New tutor ?

My annoying tutor is L joe ?!!


New Tutor



We need to go home since our parent already know that two of us skip the school . Jiho and me make our way to home like nothing happend and still giggle about the incident at our alley . As we reach the junction , Jiho take a left lane while me take a straight line . We wave to each others and walk along the road that we take . I feel alone without Jiho beside me . Before I walk home , I head to a shop to buy something necessary . I enter the shop and walk to a stationery part . I pick some of interesting comic and go to the counter . As I want to pay , I step on someone feet . I can hear his groaned as I wear a sneaker . I quickly turn to him and bow 90 degree to show that I'm sorry .


''Yahh , are you blind ? How can you step on my feet with that big leg .'' He yell while point at my feet

''What the hell are you talking about ? My feet are big ? Are you ing kidding me ?'' I kick his leg while take my things and exit the shop

''Yahhhh JERK ! Come here back , I didn't finish my talking with you !'' He yell while rub his leg


''Why did you keep yelling like crazy man huh ?'' CAP ask while looking at L.Joe

''That rude girl step on my feet with her big leg .'' L.Joe point at my back as I exit the shop

''Yah , hyung . She just a girl . Can you be gentleman with her ?'' Ricky chuckle

''No , I don't want . If I ever meet her again , just wait and see .'' L.Joe grasping his hand


I exit the shop while cursing that idiot boy . As I reach my house , I quickly enter without press the bell . I can see mum is waiting for me to talk about the problem at my school . I keep walking and pretend that I didn't see mum sitting on the big couch while watching television . Suddenly , I can hear a creepy voice calling my name and as expected , it's mum . I marched up toward her and she asks me to sit on the soft carpet . I can't argue since mum can be very scary if she's angry . I keep looking down because I didn't dare to look staright into mum's eyes . I'm waiting for her to start a new motivation for 2 or 3 hours maybe . Mum starts to talk and didn't stop even a minutes or second to breathing properly . She keep attack me with her word and sometimes she pinch my arm when I start to yawn loudly in front of her . I want to show that I'm very tired and not able to hearing her motivation . My ear will bleeding if she keep talking speedly . 

Now , mum is talking about my studies . Since I always skip the class , no I mean skip the school , I always get a low marks in examination and get the last place in class . This isn't fair , Jiho also skip the school but she still got a higher marks . Maybe I'm just too lazy that's why I always get a bad result but that didn't mean that I'm pabo . I keep deny that I'm a fool . Actually , I didn't really understand what mum is talking right now since I didn't pay my full attention toward her . I keep playing with a carpet and sometimes looking at the clock to shows that it's already late . Mum become annoyed with my attitude and burst something that make me very suprise .


''Nara ah , listen carefully . I will pay someone to become your tutor seems your grade are very bad .'' Mum say while cross her arm

''Omma , I don't need a tutor ! I will learn by myself .'' I said with anger tone

''No , you need the tutor . If not your grade will always bad .'' Mum dial someone number from her phone 


I quickly run to upstair and lay on my bed . *What if the new tutor is very fierce ? My life will ruined .* I keep thinking about the new tutor . I stand up and call Jiho to inform that I'm in trouble but she didn't pick up . Maybe she's already sleep but that jerk never sleep on this time . It's already night but for us it's still early to sleep . I exit my room and head to my maid's room . I knock her room and a voice tell me to get in . I quickly enter the room and sit beside my maid , Mrs Park . She's in the middle of age 30-40 years and she always understand my feeling . Of course she will because she works at my house since I'm 3 years old . I tell her about the tutor and she pat my head . 


''Don't worry , it will not be as bad as you think .'' She smile while try to calm me

''Eum , but am I still free to hang out ?'' I ask

''Of course , my dear .'' She hug me tightly and I feel relieved


Then , I walk to my room because Mrs Park want to rest . Mrs Park assume me as her daughter since her real daughter involved in the accident . Her daughter has a same age with me if she's still life now . She become sad after that and refuse to talk to anyone but when she works with my family , she become more cheerful and love me as her daughter . I wash up and wear my comfort pyjamas . I jump on my bed and fall asleep because I want to forget about the new tutor .



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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 33: chappie 33: such a nice ending!!!!
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 32: chappie 32: kyahh!!!!!!!!!
such a sweet style to confess!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 17: chappie 17: i think that the problem can be solve easily if jiho just tell it to nara.........
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 13: chappie 13: T^T
poor l.joe......
chanbaekii #5
Chapter 33: This fanfic is so flawless
Mincheol #6
Chapter 33: I'm addicted to this fanfic !! So sweet. I can't
xoxosenshine #7
Chapter 33: Awwww . Ljoe is so sweet :)
Chapter 33: aww cute + sweet too much :))
byuntaehunny #9
Chapter 32: So cute and romantic~it ,makes me crying~
aishani146 #10
Chapter 32: Sooo cute!!! I love your stories author-nim... Keep it up!! FIGHTING.... :3