‘’Taeyeon ah…. Where are you…?’’

Tiffany stirred a little on the queen-sized bed, looking around the room with her half opened eyes. Everything around looked so familiar… Pink bed sheets, pink cupboard, pink carpet, pink mirror frame and a big pink Totoro sitting next to her. It was exactly the one her girlfriend got for her last Christmas. 

Her head was spinning, it hurts so much. It was like the whole room was spinning with her, she felt like she was burning inside. However, on the outside, she was shivering. She clutched onto the pink blanket, pulling it with all her might, trying to cover herself.

It was a simple action that people could even manage with two fingers, but she was struggling hard. She was so weak and exhausted. The usual cheerful and loud Tiffany began to whimper as she was so helpless.

‘’Tae….. Where exactly are you?’’

‘’Shh…. I’m here baby.’’

A hand cupped her face, while the other pulled the blanket over the trembling girl. It was the loving touch that only Taeyeon could provide her with.

‘’I’m so so sorry that I came late. It must be really tough for you…’’

Tiffany shook her head. Bad choice. Now it hurts even more. She squinted her eyes and continued. 

‘’It was tough at first… But now that you are here, everything seems to be better.’’

Her girlfriend gave a sad smile before leaning down and kissed her on her forehead. 

‘’Are we at home?’’

‘’Yeah, I brought you back from Perfect Lovers after the doctor examined you there.’’

That explained the surroundings and the big toy that would most probably only appear in Tiffany’s room. The couple moved in together shortly after they went official since they were both away from their families, and they have been living in clover, making many jealous. 

‘’Your temperature actually shot up to 41.7 degrees... If it wasn’t for Hyoyeon, I don’t know what was going to happen….’’

Taeyeon’s voice was getting softer and softer, eventually turning into whispers. Her eyes remained locked on the beautiful face in front of her, swallowing by guilt.

‘’Fany ah…’’

‘’Hmm Tae…?’’

‘’I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me the most. I’m sorry I wasn’t attentive enough to notice your health condition during the past few days. I’m sorry I wasn’t spending enough time with you recently, neglecting you because of work. I’m sorry-‘’

A lump was making its way through the throat, deterring the girl from delivering her speech. She took in a deep breath and braced herself. ‘’I’m so sorry that I make such a bad girlfriend….’’

‘’Are you done with the apologizing?’’ The girl asked weakly with a cracked voice as she tried to sit up, leaning against the bed frame for her head was still throbbing in great pain.

Taeyeon gave a slight nod, not trusting her voice enough to speak again.

‘’Let’s break up.’’

The older girl’s immense, round eyes were wide with horror and her lips trembled with fear upon the request made. Shock, guilt, pain. They were all seen in those eyes. She shook her head in disbelief, her hand was finding its way to Tiffany’s.

Her grip was so tight, and there seems no intention of loosening. She feared that once she let go of the hand, she would never get to hold it anymore. 

‘’No, I don’t want to break up. I mean, please don’t break up with me... I know I am in the wrong but give me a chance to make up to you. I am truly sorry, I really am! I promise I will bring my phone everywhere I go. I promise you will reach me every single time you call, 24/24, as long as I am out of your sight. I can even close down the café and be with you, watch Twilight for one million times or read English books together! Just… Just don’t break up with me. I will do everything you say Fany ah. You know right? You know how much… How much I need you right?’’

Tears were at the verge of falling. Taeyeon bit her lips, trying to control her emotions, she could even taste blood in but she would care less. All she cared about was Tiffany. There was no way she was going to agree to the breakup. She could never imagine herself without the latter, sleeping on a queen-sized bed without having the other side occupied, eating a big bowl of jajangmyun without splitting it into half and share it with her other beloved one.

‘’You made an unforgivable mistake Kim Taeyeon.’’ 

‘’I know I did! Give me another chance to make up! You are always my first concern, not my career! I know I-‘’

‘’No! You know nothing about what you have done wrong.’’

Tiffany watched her girlfriend swallowed hard, trying to stay strong. She saw that her girlfriend was reticent, like usual days.

‘’You know what you have done wrong?’’

‘’I… I wasn’t there for you…’’

‘’Correction. Your gravest mistake is that you still don’t understand me well enough. You called yourself a bad girlfriend. This proves that you never had truly understood me.’’ 

Perplexed, Taeyeon had a somewhat befuddled look on her kid-liked face. She was taken aback by the response she received. It wasn’t until Tiffany struggled forward and pulled her in for a tight embrace then she snapped out of her daze. 

‘’Why did you call yourself a bad girlfriend? You are the best girlfriend in the whole wide world. Who in Korea or America or any part of the globe would be willing to live in an almost pink house just because I love pink? Who would be so nice and caring towards me, killing bugs for me, cook for me, and watch Twilight over and over again with me? Who would be so attentive like you, always fixing my crumpled collar for me, ironing my uniform for me when I was schooling? Who would be able to provide me with that kind of warmth during a stormy night? Only you, Taeyeon. Only you. Our hands are moulded perfectly for each other. I will never trade you for anything. Cause you’re the only one for me.’’ 

The only response she received was an even tighter embrace, leaving no crash between the bodies. But that was enough. She knows Taeyeon had gotten her message. She knew Taeyeon wasn’t good in expressing herself. She knows how much Taeyeon loves her, it was beyond words, and it has to be felt. Just like how much she loves Taeyeon. 

‘’I’m sorry Fany. I didn’t mean to interpret you in that way… Thank you. Thank you for always being so understanding and loving towards me, accepting the way I am. I love you, so much that sometimes I feel so bad about not being able to show you or tell you because I was never good in expressing my feelings. You were the one that went through thin and thick with me, but this time when you were sick and needed to be taken care of, I wasn’t there. I can’t do anything about it, but I promise. I promise there will only be good times ahead for us, for you. I love you, I really do.’’

‘’I feel it, I believe your words. I know you would not let me down. I love you too, my best girlfriend on earth.’’


‘’Make sure the wound doesn’t come in contact with water, wrap it with a plastic bag before bathing. Like I previously briefed, be careful when you change her bandage, for her new skin will take some time to grow. Apply this once a day. It might itch a little when the skin is growing, but never scratch it. This painkillers, take it only when it hurts. Otherwise, it would be unnecessary. Come back for another check-up exactly two weeks later.’’

‘’Will there be any scars?’’

‘’If it is taken care of well, it would be very unlikely. But remember, no seafood. It will cause inflammation.’’

‘’Alright, thank you.’’ Yuri took the medicine and walked back to the sleeping girl. It was already closed to eight thirty when she settled the bill. The other girl had been sleeping for almost two hours and the dispensary was less crowded now.

‘’Sica? Wake up already. We can go now.’’ Yuri tickled Jessica’s chin, trying to wake the sleeping beauty.

‘’Hmm…? Yuri ah….. I’m too tired to stand…’’ She stretched out her hands, while the other girl reached out for her.

With one swift pull, Jessica stood up from her seat and fell into the embrace lazily, yawning.

‘’Are you that tired?’’

She nodded and buried her head into the crook of Yuri’s neck, inhaling deeply. ‘’You smell so nice…’’

Yuri chuckled, swaying her from side to side like a mother rocking her baby. ‘’So do you. I’m getting hungry. Can we go now?’’

‘’Let’s go.’’ Jessica intertwined their fingers before heading out. ‘’It’s so cold here…’’

Yuri ped her hoodie and put it around the other girl. ‘’This should keep you warm. Do you want to come to my apartment while I wrap up some dishes for us?’’

‘’Lesson Number Four : Never invite girls to your apartment on your first date.’’

‘’You serious? A trip to the hospital is our first date?’’

‘’Of course…. Not! I’m just saying. I’m starving so speed up a little!’’ 

‘’Hold on, someone’s calling. Hello? Yes Sooyoung? She dragged me out, it was her fault!’’


Yuri covered the latter’s mouth with her hand around her neck, silencing her. ‘’Yes she’s with me. We’re coming back together. I’m cooking. Aigoo… As expected. A shikshin never changes her appetite. Alright! Tell Sunny Bunny I said hi!’’

‘’How was that my fault?’’

‘’You looked so lovable like this, but don’t frown.’’ Yuri drew a line down between Jessica’s eyebrows with her index finger, straightening the scowl and then pinched her nose lightly. ‘’I was just joking.’’

The shorter girl’s heart was palpitating with joy. Yuri definitely has an attractive aura about her that will charm anyone within a short period of time. Her actions never failed to make Jessica’s heart races.

She was mystified by the girl she sees in front of her. She felt as if they were an actual pair of couple despite they were only together for less than twenty four hours. Why was she feeling this way?

‘’Are you angry? I’m sorry.’’ Yuri broke her thoughts and she snapped back into reality. 

‘’Nah I was just zoning off. It’s one of my specialities. Why do you apologize so much? Is it your speciality? Let’s get going.’’

They continued their route to the taxi stand and got into a taxi with Yuri directing the taxi driver to a supermarket beside her house.

‘’Why are we heading to the supermarket?’’

‘’Sooyoung ate up all the food we have at home. And those food was supposed to last for a week.’’

‘’A week?! It’s only Wednesday today!’’

‘’She is a girl with six stomachs, like a cow. Or in fact, she is just a cow in disguise. A cow that eats meat. Wait till you see how she eats, she has a voracious appetite. If it wasn’t for the remedial lessons she had in school for the past two days, she would have finished all by Monday.’’

‘’But… But she is so skinny!’’

‘’I know right? I have been pondering about this for years. I had no idea where all the food went to. I couldn’t find an answer, so I gave up. Plus, Sunny Bunny is there so I got to buy extra food to cook.’’

‘’Who’s Sunny Bunny? A rabbit?’’

‘’Oh My God no Sica! Since when do rabbits eat cooked food? She is Sooyoung’s girlfriend! Her name is Sunny, we added Bunny behind because she is like an energy pill, always hoping around like one. Get it?’’

‘’I see… I was still wondering how come you cook for rabbits.’’

Yuri face palmed herself and the back of the taxi erupted with laughter.

‘’That was… So… So funny… Can’t catch my breath...’’

‘’Stop laughing at my mistake!’’ Laughter was replaced by a sudden coldness that swept by, sending a shiver down the tanned girl’s spine.

Jessica stared outside the window and there was a belligerent look on her face. Yuri tugged her continuously on her sleeves. 

‘’Sorry, I couldn’t help it. Please don’t be angry?’’

Plan One : Apology


The brown haired girl moved closer to the window, leaning her chin on the window ledge.

Plan Two : Aegyo

‘’Sicaaaaaa….. I’m sorryyyyyyyy….’’

Small giggle were heard from the other side, but the girl refused to face her.

Plan Three : Apology + Aegyo 

‘’Sica…. Please don’t be angry anymore…. I promise I won’t laugh anymore….’’

She poked Jessica by the sides. Giggles soon burst into uncontrollable laughter as the tickling got more frequent, and finally the girl collapsed in convulsions.

Plan Four : Apology + Ageyo + Sweetness

‘’Yah Yuri ah… Stop it! I’m almost- dying!’’

‘’Promise not to be angry anymore?’’

‘’Yes! Stop!’’

Jessica managed to grab onto Yuri’s hands and the tingle stopped almost immediately. The girl almost choked at that point when she realized just one slight movement from either side and their lips would touch.

With adrenalin pumping through her body, Jessica secretly anticipated for the next moment. Deep down in her, she hoped that Yuri would close the gap. Although that means her first kiss would be gone, she couldn’t be bothered.

She never took her sight away from those pair of beautiful eyes, and they remained in their position for quite some time. She was still dithering over whether to take the initiative when Yuri suddenly moved a little bit more closely… She swore she could see the desire of kissing her in those eyes.

Her chest strangled and it was as if air was out of her lungs. Just as she decided that she should take the step…

‘’Ahjushi, please drop us here. Thank you.’’ Yuri retreated from the other girl, paid the driver and got out of the cab.

Jessica leaned back into the seat, letting out an audible sigh with a bitter smile lingering on her face. She shook her head doubtfully. Despite been puzzled and a trifle concerned, she asked no questions. 

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 32: Nice story ☺️🥰
Soneisa #2
Chapter 21: Seobb is so patient, she would do anything and everything for her 🥺🤧
Soneisa #3
Chapter 20: Seohyun is the standard for a lover, I mean who wouldn’t fall in love with her 😭😭😭
Soneisa #4
Chapter 17: How dare this to go and bring trouble to these girls.
Soneisa #5
Chapter 13: Awwww Seobb 😭 I know how it feels, being in love with the person who can’t love you back 🤧
Soneisa #6
Chapter 12: Oh no please tell me she didn’t get please 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏
Soneisa #7
Chapter 7: Seriously Taeng?! You’re too funny 😂. Seobb, don’t cry, my heart is breaking for you 😭😭😭
Soneisa #8
Chapter 6: Cute ☺️
Chapter 24: inimagine ko rin sinabi ni taeng XD
Chapter 23: so happy for the maknaes