, sure. See you! <3

"What should I wear? I'm going on a date!" I opened my closet and threw a few outfits onto my bed. "He'll like whatever you wear, so don't worry about it." Hyemi said as she lay on my bed. "Jincha?!" I beamed as I took a white dress and looked into the mirror. "Of course! People in love are always like that." She said and stared into blank space for awhile before blushing. "What are you blushing about?" I narrowed my eyes at her. "N-nothing!" She laughed awkwardly and took my magazine, flipping through it. "Oh really? But why is the magazine upside down and you're still reading it?" I placed my hands on my hips and glared at her. "Fine fine! I give up!" She held up her hands to surrender. "Soooooo?" I asked excitedly. "Woohyun and I kissed." She said and quickly hid her face into my pillow and squealed. "Oh. My. God. ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" I yelled. "I AMMMMMMMMM!" She yelled back and we started hugging each other and spinning each other around the room. "Okay, tell me exactly what happen?!" I turned serious suddenly and listened attentively to her story, not forgeting to squeal during exciting parts. 

"Be careful araso! Don't fall again!" Hyemi yelled from her room as I put on a pair of heels. I'm sorry Hyemi, sorry for lying to you, and you still cared so much for me.. "I will!" I yelled back. "BETTER STILL.. DON'T COME BACK TONIGHT!" She laughed. "YA! WHAT IS GOING THROUGH YOUR BRAIN?!" I yelled and went out. "Aish.. Why do I always feel eyes on me all the time. I think I need to go see a psychiatrist soon." I joked to myself as I walked down the streets looking for a perfect present for Sungkyu oppa. "Hello miss, how can I help you?" A salesgirl asked as I entered the shop. "I'm just looking around." I smiled and let her follow me as I looked around. "Can I take a look at this?" I pointed at a necklace. I was obviously distracted from buying Sungkyu oppa a present. She put it on for me and when I looked into the mirror to see whether it fits me, I saw 2 girls wearing masks staring at me from outside the shop. I quickly turned to look outside but they were already gone. "So I'm not hallucinating, those girls are really following me around.." I frowned. "Sorry?" The salegirl asked. "It's nothing, sorry, but I don't want this anymore." I smiled apologetically and removed the necklace, returning it to her. 

Why are they following me around? Why do they hate me so much? If Sungkyu oppa likes me, shouldn't they accept me just like how other fans did? I sighed and entered the ladies. Just when I sat down on the toilet, someone poured water all over my body from the top of the cubicle. "Who's that?!" I yelled but only heard giggles before a loud slam of the door. "How am I going to meet Sungkyu oppa like this?" I frowned. I took out my phone and texted Sungkyu oppa telling him that I won't be there anymore before slipping it into my pocket. "I guess I have to go back home like this.." I frowned and walked out of the ladies, attracting many eyes. Just when I was about to walk into a shop to get dry clothes, a girl grabbed my bag and ran away. "YA! THIEF!" I yelled and ran after her, but she was just too fast. "Aish.. Now I really have to go back like this.." I sighed. 

"Aish, it's so cold.." I gritted my teeth as the cold wind blows. I couldn't stop sneezingand I felt myself getting weaker and weaker. Once I reach home, I fell onto the floor with a thud and everything darkens.


---Hyemi's POV---

I stopped dancing when I heard giggling from outside the studio. "Who's there?" I asked but there was no answer. That's weird, normally there should be no one else in the studio at this time. I walked towards the door, and I swore I heard footsteps, but when I opened the door and looked out, there was no one at all. I quickly closed the door and run towards the far end of the room, trying to stay as far as possible from the door. "Oh no.." I thought of what my sunbae told me a few days ago. 


"Woah! You're still here?" I stopped dancing and saw sunbae leaning on the door with his arms crossed. "Yea, I need to practice the steps a few more times before teaching the kids." I wiped my sweat off with my towel. "But it's so late already, aren't you scared?" He raised an eyebrow. "Scared? Scared of what?" I asked as he walked in. "Didn't you know about the history here?" He sat down beside me and handed me a bottle of water. "Thanks sunbaenim. What history?" I asked. "Someone bump into a ghost in the studio before." He whispered. "Jincha?!" My eyes widened in shock. "Yea, so try not to stay till so late.." He said seriously. A ghost..?

(End of flashback)

I felt a chill ran down my spine. I quickly packed my stuff and when I was about to stand up to leave, I heard loud footsteps approaching. I froze and dropped my bag. The door flung open and I immediately covered my eyes with my hands. "Please don't come to me, please leave me alone!" I shouted but there was no reply. The footsteps got louder and it seemed to be approaching me. "PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE, I'LL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU BUT PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled and suddenly I felt arms around me. IS THE GHOST HUGGING ME?! "Be mine. I want you to be mine." He said. His voice sounds so familiar, sounds like.. "WOOHYUN!" I removed my hands from my eyes and he pulled away from me. "You said you'll do anything, so be mine." He beamed, showing his dimples. My heart started pacing rapidly, I felt blood rushing up to my face. Is he joking? Does he really like me? Me, as in Park Hyemi? "I'm going to kiss you if you're not going to answer me in 10 seconds." He said and leaned towards me, puckering his lips. "10......... 9........... 8.............7....." He started to count down. "Okay." I said. "What?!" He opened his eyes and beamed. "I said oka-" "YAY!" He pulled me into his arms. "Woohyun, let me go!" I tried struggling out of his arms. "Aren't you going to call me oppa?" He held me tighter. "Fine.. Woohyun oppa, please let me go!" I tried struggling but he was too strong for me. "I'm so sweaty and stinky! Let me go!" I yelled. "I like sweaty and stinky." He chuckled. "You're weird." I muttered, giving up struggling. "Just for you." He whispered into my ears and I felt myself blush.


---Fan's POV---

"Ya ya ya, isn't that Hani unni's friend on WGM?" My friend whispered as we walked past a studio. "Yea! That's her! What's her name? Hye....... Hyemi!" I whispered a little more loudly and she quickly hushed me. "Daebak, the way she dance is so cool." She looked in awe. Just then an idea came into my mind. I quickly took out my phone and started filming down her dancing. Just then we heard a fart sound and I turned to look at her, who slowly turned to look at me. Then we started giggling. "." We saw Hyemi unni stopped dancing. She must have heard us giggling. "Quick, let's go!" I pulled my friend and I out of this place as quickly as I can. "What was that for?!" I held my stomach as we laughed. "I'm sorry, I have a bad stomach.." She chuckled. 


---Hyemi's POV---

"Oppa, are you sure people won't recognise you?" I whispered as we walked hand in hand back to my apartment. "I have these!" He lifted his cap and gave me a wide grin. "Are going to have a secret relationship?" I asked. "No, I'm going to let my fans know about this, they have the rights to know." He smiled and tightened his grip on my hand. "Won't your sajangnim be angry?" I tilted my head to the side. "I'll let him know first and see how it goes." He pinched my nose and laughed. "Stop being so cute, I won't be able to resist.." He muttered. "Resist what?" I demanded. "Nothing! Oh! We're here!" He said and we entered the lift. "Thanks for sending me home oppa. Bye!" I smiled and when I was about to open the door, he grabbed my wrist and turn me around. "Forgetting something?" He frowned. "Oh!" I chuckled and patted his head. "Goodnight oppa, saranghaeyo~" I sang and was about to turn when his hand slid around my waist, pulling towards him, pressing his lips on mine. "That's better!" He smiled when he pulled away. "Okay, you can go now." I smiled. "Aren't you inviting me in?" He smirked. "No, just go will you?" I hit his chest lightly. "Ouch! That hurts!" He jokingly covered his chest with his hand. "Alright, goodnight babe. I love you." He gave a light peck on my forehead and left. "Love you too~" I sang and he winked before entering the lift. 

"I'm actually dating Nam Woohyun, Nam Woohyun of Infinite." I told myself happily as I walked into the house ans switched on the lights. "YA! HANI AH!" I was shocked to see her lying on the floor, all drenched from head to toe. "What happened? Didn't you go out with Sungkyu?" I lifted her and leaned her upper body against mine. ", you're so feverish." I said when I felt her arms and body. I laid her down on the floor slowly and quickly went to get a thermometer. "39 degrees?!" I widened my eyes in shock. I called the ambulance and when they arrived, I quickly followed them to the hospital. "We found this in her pocket, and please follow me to fill up her particulars." The nurse said and passed her her phone. After I was done with her particulars, I sat down on the chair beside her bed. Her phone started vibrating, so I take a look and saw 50 missed calls from Sungkyu and 200 messages from him. "Woah.." I stared in awe. Hani had a password for her phone so I used mine and called Woohyun. 

"JAGIYA!" He chirped into the phone. "Oppa, can you get Sungkyu-shi to the phone?" I asked and I could literally hear him throwing a fit. "AH WAE?! I THOUGHT YOU CALLED ME BECAUSE YOU MISSED ME!" He yelled. "Hani's hospitalised, I'll lovey dovey with you later, okay?" I answered calmly and he quickly handed the phone over to Sungkyu. "Yoboseyo?" He answered. "Sungkyu-shi, Hani's in the hospital. I thought she was supposed to meet you? What happened? Why did she come back home all drenched?" I asked. "WHAT?! She's home all drenched?! I'll go down right now!" he said and hung up the call. 


---Sungkyu's POV---

"What happened?!" I panted heavily when I reached the room. "Shh.. We'll talk outside." Hyemi whispered. I nodded and followed of the room after taking a glance at Hani. "She text me telling me she won't be able to meet me. So I called and spammed messages, but she didn't reply me, I thought she was busy or something happened to her. And something really did happened." I said aggitatedly. "Do you have any idea what happened?" I asked her when I calmed down. "I'm sorry, but I've no idea at all. When I reached home and switch on the lights, she was just lying there, all pale and drenched. She had a very high temperature so I called the ambulance." Hyemi said as she sat down. "Did she tell you about any strange things recently?" She asked and I shook my head. "She's acting a little strange these days, like she's kind of paranoid. Just a little though.." She said and I just stayed silent. "You should go back home first, I'll stay with her." I offered and sent her to the lift before going back to the room. 

I sat down on the chair beside her bed and watched her sleep. I swept her fringe away from her face and she furrowed a bit. "Why don't you let me know what you're worrying about?" I frowned and lightly massage the wrinkled formed between her brows. She stopped furrowing and I lifted my finger away. "Sleep well, saranghae." I lightly peck on her lips and watched her sleep soundly. 

(The next day)

"Oppa.." I felt someone tapping my shoulder so I woke up. "Hani ah! You're awake! Are you feeling better?" I asked and helped her sit up on bed. "Wa-ter.." She groaned and I quickly poured her her cup of water and she drank it all up quickly. "Thank you." She smiled. "What happened yesterday?" I asked and she avoided my eye contact. "N-nothing, nothing happened." She replied. "Then why didn't you turn up yesterday? Why did you ended up with a high fever, drenched and unconscious on the floor yesterday? Why are you keeping things from me?" I messed up my hair in frustration. "I'm sorry.. I just didn't want you to get worried." Her eyes swelled with tears. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so hard on you." I hugged her and she slid her arms around my waist. "I-I just wanted to be with you, always." She cried. "You'll always be, silly." I her hair. "Tell me what happened, hmm?" I cooed and she nodded. I was about to pull away to let her speak but she held onto my waist tightly. "Oppa, can I tell you like this? Please?" She pleaded and I nod. 

"Recently, I always feel that someone is always watching me. I thought I was hallucinating but I guess not.. The other time I got hurt wasn't because of a fall.." I knew it.. "3 girls beat me up, I guess, they're your fans.." She said. "They're not my fans, my fans won't hurt my love ones.. They're saesang fans.." I said and she nodded. "Yesterday, I saw 2 girls in mask watching me from afar from the mirror. And when I went to the toilet, someone poured water all over me. And snatched away my bag. So I have to walk home drenched from head to toe. I guess that's how I fell sick." She said and I clenched my fist in anger. "I'm sorry Hani ah, I caused you so much harm." I said as I her hair. "Aniyo, you didn't." She hugged me tighter. 

*I want you to keep it and give it to the one you love.* Grandma's words rang in my mind. "The ring.." I muttered and pulled away from Hani. She looked at me with a confused look as I slipped my hand into the pocket and took out the ring. "This is the ring I picked up that day.." She said as she stared at the ring. "yea, this is the ring my grandma gave me. And I'm going to give it to the one I love." I smiled and took her hand, slipping her middle finger into the ring. "Now you're mine. Only mine, and always mine." I said and smiled when she pressed her lips onto mine. 




Double update today! Please comment on my story! :D
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Many loves,

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 40: I love it!!!

I really love the ending!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
Best wishes for your other stories :)
Chapter 40: SEQUALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woohyunsyoja #3
Chapter 40: Ahhhhhhh~~~~~ omg yipeeeeeee^^
Their children r the cutest everrrrrrrr~~ keke^^
Thanks for writing an awesome fic author nim^^
woohyunsyoja #4
Chapter 39: Hani is such a sweet girl! How can she still say sorry after all they did to her!!!!!! I'm so happy she remembered her really identity!!!!!!!!! Dream finally come true^^ I don't get y youngdo likes hani, it's not like they even know each other tho...
Pls update soon^^
jiyongjiyong #5
woohyunsyoja #6
Chapter 38: OMG is she starting to remember?? :O
If ur having writers block just have her remember everything but then pretend she actually hasn't and then she will know what youngdo and his ing sister wanted in the first place, then she can leave them and go back to sunggyu!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if that didn't make sense....
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #7
Chapter 37: Awwww!!!!! She doesn't remember her own daughter ;( this is sad!!
I absolutely hate youngdo and his ing sister!! They both should seriously rot in hell!!!!
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #8
Chapter 36: WTD youngdo? Seriously go to jail!!! Go die!!!!!!!!! I hate ur guts!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can u luv her, u don't even noe her, you don't even noe her name for gods sake!!!!!!!! Somebody pls kill youngdo and his sister for me!
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #9
Chapter 35: wtf is wrong with those bloody siblings? Wtf omg!!!!!!! Seriously they should just go die... Mb I'm a little mean but wtf she has a happy family and he friend is bloody fetting married for gods sake! Wtf is wrong with those stupid/ insane f*ing sibling? Goddamit
Pls update soon
woohyunsyoja #10
Chapter 34: Cute!!!!!!!!!
Please update soon^^