Dance, Kittycat.

The Disadvantages of Having a Not So Dumb Boyfriend

Ugh, exams, exams, exams. Three weeks to go, and it was all Yixing could think about. It was moments like this where he really really wished Joonmyun was still here, because sometimes he just wanted to curl up into his chest and have a moment, because all this stress was getting to his head (of course he wouldn’t though because he’d promised himself that he’d be stronger and that meant no more crying because he is a manly man dammit).

One week to go, and it was all Joonmyun could think about, too. Well not really, no, because the more important thing to him was that he could go home afterwards. Somewhat more correctly, it was all he would let himself think about without making himself slam his head on the table (not that exams were much better, they wanted to make him slam his head on a moving vehicle). If he thought of home he thought of Yixing, and if he thought of Yixing he’d get distracted, and if he thought of Yixing a bit too much well then, he’d have a bit of a stiff problem, if you know what he means.

The bigger problem here was that Yixing’s exams would start about two weeks after Joonmyun’s, which ultimately means they’d end two weeks after Joonmyun’s. Joonmyun’d spoken to Jongin, and Jongin had forbidden Joonmyun from coming home before or during Yixing’s or else he’d get distracted. Joonmyun agreed, but it didn’t mean he was happy with it.

Because really, it meant two extra weeks away from Yixing, which he didn’t need to be.

(Well one, really, because he had to stay back to know his results, but still.)

It was this point in time where Joonmyun wanted to hit Kevin over the head for stressing out so much, his assignments being finished last minute and into the early mornings of the day. Joonmyun could sleep through that, but not the screaming. Because Kevin was a design student, he liked to use Joonmyun as a model every now and then and the beginning, mainly (Kevin quote: “He’s a bit on the short side, but he has a nice enough face and body to make up for it.”), but since he found someone which he could only define as perfect, and had completely fallen for, he’d dropped Joonmyun faster than Choi Minho could run. Joonmyun was kind of glad, but at the same time irritating when Kevin brought him into their room, and had to constantly tell the two to stop making out because he is trying to study.

No wonder Kevin was behind.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~



“Yixing, how are you, what are you doing?”

“More like what are you doing?” the Chinese started up instantly, brows furrowed, “You start your exams tomorrow and you’re video chatting me? Shouldn’t you be studying?”

Joonmyun laughed as mother Yixing mode had been activated.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Because I love you a lot,” and I’ll finally get to see you soon, “And you’re worrying too much.”

Yixing crossed his arms. “Worrying? If you don’t pass these exams I don’t think you’ll be coming home any time soon...ish.”

Fair point, but Joonmyun knew he was going to ace those exams if it meant he could come home in three weeks’ time.

Joonmyun calmed himself. “Baby, I wanted to talk to you before the exams because-,” he begun to blush, “-because I knew I’d do better that way.”

Yixing’s heart melted and all previous annoyance was out the window as fast as it had come in, a lazy smile replacing the pout that had previously resided on his face.

“Joonmyun, fighting!” he did the sign as he winked cutely. “I,” he said in English, pointing to his eye, “Love,” he continued, making a heart with his hands, “You!” he pointed to the screen, before scrunching his nose and then smiling.

Joonmyun had to stop himself from squealing.

He totally had these exams in the bag now.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The following week was a difficult on for the couple. Joonmyun was always studying (even more than he used to) so he could never talk for long. If they were lucky, they’d get in half an hour a day. The exams were long, and frankly, quite boring.

At least without Joonmyun there to distract him, Yixing had the chance to study too.

The five days dragged on sluggishly slow for the Korean, each day somewhat more boring than the next, but the excitement on finishing also building up inside. Soon he’d be home; soon he’d be with Yixing and Kyungsoo and Jongin and everyone else he’d missed.

Honestly though, the only good thing about the week was that every morning he woke up, he’d see a message from his boyfriend.

Good luck today! You’ll ace it :) I love you!

He’s pretty sure those messages were the only thing that kept him going, because Kevin’s constant freak-outs were kinda getting on his nerves.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Joonmyun nearly screamed when his last exam finished. This time in two weeks, he’d be on his sweet way back home to South Korea and if that wasn’t the best thing that’d happened since marshmallow fluff and SHINee’s debut, than he didn’t know what was. Every bit of sluggishness that had been in his body had vacated and now all he could do was bounce up and down, trying to contain himself.

It got to the point where Amber had to pour cold water over his head to get him to sit still, because she was trying to watch some typical English sitcom and it was all she could do to stop him.

Maybe if she hadn’t dragged him along, she would have been better off.

After that, Joonmyun frowned and turned to go back to his dorm, nearly skipping through the hallways once he realized that he was going home and he didn’t have any more exams and oh isn’t life just swell!

Kevin kind of killed his mood once Joonmyun skipped into the room, and he broke the news that he still had to wait two weeks, Yixing-less due to his exams.

“Well aren’t you just a party pooper.”

Kevin laughed.

At least he had things to do to pass the time. Once his results were all released he knew he had to tailgate it out of there, so he’d be spending a week with his parents again as well. His mother was happy, but Joonmyun couldn’t deny that he was scared to see his father again after the whole outcome. His father loved him and all, but Joonmyun knew that the thing he valued nearly as much as his family was education; he didn’t feel like it’d pass lightly.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Yixing wondered if this was what dying felt like- the exact same thing he’d thought last year, except this time he didn’t have a y, nerdy Joonmyun to help him in the things he didn’t know about and his university entrance did not depend on it. He barely had any exams compared to his boyfriend, but all the rehearsals for the performances really took a toll on him. To top it off, him and Jongin had a performance on the last night of their exams, and because of said tests from hell, it was going to be a tight squeeze for rehearsals.

Plus, he’d barely had time to talk to Joonmyun all week and it was irritating because he knew that he’d only need to see him for one moment and he’d feel so much better. Yixing had long ago realized that he was borderline overly dependent on Joonmyun, but how could he help it when Joonmyun was Joonmyun and Joonmyun was perfect? Two weeks of not talking (though they were his fault) were absolute torture, and he didn’t really know how he’d cope with his two weeks of cramming.

He lived up to his word, however. He’d gotten stronger.

Joonmyun was only half way in his American university quest, and Yixing was going to make sure that he was never going to have any major breakdowns again. He was a strong, independent Chinese man that didn’t need no constant company of his boyfriend to live a normal life… Though it would be nice.

Ugh, life .


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Though he was glad to be going home, Joonmyun had to admit the last week at Stanford University was a kind of sad one. He had to say goodbye to everyone at some point, and even though social media could keep them connected, he’d really miss the lot.

Plus he had to pack up his dorm, and that was boring. Not to mention difficult, when he not only had to sort through his, but also Kevin’s stuff, because Kevin just kind of chucked anything anywhere. Quite frankly, Joonmyun would take the separation-of-their-stuff feat as one of his greatest achievements ever.

However, it was confirmed that he’d managed to pass all his exams with flying colors- he was going home, baby.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


“Yixing, I’m so tired! Let’s stop practising.”

“No,” Yixing deadpanned, “We have to do this together.”

“You don’t need my two legs, on top of your two legs to dance!”

Yixing shuddered, ew.

“It’s a duo piece, you , and it’s due tomorrow.”

“Xinggie,” Kyungsoo started, who had been sitting on the couch, looking through his revision work the whole time, “You two should take a break; you’ve been doing that for hours.”

Yixing pouted, but gave in, it wasn’t his house.

Jongin went to swoop in and start an impromptu make-out session with Kyungsoo, but was quickly pushed away before his fingers could even make contact with his boyfriend’s skin.

“No. You’re sweaty, I’m clean.”

“Just because you’re going to be a ing doctor.” Jongin grumbled.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, “When you’re clean, Jongin. Then you can do anything-” Kyungsoo emphasized the anything, raising his eyebrows, “-you want to do to me.”

Jongin’s eyes lit up like a kid with money at a toy store.

“But baby, if we’re going to be doing that, then why should I bother?” Jongin growled, mode activated, “I know you like it when I’m dirty.”

Cue Yixing’s screams. “MY INNOCENCE!”

Kyungsoo laughed, “Yixing baby, you can hardly talk. You finger-ed yourself over video chat for your boyfriend, didn’t you?”


“Of course he did, don’t seem so surprised.”


“He thought it was ing hot too, to quote him.”


“Jongin-ah, what are you doing?”

All eyes were suddenly on Jongin, who was pulling the leaves off one of the flowers that were in his and Kyungsoo’s shared condo, grinning to himself. He looked up, beaming childishly, eyes sparkling.

“Kyunggie…” Jongin, who seemed more like a child than a man at this point in time, giggled.


 “I’m deflowering a flower.”

Kyungsoo fell off the couch. Yixing facepalmed.

“Why are you doing that, stupid? Don’t kill the flower.”

“Calm your , Yixing. It’s already dead.”

“No wonder, I’d be ing scared to death if you came up to me and did that.”

“…KYUNGSOO ARE YOU OKAY?” Jongin rushed over to his boyfriend, who was currently on the floor, curled up into a ball and subsequently laughing his pert little off (metaphorically, of course) so hard it could be mistaken for some sort of asthmatic attack.

“I- I’m-“ Kyungsoo wheezed.


“Jongin, he’s-“

“HE HAS TO GO TO THE DOCTOR, HE’S WHEEZING!” Jongin freaked out, curling his arms around his boyfriend to pick him up.

Kyungsoo immediately wriggled out of his grasp, his laughter continued.

“No- Jongin- you smell-“ he gasped, still not being able to calm himself.


“Jongin, he’s just ing laughing.”



~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Yixing only had three exams left, and it was safe to say he was pretty happy about that. Two days more and they’d be over forever, or for at least the school year. He’d finally be able to kick back, relax and not worry about choreography or genres, and that was a ier concept than Hyuna’s in Change.

Except he wouldn’t really be able to do that straight away, because he had a showcase the night of his last exam, and was literally going straight from campus to their practice rooms, before going to the venue and performing.

Who the organized this, anyway?

Yixing didn’t know, and they should be glad he didn’t. He didn’t even have time to celebrate the end of hell.

Oh yeah, and no talking to Joonmyun. None. Zip. Absolutely none. Joonmyun wouldn’t even be able to watch him through a video call because he’d told Yixing that his parents had a business meal that for some reason he had to attend and he could not get out of, even though he really wanted to watch the dancer instead.

Yixing understood, it just kinda how they couldn’t talk.

Well, he could wait another day.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The week was one of the most painful ones that Joonmyun had gone through. He loved his parents to bits and it was nice to see them, but it was the one week countdown to when he could go back home and it may have been the longest six and a half days of his life (okay, maybe he was over exaggerating, but still).

He hadn’t expected that when his mother and father pulled him out for some family bonding time on his last day that he’d come back home to Kevin and co bear-hugging him because they’d decided to throw him a going-away party. There weren’t all that many people, deciding to keep it more private, with just their main group of friends. Joonmyun was thankful, he’d rather be with a small group of close friends than a large group of acquaintances.


“Alright, AJ. Truth or dare?”

“Dare,” AJ winked, “Show me what you’ve got, babe.”

 Jessica’s face scrunched up in concentration, before Amber leant over and whispered in her ear. Her pout turned into a broad (and AJ would say evil) grin, having to stop herself from bursting into laughter. Amber shot a quick glance at Eli, and he gulped.

“Alright babe, see that chair over there?” Jessica pointed to said chair, “I want you to pull that out- put it in the centre here so we call all see.”

AJ raised an eyebrow.

“Eli, sorry babe, but we’re going to have to involve you in this one, too.”

The pair’s adams apples bobbed up and down as they swallowed.

“Okay. AJ, you’re going to push Eli on to the chair, and I don’t mean a friendly push or a mean one. I mean palms on chest I-want-to-grind-up-against-you-and--you-so-hard-later-tonight-“

“Excuse me, but if either of us top it’s me. I ain’t bottoming for that.” Eli interrupted, sass mode on, seemingly missing the whole point of why he was considering their ual positions.

“Let him dream, Eli.” was Amber’s response, to which AJ threw a cushion at her.

“Eli, for interrupting you go shirtless.”


“Baby, do you want to go shirtless too?”

AJ shook his head.

“Good,” Jessica smiled sweetly, “Now let me finish.”

AJ nodded.

..So whipped.

“Alright, so push him on the chair, then, I want you to give him a and a lap-dance.”


Cue laughter.

Jessica ignored the interruption. “Try and give him a or something, grind a bit, you know? You have to get into it, babe.”

“ARE YOU REALLY SERIOUS-“                                                     

“Then I want you to kiss him, at least thirty seconds. Pull him by the hair, and I want tongue.”

AJ looked at Jessica with a horrified face, and then to Amber.

“You two are erse!”

The girls shrugged, smiling sweetly.

“He’s my best friend, we’re straight, I don’t want to do those things with him!”

“Well, it’s not like you two have never kissed before.” Kevin interjected.

“I KNEW IT!” Amber shouted, fist-pumping. “Five bucks, Joonmyun. You owe me.”

“Pardon?” was Alexander’s response.

“We made them kiss in high school to make them prove their uality.” Kevin replied nonchalantly.


“Yep, one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.”

 “How on earth did you convince them to do that?” Joonmyun asked. AJ and Eli sure acted gay, but everyone who knew them well enough knew that they would not do such things just like that.

“They were getting annoyed with us saying they were gay, so we told them to kiss to prove it.”


AJ currently looked horrified, and Eli was rolling over the floor laughing.

“…How does that even…?”

“Beats me, but their faces after were priceless. I think it’s based on their reactions- and in that moment, I swear they weren’t gay.”

“Jessica,” AJ whined, still trying to get out of it, “You’re my girlfriend, why do you want me to do this?”

“I guess you’re right… I am your girlfriend,” Jessica ‘pondered’, giving AJ some sort of hope, before smirking, “So if you don’t do it, you can’t touch me for a week.”

Her boyfriend flopped on the floor, giving up on life and having a mental breakdown into the carpet.

“You two are evil.” Eli said.

Jessica and Amber shrugged.

AJ sat up.

“Fine. Eli, stand up.”

“You’re actually doing it?”

“I don’t have much of a choice,” he spat, glaring at his girlfriend.

“They should write exceptions to this in the Bro Code, you know.” Eli huffed as he got off the floor, though he wasn’t really mad. He was the one that didn’t have a girlfriend, and though he was entirely straight and didn’t really see the appeal in kissing his best friend and receiving a from him, it’d be fun to do just to embarrass AJ.

Plus, he wasn’t the one that had to do all the work. He just had to sit back and kill Jessica’s, and thus AJ’s dreams of him getting a .

Amber stood up to put some music on, Smoky Girl, by MBLAQ.


“Just dance, kittycat.”

AJ grumbled, “I can’t believe we have to do this.”

Eli just laughed. “They want a show,” he smirked, “Let’ give them a show.” he continued, just so AJ could hear him.

AJ raised his eyebrows, before smiling… They weren’t famous around campus for their denial of a challenge, after all. “I guess we should then. Come on baby, shirt off.”

The shirt came off, and everyone in the room cheered.

The younger of the two laid his palm on the other’s bare chest, pushing slightly so he fell back onto the chair. Biting his lip, and staring into Eli’s eyes, he begun to sway his hips from side to side, pulling his pants slightly down to show the top of his v-line, before bringing his hands up to the top of his shirt.

Eli was trying really hard to look like it was turning him on, but he was finding it difficult to keep a straight face.

Jessica had gone bright red, she didn’t think he’d have the balls to do it like this… She was finding it far too attractive.

The one dancing threw off the shirt, turning around and making a show of waving his in front of Eli’s eyes, before Eli decided that just for fun, he’d give it a nice slap, the sound reverberating around the room.

Amber whooped.

AJ decided to now sit down, on Eli’s crotch, before moving and wigging his over Eli’s manhood. He then turned around, straddling him as he rolled his hips down. Eli played along, lifting his own to meet AJ’s grinding. No one in the crowd could tell if the moans that were coming from their mouths were real or not, but this wasn’t how they’d expected the two to act…

 Jessica looked like she was about to faint.

AJ’s fingers were tangled in the older’s hair, and he finally pulled him into a kiss.

“You make me tingle tingle.” Eli murmured.

Jessica squeaked.

They were definitely using tongue.

…And counting in their heads, because this felt nasty. They weren’t going to let them know that though, they’d requested a show and that was what they’d get.

AJ better be getting laid again after this, though.

Pulling apart, the two stood up and bowed in unison. Everyone cheered, and AJ smirked at Jessica, who was beet red and looking absolutely horrified. Until he came and sat down next to her, of course, where she suddenly made a move for an impromptu make out session.

“Ew, kissing!” Kevin covered his eyes.

Eli laughed, “Psh, Kevin. I’m sure you just found that display quite attractive.”

Kevin glared, “Like I’d find you two buffoons kissing attractive.”

“I love you too, Kev.”

Joonmyun couldn’t deny that whilst he was happy to be going home, he’d miss the people he’d met.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


“I’m gonna miss you, Joonie,” Amber cooed, pinching Joonmyun’s cheek as he held his luggage, saying his final goodbyes before the 13 hour plane ride back home to Seoul. “Come visit us, alright? Bring your boyfriend too.” She pulled him into a tight hug, Joonmyun responding just as strongly. Amber always gave nice hugs, maybe it was just the warmth she emitted, but the Korean thought it was probably most likely just the things her chest that were her s.

“I’ll miss you too, and yeah, I’ll definitely be back with Yixing.” he beamed when they pulled apart, almost immediately being back-hugged, or more back-tackled by Kevin.

“I’LL MISS YOU JOONIE-BUM!” he sang, craning his neck and giving him a friendly peck on the cheek.

“Ew, get off me.”

“BUT I’LL MISS YOU SO MUCH, YOU HAVE TO COME AND VISIT US!” he squeezed Joonmyun’s waist tighter, making him squeak.

“Yeah yeah, sure thing.” he wheezed; it was getting harder to breathe.




“You can stop now.”

Kevin detached, pouting slightly, before Joonmyun smiled and pulled him in for a hug (a frontwards one).

“I’ll miss you too, Kevin.”

Kevin smiled back, and Joonmyun’s father came forward to give him a hug.

“Thanks, dad. For letting me go home.”

“This better be for a good reason,” his father said seriously, before smiling. “We just want you to be happy, Joonmyun.”

“I will be dad, I really will be.”

“Enough with that, baby,” Mrs Kim interrupted, “Come and give your old mother a hug. I’m going to miss you, baby.” she cried as she squeezed the life out of her son.

“I’ll miss you too, mum. You should come and visit home, you know.”

His mother laughed, “At some point, when we’re not loaded down with work, dear.”

“Passengers on flight KA625 flying to Seoul, South Korea, may you please make your way through passenger check in,”

Amber and Kevin both launched themselves on Joonmyun, bear hugging him with a ferocity which may or may not be legal.

“Uh, guys, I can’t breath-“ the two jumped back, Joonmyun rubbing the nape of his neck awkwardly. “Uhh, I guess I’ll uhm… Go now?”

His parents laughed.

“Alright baby, see you soon. Message us when you land, alright?”


“We love you, have a safe flight.”


“Love you too, mum and dad.”


“I have no comment, and I’m going to leave now so I don’t have to answer.”


“You too, Kevin. Later guys!”

The five finally split up, his parents going off to their car as Amber and Kevin walked off to the train station, and Joonmyun finally walked up to the check-in. He wasn’t looking forward to the next 15 hours until he even got to Seoul, but he couldn’t help the spring in his step when he realized he was finally going home.

One year earlier than expected.

... yeah. 




∩( ・ω・)∩ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Authors Note  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ∩( ・ω・)∩ 

Sorry for endless amount of timeskips in this chapter orz.
Not sorry for the deflowering a flower joke.
Definitely not sorry for making AJ give Eli a .
Bye Kevin and Amber ;-;

Er so actually the next chapter is the last one and then theres an epilogue ad it's done and finished and uh yeah. 

Thank you for all the love you guys have given this story, whether you've commented or subscribed or upvoted, it really means a lot :3

Remember you can add me on here or contact me on Tumblr.
I aslo have KakaoTalk and LINE, if anyone wants to chat let me know ^^

Stay cool, guys ;)

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this just hit 400 subs?? what?? this?? omg guys that's insane lol thank you so much


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kIapaucius #1
Chapter 14: i will beat up that yixing badly obsessed joon I FEEL LIKE STRANGLING HIM
LaonaGrouchini #2
Chapter 25: I love this fic so much omfg <3
LaonaGrouchini #3
Chapter 7: I. L O V E T H I S S T O R Y
Chapter 25: SuLay fics are so rare but this was just beautiful ❤
Chapter 5: Wonderful. I'm crying now.
Chapter 25: Soooooo amazing ;;;;-;;; LUV U AUTHOR NIMMMMMMM
Blueez #7
Chapter 25: This was one of the best Sulay fics I've read! I Loved all the main characters, but specially Jongin. He was just the sweetest :) I might have shed a tear more than once whilst reading it, you were just sooo good at writing the characters suffering. The storyline was good and I don't know why I thought they were gonna break-up after chapter 17, but they figured it out and I definitely screamed YAASS when Joonmyun finally was going home XD and the ending was perfect! Good job writing this!!! <3
Chapter 25: I just read this fic in two days and it was amazing !! I know I'm quite late ;-; I love how it was written and it made feel so happy !! (Well except the angst moments but I guess its good then) . Your writing skills hit me right in the feels ! I hope you still read the comments >.< and Thank you for publishing your story !!