
My annoying tutor is L joe ?!!




Yuri POV

I think I see Ljoe just now or my eyes has a problem. I quickly follow him and hide myself behind the wall when he turn his back. How come he still go to school today?

And the worst ever thing is he come to school with that girl. Ljoe is mine, only mine. I will do anything to make sure he become my boy.


''Yah, is that Ljoe?'' Sunny tap my shoulder

''Ye..yes.'' I still can't believe my eyes

''I thought Mblaq already hit and leave him unconscious at that alley right? How can he's here now and the weird thing that I can't see his wound.'' Sunny asks me

''I don't know. I need to ask Mblaq about this.'' I take out my phone and dial Seungho's number

''Damn it. He didn't answer his call.'' I curse under my breathe

''Just relax, Yuri ah. We can settle it by ourselves.'' Sunny show his evil smile

''Yeah, We can do it since we have 9 members.'' I already set my evil plans

End of POV


Jiho pull my hand as we're already far away from school. I stop and turn to her.


''Let's stop for a while. I almost die from tiredness.'' Jiho wipes her sweat on her forehead

''Okay'' I agree with her since I also feel tired


We walk normally to an expensive restaurant to full our tummy. After that, we go to the mall and spend our time there.

I'm glad because I can spend my whole day with Jiho.

Then, we rest ourselves at the park near my house. We have a happy chatting on the swing while enjoy our ice cream.

It's already late now, so Jiho decide to goes home. I bid a goodbye to her and go home immediately.


''I feel very satisfied today'' I'm humming cheerfully as I enter my house

''Really? What are you doing today? Mind to share with me?'' A guy voice asks me

''I go out with Jiho and...wait who's there?'' I turn my head and found Ljoe behind me


He shows his creepy smile and hold the gate for prevent me to close it.


''Oh..Ljoe ah...wh...what....are....y..you..do...doing..he..here?'' I stuttered

''Why did you stuttered?'' He smirk

''Um..I guess I have some homework to do now. Thanks for visit me, I'm okay. You can go home now. It's kinda late.'' I just said whatever word that appear on my mind

''It's okay. Anyway, I come here because your mum told me to do so.'' He talks in serious tone

''Omma? How could? And why did you bring your bag here?'' I titled my head

''Mr Kim calls your parent and your mum asks me to look after you since she still in abroad.'' Ljoe grin

''Oh, you don't have to do that. I don't want to put you in trouble to look after me. I can take care of myself. Annyeong.'' I fake a smile while hold my gate to close it.


When I'm about to close the gate, Ljoe stop it with his leg. My eyes widen as I try my hard to close the gate but I failed. He's too strong for me to fight with. 

Then, I surrender as I let him get into my house. I ask him to stay in living room while I'm going to my room.

I take my phone and dial mum's number but she didn't answer it. I sigh while stare at my phone. Then, my phone beep to show that I received a new message. I open the message and it's from mum.


Nara ah, did you skip your school again?

Haish, I don't know what to do with you

So, I discuss with Ljoe's mum and both of us agree to let Ljoe take care of you when me and appa not around

I know you'll curse right now but this is the only way to prevent you from skip the class again

I hope you'll understand.


Omma and Appa


''Arghhh, I hate this situation.'' I scream my lung out on my pillow so Ljoe can't hear it

''Yah, what are you doing? Are you out of your mind?'' Ljoe chuckle while lean on my room door


I slowly look at him and feel ashamed at the same time.


''Yah, did you plans to sleep here?'' I ask

''Sorry, I'm not the one who plans this. Your mum asks me to stay here, anyway don't worry. I'm not interested on you. And this is your punishment since you try to run away from me at school just now.'' He smirk while show his evil smile


I throw my pillow at him but he avoid it.


''Nice try.'' He smirk and walks downstairs

''Come here now and bring all your homework.'' He shout from downstairs


A few minutes later, I go downstairs with all my homework. Ljoe is playing with his phone while lay on the couch. He looks at me when he heard my footsteps. He quickly run toward me and hold my books.

When he try to take the books from me, our hands touch in advertently and my heart is ringing in my ear.


Why did I feel like this ? Am I crazy?


I walk slowly toward Ljoe and sit in front of him. He start to examine all my books and asks me to finish up my homework.

I hold my pencil case and take out my pen. Then, I start to do my homework while Ljoe just staring at me.


''Don't look at me like that. I can't concentrate.'' I feel very uncomfortable since I feel someone staring at me

''I don't look at you, I look at your homework.'' Ljoe say normally

''Liar'' I mumble slowly

''Finally, I done with all these things.'' I stretch my arm

''Good then, now go to sleep.'' Ljoe looks at me

''Who are you? My mum?'' I keep mumble

''Yah, I heard that. Just go to sleep.'' He smirk


I rolled my eyes and go to my room. It's raining heavily right now as I can hear a thunder. 


How can I sleep tonight?


I don't know why but I'm scared when I heard the sound of thunder. I quickly jump to my bed and wrap myself in the thick blanket. Then, the powerful flash sound make me stunned and I rush to downstairs. Ljoe seems like play with his phone.

I sit beside Ljoe and hide my face on my knee. Ljoe looks at me as he wonder why am I act like this. Then, he realized that I might afraid with the sound of the thunder. He rubs my back gently and try to comfort me


''Don't afraid, I'm here.'' He whisper slowly to my ear while rubbing my back


I just nod and slowly look at his face.


''Can I sleep with you until the rain stop.'' I ask him more like plead

''Okay.'' He show his smile that can melt my heart



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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 33: chappie 33: such a nice ending!!!!
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 32: chappie 32: kyahh!!!!!!!!!
such a sweet style to confess!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 17: chappie 17: i think that the problem can be solve easily if jiho just tell it to nara.........
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 13: chappie 13: T^T
poor l.joe......
chanbaekii #5
Chapter 33: This fanfic is so flawless
Mincheol #6
Chapter 33: I'm addicted to this fanfic !! So sweet. I can't
xoxosenshine #7
Chapter 33: Awwww . Ljoe is so sweet :)
Chapter 33: aww cute + sweet too much :))
byuntaehunny #9
Chapter 32: So cute and romantic~it ,makes me crying~
aishani146 #10
Chapter 32: Sooo cute!!! I love your stories author-nim... Keep it up!! FIGHTING.... :3