Waiting for him

My annoying tutor is L joe ?!!

Waiting for him



Ljoe POV

I rub my eyes slowly as I hear my phone ringing . I'm about to reach my phone but suddenly I can feel a weight on my left shoulder . I turn to my left and finds that Nara is sleeping soundly beside me .

She rest her head on my shoulder while wrap her hand on my arm . I scan her face a closer and found that she's very beautiful actually . She has a brownish eyes , small nose and pink lips that caught my attention . 

My eyes locked on her lips and my body automatically lean closer to her . I realized when our face was about an inch . I quickly pull myself away from her and shook my head .

*Am I really crazy ?*

I stand from the couch slowly not to wake her up and lift her bridal style . I bring her upstairs then gently put her on the bed and pull the blanket until her chest .

As I want to exit her room , I heard she mumble something and I walk toward her . I smile when look at she mumble in her dream .


''What are you dreaming right now ? You make me curious .'' I whisper and kiss her forehead gently before I leave her room .


I walk downstairs and take my phone on the table . I look at my phone to check what time is it . When I wipe the screen to unlock my phone , I got 6 missed call from CAP . I wonder why he call me at this time . It's still early and he never call me at 5 a.m.

I try to call him back but he doesn't pick up . I decide to go his house , before I leave , I write something on a piece of paper and left it on the table .

End of POV


The sun hit my face and I quickly wake up . The first thing I do when I wake up is checked my phone . I look at the clock and it's already 7 pm . I sigh since I know I will late to school again . Waitt , I thought I sleep on the couch but why I'm here . Maybe Ljoe bring me here but where's Ljoe ? Maybe he already leave .

I get up from my bed and walk like zombie toward my washroom . As I done prepare myself , I stand in front of the mirror .

I comb my hair and  go downstairs to take my breakfast . I open the refrigerator and pour some milk in my favorite cup . The cup that very precious in my life .

I will keep waiting for him and remember his promise that he will come back soon .

As I want to exit my house , I saw something on the table . It's look like a piece of paper . I take a closer to the table and keep the note in my bag . I will read it when I reach the school .

Ah , talk about school , I almost forgot that I'm pretty late now . I quickly jump out from my house and lock the door . I rush to the school without stop for a second . 

I'm lucky today since the guard forgot to close the main gates . I enter happily and now I need to run to my class . I hope the teacher doesn't enter yet .


''Yahh , don't run at school hall !'' Minho , the head prefect shout from other block


I automatically stop and walk like usual since Minho sunbae is very violent . As I reach my class , the atmosphere in our class was very silent . I enter slowly and my eyes widen even more when I remember that today was exam day .

The teacher asks me to sit on my place and give me a question paper . Jiho looks at me and shows her thumb when the teacher doesn't look at us . *Aishh , this girl doesn't help me at all .*

I stare at the question paper about 15 minutes without write something on it . I really didn't prepare anything for exam . How could I prepare myself when I totally forget about it .

I rest my head on the table try to think something to write on my paper but my brain didn't want to cooperate with me . Cruel.

Then , I can hear the teacher said that she wants to collect our paper . I just write my name on it and think that I will die if mum knows that I failed my exam again .


''Yahh , Nara ah , how was the exam ? It's very easy right ?'' Jiho say while show her evil smile

''The easy word doesn't exist in my world .'' I sigh

''It's okay , you can repeat it next year . Ohh , I need to attend the meeting club . See you soon .'' She grin and leave

''Yahhh , I don't want to repeat next year .'' I mumble alone


I open my bag to take my pencil case and found the notes that Ljoe leave before . I read it lazily .


Yahh , today is exam day . Don't forget to read chemistry textbook chapter 3 . The questions were taken based on the textbook . Anyway , good luck !


I hit my head slowly .


''Why don't I read his note early ? Am I really dumb ?'' I whisper to myself

''Ohh , looks who's here ?'' Taeyeon come nowhere and sit on my table

''The dumb girl who's behavior such a gangster .'' Sunny continue and all of SNSD members laugh at me


I smack the table and push Taeyeon until she fall on the floor .


''Get lost from my sight !'' I smirk


Suddenly Yoona call her member to exit the class since they need to practice their cheerleading . I rest back my head on the table while waiting for recess time to end .

After the class end , I walk to my locker to take my books since I need to study for exam tomorrow . Pity me .

As I exit the school , I decide to take the buss because I don't want to go home yet . I stand in front of bus stand while playing with my phone .

Suddenly , my phone rang and Ljoe's name appear on the screen . *When did I save his number on my phone? This must be mum's work .* 


''Why did you call me ?''

''Aishh , at least greet me first . This girl doesn't has any courtesy .''


''Come home quickly today , I will start teach you today so come home now !''

''hmm'' I quickly off the phone and walk home


As I reach my house , I realized that mum already at home . Ljoe too . He already arrive and now he's waiting for me . I get into my house and walk to upstairs slowly . Mum doesn't noticed that I'm home until I accidentally step on the creepy doll that lay on the stair .


''AHHHHH , what the hell is this ?!'' I scream while jump off to the stairs 


Mum startled when she looks at my sudden action and quickly come near me .


''Ohh , this doll . Your uncle give it to you . Beautiful right ? You need to keep it safely~'' Mum humming slowly

''Omma , I don't want it ! FULLSTOP .'' I run to upstairs and get into my room . I know something bad will happened if I keep that creepy doll .


As I enter my room , I could see Ljoe is sitting on my bed while read a book . *What with that doll ? She keeps smiling at me and wth omma say it's beautiful .* I talk in my heart and make my way to Ljoe


''Okay , let's start with mathematic since tomorrow is math examination .'' He say while wait for me to prepare myself

''Arasso !'' I reply at him 

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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 33: chappie 33: such a nice ending!!!!
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 32: chappie 32: kyahh!!!!!!!!!
such a sweet style to confess!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 17: chappie 17: i think that the problem can be solve easily if jiho just tell it to nara.........
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 13: chappie 13: T^T
poor l.joe......
chanbaekii #5
Chapter 33: This fanfic is so flawless
Mincheol #6
Chapter 33: I'm addicted to this fanfic !! So sweet. I can't
xoxosenshine #7
Chapter 33: Awwww . Ljoe is so sweet :)
Chapter 33: aww cute + sweet too much :))
byuntaehunny #9
Chapter 32: So cute and romantic~it ,makes me crying~
aishani146 #10
Chapter 32: Sooo cute!!! I love your stories author-nim... Keep it up!! FIGHTING.... :3