Hidden Camera


---Sungkyu's POV---

"Sungkyu ah, sajangnim wants you to go to the the meeting room, so you stay in the car. The rest of you, please stay in the dorm and rest, do not go out, araso?" Manager hyung said when he stopped the car. "Dehhhh~" They all replied at the same time and climbed out of the car. "Hyung, why does sajangnim wants to see me?" I asked when he started driving off. "Apparently, the WGM crew saw something strange in the hidden camera we put up. I don't know the details yet." He replied. "Sajangnim, why are we here with the WGM crew? What happened?" I asked when I sat down in the meeting room. "You'll know why later." His face was stern. I wonder what happened.. 

Just then Hani and her assistant came into the room. "Anyeonghaseyo." Hani bowed to sajangnim, manager hyung and I. "Anyeonghaseyo." All of us bowed slightly in return. I patted at the seat next to mine, signalling her to sit next to me but instead of sitting next to me, she chose a few seats further. I looked at her confused, she looked down and played with her fingers, obviously avoiding eye contact with me. Did I do something wrong? Is she upset about something? "Hani ah, take the seat next to Sungkyu please." Sajangnim broke my thoughts and in a way, helped me. "Yes sajangnim.." She replied softly and moved over to sit beside me. "What's wrong?" I whispered and she shook her head. 

A few knocks were heard from the door and Minah entered the room with her CEO and manager. "Anyeonghaseyo.." They all greeted and we greeted back. "So, it seemed like everyone's here." Sajangnim said. "Sajangnim, may I know why we're here? Are there changes made for WGM?" She asked excitedly and I saw Hani stiffen from the corner of my eyes. "Well, let's look at this video.." The PD of WGM said and played the video.

Hani and stylist noona entered the waiting room. "They're having their rehearsal, so you just stay around her, araso?" Stylist noona ordered and Hani nodded as she sat down and looked around. Then the PD fast forward for a bit as Hani was just seen waiting and looking around. "I guess, they're still busy.." She placed the container of kimbap on the dressing room table. Oh! So the kimbap was made by her! I glanced over to Minah who quickly looked away guility. "SUNGKYU OPPA!" Minah barged into the room suddenly, startling Hani who was about to head outside. "Sorry, Sungkyu oppa's not here at the moment, he's at the rehearsal." She explained and was about to go out when Minah pushed her deeper into the room. "You're Choi Hani." Minah said. "Yes, I am." Hani answered, and she obviously looked nervous as she played with her fingers. "Sungkyu oppa's mine. I want you to quit WGM." I clenched my fist as I watched Minah pushed Hani's shoulder. "What?" Hani replied, trying to stand up but was pushed down again. "I like Sungkyu oppa, and once you're out of WGM, I will have a chance to convince them to replace you with me. So quit it." She glared. "I-" "If you don't, I'll expose Kim Sungkyu's secret. I don't think he wants others to know about his little secret. I bet he'll lose his career because of it." She laughed. What secret do I have that will harm my career? I didn't even do anything that would cause it. What the hell is she talking about? "What secret?" Hani asked. "You don't have to know." She glared. Just then, the stylist unni came in to get some stuffs and Hani quickly walked over to her. "Unni, can you help me let Sungkyu oppa know that I have urgent matters, and I'm sorry." She said and left after glancing at Minah. No wonder she was so cold towards me, is she trying to protect me?

"So.. Can Minah-shi explain?" Sajangnim asked. "This is all a misunderstanding! I swear! That Hani set me up!" Minah stood up and pointed at Hani accusingly. "I did not.." Hani frowned and I grabbed her hand and squeezed slightly. I felt her relaxed a bit, but the frown on her face stays. "I don't believe Hani would do such a thing." I said, giving Hani an assuring smile. "Sungkyu oppa! Believe me! It's really her!" Minah banged on the table. "Please stop whatever you're doing, I don't think an idol should be behaving this way." The PD said and Minah sat down immediately. "Can you then explain, what secret of Sungkyu do you have?" Sajangnim asked, giving me a short glance. I've only talked to Minah a few times on music show backstage, what secret of mine will she know? "I wanted to be Sungkyu oppa's wife in WGM, so I made this up to threaten Hani." Minah admitted, avoiding all eye contacts. After an hour of debating and discussions, it was decided that Girl's Day will be banned from KXX channel for 2 years, including the music show of the channel. In return, all the crew and people present today are not allowed to leak out about this matter to anyone at all. "I deeply apologised for all the things I have done. I'm sorry." Minah bowed with her CEO and before they left the room. "Alright, this thing is settled, you 2 go back home and have a good rest. And Hani-shi, I'm sorry for this to happen." Sajangnim apologised to Hani and she said that it was okay.

"Why didn't you let me know about this?" I asked when there was just a few people left in the room. "I don't want you to worry.." She looked down at the ground. "Oppa, why was there a hidden camera?" Hani asked. "Uhh.." I scratched my head awkwardly. "I was actually planning to confess to you.. And I got the crew to film it down.." I blushed. "Confess? But aren't we married already?" She asked. Why are you so dense, Hani ah? "I-I want us to date.. For real." I stuttered and after a moment of silence, she chuckled. "Oppa.." She called but I continued staring on the ground. "Oppa, look at me." She urged. "Yea?" I lifted up my head abit, but still staring at the ground. "Oppa, I said.. Look. At. Me." She cupped my face in her hands and lifted up my head. We locked eyes for a moment, but I quickly looked down again. "Look. At. Me." She repeated so I looked into her eyes. "Oppa, saranghae~" She grinned and pecked my lightly on the lips. *Flash* We both turned to see one of the crew took a photo of us kissing. 

(A few days later)

"DAEEEEEEEEBAK!" Sungyeol barged into my room with Jurumie trotting behind him. "What now?" I turned back to my laptop and continued with my game. "HYUNG! YOU KISSED HER!" He squealed and Myungsoo's head suddenly appeared by the door. "Did I just heard the word 'KISS'?! JURUMIE! DID YOU JUST STOLE SUNGYEOLIE'S KISS FROM ME?!" Myungsoo raised his voice as he entered the room, picked up Jurumie and gave it an icy cold glare. "YA! GIVE JURUMIE BACK TO ME!" Sungyeol got Jurumie back. "Our poor Jurumie, I'm sorry daddy didn't protect you well enough for that stupid death note guy to do this to you. Poor little kitty.."  He started cradling it like a baby. "What's with the kiss?!" Myungsoo demanded. "Oh! That reminds me! Hyung! You kissed Hani! TWICE!" Sungyeol jumped excitedly around. "TELL ME ALLLLLLLL ABOUT IT!" Myungsoo also started jumping around but stopped when Sungyeol gave him a deadly glare. "Just watch WGM and you'll know." I replied. "Psh.. What a selfish hyung, wouldn't even wanna share your love story.." Sungyeol snorted and walked out of the room. "How about our love story?!" Myungsoo skipped after him. "NO WAY I'LL HAVE A LOVE STORY WITH SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO MURDER MY JURUMIE!" I heard Sungyeol hollored and athe sound of his door banging. 

"Hyung! You kissed?" Dongwoo appeared at the door this time. "Yes yes yes, I kissed her.." Annoyed with them because it's my free time and I'm trying to enjoy a game here! "Are you guys dating then?" He asked as he sat down next to me. "Yes, we are." I replied shortly but he kept bombarding me with questions. "AISH! MOLLA! I'M NOT PLAYING ANYMORE! AISH!" I messed up my hair, went to my bed and pulled the blanket over my head. "Yay! Now's my turn! I've been wanting to play this for daaaaaaaamn long!" Dongwoo chuckled. "Aish.. That boy.." I rolled my eyes and took a nap. 


---Woohyun's POV---

To: Beautiful Hyemi^^
Hey! Guess who?! =_=

From: Beautiful Hyemi^^
Woohyun? o.o

To: Beautiful Hyemi^^
BINGO! But it's Woohyunie oppa for you! =_=

From: Beautiful Hyemi^^
Fine.. Woohyun oppa. What do you want?

To: Beautiful Hyemi^^
Ya! My knuckles are hurting so bad and you're being so cold to me?! )':

From: Beautiful Hyemi^^
It's still hurting?! It shouldn't hurt for so long. Did you visit the doctor's?

"Is she worried?" I smiled.

To: Beautiful Hyemi^^
I was just joking! I'm hungry.. ):

From: Beautiful Hyemi^^
Too bad for you, I'm having my dinner right now. :p

To: Beautiful Hyemi^^
GREAT! Open the door! :D

I replied and pressed the door bell. "What are you doing here?" Hyemi have a spoon in her hand when she opened the door. "For dinner!" I replied happily and entered the house. "Wow, it's much neater than the previous time." I looked around the house and spotted the ramyun, on the dining table. "THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!" I sang and started eating. "YA! THAT'S MY SHARE!" She yelled and I stopped eating. "Okay........... Can I have some water too?" I asked and continued eating. "I'm starving you know.. Never let hot stuff starve.. That's a crime!" I gave her a wink, and she blushed slightly. "She groaned and dragged herself into the kitchen to get me a glass of water. "Thank you~" I laughed as she sat down beside me. "Hani's not home?" I asked as I looked around. "Ani. She went back to her parent's." She replied as she watched me eat. "Oh.. And don't worry, I'll cook for you later." I smiled. 


Hello lovely!

Just a short update! Hope you guys like it.
And for those who did, THANK YOU!!

Manymany loves,

CutieGyu's gif for you? xD

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 40: I love it!!!

I really love the ending!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
Best wishes for your other stories :)
Chapter 40: SEQUALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woohyunsyoja #3
Chapter 40: Ahhhhhhh~~~~~ omg yipeeeeeee^^
Their children r the cutest everrrrrrrr~~ keke^^
Thanks for writing an awesome fic author nim^^
woohyunsyoja #4
Chapter 39: Hani is such a sweet girl! How can she still say sorry after all they did to her!!!!!! I'm so happy she remembered her really identity!!!!!!!!! Dream finally come true^^ I don't get y youngdo likes hani, it's not like they even know each other tho...
Pls update soon^^
jiyongjiyong #5
woohyunsyoja #6
Chapter 38: OMG is she starting to remember?? :O
If ur having writers block just have her remember everything but then pretend she actually hasn't and then she will know what youngdo and his ing sister wanted in the first place, then she can leave them and go back to sunggyu!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if that didn't make sense....
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #7
Chapter 37: Awwww!!!!! She doesn't remember her own daughter ;( this is sad!!
I absolutely hate youngdo and his ing sister!! They both should seriously rot in hell!!!!
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #8
Chapter 36: WTD youngdo? Seriously go to jail!!! Go die!!!!!!!!! I hate ur guts!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can u luv her, u don't even noe her, you don't even noe her name for gods sake!!!!!!!! Somebody pls kill youngdo and his sister for me!
Pls update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #9
Chapter 35: wtf is wrong with those bloody siblings? Wtf omg!!!!!!! Seriously they should just go die... Mb I'm a little mean but wtf she has a happy family and he friend is bloody fetting married for gods sake! Wtf is wrong with those stupid/ insane f*ing sibling? Goddamit
Pls update soon
woohyunsyoja #10
Chapter 34: Cute!!!!!!!!!
Please update soon^^