
My annoying tutor is L joe ?!!




I try to act calmly because I don't want they think I'm scared facing them alone . I send a death glare at one of them since he's annoyed me so much .

He's very talkative and he's voice pretty loud . The talkative boy noticed it and he raised his hand try to hit me. I fall on the floor because I do not have time to avoid his sudden attack .


''Yahh !!'' I yelled at him while rub my leg

''That's a punishment since you're keep glaring at me .'' He smirk


I quickly stand up and try to attack him back but someone stop me by holding my wrist . I turn back to see those person who try to stop me and I found its my tutor . I pull my hand  hardly from his grip but I fail since he hold my wrist too tight .


''Yahh , Mir ! Can't you be gentleman ?! How dare you hit the girl ?'' L joe say with anger tone

''Is she a girl ? Oh , I didn't realized it and what's your problem ? Is this your girlfriend ?'' Mir smirk

''None of your business !'' L joe shot back and pull me exit the shop

''Try to act cool , huh ? This boy really don't know us well .'' Seungho smirk 

''Let's see if he really cool .'' Cheondoong evil laugh and both of them leave the shop


As we exit the shop , L joe looks at me with his serious face . He still hold my wrist and I really don't have any idea how to react with this situation .


''What are you doing in the shop ?'' L joe ask with firm voice

''I'm hunting an animals , of course I want to buy something .'' I give him what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about- look

''I know , babo . Just how can you have a problem with them ?!'' He raised his voice while pat my head

''None of your business , right ?'' I glare at him

''Oh , none of my business . So , what the hell am I helping you , right ? I shouldn't help you or care about you at all .'' He say and leave me dumbfounded there


I just look his back and someone approach him , maybe his friend . *What with him?* I thought and walk home slowly . I'm taking a path that a lot of people using it .

As I reach home , mom already waiting for me and her eggs in kitchen . I totally forgot about it because the incident that occur before . I walk slowly as I can to the kitchen while thinking about some excuse .


''Ottoke ?(What should I do) . Should I lie to omma ?'' I whisper to myself

''Oh , Nara ah , where's my eggs ?'' Mum asks while read a recipe book

''Omma , I already buy your eggs but something happen . When I was about to cross the road , a motorcycle hit me and I fall on the road while the eggs flying about 1 km . One by one the eggs fall on the road and broken . It's look like slow motion .'' I pretend to cry and show some bruises on my feet . Actually , the bruises that the crazy guy hit me at the shop just now

''Oh , pity my daughter . You need to be careful on the road .'' Mum trust my fake story and call our maid to help me go upstairs

*Omma , mian . This is the last method to still survive .* I thought and walk slowly to my room with Mrs Park


As I reach my room , I thanked to Mrs Park for helping 'healthy' me climb the stairs . I shut my door gently and sit on my bed .

*Should I thanked him because he already help me but I feel awkward to say thank you to him . What should I do ?* I thought

I look at the clock and it's already 8.30 pm .


''Dammit !''


I quickly taking bath and wear my pyjama . Then , I sit on my study table and taking out my homeworks . 

I start with chemistry and I keep looking and repeating the question . I waste my precious 30 minutes just on chemistry . I close my unfinished chemistry work and open my math homework . I keep press my calculator but I still can't get the answer . I give up with my math and this time I open my biology homework . 

Finally , I fall in sleep on my study table with unfinished homework . 




The next morning I plan to skip the school but Jiho already wait for me at our usual place .


''Yahh , this girl .'' I read her message and throw my phone on my bed .


I quickly wash up and wear my uniform . I stand in front of mirror and sigh . After that , I take my bag and run downstairs . As usual , I will take my breakfast while running to school . I take some chocolate bread and drinks some milk before leaving . I wear my sneaker and run fastly to our usual place . 

As Jiho looks saw me , she quickly run to school and both of us reach the school just in time .


''Woahh , the gate almost closed .'' Jiho say while breath some fresh air

''Yeah , we're lucky this time .'' I chuckle and both of us enter our class


When we enter our class , I could see Yuri come toward us and she deliberately push Jiho and me .


''Aish , this girl . She's troublemaker , just ignore her .'' Jiho say try to calm me down


I just nod since I don't want Yuri ruined my mood . We go back to our seat and the teacher enter the class and start our first lesson . Waittt ... our first lesson is chemistry and I didn't do it . The teacher asks us to pass our homework and she keep staring at me . I always didn't do her homework , that's why she looks at me . 

I walk outside the class since I didn't pass up my homework . Then , someone walks near me and I lift my head to see the person . He's my tutor , he smirk at me and head to his class .


''Ahh , jinjja . This boy really want to heat me up .'' I whisper alone



The bell already ringing and its a break time .

Jiho needs to attend her club since they've a meeting . I standing alone while waiting for break time end and its seems like SNSD member come toward me and Taeyeon lead them . I just standing there since the teacher tell me that I still need to stand outside my class even it's a break time . 

Jessica come near me and splash some water on my face . All of SNSD member laugh hardly at me and I stunned with her action . 

I quickly push Jessica and she fall down but Sunny quickly slap my cheek . I really didn't get it why they're attack me . Maybe , Jiho and me copy Yoona and Yuri's homework before . 

As I try to raised my hand , the teacher come and shout at me . He defend SNSD since they're beautiful . Good, now I need to stay back after school because he think SNSD is prey .

All of them leave me but suddenly , Sooyoung turn back and smirk at me .

I try to hold my anger and tighten my fist hardly . Then , someone approach nowhere beside me . He hand me a handkerchief since my cloth totally wet .

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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 33: chappie 33: such a nice ending!!!!
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 32: chappie 32: kyahh!!!!!!!!!
such a sweet style to confess!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 17: chappie 17: i think that the problem can be solve easily if jiho just tell it to nara.........
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 13: chappie 13: T^T
poor l.joe......
chanbaekii #5
Chapter 33: This fanfic is so flawless
Mincheol #6
Chapter 33: I'm addicted to this fanfic !! So sweet. I can't
xoxosenshine #7
Chapter 33: Awwww . Ljoe is so sweet :)
Chapter 33: aww cute + sweet too much :))
byuntaehunny #9
Chapter 32: So cute and romantic~it ,makes me crying~
aishani146 #10
Chapter 32: Sooo cute!!! I love your stories author-nim... Keep it up!! FIGHTING.... :3